optical communication2017 IEEE PAPER
Asymptotic capacity results for MIMO wirelessoptical communication
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Abstract This paper provides several asymptotic capacity results for the multiple-input multiple-output free-spaceopticalintensity channel in the regime of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For the case where the channel matrix has full column rank, the asymptotic
Use of Gaussian Beam Divergence to Compensate for Misalignment of Underwater WirelessOptical CommunicationLinks
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Abstract: The vast majority of underwater wirelessoptical communicationsystems use collimated blue/green laser beams to deliver high-speed data over a transmission range of a few metres to tens of metres. However, such systems are extremely susceptible to Abstract In this letter, we analytically evaluate the end-toend bit error rate (BER) of point-to point multi-hop underwater wirelessoptical communication(UWOC) systems with respect to all degrading effects of the UWOC channel, namely absorption, scattering, and turbulence-
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ABSTRACT:-In this paper, comparative study of three dispersion compensation fiber models, namely, pre, post and symmetrical involving ideal dispersion compensation fiber Bragg grating for three different modulation schemes in 40 Gb/s single channelopticalfiber In recent years, the technology ofoptical communicationhas gained importance due to high bandwidth and data rate requirements. This book focuses on free-spaceoptical(FSO) communicationthat is capable of providing cable-freecommunicationat very high data rates
Under WaterOpticalWirelessCommunication
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Abstract-Underwater absorption, scattering and turbulence processes will introduce attenuation and fading to light propagation and then degrade the performance of underwater wirelessopticalcommunications (UWOC). As power consumption is an important issue in
The Performance of Varies Data Rate in Free SpaceOptical CommunicationSystem using Dual Diffuser Modulation
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Abstract In this paper, we show the performance using varies data rate in free spaceoptical communicationsystem for a specific visual range and comparison between conventional technique and Dual Diffuser Modulation (DDM) technique to measuring bit-error-rates for
Short-reachOptical CommunicationUsing Directly Modulated Lasers
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Abstract During the past decade, with the rapid development of cloud computing, smart phones and mobile Internet, there has been an increasing demand for high-capacity and high-reliable metropolitan area networks and access networks. Unlike long-haul
Vision and Challenges of UnderwaterOpticalWirelessCommunication -A Survey
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ABSTRACT Not long ago, the application of marine surveillance systems has been developed by developed the significance of underwateropticalwirelesscommunication . Through studies, thecommunicationtechnology is expected to present a prominent role in Potential Great Light Beam forOptical CommunicationBessel Beam
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RM Herman and TA Wiggins,Production and use of diffraction beam [J].Journal of theOpticalSociety of America a-Optics Image Science and Vision, vol. 8, pp. 932-942, Jun 1991. Potential Great Light Beam forOpticalCommunication Bessel Beam Xiaobin
Performance Analysis of Data Transmission in Free SpaceOptical(FSO)Communication
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Abstract: Free spaceoptical(FSO)communicationhas become a viable technology for a broadband wireless application which offers the potential of high bandwidth capacity over unlicensedopticalwavelength. Atmospheric turbulence has most significant impact on the
Enhancing Performance of 10 Gbps DWDMOpticalLink for High SpeedOptical Communication
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Abstract: This paper presents comprehensive analysis of 10 Gbps using Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system with 32 channels spaced at 100 GHz. The system design has been optimized for a long haulopticallink for Return to zero (RZ) and Non
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Abstract- Opticalfibercommunicationhas emerged as a high potential substitute for communicationmethods such as twisted pair and coaxial wire. The main advantage of opticalfiber over previous methods is to have higher capacity of data rate transmission. The
Compensation of Self Phase Modulation by Anomalous Dispersion in NonlinearOptical CommunicationSystems
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Abstract In nonlinearopticalsystems, self phase modulation gives positive frequency chirp which increases pulse broadening. Anomalous group velocity dispersion in fibers gives negative frequency chirp. The positive frequency chirp due to self phase modulation is
Free SpaceOptical Communication
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In the recent past, free-spaceoptical communication(FSO) proved to be an important replacement to radio frequencycommunication . In this paper, a brief description about free spaceoptical(FSO)communicationand its connectivity with central cellular network is
OpticalCameraCommunicationand Color Code based Digital Signage Service Implementation
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Abstract This paper presents a digital signage service implementation usingopticalcamera communication(OCC) and color code technologies. Color code implementation in digital signage will be revolutionary with the combination of OCC in the coming years. Here, we
ModernOpticalFiberCommunicationSplitter Transmitter Module
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we review both the principles and applications of the fibre Sagnac interferometer. The background theory highlights the need to understand the conditions for reciprocity within the interferometer another through them. The electromagnetic energy
Characterization on Practical Photon Counting Receiver inOpticalScatteringCommunication
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Abstract We characterize the practical photon-counting receiver inopticalscattering communicationwith finite sampling rate and electrical noise. In the receiver side, the detected signal can be characterized as a series of pulses generated by photon-multiplier
Precious Indoor Localization usingOpticalCameraCommunicationfor Smartphone
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Abstract In this paper an indoor localization technique has been proposed to detect the precious location of a smart device like smartphone. For this purpose, we have proposed a method using Light Emitting Diode (LED) which is driven by a LED driver to navigate the
Role ofOpticalWirelessCommunicationUnderwater
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Abstract Wirelesscommunicationtoday have emerged a lot in its way. Many researchers have been looking forward to make it better and better. Recently, the importance of underwater wirelessoptical communicationhas been grown for applications of underwater
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ABSTRACT Telecommunication traffic (voice, data etc.) is increasing day by day. So to meet the capacity demand, in this paper we have designed and verified a high capacityoptical fibercommunicationsystem through simulation. We simulated a 60 Gbps 32-channeloptical
Compensation of Dispersion inOptical CommunicationSystems using DCF and FBG Methods
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Abstract: Dispersion is a property ofopticalfiber, which causes spreading of light within the core of theopticalfiber due to propagation delay spread of different spectral components of the transmitted signal which leads to pulse broadening of transmitted signal. Since the
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ABSTRACT: Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is both an analog and a digital modulation scheme. It conveys two analog message signals, or two digital bit streams, by changing (modulating) the amplitudes of two carrier waves, using the amplitude-shift keying
Free SpaceOptical Communication(FSO)
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Abstract Todays demand is acommunicationlink with maximum performance and minimum errors. Free Space Optics is a medium with high bandwidth having maximum data rates and security issues favouring its promotion for the present era. Turbulent atmosphere affects the
Time-Domain Digital Back Propagation forOptical Communicationin 28 nm FD-SOI
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Abstract Compensation for signal impairments caused byopticalfibers are essential for the communicationsystem when transfering data. Two major impairments are chromatic dispersion and nonlinearities and today these are often compensated for with two separate
A Review of Dispersion Compensation using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) inOptical Communication
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Abstract: In this modern era ofcommunication opticalfiber has emerged as an efficient and viable mode forcommunication . Thoughopticalfibercommunicationlot of benefits, dispersion is that the main performance limiting issue. Dispersion severely degrades the
A Review of Chromatic Dispersion Compensation inOpticalFiberCommunicationSystem and its Simulation
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Abstract: This paper review of the chromatic dispersion compensation inopticalfiber communicationsystem. Inoptical communicationsystem to compensate dispersion Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is one amongst the applicable and necessary components. During this
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The authors examined the mathematical model and analyzed by the natural frequency of the bimorph passive-active plate deflectors. The article shows that at forming the micro-electro mechanical commutators using passive-active plate deflectors, it is possible to improve its
A Review on Advancements inOptical CommunicationSystem
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Abstract--- Communicationsystems are revolutionized by the tremendous research being done in this direction. The need is the mother of the invention. The need of data transfer in increasing every day. There is the big demand for the fastoptical communicationsystems.
Inter SatelliteOpticalWirelessCommunicationSystem
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Abstract:Communicationsystems have been evolving since the timecommunicationhas been started. Inter-satellitecommunicationsystems is one of the important applications of free spaceoptical communicationtechnology, which is a unique method for the satellites
Study of Highly Nonlinear Silicon Core Circular Photonic Crystal Fiber forOptical CommunicationSystems
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Abstract A new design of circular lattice photonic crystal fiber with silicon core is presented and numerically investigated. Theopticalproperties of the proposed design such as the confinement loss, the chromatic dispersion and the nonlinearity are studied by using the
Optimization of Dispersion inOpticalFiberCommunication
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Abstract Fiber-opticcommunicationis a method of transmitting information by sending light pulses through fiber optics The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information. The main objective of this paper is to observe the dispersion losses that
Demonstration of a free-spaceoptical communicationlink in the 10-meter range using electro-absorption modulator arrays
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This work has been focused on the implementation of an indoor asymmetric Free Space Optical(FSO) link using a Quantum Well (QW) based Electro Absorption Modulator (EAM) as core component forcommunication . The use of such a technology is allowing the user to
A Review on Applications ofOpticaland WirelessCommunicationsystems based on 2D Photonic Crystal Structures
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The Photonic crystal (PhC) is practically created dielectric material which has change in the refractive index repeatedly between high and low-index regions. Photonic crystal (PhC) consists of periodic dielectric nanostructures that make an impact on the propagation of
Capacity Results for MIMO WirelessOptical Communication
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Abstract This paper provides several capacity results for the multiple-input multiple-output free-spaceopticalintensity channel in the asymptotic high-signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regime. For the case where the channel matrix has full column rank, the asymptotic capacity
Design and Performance Investigation of Graphene-Based Modulators for 1550 and 1310 nmOptical CommunicationWavelengths
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Abstract-This paper addresses the design and performance investigation of grapheme basedopticalmodulators (GBOMs) for 1550 and 1310 nmoptical communication wavelengths. The design stands heavily on two commercial software packages, namely
Enhanced Simulation Tools For the Synthesis of Fiber Bragg Grating inOptical CommunicationSystems
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Abstract In this paper, we are interested on simulation tools developing for designing opticalcomponent based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG), with potential uses inoptical communicationsystems and sensors. Both principals for understanding and techniques for
ShortCommunication2D Few CycleOpticalPulses in Silicene in the Presence of External Electric Field
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In this paper, we study the influence of external electric field on the propagation characteristics of twodimensional few cycleopticalpulses in silicene. This electric field is perpendicular to the silicene plane. We obtain an effective equation, which has the form of
Performance Analysis of Inter-satelliteOpticalWirelessCommunication(IsOWC) Systems using Mach-Zehnder Modulator and Linbmech-Zehnder Modulator
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Abstract Inter-satelliteOpticalWirelessCommunication(IsOWC) has been evolved with great lot of improvement which overcomes many challenges and issues that had been gone through during the use of fiberoptical communicationsystems. Its an already known fact that
An Effective Performance Improvement of Different OFDM Techniques inOpticalWirelessCommunicationSystems
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Abstract: There are various forms ofopticalOFDM using intensity modulation on CommunicationSystems Networks and Digital Signal Processing. In this paper, DC-biased opticalOFDM (DCOOFDM) and asymmetrically clippedopticalOFDM (ACO-OFDM) are
Modeling and Simulation of High SpeedOpticalFiberCommunicationSystem with OFDM
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Abstract The application of fiber optic transmission is possible in any area that requires transfer of information from one place to another. However, the modern telecommunications infrastructure is based onopticalfibers for data transmission, due to their higher bandwidth
A review paper on the Performance Analysis of Flip-OFDM forOpticalWirelessCommunication
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Abstract: We consider two uniploar OFDM techniques foropticalwireless communications: asymmetric clippedopticalOFDM (ACO-OFDM) and Flip OFDM. Both techniques can be used to compensate multipath distortion effects inopticalwireless channels. However, ACO- CSE PROJECTS