newton raphson fractal research papers
A Fractal-based Algorithm of Emotion Recognition from EEG using Arousal-Valence Model.
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Abstract: Emotion recognition from EEG could be used in many applications as it allows us to know the inner emotion regardless of the human facial expression, behaviour, or verbal communication. In this paper, we proposed and described a novel fractal dimension (FD)
A study of fractal image compression based on an improved genetic algorithm
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Abstract: Reducing the search complexity of matching between range block and domain block in fractal image compression is one of the most active research areas lately. This paper puts forward an improved genetic algorithm proposed for obtaining matching
An algorithm for automated fractal terrain deformation
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Abstract Fractal terrains provide an easy way to generate realistic landscapes. There are several methods to generate fractal terrains, but none of those algorithms allow the user much flexibility in controlling the shape or properties of the final outcome. A few methods Many objects in images of natural scenes are so complex and irregular, that describing them by the familiar models of classical geometry is insufficient.The concept of the fractal dimension can be useful in the analysis and classification of shape and texture of images and
A Fractal Dimension Based Algorithm for Neuro feedback Games
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Abstract:Neurofeedback systems attracted more attention recently from the research community and industry as wireless EEG reading devices became easily available on the market. New application areas include medical applications such as pain management,
A fast fractal video coding algorithm using cross-hexagon search for block motion estimation
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We propose a novel fractal video coding method using fast block-matching motion estimation to overcome the drawback of the time-consuming character in the fractal coding. As fractal encoding essentially spends most time on the search for the best-matching
Fast image fractal compression with graph-based image segmentation algorithm
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Abstract In this paper, the basic theory of image fractal compression is briefly introduced; some typical fractal compression approaches are discussed. Based on this discussion, according to the problem of long encoding time which exists in the typical fractal
Nature-based antenna design: Interpolating the input impedance of fractal dipole antennas via a genetic algorithm trained neural network
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Over the years engineers have often looked to nature for inspiration when seeking new and innovative ways to solve complex design problems. For instance, the development of fractal geometry was originally inspired by studying the shapes of natural objects such as trees,
A comparative approach to fractal image compression using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing technique
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Abstract: In this study, the technique of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) is applied for Fractal Image Compression (FIC). With the help of these evolutionary algorithms effort is made to reduce the search complexity of matching between range
Acceleration of algorithm of fractal image compression
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Conference on Control and Communications SIBCON–2005 159 Acceleration of Algorithm of Fractal Image CompressionAbstract:In the paper,
Fuzzy fractal dimension based on escape time algorithm
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Abstract Fractal dimension is a mathematical concept used to measure the geometrical complexity of fractal set. It is defined for fractal geometric images, and considered as global features for them. There are many methods to estimate the fractal dimension of an object.
Use of a simulated annealing algorithm to fit compartmental models with an application to fractal pharmaco kinetics.
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ABSTRACT Increasingly, fractals are being incorporated into pharmacokinetic models to describe transport and chemical kinetic processes occurring in confined and heterogeneous spaces. However, fractal compartmental models lead to differential equations with power-
The Application of Improved Generalized Fractal Box-counting Dimension Algorithm in Emitter Signals Recognition
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Abstract The traditional fractal box-counting dimension algorithm has been applicated in emitter signals identification. In which, however, there exits some issues such as the limit types can be identified. This paper proposes an improved generalized fractal box-
Use of Wavelets in Fractal Compression Algorithm for Enhanced Performance
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ABSTRACT Fractal coding suffered from low coding efficiency, difficulties to obtain high quality encoding of images, and blocking artifacts at low bit rates and exhaustive inherent coding time. Blocking artifacts can be avoided if fractal coding is performed in the wavelet
S.:'Enhanced iteration free fractal image coding algorithm with efficient search and storage space'
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Abstract An enhanced iteration free fractal algorithm is proposed in this research paper to design an efficient domain pool for image compression. The proposed methodology reduces the coding process time, intensive computation tasks and also the memory requirements.
Genetic Algorithm based Fractal Image Compression
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Abstract: Fractal Image Compression is a lossy compression technique that has been developed in the early 1990s. Fractal image compression explores the self-similarity property of a natural image and utilizes the partitioned iterated function system (PIFS) to
A New Decoding Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression
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Abstract: A new iterative decoding method is proposed for fractal image compression. Convergence properties are provided. Experimental results show the superiority of the new
The improved radial source recognition algorithm based on fractal theory and neural network theory
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Abstract Nowadays, the traditional parameters recognition method cannot match the requirements of the increasing new modulation radar signals. In order to solve this problem, in this paper, it proposes the improved radar signal recognition algorithm based on fractal
A Distributed Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm With a New Cycling Operator and Its Application in Fractal Image Compression
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A Novel Algorithm for Image Compression Based On Fractal and Neural Networks
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Abstract: Fractal image compression technique which excludes the similarities between different regions of the image takes long time for encoding. An artificial intelligence technique like neural network is used to reduce the search space and encoding time for
Modified mandel brot algorithm for stochastic analysis of a fractal-type distribution of galaxies
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Analysis of the spatial distribution of galaxies in the observable universe has shown that there are power-law distant correlations, which means that the average number of galaxies within
An Improved multiple fractal algorithm
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Abstract. Multiple fractal dimensions can depict the geometry characteristic of the signals from different levels, thus it can extract the features of different signals. The paper proposed an improved algorithm of multiple fractal dimension, it changed the calculation method of
High-speed Image Compression Algorithm Based on Gabor Transform and Fractal Theory
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Abstract This paper proposed a novel image compression algorithm based on Gabor transform and fractal theory. First, texture features of image blocks were extracted based on Gabor transform; then cluster process were conducted for the R block and D block based
A Genetic Algorithm for a Neural Fractal Memory
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Abstract In fractal image compression, an image is encoded as a set of contractive transformations, and is guaranteed to generate an approximation to the original image when iteratively applied to any initial image. It is also shown that higher order recurrent neural
Intrinsic Parallel Algorithm for Fractal Image Decoding based on Iterated Function System
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Abstract A parallel algorithm that is intrinsic in the iterated function system (IFS) is proposed to speed up the decoding of fractal images. In the IFS, the fractal image is decoded with the random iteration algorithm that is a serial process and may generate undesired transient
Cover-Based Method KD Tree Algorithm for Estimating Fractal Characteristics
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Abstract Fractal geometry utilizes three properties to characterize the texture of a fractal dataset: fractal dimension, lacunarity, and connectivity. Significant study has been given to fractal dimension, which was developed as a measurement that characterizes the
Radar Signal Recognition Algorithm Based on Fractal Theory and Neural Network
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Abstract. Nowadays, the traditional recognition method could not match the development of radar signals. In this paper, based on fractal theory and Neural Network, a new radar signal recognition algorithm is presented. The relevant point is extracted as the input of neutral
Fractal Dimension Optimization of Electroless Ni-P-Cu Coatings Using Artificial Bee ColonyAlgorithm
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Abstract The paper describes an experimental study for determination of fractal dimension of electroless Ni-P-Cu coatings and its optimization using artificial bee colony algorithm. Experiments are conducted based on face centre cubic response surface methodology
Light scattering characterization of self-affine fractal surfaces by a new algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt method
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ABSTRACT Based on the correlation of scattered light intensity profile with self-affine fractal surface parameters of roughnessw, the lateral correlation lengthand roughness exponent a, we propose a new algorithm for the simultaneous extraction of three surface parameters
Analysis and Optimization of a Circular Fractal Array Antenna Using PSO Algorithm
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ABSTRACT: A fractal antenna is created by repeating a motif over two or more scale sizes, or" iterations". For this reason, fractal antennas are very compact, multiband or wideband, and have useful applications in cellular telephone and microwave communications. In this
Trigonometric Algorithm for Computing Fractal Shapes
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Abstract:The contraction iterated function systems play the basic role for computing fractal shapes. Fractals has two properties, the self similarity and the fraction dimension. In this paper the trigonometric functions used as the iterated function systems for computing
A Functional Sized Population Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression
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Abstract. Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm (QEA) is a novel optimization algorithm which uses a probabilistic representation for solution and is highly suitable for combinatorial problems like Knapsack problem. Fractal image compression is a well-known problem
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm with Ranking Select Mechanism for Fractal Image Compression
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Abstract:The immense use of the images in the field of communication and animation drives the attention towards an important concept ie compression, because of compactness and restricted size for the data storage. From last few years a continuous development is
Grain size retrieval from MODIS data using a semi-analytical retrieval algorithm (SARA) and afractal snow grain model.
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The sensitivity in the near-infrared band to grain size provides the basis for the retrieval of grain size from MODIS measurements. In this talk we present results regarding a new snow retrieval algorithm that makes use of near-infrared measurements in which snow is
The use of fractal dimension calculation algorithm to determine the nature of autobiographical memories distribution across the life span
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In the given research we offer the technique for the calculation of the density of events which people retrieve from autobiographical memory. We wanted to prove a non-uniformity nature of memories distribution in the course of time and were interested with the law of
Efficient Hybrid Fractal Fuzzy Algorithm for plant computation
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ABSTRACT Time factor is reel challenge for plant fast production in agriculture and environment protection. The development of computer science, plant fast rendering and faithful description are a real challenge in computer graphics. How can we faithfully model
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Abstract The storage requirements for images can be excessive, if true color and a high- perceived image quality are desired. An RGB image may be viewed as a stack of three gray- scale images that when fed into the red, green and blue inputs of a color monitor, produce
An adaptive channel prediction algorithm based on fractal brownian motion model
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ABSTRACT Adaptive channel prediction (ACP) technology is a promising tool for improving the spectral efficiency on time-varying mobile channels while keeping a predictable bit error rate (BER). In this paper, we describe the fractal Brownian motion (FBM) model and get
A Modified Algorithm for Quantifying of Pre-mature MiRNAs using Some Fractal Parameters
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Abstract The prime research area now is to understand microRNA (miRNA) in a quantitative manner. The miRNAs are non-coding short ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, approximately~ 25 nucleotides long. MicroRNAs have emerged as powerful regulators of
Fractal Image Compression With Spiht Algorithm
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Fractal image compression is a comparatively new technique which has gained considerable attention in the popular technical press, and more recently in the research literature. The most significant advantages claimed are high reconstruction quality at low
A Roughness-Based Matching Algorithm of Fractal Wavelet Coding for Side-Scan Sonar Images
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Abstract:This paper introduces an elaborative approach for indexing image feature and then applying those indices to a fractal-wavelet (FW) coding process. This approach reveals the texture similarities of an image by proposing a fractal dimension developed from the
An Error-Control based Fractal Coding Algorithm
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a fractal image coding technique based on error- control method. By analyzing error gap between collage error and reconstruction error, we make correction to the selected domain blocks to reduce the collage error as well as the
A New Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on LWT-SVD and FractalImages
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Abstract This paper presents a robust protection scheme based on Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). We have used fractal decoding to make a very compact representation of watermark image. The fractal code is presented
A Fast Fractal Image Compression Algorithm Based on a Simple Similarity Measure
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Abstract Fractal image compression is a relatively new technique which has rapidly become popular. It is now being used in a wide range of applications including image compression, texture segmentation, feature extraction, image signatures and image watermarking. The
Parallel Approaches for Implementing Fractal Image Compression Based on multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
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ABSTRACT Now a day's increasing size of multi-media data decrease the performance of internet browsing and waste of transmission bandwidth. Now increase the browsing capacity and proper utilization of dedicated bandwidth required compression technique. The
Modify Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithm Using Generated Digital 3D Fractal Image
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Abstract The principal goal guiding any designed encryption algorithm must be security against unauthorized attackers. Within the last decade, there has been a vast increase in the communication of digital computer data in both the private and public sectors. Much of this
Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Fractal-Random Arrays
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Abstract–The two most commonly used antenna array layouts, the periodic array and the random array, have beneficial properties which are mutually exclusive of each other. In order to combine the positive properties of both types of arrays into one design
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ABSTRACT Fractal Image Compression is a well-known problem which is in the class of NP- Hard problems. Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm is a novel optimization algorithm which uses a probabilistic representation for solutions and is highly suitable for combinatorial The Signal Processing Society is an organization, within the framework of the IEEE, of members with principal professional interest in the technology of transmission, recording, reproduction, processing, and measurement of speech and other signals by digital
Image retrieval algorithm using fractal dimensions
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ABSTRACT Based on the study of two kinds of fractal dimension, Differential Box-Counting (DBC) and Multi-Fractal Dimension (MFD), we present a new kind of 2-D histogram of fractal dimensions for images firstly. Then a novel image retrieval algorithm based on texture
Grey level Difference Classification Algorithm in Fractal Image Compression
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Abstract This paper proposes the notion of a grey level difference classification algorithm in fractal image compression. Then an example of the greylevel difference classification algorithm is given as an improvement of the quadrant greylevel and variance classification
Deduction and Logic Implementation of the Fractal Scan Algorithm
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the deduction and logic implementation of the fractal scan algorithm based on the mathematical model of the optimal scan architecture. Through the exploration of the sub-space code sequences and bit code sequences for different gray
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ABSTRACT--Recent days watermarking plays a vital role in most of the industries for security purpose. In this paper, we compare both spatial and fractal Watermarking algorithms. We have been improving the resistance in data compression. The composition The Signal Processing Society is an organization, within the framework of the IEEE, of members with principal professional interest in the technology of transmission, recording, reproduction, processing, and measurement of speech and other signals by digital
An Enhanced Implementation PTPSA Algorithm for Fractal Feature Extraction and Abnormal Tissue Segmentation
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Abstract–Two novel fractal-based texture features are exploited for pediatric brain tumor segmentation and classification in MRI. One of the two texture features uses Piecewise- Triangular Prism Surface Area (PTPSA) algorithm for fractal feature extraction. The other
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ABSTRACT Fractal Image Compression is a well-known problem which is in the class of NP- Hard problems. Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm is a novel optimization algorithm which uses a probabilistic representation for solutions and is highly suitable for combinatorial
The Bivariable Fractal Interpolation Algorithm of Simulating the Mountains in the Distributed Navigation Simulation System
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Abstract--3D scene system is an important part of computer imitation system, and its fidelity determines if an imitation system stands or falls. At present, such algorithms have been perfected, but a good algorithm is always so complicated that can not achieve the
An algorithm to generate fractal reptiles with computer simulation
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Abstract Since the intensive researches of fractal beginning at about 1980, there have been many well known facts about fractal to be presented. But the connection between fractals and tilings leaves yet so much to be studied. In this work we present an algorithm to Evolvable hardware workshop report. Technical Report, ATR, Japan, October Genetic algorithms and ma- chine learning. Machine Learning,A review of evolutionary artificial neural net- works.
Square function for population size in Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm and its application InFractal Image Compression
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Abstract:Fractal Image Compression is a well-known problem which is in the class of NP- Hard problems. Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm is a novel optimization algorithm which uses a probabilistic representation for solutions and is highly suitable for combinatorial
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ABSTRACT A dynamic and optimal shop floor design, modelling and implementation is key to achieving successful Fractal Manufacturing System (FrMS). To build adaptive and fault- tolerant fractal layout, attention is paid to issues of shop floor planning, function layout,
The Research of ECG Signal Automatic Segmentation Algorithm Based on FractalDimension Trajectory
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Abstract:In this paper a kind of ECG signal automatic segmentation algorithm based on ECG fractal dimension trajectory is put forward. First, the ECG signal will be analyzed, then constructing the fractal dimension trajectory of ECG signal according to the fractal
An Image ROI Compression Algorithm Based on Hybrid Fractal Model
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Abstract This paper proposed a novel Image ROI coding method. First, an abdominal CT image is divided into two parts, the region of interest and the region of no interest; then, the two parts are coded separately based on Huffman and Fractal-SPIHT. In order to verify the The Signal Processing Society is an organization, within the framework of the IEEE, of members with principal professional interest in the technology of transmission, recording, reproduction, processing, and measurement of speech and other signals by digital
A fractal de-noising algorithm based on least absolute deviation method
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Abstract Against the shortcoming that the traditional method of fractal image compression coding has inferior decoding quality on the original image subject to salt-and-pepper noise interference, this paper raises a least absolute deviation (LAD) method to be applied in
Chaotic descent method and fractal conjecture
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simultaneous nonlinear equations for all the solutions. Keywords: optimization, chaos, fractals, Newton-Raphson, nonlinear equations. 1. INTRODUCTION Finding global solutions of nonlinear optimization problems is a difficult task still not resolved to a
Fractal and Chaotic Solutions of the Discrete Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation in Classical and Quantum Systems
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We go on to apply the Newton–Raphson method to this system of discrete nonlinear equations where, starting with the asymptotic solutions and c. This solution gives the structure of the wave function on the lattice and suggests the possible existance of fractal structures where
Applied iterative methods
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The Newton-Raphson Approach .Dynamical Systems The characters in of the essential role of iterative algorithms in chaos theory and fractal geometry.
Resonance, fractal basin boundary and chaotic behaviour of an anharmonic oscillator with two external periodic forces
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In view of analysing the effect of k, on the resonance curve aa, we use the Newton-Raphson algorithm [18] to find a. In Fig. (ii) Thefractal basin boundary In view of finding the effects of two periodic forces on the fractal basin boundary, we use the Melnikov criterion [17].
Graphic and numerical comparison between iterative methods
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In fact, Newton s original ideas on the subject, around 1669, were considerably more complicated. version of the method are due to Raphson in 1690, so this iteration scheme is also known as the New- ton-Raphson method. We now know the fractal nature of the problem
Newton-Kantorovich method and its global convergence
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and using the notion of derivative); that is why the method is often called the Newton–Raphson method. Thus the Newton–Kantorovich method is locally convergent. case of nonunique solution the structure of basins of attraction may be very complicated and exhibit fractal nature
Numerical detection of unstable periodic orbits in continuous-time dynamical systems with chaotic behaviors
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One of the greatest advantage of the Newton-Raphson- Mees method is that we do not have trouble with choosing the appropriate Poincar plane which crosses orbits of the system. Viswanath,
On Fractal Colouring Algorithms
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When the difference falls in some region, then the point is considered converged to the attractor and it is coloured. It could be coloured with any convenient algorithm. This algorithm is always used to process fractal pictures that are created by Newton-Raphson method. Page 4.
Newton s method and high order iterations
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The study of the influence of this initial guess leads to aesthetic fractal pictures. [5] H. Qiu, A Robust Examination of the Newton-Raphson Method with Strong Global Convergence Properties, Master s Thesis, University of Central Florida, (1993)
System Analysis Under Fractal Numerical Technics
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f the 7-th International Two initial points that are arbitrarily close can approach distinct solutions, if they start close to this boundary. Figure 3. The Newton-Raphson fractal for z4-1=0 equation Another simple method to construct fractals is provided by contraction maps.
IFS Coding of High Order Non-Homogeneous Fractal Images
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homogeneous fractal images, it is necessary to solve a set of simultane- ous complicated algebraic equations (7) for n, ?n, pn (n = 0,,N : 1). However, solving the simultaneous equations by using simple numerical root-finding methods such as the Newton- Raphson method