Oscilloscope design IEEE PAPER
A 1-ps resolution on-chip sampling oscilloscope with 64: 1 tunable sampling range based on ramp waveform division scheme
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Abstract An on-chip sampling oscilloscope with 1ps timing resolution is realized in 90nm CMOS process based on a proposed ramp waveform division scheme for precise signal integrity and power-line integrity measurement. The resolution in time is variable from 1ps
Calibration of a 70 GHz oscilloscope
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Page 1. CALIBRATION OF A 70 GHZ OSCILLOSCOPE Matthew R Harper, Andrew JA Smith, Anjan Basu and David A Humphreys National Physical Laboratory, Teddington UK Abstract Photoconductive switch Oscilloscope
A PC with sound card as an audio waveform generator, a two-channel digitaloscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer
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Abstract-The availability of inexpensive PC sound cards that can simultaneously play and record stereo digital audio files permits a single PC to function as both a signal generator and as a dual-channel recording digital oscilloscope. When the input and output of a Abstract This work describes an easy yet effective method to acquire numerical data from traces of signals obtained on analog or digital oscilloscope screens. Matlab user interactive based software is written for this purpose. The software uses matlab image possessing
Compensation of sampling oscilloscope trigger jitter by an in-phase and quadrature referencing technique
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Abstract An improved time-referencing technique, realised using commercial microwave components, has been used to improve the measurement jitter performance of a sampling oscilloscope. The limiting residual rms jitter is approximately 185 fs. The measured peak-
EPICS IOC of WindowsXP-based Oscilloscope for Fast BPM Data Acquisition System
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Abstract The KEK Linac is a 600-m-long injector that delivers electron/positron beam to the four independent rings. The non-destructive beam position monitor (BPM) is an indispensable diagnostic tool for a long-term stable beam operation. In the KEK Linac,
Systematic error of the nose-to-nose sampling-oscilloscope calibration
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Abstract:We use traceable swept-sine and electrooptic-sam-pling-system-based sampling- oscilloscope calibrations to measure the systematic error of the nose-to-nose calibration, and compare the results to simulations. Our results show that the errors in the nose-to-
Virtual oscilloscope of the dasp-lab system
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Abstract The paper describes principles of operation and characteristics of the virtual oscilloscope, implemented as a part of the DASP-Lab system, based on the Digital Aliasfree (DASP) technology [1]. This instrument operates with samples of the periodic signal, taken
Oscilloscope testing by means of stochastic signal
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The key device of digitizing oscilloscope is its Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC) while it provides an interface between analogue and digital areas. It must be considered as a non- ideal device that errors are to be measured by manufacturers as well as by application Circuit for linearizing the z-axis of an oscilloscope display.parallel with 100 ohms). (3) The oscilloscope'sintensity control is set to zero.
On-chip oscilloscope for signal integrity characterization of interconnects in 130nm CMOS technology
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Page 1. On-chip Oscilloscope for Signal Integrity Characterization of Interconnects in 130nm CMOS Technology Introduction to On-chip Oscilloscope Page 5. Need for Subsampling
Design of a mixed-signal oscilloscope
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This combination of a digital oscilloscope and a logic timing analyzer provides powerful cross-domain triggering capabilities for capturing signals in mixed-signal environments. MegaZoom technology, consisting of advanced acquisition techniques and dedicated
Bunch Shape Measurements Using Fast Faraday Cups and an OscilloscopeOperated by Lab VIEW Over Ethernet
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Abstract. A LabVIEW program running on a Sun SPARCstation 5 controls a Tektronix TDS820 6 GHz sampling oscilloscope via an Ethernet to GPIB adapter. A PC based X Window terminal continuously displays the trace, refreshed at 7 Hz. Functions such as
DL2700 Multichannel, Long-Recording Digital Oscilloscope
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We have developed a digital oscilloscope with a maximum of 8 input channels, a maximum sampling rate of 500 MS/s and a maximum record length of 16 megawords. The multichannel configuration, long-recording memory, powerful analysis functions and
Bluetooth Embedded Portable Oscilloscope
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ABSTRACT Portable oscilloscopes currently in the market are very expensive, less power efficient and have small low resolution displays. This paper presents the design and implementation of a low cost, portable, lightweight; low power, dual-channel oscilloscope,
Type A Evaluation of Uncertainty due to Systematic Effects in DigitalOscilloscope
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Abstract- The paper presents a type A (experimental) evaluation of the uncertainty due to systematic effects. After a brief discussion about the general problem of choosing a proper mathematical representation for systematic effects in the context of uncertainty evaluation,
Time-resolved photon counting with digital oscilloscope
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8 (1997) 453–455. Printed in the UK PII: S0957-0233(97)77294-1 DESIGN NOTE Time-resolved photon counting with digital oscilloscope T Stacewicz and M Krai´nska-MiszczakAbstract. Photon counting by means of a digital oscilloscope controlled by a computer is presented.
Significance of correlation in the uncertainty evaluation of samplingoscilloscope measurements
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Abstract- We show that correlations in the estimate of the impulse response of ultrafast sampling oscilloscopes might play an important role for uncertainty evaluations. This is demonstrated by determining the uncertainty associated with the estimate of the
Oscilloscope Probes: Theory and Practice
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Measuring an electrical signal inevitably affects that signal. This applies to all measurements, including the display of an oscilloscope waveform. Affecting the signal cannot be totally eliminated, but it can be minimized sufficiently that the effect is
Spectrotemporal imaging by sum frequency generation: ultrafast opticaloscilloscope
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Short pulse spectral compression (SC) in dispersive delay followed by single-mode fiber is the temporal analog of diffracted beam collimation in a light induced lens. Temporal lensing- SC has promising applications to signal analysis-synthesis problems in ultrafast optics:
Creating an Oscilloscope Driver
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Abstract:In this paper a driver is created for the HAMEG HM 407 oscilloscope. This equipment is controlled with PC via the RS232 serial port. This oscilloscope has no driver provided by the manufacturer, so all the necessary control has been developed according
Oscilloscope Control with PC
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Abstract:In this paper two different oscilloscope control methods are presented. The first method is the classic method to send the SCPI commands via RS232 serial interface. The second method is to use the LabVIEW divers. The first oscilloscope is the HAMEG HM407,
An FPGA-embedded oscilloscope based on the IEEE1451. 0 Std.
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Abstract Digital oscilloscopes are adopted in several areas of knowledge, in particular in electrical engineering, since they are fundamental for measuring and classifying electrical signals. Thanks to the proliferation of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs),
BPM DAQ System Using Fast Digital Oscilloscope
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Abstract The KEKB Linac is a 600-m-long injector which injects the beams into four independent rings. The nondestructive beam position monitor (BPM) is indispensable diagnostic tool for the stable beam operation. In the KEKB Linac, approximately nineteen
Implementing Automated Oscilloscope Calibration Systems
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Abstract Automating oscilloscope calibration is not easy. Most oscilloscopes have multiple input channels and require a wide range of calibration waveforms. In the past, routing appropriate signals to these inputs has meant the use of a complex computer-controlled
Precise Digital Integration of Fast Analogue Signals Using a 12-bitOscilloscope
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Abstract An accurate laboratory characterization of beam intensity monitors requires a reliable integration of analogue signals simulating beam pulses. This poses particular difficulties when a high integration resolution is necessary for short pulses. However, the To eliminate certain limitations of both the sampling oscilloscope technique~ i] i)(phenomena of uniform shape and sufficiently high repetition rate) and the travelling wave oscilloscopes~ 21 (low deflection sensitivity and low beam intensity), some means of
A simplified, improved method for making amplifier equivalent noise charge measurements using a new generation digitizing oscilloscope
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Abstract Historically a variety of methods have been used to measure the equivalent noise charge (ENC) of amplifier/shaper systems for high energy physics. Some of these methods require several pieces of special test equipment and a fair amount of effort. The advent of
A scrutable sampling oscilloscope
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DESPITE RECENT ADVANCES in the performance of real-time oscilloscopes, sampling techniques still have the edge when viewing signals with very fast transitions or very high frequency components. The sensitivity and extended high-frequency re sponse of
Online monitoring of laserpulses using the GPIB-interface of a Tektronix 2430 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
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One of the monitoringaspects of holography at the 15 foot Bubble Chamber is the online checking of the lightoutput of the JKZOOO ruby laser. Ideally the lightoutput should be a squared pulse in time. Spikes, pre-and postlasing(ie lasing before and after the squared
Concept of and Plot of Signals on Paper and in Oscilloscope
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Abstract: The motto of this paper is to bring out the concept of signals. The second motto is to explain the way by which the signals are plotted on the graph papers and how the signals are plotted in the oscilloscope. This paper is an outcome of teaching and professional
Physical Simulations for an On-Line Computer-Controlled Oscilloscope
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This paper describes a set of programs that have been developed to generate animated pictures on a computer-controlled display oscilloscope. These simulations, intended for instructional use, constitute accurate representations of problems in mechanics, waves,
Simple Analog Computer Oscilloscope Displays
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1. INTRODUCTION An effective oscilloscope display can provide a great deal of insight into the solution of a problem in dynamics. Spearl reports that a picture of the collision of two bodies in space was beneficial in determining the limitations of the equations which were
A computer programme to evaluate the mean life of charged particles fromoscilloscope traces
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The present work was undertaken in order to obtain a more accurate mean life of the positive pion by measuring the time between incident pion and decay muon on a sample of l5000 pions stopped in a scintillation counter whose pulses were fed to a trave1~ ling
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
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Summary The objective was to design and build a low cost, high performance, dual channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO). Costs were minimised compared to conventional, commercial DSO's by utilising a personal computer to provide both the display functions
USB 2.0 Oscilloscope Project
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1. Abstract This report details the design and development of a digital oscilloscope incorporating the Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 standard, named the 'USB2Scope'. The author was awarded the Sir Bruce White Prize for the best undergraduate project of 2002 Construction The circuit creates a 'time window', the length of which can be varied from l0/is to 10 ms. The window can be positioned anywhere along the x-axis of the oscilloscope display. The gain within the window can be varied from 0"1 to 10, without any switch transients at Parameters of stimulator voltage pulses measured across a 2.51% k~ load: duration amplitude change in pulse current when the load is changed to 0.65 k~ Pulse repetition period in a pulse train Pulse train repetition period Pulse repetition period in tetanic mode Tetanic mode A diagram of the setup for oscilloscope display of the magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetics is shown in Fig. i. Two magnetizing coils 2 and 3 and one measuring coil 4 are placed on the specimen i. Magnetizing coil 2 is connected to a step-voltage generator
DL9700/DL9500 Series of Digital Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
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Yokogawa has already been offering the DL7400 series of mixed signal oscilloscopes, featuring 500 MHz analog frequency bandwidth, 16-bit logic input, and 2 GS/s maximum sample rate. Recently, we have released the DL9700/DL9500 series with 1.0 GHz analog
lmproved Accuracy and Convenience in Oscilloscope Timing and Voltage
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ANY ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS would agree that the oscilloscope is the most useful of test instruments. They do not customarily expect a high degree of precision in an oscilloscope, however, and accept the 3 to 5% accuracy that most oscilloscopes provide. The exception
Multimedia Oscilloscope Training Program
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Abstract Innovations in multimedia technology have expanded the realm of instruction from the static world of printed manuals to the dynamic world of computer-enhanced training. Utilizing graphics, animation, text, sound, and interaction techniques, developers are able
Measuring the Speed of Sound Using Oscilloscope and Buzzers
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The speed of sound in air can be measured by means of an oscilloscope recording the signals of two receivers, which have in front of them an emitter that can be moved. The method is simple and suitable for a student laboratory. The aim of this approach is not only The amplitude and time parameters are of considerable diagnostic significance in electro- cardiogram analysis. However, it is very laborious to measure these parameters, in particular those of waves, intervals, and segments on the ECG, and automation is a current problem. The
Digital Oscilloscope and High Speed Analog Conversion Card for the DE2 Development Kit
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Abstract: This project covers the development of a hardware and software solution to high speed analog signal generation and capture on the DE2 FPGA board. The hardware portion consists of a daughter card for the DE2 that houses a digital-to-analog and an analog-to- Wave processes are usually demonstrated in a lecture hall by mechanical models [1]. With an oscilloscope it is possible to expand the range of processes that can be modeled becmzse signals can be added at its input. To model a traveling wave the signal from a
Digital Oscilloscope Adapter unit for a PC
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Abstract This paper describes experiments performed by students in a second-semester digital design laboratory using an output display device that shows up to sixteen hexadecimal digits in sevensegment format on a standard analog oscilloscope. The
625-MHz shape-to-shape update rate of a programmable all-fiber optical pulse shaper proved through an optical sampling oscilloscope
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Abstract Concerning an all-fiber pulse shaping system, we demonstrate a 625MHz updating rate between different pulse shapes, nearly 20 times improvement over previously demonstrated systems. Stability of the output signals is verified through persistence
Triggered XY Oscilloscope Displays
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A case in point is a plot of current versus voltage in a power transistor. Manufacturers of transistors define the safe operating area for their products as plots of collector current versus collector-to-emitter voltage with each plot bounded by the maximum permissible
The use of the Oscilloscope as an Educative Tool on a Network Installation and Maintenance Unit
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Abstract Network Installation and Maintenance (NIM) is a first year single semester unit in the School of Computing at ECU. This unit consists of a two-hour lecture and two-hour hands-on workshop. The creation of the NIM unit was based upon a survey of the needs of
Analysis and Design of an Oscilloscope Deflection System With a Calculable Transfer Function
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An oscilloscope deflector is described, which has a calculable transfer function. The deflector is analyzed, leading to its transfer function, in terms of the complex frequency variables. A practical strip line deflector, usable as a pulse standard, is designed; and its
Galvanically isolated interface for an oscilloscope
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Abstract:The paper describes an approach to design and construction of a galvanically isolated interface for an oscilloscope. The device has been drawn in two samples showing how helpful the galvanic isolation of the oscilloscope can be at certain service operations.
18 Channel Oscilloscope
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Cannot monitor an entire system with one scope.1] Albahari, Joseph, and Ben Albahari. C# 5.0 in a Nutshell. 5th ed. Beijing: O'Reilly, 2012. Print.[2] "C# Programming Guide." C# Programming Guide. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ One can determine the parameters of an alternating current circuit with the aid of an oscilloscope without taking into account the sensitivity of the oscilloscope. It is only necessary that it be possible to set a voltage in the circuit being investigated which will
Low cost digital oscilloscope.
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ABSTRACT In this paper a digital oscilloscope implementation is described. An FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is used in order to signal capture, processing and visualization. The goal of this design is provide a cheap and reliable solution to electronics and The experimental arrangement employed was similar to that described in [12] and incorporated a pulse duration measuring system [6]. The diameter of the sample. r was 0.4- 0.5 ram, the number of turns on the measuring coil was 8500, and the rate of change of
Ray Oscilloscope: Block Diagram, Basic Concepts, Vertical amplifier, Time Base, Trigger Delay line and their role in a CRO, Digital storage Oscilloscope,
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UN IT-II Basic PLC Programming and Basic PLC Functions: Programming on/off inputs to produce on/off outputs-PLC input instructions 4 Out puts 4 Operational procedures 4 Contact and coil input/output programming examples-Relation of digital gate logic contact/coil The "0" output pulse (+15 to 0 V, 1.4 msec) from Pin 8 of IC-I is fed to the base of Transistor Switch Ql' Between events, Ql is kept at cutoffby the +15 V from the "0" output from OS-2. This causes
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A 48-channel nanosecond oscilloscope, known as Superscope, was built to obtain scintillation counter information for SLAC experiment E56,A Search for Neutrino-Like Particles. The experiment utilized a detector consisting of four spark chamber modules
Design of Virtual Oscilloscope Using Labview
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ABSTRACT LabVIEW is a Graphical Programming Language that uses inbuilt modules and functions instead of complicated code. We can use a LabVIEW With little knowledge of programming language. We build a user interface with a set of tools and objects.Virtual
Pulse height analyzer oscilloscope display interface
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Petahertz optical oscilloscope
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The time-dependent field of an electromagnetic pulse can be measured if there is a fast enough gate. For terahertz radiation, femtosecond photoinjection of free carriers into a semiconductor in the presence of the terahertz radiation can serve as the gate1. For
A High Speed Multi-Channel Data Recorder to replace oscilloscope data acquisition systems* GJ Lockwood, J. Chang, WF Filter, C. 0. Landron, DJ Huron, BT Neyer,
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Abstract We have developed and tested a photonic high speed analog data recording system that, when compared with conventional oscilloscope-based systems, offers greater economy, higher bandwidth, electrical isolation, and compactness. The basis of this
Design and Performance analysis of PC Based Oscilloscope
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design of the PC based oscilloscope (PCO) with its operation and interfacing technique. This PC scope is capable to connect a computer with a small device via parallel port for voltage signal waveform display and alteration. It detects The basic standards (GOST 8.009-84 and GOST 8.256-77) establish the need for separate static and dynamic specifications for all Mls. These demands have been published as specific lists of MI parameters and values as established by GOST 22261-82, GOST
Digital oscilloscope module with PC interface
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The Master's project done by Fabrizio Lo Conte [10] presents a universal interface for the USB 2.0 bus. Various different modules can be connected to the interface card. The data received over the serial USB bus are converted to a parallel, 16-bit wide bus. The In medical practice the need often arises for visual monitoring of physiological information obtained by instruments of various kinds and attachments to them. In addition, the informative value of certain processes is cons iderably enhanced by simultaneous visual
A Virtual Instrument Oscilloscope for signal measurements
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Abstract:In this paper, we discuss about the LabVIEW based graphical applications for the measurements of signal. A virtual instrument is designed in order to serve the purpose of oscilloscope with a user friendly interface at the front panel. The designed oscilloscope is The grid is held at a negative potential with respect to the cathode and therefore it will repel the electrons. If the grid is made sufficiently negative, the electrons will be prevented from According to [i], the overall error in measuring the amplitude of a rectangular pulse using an oscilloscope is determined by the following components: the error in the deflection coefficient, the nonuniformity of the transfer characteristic, and the visual error, which
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ABSTRACT The main aim of this project is to develop oscilloscope logic with the Arduino interfaced with PC or laptop. In this project we use an Arduino to capture multiple input values and pass them via the USB connection to a host computer running a program that
VLSI Based Implementation of a digital Oscilloscope
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Abstract:In today's fast-paced world, engineers need the best tools available to solve their measurement challenges quickly and accurately. There are many types of oscilloscope available in the market. The main types of oscilloscopes are analog oscilloscope, digital
Book Review: Effectively Using the Oscilloscope
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There are over 160 pages of very helpful information. This is divided into 7 sections which cover audio measurements, impedance, television, logic and semiconductors, all of which are described in an easily understood and practical manner. It gives over 100 ways to
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Digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) are the primary tools used today by digital designers to perform signal integrity measurements such as setup/hold times, rise/fall times, and eye margin tests. High performance oscilloscopes are also widely used in university research GOST 22737-71 and GOST 23601-79 recommend the techniques for calculating the error in pulse duration measurements with cathode-ray tubes (CRT)[i, 2]. The calculations take into account the errors of CRT time interval measurements, the effect of beam width, and the
PCBased Oscilloscope
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Although most people think of an oscilloscope as a selfcontained instrument in a box, a new type of" oscilloscope" is emerging that consists of an external analogtodigital converter (sometimes with its own memory and perhaps even some dataprocessing ability) At a ceremony held in November 1915, Faraday's family presented a substantial collection of his papers to the Institution of Electrical Engineers. In accepting this' exquisite gift'on the Institution's behalf, Silvanus P. Thompson claimed that'it was most fitting that such relics of
Donaldson, PEK A tape recorder for slow potential changes. 39P Donaldson, PEK A miniature battery-driven oscilloscope 40P
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Cine fluorographic studies of eructation in sheep.. 40P Hagins, WA Two fast reactions of rhodopsin 40P Hess, WV. R. Experimental contribution to the dynamics of posture.. The use of electronic commutators with oscilloscopes, as we know, makes it possible to perform both a quantitative and qualitative expansion of the operational and engineering capabilities of existing visual monitoring equipment. However, known devices in this
DL7100 Signal Explorer, a High-Speed Digital Oscilloscope with Long Record Length
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The market of multimedia products, such as telecommunica-tions equipment and optical disks, is in need of high-speed, multi-channel oscilloscopes with long record lengths, in order to capture fast, complex signals. In the market of electromechanical products, such
Novel Asynchronous THz-Bandwidth Optical Sampling Oscilloscope for C-Band Signals
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Abstract: A novel asynchronous optical sampling oscilloscope able to resolve long time intervals with ps resolution and Hz-refresh time is presented. It can be set to visualize eye-
Cost-Effective Traceability for Oscilloscope Calibration
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Abstract The widespread adoption of ISO 9000 has brought an increased awareness of the need for traceable oscilloscope calibration. However, in-depth knowledge of the traceability requirements tended to lie mainly with the oscilloscope manufacturers, rather than The $9-I, $9-57, and other such oscilloscopes are used in examining electrical waveforms. They can also be used to examine any part of a TV raster with high time stability. For this
Time-lens oscilloscope of optical signal packets by nonlinear optics
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Abstract The demand for more bandwidth necessitates an increase in the data-rates of optical telecommunication systems. Continuously new all-optical techniques are developed to measure and process the sent ultrashort pulses with femtosecond accuracy. This thesis
Before You Buy an Oscilloscope
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For anyone doing electronics-as a job, studies or a hobby-the oscilloscope is an indispensable tool. You'll spend a lot of time with your scope, so it's important to get something that does what you need. In this paper, we discuss oscilloscope features and
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Abstract The contribution treats the problem of sampling strategies in digital measurement of periodic signal integral characteristics like the average value (arithmetic mean value and For cross sections with independent values of y (ratio of the frame diameter to the width of the winding clearance measured in the direction of the magnetic field) and z (ratio of the frame diameter to the winding width measured in the direction perpendicular to the Introduction SINOLE-FRAME photography of oscilloscope sweeps requires that the camera shutter be opened before the sweep starts, and closed after it ends. These syn- chronising operations are usually carried out manually, or semi-automatically using the facilities built into
Virtual Oscilloscope: Alternative Instructional Materials For Teaching Electronics At The Technical Colleges, In North East Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria
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Abstract: The Study examined the use of virtual oscilloscope as alternative instructional materials for teaching electronics at the technical colleges in North East geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population for
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Abstract The oscilloscope is the most versatile electronic instrument one can have on ones work table today. It is a very expensive instrument however. I propose a new kind of an oscilloscope. A box of electronics, with a CPLD at its heart and VGA monitor as its visual
Displaying the energy distribution of Airy disk on an oscilloscope
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ABSTRACT The energy distribution of Airy disk includes a lot of useful information of optical systems, through researchers and engineers in the field have developed several kinds of systems to measure the distribution ). More convenient and low cost system is still
Portable Oscilloscope with Wireless by Connectivity
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ABSTRACT This project is designed portable oscilloscope prototype running in Embedded Linux by implementing designed application which consists of oscilloscope features and wireless connectivity. Portable oscilloscope is a useful measuring instrument that capture
Graphical LCD Oscilloscope using ATmega16 Microcontroller
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Abstract This paper describes the new way of designing of Graphical LCD (GLCD) Oscilloscope, which shows the improvement over the existing oscilloscope. Our aim is to implement Graphical LCD (GLCD) which is suitable for the measurement of low frequency
Circuit: the µSCOPE: A poor man's oscilloscope
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Abstract The oscilloscope is still one of the most important measurement tools of the electronic engineer. With the advent of the often very reasonably priced USB scopes, such an instrument is now within reach of everybody. Twentyfive years ago that was quite a Researchers in the field of experimental psychology often require a means of displaying visual stimulito subjectsundercontrolled conditions. Tachistoscopes andslide projectors have traditionally been the principle devices used for this purpose. In recentyears,
Validation of a Touch Screen Interface using an Oscilloscope
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A Touch Screen Interface is examined using chained computational functions on a LeCroy digital oscilloscope. This case study spans 4 functions: the SPI real time decoding, the MessageToValue function, the Trend and the XY plot. This setup is used to develop and Introduction The widely used model C4 oscilloscope recording camera, manufactured by the Grass Instrument Co., meets the requirements of the majority of electro- physiological investigations. A useful feature, for instance, is the adjunction of internal contactors and
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Abstract The phase probes (PPs) are installed in all cyclotrons and beam transport lines of RIBF, and the beam-bunch signals that are detected nondestructively by these PPs are used for tuning of isochronism of cyclotrons and for monitoring the beam phase and beam
Design of an Educational Oscilloscope
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Abstract:Paradoxically, most engineering students do not possess an in-depth knowledge on how an oscilloscope works. Automation is partly to be blamed for this problem. In fact, the existence of the auto scale button has eliminated the hassle of making adjustments, but
Wireless Android Oscilloscope
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Abstract-An oscilloscope, previously called an oscillograph, and informally known as a scope, CRO or DSO is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present the development of existing digital oscilloscope which is used for research and development purpose,. instead of using cathode ray oscilloscope we used PIC18F4550 IC circuit have been successfully realized as complete system. To THE oscilloscope is becoming increasingly important in modern scientific and technical work. However, it is not a trivial task to obtain optimized records of oscilloscope traces. Therefore, we have made an effort to investigate several aspects of the problem of Since it was required to design an oscilloscope whose scanning could betripped by pulses of at least 500 ke repetion frequency and the maximum frequency of the sweep generator did not exceed 50 kc, great attention was paid to developing the synchronizing unit. The
Qscilloscope: A Pc-Based Real Time Oscilloscope
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ABSTRACT The scenery of this paper is to design a PC-based Real Time Oscilloscope, called Qscilloscope. Qscilloscope is capable to connect a computer with a small device via universal serial bus (USB) port for voltage signal waveform display and alteration. It
A Formal Specification of an Oscilloscope
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A modern oscilloscope's software component may consist of more than a megabyte of code providing features such as complex measurements, waveform storage, and control via a local-area network. Its internal architecture typically includes multiple microprocessors
VS-oscilloscope: a new tool to parameterize tree radial
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Abstract It is generally assumed in dendroecological studies that annual tree-ring growth is adequately determined by a linear function of local or regional precipitation and temperature with a set of coefficients that are temporally invariant. However, various researchers have The strain-gauge equipment OT-24-51 has several technical defects which make the adjustment and use of the equipment rather difficult. One of the defects is the use in the balancing unit and the oscilloscope of components with different supply voltages of 24 When measuring the time parameters of signals using oscilloscopes and oscillographic time- interval mea~ suring instruments (OTIM) an additional error occurs because of the width of the beam line, which, in the case of accurate measurements, may exceed~ everalfold the
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Abstract: Vector measurement, that is, the determination of the magnitude and phase of a complex quantity, is usually associated with rather sophisticated measurement equipment. The paper shows that a straightforward and cost-effective implementation can be based
Oscilloscope Waveform Digitizer
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The instrument presented utilizes an oscilloscope, Lelevision camera and control logic to digitize higb speed transient or repetitive waveforms displayed on the CRT of an oscilloscope. It allows visual study of signals which would normally be degraded by tile
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ABSTRACT This documentation is a reflection of the development in a research study involving cardiovascular signal processing done in an international training. It would serve as an introduction to aspiring medical-related hardware developer. This paper, entitled, The amplifier is provided with an overall negative feedback through resistors R2-R 5. Capacitor C 1 equalizes the frequency characteristic for a weak feedback. The capacitors and resistances in the collector-base circuits of the second stage prevent high-frequency
Solid-State Oscilloscope
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To be capable of performing all the measurements needed on a colour television receiver an oscilloscope must be able to provide accurate results from dc up to the sub-carrier frequency of about 4.4 MHz. Experiments with a colour decoder confirmed that an elderly,
A nanosecond sampling oscilloscope
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sampling gate: A device which must be activated by a selector pulse before it will extract information from the input waveform. sampling gate: A device which must be activated by a selector pulse before it will extract information from the input waveform. sampling
Low Cost, Audio Speed Digital Oscilloscope
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Abstract The goal of thetargeted at students, hobbyists, and researchers. The requirements of the oscilloscope were three-fold: 1) cost less than $100, 2) capture frequencies over the range 20Hz–20kHz, and 3) 229 ACCESSORY OLFACTORY BULB NEURONS OF MALE RABBITS RESPOND TO VOMERONASAL STIMULATION WITH FEMALE RABBIT URINE W. Reinhardt and J. Ladewig Experiments were performed on 14 male rabbits, anaesthetized with urethane and fixed into a stereotaxic
A Power-Thrifty Portable Oscilloscope
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FIELD-SERVICE OSCILLOSCOPES must meet requirements that are somewhat different from those of other oscillo scopes. Light weight and portability are obvious require ments but there are others such as provision for rack mounting, a common requisite for production
android Oscilloscope
Wireless Android Oscilloscope
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Abstract-An oscilloscope, previously called an oscillograph, and informally known as a scope, CRO or DSO is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of constantly varying signal voltages, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more