optical communication research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
Full width at half maximum (FWHM) analysis of solitonic pulse applicable in optical networkcommunication
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Abstract: In this paper, we propose a system of microring resonator (MRR). This system uses a laser diode input which can be incorporated with an optical add/drop filter system. When light from the laser diode feedbacks to the fiber ring resonator, the pulses in the form of
Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks XI; and Advanced Free-Space Optical Communication Techniques and Applications
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The papers in this volume were part of the technical conference cited on the cover and title page. Papers were selected and subject to review by the editors and conference program committee. Some conference presentations may not be available for publication.
Simulation of single channel optical communication system with different modulation formats in the presence of SPM non linearity
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Abstract: This paper investigates the effect of Self Phase Modulation (SPM) non-linearity on single channel optical communication system. For the analysis, different modulation formats: Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK), Duo-binary Return to Zero (DBRZ), Carrier
A Review of Temporal Soliton Generation Used in Optical Communication Systems
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Abstract:In general, the temporal and spectral shape of a short optical soliton pulse does not change during propagation in a nonlinear medium due to the Kerr effect which balances the chromatic dispersion. Microring resonators (MRRs) can be used to generate chaotic
Metallic Plasmonic Nano-antenna for Wireless Optical Communication in Intra-body Nanonetworks
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ABSTRACT Nanonetworks consist of nano-sized communicating devices which are able to perform simple tasks at the nanoscale. Nanonetworks are the enabling technology for unique applications, including intra-body health-monitoring and drug delivery systems. In
Four-dimensional estimates of mutual information in coherent optical communicationexperiments
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Mutual information is experimentally investigated for long-haul coherent transmission. Receivers that consider memoryless four-dimensional noise distributions can achieve
Performance Analysis of Optical Communication System using OFDM by Employing QPSK Modulation
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Abstract:-The high data rate along with good Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of Next Generation Network (NGN) can be fulfilled by using the optical fiber communication networks. At high data rate, dispersion will be the limiting factor which needs to be suitably
All Regeneration for Optical Communication Network Using Optical 3R Regeneration and Phase sensitive amplifier
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Abstract Nonlinear optical effects in fibers occur via ultrafast Kerr nonlinearity, offers a flexible framework within which numerous signal-processing functions can be accomplished. When high power launched in optical fiber, several nonlinear transmission
Performance analysis of inter-satellite optical wireless communication (IsOWC) system by using NRZ and RZ modulation
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Abstract-Free space optical communication provides a very important method for the satellites orbiting around the earth to communicate with each other. Inter-satellite optical wireless communication systems (IsOWC) are one of the important applications of FSO/
Global Simulation Accuracy Control in the Split-Step Fourier Simulation of Vector Optical FiberCommunication Channel
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Abstract:A symmetrized split-step Fourier (SSSF) simulation model with global simulation accuracy control is extended to vector optical fiber multi-span propagation cases, which are applicable to the waveform level simulation of polarization multiplexed coherent optical
SAC-OCDMA over Hybrid FTTx Free Space Optical Communication Networks
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Abstract:This paper presents an investigation of Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple Access (SAC-OCDMA) over hybrid Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) Free Space Optical (FSO) link under different weather conditions. FTTx and FSO are the last mile
Analysis of OFDM with Offset-MDPSK in Optical Wireless Communication System
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Abstract: A pilotless orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique is employed in optical turbulence channel for optical wireless communication systems. It uses offset multilevel differential phase-shift keying (OMDPSK). The impact of atmospheric
Comparative analysis of Spectral Phase Encoding/Decoding based OCDMA CommunicationSystem for two Optical Modulation Formats
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Abstract: In this paper a Simulative analysis of OCDMA system is demonstrated for DPSK and Duo-binary optical data formats using spectral phase encoding/decoding (SPE/SPD) in time and a single phase Modulator for different optical codes that can reconfigure using
Nonlinear Rectangular Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) for Optical Communication Exclusively Super Continuum Generation
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All Optical Communication Filter Based on Photonic Crystal Structure
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Abstract:In this paper we proposed a novel structure for designing all optical filter based on photonic crystal structure. For designing the proposed filter we simply employed a point defect localized between input and output waveguides as wavelength selecting part of the
Comparison of Modulation Techniques for Underwater Optical Wireless CommunicationEmploying APD Receivers
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Abstract: In this study, we theoretically analyze the performance of an underwater optical wireless communications system using different modulation techniques and an avalanche photodiode APD receiver over underwater environment channels. Based on the LOS
Wireless Optical Communication System and its Vital Components
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Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of vital components used in the emerging field of wireless Optical Communication System. As the optical fibre is the choice of today's era for long distance transmission of signals as it gives a maximum
A Review on Optical Fiber Long Period Grating, its applications in Optical CommunicationSystem
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Abstract: Innovations in optical fiber technology are revolutionizing world communications. As we can se that optical fiber long period grating can be used in designing of devices which are used to meet the growing demands for various ranges in the field of optical
Application of Complex Wavelet Packet Transform (CWPT) in Coherent Optical OFDM (CO-OFDM) Communication Systems
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Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) is a modulation format that attracted wide interest due to its high spectral efficiency (SE) and robustness against chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD). CO-OFDM
Role of DCF technique for enhancing optical fiber communication System utility
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Abstract-Dispersion compensation is the most important feature required in optical fiber communication system because absence of it leads to pulse spreading that causes the output pulses to overlap. If an input pulse is caused to spread such that the rate of change
Compact 224-Gbit/s Modulator Modules for Digital Coherent Optical CommunicationSystems
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Data communication traffic keeps on increase owing to an evolution of higher-resolution video streaming service and the wide spread of mobile devices, among others. Digital coherent technology with multilevel modulation formats is an attractive solution to satisfy
Error Control Coding in Optical Fiber Communication Systems: An Overview
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Abstract In sending data from one point to another, such as transferring data between various components of a computer system, due to the existence of electromagnetic waves and other issues such as noise and attenuation, information may be changed in the
A Brief Survey of Optical Wireless Communication
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Abstract Optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies have been discussed and evaluated in a wide range of application scenarios, which is drawing increasing interest to keep pace with the growth in LED technologies. OWC has unique advantages to provide
Investigation on the Dispersion Compensation Algorithm in Optical Fiber Communicationwith Large Capacity
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Abstract Optical network faces increasing challenges with the development of telecommunication demand. The fiber must carry much more transmission channels with higher optical power and transmission rate and it causes higher dispersion. At present,
Asynchronous Scheme for Optical Camera Communication-Based Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communication
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This paper introduces infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) communication based on asynchronous optical camera communication (OCC), the transmitter of which can be an LED traffic light or electronic display, with the receiver being the existing front vehicle camera. In
Impact of waveguide cross section on nonlinear impairments in integrated optical filters for WDM communication systems
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Abstract New, affordable adaptive compensation methods and technologies can help to improve substantially the performance and reliability of coherent optical systems in the atmosphere. The use of adaptive optics to mitigate turbulence-induced phase fluctuations
Review of Drivers based Optical Fiber Communication using Optical USB Cable.
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Abstract:We design and fabricate an optical wireless USB 2.0 system with a wireless power transfer. We are going to implement and demonstrate prototype of Optical USB (2.0) system for measuring the data for long distances by using PIC microcontroller to a PC via
Review On Impact Of Ambient Light Noise Sources And Applications In Optical WirelessCommunication Using LED
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Abstract There is a huge demand for Visible Light Communication, since it acts as an added supplement to RF signal transmission because of the advantages like license free, energy efficient, high security and it can be used even in the RF prohibited areas like hospitals
Equalization for high-rate communication over optical
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This master thesis is the result of one year of hard work. In this last year we experienced many alternating moments of joy and despair. The challenges we encountered tested our persistence, but in the end the satisfaction of solving them predominates. Along the way,
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ABSTRACT In this study, we proposed an improved Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimation algorithm for the coherent wireless underwater optical OFDM system aiming to improve parameters such as dispersion, attenuation and optical noise. The
Simulative Investigation of Coherent Optical OFDM Communication with Gbits/s Data Rates
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CO-OFDM has the advantages of both 'coherent detection andOFDM modulation and provides many merits for future high-speed fiber transmission systems. In this paperwe analyze the performance of Coherent Optical OFDM (CO-OFDM) for