Optical Character Recognition-OCR research papers
Optical character recognition
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Machine replication of human functions, like reading, is an ancient dream. However, over the last five decades, machine reading has grown from a dream to reality. Optical character recognition has become one of the most successful applications of technology in the field
Optical character recognition
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Abstract:The Optical Character Recognition is a mobile application. It uses smart mobile phones of android platform. This paper combines the functionality of Optical Character Recognition and speech synthesizer. The objective is to develop user friendly application
Optical Character Recognition
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The recognition of handwritten or printed text by computer is referred to as Optical Character Recognition. When the input device is a digitizer tablet that transmits the signal in real time as in pen-based computers and personal digital assistants or includes timing
Optical Character Recognition
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– One of the most popular open source multilingual recognizers – Initially developed by HP and later in 2006, Google acquired the engine and has released its complete source code at – It uses polygonal approximation technique
Optical Character Recognition
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) uses a device that reads pencil marks and converts them into a computer-usable form. OCR technology recognizes characters on a source document using the optical properties of the equipment and media. OCR improves the
Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract:Optical character recognition is the process by which printed characters are identified through the use of imaging devices and computer software. Our optical character recognition application, currently developed for Android, is built with the ability to process
Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract Our project aimed to understand, utilize and improve the open source Optical Character Recognizer (OCR) software, OCRopus, to better handle some of the more complex recognition issues such as unique language alphabets and special characters ABSTRACT This paper presents performance evaluation of thresholding algorithms in the context of document analysis and character recognition systems, Several thresholding
A Matlab Project in Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
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The goal of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is to classify optical patterns (often contained in a digital image) corresponding to alphanumeric or other characters. The process of OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and
Optical character recognition (OCR) for printed devnagari script using artificial neural network
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ABSTRACT There are about 300 million people in India who speak Hindi and write Devnagari script. Research in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is popular for its application potential in banks, post offices, defense organizations and library automation
Optical character recognition by open source OCR tool tesseract: A case study
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ABSTRACT Optical character recognition (OCR) method has been used in converting printed text into editable text. OCR is very useful and popular method in various applications. Accuracy of OCR can be dependent on text preprocessing and segmentation algorithms. ABSTRACT The Generalized Hough Transform is a technique used to detect arbitrary objects in a given image. This technique is known for its capacity of absorption of distortions as well as noises. In the present paper, we describe an approach showing the efficiency of
Optical Character Recognition of Bangla Characters using neural network: A better approach
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Abstract This is a complete Optical Character Recognition system for printed Bangla text with a perspective of implementation. Suggestions have been made on the basis of the problems confronted in developing the software. This paper describes the efficient ways involving
Optical character recognition system using BP algorithm
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Summary Most government agencies and companies have kept proof data and documentations which are passed certain period of time and exchanged electronic forms by the regulation of an office management. The method that saving relevant documents by
Optical character recognition using artificial neural network
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Abstract:In this paper, an Optical Character recognition system based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The ANN is trained using the Back Propagation algorithm. In the proposed system, each typed English letter is represented by binary numbers that are
Printed and handwritten Arabic optical character recognition–initial study
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Abstract This report summarizes the results of the initial study that the authors have done on printed and handwritten Arabic character recognition. The objective of this initial study is to start serious research on this subject by collecting references, experimenting with some
Optical character recognition techniques: a survey
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OCR techniques. English OCR system is compulsory to convert numerous published books of English into editable computer text files. Latest research in this area has been able to grown some new methodologies to overcome the complexity of English writing style. Still
Optical character recognition of mathematical texts in the DML-CZ project
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Deciding whether optical character recognition is feasible
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This document will introduce character recognition techniques. The document will illuminate the key factors in designing a text capture method. This document will also provide advice to digitisation projects on how to approach a text capture project and how the various
An optical character recognition system for tamil newsprint
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ABSTRACT We present an early version of a complete Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system for Tamil newsprint. All the standard elements of OCR process like deskewing, preprocessing, segmentation, character recognition and reconstruction are implemented.
Improving optical character recognition
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ABSTRACT There is a clear need for optical character recognition in order to provide a fast and accurate method to search both existing images as well as large archives of existing paper documents. However, existing optical character recognition programs suffer from a
Optical Character Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network
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Abstract-This paper examines the use of neural networks to accomplish optical character recognition. Recognition of Handwritten text has been one of the active and challenging areas of research in the field of image processing and pattern recognition [4]. The whole
Optical Character Recognition Using Novel Feature ExtractionNeural Network Classication Techniques
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Abstract This paper describes two novel techniques applied to the feature extraction and pattern classication stages in an OCR system for tgpesetcharacters. A technique for estimating the class discrimination ability of continuous valued features is presented Abstract In this article, we show that the ideas behind the eigenface technique can be easily extended to the OCR problem by using multiple image classes. In addition, we also describe a modification to the standard Euclidean distance measure used for recognition which
Optical character recognition techniques in mail sorting: A review of algorithms
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Abstract A study of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques employed in automatic mail sorting equipment is presented. Methods and algorithms for image preprocessing, character recognition, and contextual postprocessing are discussed and compared. The
Implementing Optical Character Recognition on the Android Operating System for Business Cards
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Abstract:This report presents an algorithm for accurate recognition of text on a business card, given an Android mobile phone camera image of the card in varying environmental conditions. First a MATLAB implementaton of the algorithm is described where the main
A Novel Template Weighted Match Degree Algorithm for Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract This paper introduces template matching algorithm, and put forward an improved template matching algorithm which based on the weighted matching degree. After the completion of the pre-processing of input characters, the algorithm uses the moving match
A finite state model for urdu nastalique optical character recognition
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Abstract Finite state technology is being used since long to model NLP (Natural Language Processing) applications specially it has very successfully applied to machine translation and speech recognition systems. Character recognition in cursive scripts or handwritten
Shape-free statistical information in optical character recognition
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The fundamental task facing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems involves the conversion of input document images into corresponding sequences of symbolic character codes. Traditionally, this has been accomplished in a bottom-up fashion: the image of
Optical character recognition using optimisation algorithms
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The purpose of this paper is to present a new method of optical character recognition using hierarchical optimisation algorithms. Mainly, the existing methods and algorithms for optical character recognition are not suitable for using them in industrial systems, ie they are not
Fast decision tree ensembles for optical character recognition
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Abstract A new boosting algorithm of Freund and Schapire is used to improve the performance of an ensemble of decision trees which are constructed using the information ratio criterion of Quinlan's C4. 5 algorithm. This boosting algorithm iteratively constructs a
Online handwritten character recognition using an optical backpropagation neural network
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Abstract There are many successful applications of Backpropagation (BP) for training multilayer neural networks. However, they have many shortcomings. Learning often takes insupportable time to converge, and it may fall into local minima at all. One of the possible
Optical character recognition for printed hindi text in devnagari using soft-computing technique.
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present an OCR for printed Hindi text in devnagari script. Text written in Devnagari script, there is no separation between the characters. Hindi is one of the most spoken language in India. About 300 million people speak Hindi in India. One of the
Optical Character Recognition for Hindi Language Using a Neural-network Approach.
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Abstract:Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India, with more than 300 million speakers. As there is no separation between the characters of texts written in Hindi as there is in English, the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems developed for the Hindi
Optical Character Recognition for Handwritten Hindi
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Abstract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the electronic conversion of scanned images of hand written text into machine encoded text. In this project various image pre- processing, features extraction and classification algorithms have been explored and
Optical Character Recognition using Neural Networks
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Hope that the curve thus identified closely approximates the curvature of the boundary at that point. Note that it is perfectly all right if this doesn't work as expected for all points, since for points common to a single curve, it is enough that this works for at least some of these
Optical character recognition on graphics hardware
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Abstract. The study of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence research that tries to emulate cognitive processes using computers. An example of such a process is optical character recognition (OCR). Using well-established models and
The Postprocessing of Optical Character Recognition based on Statistical Noisy channel and language model
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Abstract The techniques of image processing have been used in optical character recognition (OCR) for a long time. The recognition method evolved from early" pattern recognition" to" feature extraction" recently. The recognition rate is raised from 70% to 90
An optical character recognition
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Abstract Arabic optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of converting images that contain Arabic text to a format that can be edited. In this work, a simple approach for Arabic OCR is presented, the proposed method deployed correlation and dynamic-size
Bangla optical character recognition
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ABSTRACT This report presents an optical character recognition approach for Bangla (national language of Bangladesh) offline printed characters. Sample training data, scanned using a modest scanner, is first translated as gray-scale pixel representation. Pre-
Optical character recognition for retroconversion of catalogue cards: Hardware, software and character representation
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The Achilleus heel of fully automatic procedures in retroconversion has been and still is the speed and quality of OCR. And this depends to a large extent on the state of the source material. The project was based on the assumption that commercially available equipment
OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Converting paper documents to text
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Instructions for scanning text documents to produce PDF files using optical character recognition.This publication is available in Web form 1 and also as a PDF document 2 . Please forward any1. Overview .
Optical character recognition software in library mobile apps
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In order to reach out to the digital generation, libraries can develop mobile applications that more efficiently connect campus assignments with library resources. One approach in making this connection is through the use of optical character recognition (OCR) software.
Optical Character Recognition using MATLAB
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Abstract--Character recognition techniques associate a symbolic identity with the image of character. In a typical OCR systems input characters are digitized by an optical scanner. Each character is then located and segmented, and the resulting character image is fed
Minimally Segmenting High Performance Bangla Optical Character Recognition Using Kohonen network
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Abstract This paper presents a method to use Kohonen neural network based classifier in Bangla Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system, providing much higher performance than the traditional neural network based ones. It describes how Bangla characters are
Data capture using fax and intelligent character and optical character recognition(icr/ocr) in the current employment statistics survey (ces)
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CES has several unique requirements that significantly increase the difficulty of using character recognition technology. First, the characters are hand-written by respondents onto the CES form. CES collects 5 or 6 basic data elements from it's sample units; total
Optical character recognition of historical texts: end-user focused research for slovenian books and newspapers from the 18th and 19th century
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Abstract: This paper presents research aimed at achieving better OCR quality in large scale digitisation of newspapers and books, and opening possibilities of full-text search of digitised old Slovenian printed texts, which should enable digital library end-users to gain
T (1) Time Neural Network Minimum Distance Classifier and its Application to Optical Character Recognition Problem
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Abstract We propose a special neural network model, NNC,(Neural Network Classifier), which with a classification problem of l classes C1, C2,, Cl, classifies an unknown vector to one class using a minimum distance classification technique. The NNC consists of three
DSP-based optical character recognition system using interval type-2 neural fuzzy system
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The aim of this paper is to solve optical character recognition (OCR) problem using the interval type-2 neural fuzzy system (IT2NFS) with stable learning mechanism and uncertainty bounds operations for computation speedup and implementation on digital
Automobile Number Plate Recognition And Extraction Using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract: Automobile Number Plate Recognition and Extraction System using Optical Character Recognition Methodology is one of a kind Intelligent System and is of considerable interest because of its potential applications in highway electronic toll
Image preprocessing for optical character recognition using neural networks
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Abstract Primary task of this master's thesis is to create a theoretical and practical basis of preprocessing of printed text for optical character recognition using forward-feed neural networks. Demonstration application was created and its parameters were set according
Optical Character Recognition Based Hand-Held Device for Printed Text to Braille Conversion
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Abstract:In this paper we propose to develop a device that can be used by the visually challenged to read normal English books. Here we focus on letter-by-letter segmentation, recognition and transliteration to the Braille format. The device would use on board
Aadhar Card Reader using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract: At the present time, keyboarding remains the most common way of inputting data into computers. This is probably the most time consuming and labour intensive operation. OCR can be described as Mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned images where
Automatic license plate recognition using optical character recognition and template matching on yellow color license plate
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Abstract: Automatic license plate recognition is used to recognize the characters from license plate image. It is widely used in various areas such as traffic control, robbery, and surveillance. The proposed method applied on yellow color license plate. It has two main
Development of Optical Character Recognition Software Package for Mobile Phones
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Abstract:Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technique through which any textual information contained in images are extracted and converted into editable text format. The various OCR software packages which are available in desktop computer with scanner
Multilingual Optical Character Recognition System for Printed English and Telugu Base Characters
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Abstract:Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is a system that automatically translates scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. Several commercial OCR systems are now available in the market.
Printed Text Character Analysis Version-I: Optical Character Recognition with the new User Training Mechanism
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Abstract The present system aspires to analyse snapshots of written text and create fully customizable text files using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. It is well known that the discrepancies in typed optical language have led to the advent of new
On optical character recognition of Arabic text
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ABSTRACT Although, optical character recognition has made tremendous achievements in the area of desktop publishing, yet a huge amount of work is required to be done. Unlike Roman like languages, there are various languages possessing a large number of fonts
Combining Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Edge Detection Techniques to Filter Image-Based Spam
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ABSTRACT Early spam filtering systems were designed for text-based spam format. However, the emergence and prevalence of image-based spam mails has resulted into newer challenges that renders mechanisms for filtering text-based spam mails inefficient
A Real Time Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract Automatic license plate recognition is used to recognize the characters from license plate image. It is widely used in localized areas such as traffic control, burglary and surveillance. The proposed method applied on yellow color license plate. It has two main
Optical Character Recognition of Non-flat Small Documents Using Android: A Case Study
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Abstract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) using Android has been received a great attention. In all these efforts a flat document is selected for OCRing and non-flat documents are ignored. Labels mounted on cylindrical surfaces such as wine bottle, pill box, cans, etc
IAS-Intelligent Attendance System based on Windows Image Acquisition (WIA), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Windows Communication Foundation
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Abstract:Taking student attendance in the class and then posting it in online attendance system is a quite time consuming process for the teachers. In this paper, we have presented a novel approach for posting the attendance in the online attendance system without user
Language segmentation for Optical Character Recognition using Self Organizing Maps
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Abstract Modern optical character recognition (OCR) systems perform optimally on single- font monolingual texts, and have lower performance on bilingual and multilingual texts. For many OCR tasks it is necessary to accurately recognize characters from bilingual texts
Optical Character Recognition System Using Support Vector Machines
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Abstract. Handwriting recognition systems have been developed out of a need to automate the process of converting data into electronic format, which otherwise would have been lengthy and error-prone. Beside a series of preprocessing techniques, this paper
Printed Text Character Analysis Version-II: Optimized optical character recognition for noisy images with the new user training and background detection
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Abstract The proposed system performs the task of analysing snapshots of written text and creating fully customizable text files using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. It is known that new font styles and writing formats are introduced everyday but the
Comparative Performance Analysis of Feature (S)-Classifier Combination for DevanagariOptical Character Recognition System
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Abstract:this paper presents a comparative performance analysis of feature (s)-classifier combination for Devanagari optical character recognition system. For performance evaluation, three classifiers namely support vector machines, artificial neural networks
Machine Learning Methods for Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract Success of optical character recognition depends on a number of factors, two of which are feature extraction and classification algorithms. In this paper we look at the results of the application of a set of classifiers to datasets obtained through various basic feature
A preliminary look at the effects of optical character recognition (OCR) and keying on the quality of industry and occupation coding in census 2000
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Abstract: In Census 2000 the Census Bureau used optical character recognition (OCR) technology for the first time to capture information written onto census questionnaires. Lockheed Martin Corporation developed the OCR software under contract for Census
Minimally Supervised Methods to Correct Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract Optical character recognition (OCR) is the transformation of an image of handwritten or typed text to raw text. It is used in a range of modern applications that can make a significant impact, so it is important to have robust OCR programs. There are a
Autonomous Repair of Optical Character Recognition Data through Simple Voting and Multi-Dimensional Indexing Techniques
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ABSTRACT The three major optical character recognition (OCR) engines (ExperVision, Scansoft OCR, and Abby OCR) in use today are all capable of recognizing text at near perfect percentages. The remaining errors however have proven very difficult to identify
Neural Network Classifiers for Off-line Optical Handwritten Amazighe Character Recognition
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Summary Recognizing Amazighe characters is a difficult task in the area of optical character recognition (OCR). This paper describes a new hybrid Amazighe character recognition system based on an artificial neural network classifier using Legendre moments without IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS (ISSN 1045-9227) is published bimonthly by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society/Council, or its members. IEEE
Embedded Optical Character Recognition On Tamil Text Image Using Raspberry Pi
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ABSTRACT Optical Character recognition is used to digiti ze and reproduce texts that have been produced with non-computerized system. Digitizing texts also helps reduce storage space. Editing and Reprinting of Text document that were printed on paper are time
Optical Character Recognition with Neural Networks
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Abstract:This paper examines the use of Matlab neural networks to accomplish optical character recognition. The NN was built using a dataset of 20000 entries consisting of 16 attributes that define a character. An attempt was made to extract similar features from
Digital Document Archiving System with Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract: Computers are playing an important role in automation of various process and industries and Digital Data Archiving is one of them where in we tend to improve the working of office through some software process. Each Day numerous letters, visting cards and
Textual Metadata Retrieval of Lecture Videos Using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract: The increase of video lecture data on World Wide Web is rapid therefore an efficient method of data retrieval is needed. So the system providing a method for data retrieval from the lecture video is implemented which will extract the text data. Automatic
Radiation Dose-Rate Extraction from the Camera Image of Quince 2 Robot System usingOptical Character Recognition
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In the case of the Japanese Quince 2 robot system, 7 CCD/CMOS cameras were used. 2 CCD cameras of Quince robot are used for the forward and backward monitoring of the surroundings during navigation. And 2 CCD (or CMOS) cameras are used for monitoring
Reranking with Linguistic and Semantic Features for Arabic Optical Character Recognition.
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Abstract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems for Arabic rely on information contained in the scanned images to recognize sequences of characters and on language models to emphasize fluency. In this paper we incorporate linguistically and semantically
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ABSTRACT The goal of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is to classify optical patterns corresponding to alphanumeric or other characters. OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Each of these steps is a field unto
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Abstract Optical character recognition (OCR) is becoming a powerful tool in the field of Character Recognition, now a days. In the existing globalized environment, OCR can play a vital role in different application fields. Basically, OCR technique converts images into
Multimedia based information retrieval approach for lecture video indexing based on video segmentation and Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract: Recently advanced development in multimedia technology allows the capturing and storing of video data with highly expensive computers. Further, the new opportunities offered by the information technology have made a vast collection of video data publicly
Optical Character Recognition-A Combined ANN/HMM Approach
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Abstract Optical character recognition (OCR) of machine printed text is ubiquitously considered as a solved problem. However, error free OCR of degraded (broken and merged) and noisy text is still challenging for modern OCR systems. OCR of degraded text
Optical Character Recognition of Seven–segment Display Digits Using Neural Networks
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Abstract-In this work, we present a neural networks committee for optical character recognition of seven-segment display digits. The aforementioned digit writing convention restricts the general handwriting recognition problem into a task that can be tackled using
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Optical character recognition (OCR) is a vital task in the field of pattern recognition. English character recognition (CR) has been extensively studied in the last half century and progressed to a level, sufficient to produce technology driven applications. But, same is
A Neural Network Implementation of Optical Character Recognition
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In today's world of high technology, there is a greater want to convert the analog into digital. Since the advent of digital scanners after the computer came onto the scene, there has been the want to convert books/text into digital media viewable over the internet and/or on a
An Overview and Applications of Optical Character Recognition
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ABSTRACT Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer-readable text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from
Micro Neural-Controller for Optical Character Recognition
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a Micro-Neural Controller (MNC) for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The controller consists of both a multilayered feedforward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a Von Neumann-type microcontroller. The ANN is supervised
Genetically modelled Artificial Neural Networks for Optical Character Recognition
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ABSTRACT Context. Custom solutions to optical character recognition problems are able to reach higher recognition rates then a generic solution by their ability to exploiting the limitations in the problem domain. Such solutions can be generated with genetic
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ABSTRACT The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is becoming popular areas of research under pattern recognition and smart device applications. It requires the intelligence like human brain to recognize the various handwritten characters. Artificial Neural Network
Space-Variant Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract An active vision system with a multiresolution sensor has the advantages of a wide visual field, high central resolution and low data rate. We use a special space-variant sensor based on complex log mapping to do character recognition in real scenes. Here, we
Statistical Augmentation of a Database for Use in Optical Character Recognition Software Evaluation
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Abstract In this paper, we consider a statistical approach to augment a limited database of ground truth documents for use in evaluating optical character recognition (OCR) software. We require ground truth documents to assign a performance measure to the OCR
A Survey on Optical Character Recognition Techniques
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Abstract: This paper presents a review on Optical Character Recognition Techniques. Optical Character recognition (OCR) is a technology that allows machines to automatically recognize the characters through an optical mechanism. OCR can be described as
Shape-Free Statistical Information in Optical Character Recognition
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Fax line-noise Scanning Sensor noise Other unwanted marks (ex. staples, large book gutters) Find components and use aspect ratio to throw out very large or very small objects thus removing additive noise (must be careful not to throw out small punctuation symbols)
1. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Systems Overview
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Character recognition systems differ widely in how they acquire their input (on-line versus off- line), the mode of writing (handwritten versus machine printed), the connectivity of text (isolated characters versus cursive words), and the restriction on the fonts (single font
Signboard Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract:A text recognition scheme specifically for signboard recognition is presented. The scheme increases the recognition success rate of traditional OCR by combining traditional OCR with SIFT feature matching. Prior to performing the recognition, both MSER and Multi
Mobile Application with Optical Character Recognition Using Neural Network
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Abstract:The Optical character Recognition is a mobile application. The OCR takes image as the input and get text from that image. The character recognition method is presented by using OCR technology and higher quality camera of android phone. OCR technology is
A Review of Optical Character Recognition System for Recognition of Printed Text
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Abstract: As we move ahead in technology advancements, from simple data processing, to intelligent computing, one area of research undergoing advancement, is the system of reading text characters on an image. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system is used
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Abstract: In this paper we simplify the process of Optical Character Recognition using kmeans clustering. We test several different training sets to determine if we get better results than doing a direct pixel-to-pixel comparison. Our work is focuses on recognition of
De-obfuscation of published scientific data: information extraction using optical character recognition and heuristic techniques
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Abstract Bioinformatics is a fast moving field which is yielding rich data and interesting findings. These interesting findings need to be expressed in a reproducible fashion. Reusability is a point of major importance in scientific research. New areas of research
Optical character recognition applied on receipts printed in Macedonian Language
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Abstract:The paper presents an approach to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) applied on receipts printed in Macedonian language. The OCR engine recognizes the characters of the receipt and extracts some useful information, such as: the name of the market, the
Optical Character Recognition of Heavily Distorted Text Segments
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Abstract The fact that artificial text segments can be generated, which are recognizable by humans but not by artificial intelligence, shows that research in the field of artificial intelligence in the range of optical character recognition is not as advanced as it could be.
Optical Character Recognition of Old Fonts–A Case Study
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Abstract: Extracting text from images of text is a challenging task. Among the greatest challenges of text recognition is the optical character recognition (OCR) of historic books. Due to low-quality images, rare fonts, and unknown dictionary standard OCR, software
Optical Character Recognition through Character-set Dependent Probabilities
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Abstract While optical character recognition is field where machine learning algorithms are easily applied, it might not always be cost effective to do so. While Viola and Jones explored Haar features in their face detection algorithm, selecting from the thousands of features is
Optical character recognition of touching characters
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ABSTRACT A method for isolating and recognizing characters in typeset text containing touching or overlapping characters is described. The method relies on vector quantization techniques to represent the text by an ordered sequence of codes. Characters or
Offline Optical Character Recognition Techniques
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Abstract: Character recognition has long been a critical area of the Artificial Intelligence. Recognition is a trivial task for humans, but to make a computer program that does character recognition is extremely difficult. Recognizing patterns is just one of those things humans
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Abstract: A computer software to perform optical character recognition (OCR) of seven- segment displays, to optimize the calibration process of instruments and meters that make use of this type of display is proposed in this paper. The software works with a
Intelligent-based optical Chinese character recognition system by using integrated charactersegmentation and text compression techniques
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ABSTRACT This paper I) 1esents a liIethO (1 dealing wit ii mixed character segnentation. Conventionally, the region-based appioacli has been l) rol) osed to process the mixed character segmentation, but failure may occur due to sonic English lettters' block size
Implementing Kannada Optical Character Recognition on the Android Operating System for Kannada Sign Boards
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ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on an application that performs Kannada OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in hand held devices. The objective is to make use of the visual capabilities of the built in camera of Android devices to extract text from Kannada sign
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The recognition of handwritten notes when the information is entered into computer this way is essential.
Comparative Analysis of the Optimization Techniques of Image Filters Used to Improve Optical Character Recognition on Text Images
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Abstract-Image filtering is changing the appearance of the image by altering the shades and colors of the pixels. Increasing the contrast as well as adding a variety of texture, tones and special effects to images are some of the results of applying image filters for the purpose
Optical Character Recognition Based Auto Navigation of Robot
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Abstract Navigation of robot using signboard. The signboard is placed in the environment as landmark to decide the robot's next path. The signboard is designed such that the robot can perform key functions: the signboard detection, identification. Autonomous navigation of
Optimizing Urdu Optical Character Recognition Systems: A Comparative Study
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Abstract:This paper is a survey based on optical character recognition of cursive scripts. The main emphasis of this survey is on the comparison of different systems used for Urdu Optical Character Recognition and determining the best suited system for this purpose.
Digital Imaging of Printed Text and Optical Character Recognition for Searchability
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The paper presents a survey of the history, theory, and practice of printed text reformatting. It further discusses digitization as a reformatting option and, in particular, the digitization of Lyle Saunders and
Applying SIMD to Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
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ABSTRACT Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques are widely used in data/text entry, process automation. Decades of research efforts have made the accurate recognition of typewritten text largely accepted as a solved problem. Driven by practical usage
Reading the Primeros Libros: From Archive to Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract The PDF images of early American printed books in the Primeros Libros digital collection pose several challenges for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems. The Ocular system, designed by Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick et al., jointly models the physical
On Analysis and Evaluation of Non-Properly Prepared Teachers' Implication on Students Considering Optical Character Recognition (OCR)(Neural Networks'
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Abstract:This paper addresses an interdisciplinary, interesting, and critical educational phenomenal issue. Adopted phenomenon related directly to clearness of educational environment affecting enhancement and enlightening of learning/teaching performance.
Robust Optical Character Recognition under Geometrical Transformations
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Abstract: Optical character recognition (OCR) is a very active field for research and development, and has become one of the most successful applications of automatic pattern recognition. Dealing with scaled, translated and rotated characters are some challenging
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) editing and preliminary markup instructions
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For a text to become searchable in an electronic corpus, it has to be in digital form. If the text is not available in digital form, it has to be either typed into a computer or scanned and submitted to an OCR program. The scanner works like a photocopier, ie, it takes a
An Overview of Optical Character Recognition Systems Research on Telugu Language
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Abstract:This paper gives an overview on the development process and ongoing research of the optical character recognition (OCR) systems for Telugu Text. The aim of this paper is to provide a starting point for the researchers entering into this field. In this paper, we
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Abstract-Enclosure of the specially enabled in the IT revolution is both a social responsibility as well as a computational dispute in the rapidly advancing digital world today. The availability of text books for the visually challenged is limited due to the process of
Optical Character Recognition and the Chinook Language
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We have been working for RIT Professor Charles Bigelow on a project to digitize texts in a Native American language, Clackamas Chinook. The printed material is scanned and then converted to an international character standard, enabling its display on a range of
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) System
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Abstract: In the running world, there is growing demand for the software systems to recognize characters in computer system when information is scanned through paper documents as we know that we have number of newspapers and books which are in
Effective Password Authentication System Using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract--The Security experts recently quoted that user is THE WEAKEST LINK IN THE CHAIN of security system. In order to prevent the user being the weakest link, USABILITY SECURITY [3] concept has emerged where, both the security as well usability are given
On the Optical Character Recognition and Machine Translation Technology in Arabic: Problems and Solutions
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Abstract-The report addresses the basic problems of the Arabic language formalization based on analysis of linguistic errors in software products. Reviewing the principles of modern information systems operation the authors come to the conclusion that the existing
Virtual Medical Instrument for OTOROB Based on LabVIEW for Acquiring Multiple Medical Instrument LCD Reading Using Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract. OTOROB is a telemedicine mobile robot for orthopaedic surgeons that have remote presence capability to diagnose patients in remote area. As a telemedicine robot, it requires a set of medical instrument for a doctor to diagnostic patients. This paper presents a
A Review on Optical Character Recognition Using Various Techniques
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Abstract:Computer vision, artificial intelligence and pattern recognition are vital areas of research in the field of electronics and image processing. Optical character recognition (OCR) is one of the main aspects of computer vision and has evolved to a great extent
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ABSTRACT Character recognition is quite difficult task. It is the process of distinguishing the input character as per their predefine character class. There are different researchers who work on English language in last few years. Which results in technology whose practical
Optimal Neural Network Based Classifier Using Optical Character Recognition Engine for Tamil
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Abstract-In this paper, a neural network based classifier using optical character recognition engine for Tamil language is proposed. At the first level, features derived at each sample point of the preprocessed character are used to construct a subspace using Optical
Automatic License Plate Recognition Using Optical Character Recognition Based on Image Processing
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ABSTRACT A License plate is a rectangular plate which is alphanumeric. The license plate is fixed on the vehicle and used to identify the vehicle along with honor of that vehicle. There is a huge number of vehicles on the road so that traffic control and vehicle owner
Handwritten Devnagari Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract-Handwritten Devanagari character recognition is the ability of a computer to receive and interpret handwritten input from sources such as paper documents, photographs, touch- screens and other devices. Handwritten Devanagari Characters are more complex for
Optical character recognition for vehicle tracking system
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Abstract This paper 'Optical Character Recognition for vehicle tracking System'is an offline recognition system developed to identify either printed characters or discrete run-on handwritten characters. It is a part of pattern recognition that usually deals with the
Using Web Resources to Improve Optical Character Recognition for Under-Resourced Languages
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Abstract This report presents a method for generating statistical language models from a web resource and applying them to the output of an open source OCR package. By using N- graph language models with Kneser-Ney smoothing, word error rates of OCR output were
Nature-inspired optimization algorithms applied to fuzzy control, fuzzy modeling, mobile robots and optical character recognition
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Abstract The plenary talk deals with the presentation of several applications of nature- inspired optimization algorithms (NIOAs) obtained by the Process Control group of the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics with the Politehnica University of
Exploring Complex Wavelets and their Application to Optical Character Recognition
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Exploring Complex Wavelets and their Application to OpticalCharacterRecognition Makarand Tapaswi MERIT MasterBetter directionality – OthersApplication to OpticalCharacter Recognition – Simplification of Text – Comparison with Baseline (DCT) and Real Wavelets
A Comparison of the Self-Organizing Map and Growing Neural Gas Network in the Context ofOptical Character Recognition
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With the advent of tablet and touch screen computing, the number of applications that utilize written text recognition technologies is rapidly increasing. These applications rely on fast and accurate optical character recognition (OCR) algorithms. The selforganizing map (
Optical Character Recognition of Printed Mathematical Symbols using A Hierarchical Classifier
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Abstract:In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of a hierarchical approach for the optical character recognition of printed mathematical symbols in a document. We make use of a number of features extracted from the character bitmaps, and experiments were
Dynamic Calculation and Characterization of Threshold Value in Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract:Optical character recognition (OCR) can be used in some management mechanisms of state and business world to organize documents scanned or captured by camera. Therefore, OCR is one of the subjects rapidly evolving in the recent times. This
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A Matlab Project in Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
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The goal of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is to classify optical patterns (often contained in a digital image) corresponding to alphanumeric or other characters. The process of OCR involves several steps including segmentation, feature extraction, and