power amplifier IEEE PAPER 2017
3.0-3.6 GHz Wideband, over 46% Average Efficiency GaN DohertyPower Amplifierwith Frequency Dependency Compensating Circuits
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Abstract A wideband GaN Dohertypower amplifier(DPA) for 4G/LTE-Advanced base stations is presented. To break the inherent narrow band limitation of conventional DPA, a frequency dependency compensating circuit and a modified/4 inverter incorporating
A Fully Integrated Dual-Band WLP CMOSPower Amplifierfor 802.11 n WLAN Applications
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Abstract A fully integrated dual-band CMOSpower amplifier(PA) is developed for 802.11 n WLAN applications using wafer-level package (WLP) technology. This paper presents a detailed design for the optimal impedance of dual-band PA (2 GHz/5 GHz PA) output
Wideband Millimeter Wave Test Bed for 60 GHzPower AmplifierDigital Predistortion
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CONCLUSION This new, flexible millimeter wave test system is capable of very wideband signal generation and analysis to researchamplifierDPD at 60 GHz. Key components of the test bed include the M8195A AWG, VDI WR15 compact up-and downconverters, wideband
Balancing Thermal and Electrical Packaging Requirements for GaN Microwave and Millimeter-Wave HighPower AmplifierModules
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Abstract A method for balancing thermal and electrical packaging requirements for gallium nitride (GaN) highpower amplifier(HPA) modules is presented. The goal is to find a design approach that minimizes the junction temperature of the GaN so that it is reliable and has
Asymmetrically-Driven Current-Based Chireix Class-FPower AmplifierDesigned using an Embedding Device Model
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Abstract Model-based nonlinear embedding is applied for the first time to the design of an asymmetrically-driven class-F Chireixpower amplifier(PA). The embedding model of a 15 W GaN HEMT is used to determine the optimum load impedances for the fundamental and
Realization and optimization of a 1 ns pulsewidth multi-stage 250 kW peakpowermonolithic Yb doped fiberamplifierat 1064 nm
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ABSTRACT We present a simple way to achieve and optimize hundreds of kW peakpower pulsed output using a monolithicamplifierchain based on solid core double cladding fiber tightly packaged. A fiber pigtailed current driven diode is used to produce nanosecond
A LowPower , Low NoiseAmplifierfor Recording Neural Signals
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ABSTRACT The design of a lowpower amplifierfor recording EEG signals is presented. The low noise design techniques are used in this design to achieve low input referred noise that is near the theoretical limit of anyamplifierusing a differential pair as input stage. To record
Linear CMOSPower Amplifierfor WiMAX Application
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Abstract CMOSpower amplifieris field of interest of developers now a days due to high demand of mobility requirement with higher data transfer speed. Pas are the mostpower consuming part and main contributor in transceiver chain. Since we have limitedpower
A 6 16 GHz GaN DistributedPower AmplifierMMIC Using Self-bias
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Abstract The self-biasing circuit through a feedback resistor is applied to a gallium nitride (GaN) distributedpower amplifier(PA) monolithic microwave circuit (MMIC). The self-biasing circuit is a useful scheme for biasing depletion-mode compound semiconductor devices with
Review onPower Amplifierfor WSN Applications
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Abstract- Power amplifieris one of the important parts of transceiver. The main important parameter forpower amplifieris outputpowerandpoweradded efficiency (PAE). There are various technologies used forpoweramplifiers designing such as CMOS, p HEMT GaAs,
Design of out phasingPower AmplifierBased on LDMOS
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Abstract The intention of this work was to design apower amplifierat 400-900MHz based on LDMOS (Lateral Double diffused MOS) technology and to analyze the behavior of the design considering memory effects and nonlinear distortions. The MRF6V3090N and two
High Efficiency HighPowerResonant CavityAmplifierfor Accelerator Applications
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Abstract Diversified Technologies, Inc.(DTI) designed and built a unique integrated resonant cavity combined (SSA) for particle accelerator applications, initially focused on Fermilabs Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II). DTIs Phase I SBIR prototype demonstrated highpower
Optimization and Linearization of thePower Amplifier
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ABSTRACT Thepower amplifieris an important part of mobile communication, thus it should give ideal linear and amplified output but due to noise and internal memory effect, it generates non linear output. It is observed that filtering doesnt eliminate all the
E-band 1 W-class GaAs PHEMTPower AmplifierMMIC
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E-band wireless communication systems are expected to be increasingly used for fiber extension in fixed networks in order to support internet data transmission increased by the introduction of the third and fourth generation (3G/4G) of wireless mobile
Digitally Controlled MicrowavePower AmplifierDesign Techniques for Wireless Communications
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Current cell phone handsets use many communication standards, which are part of the evolution of wireless communication technology. 2G communication was focused on voice only. The newer generation standards like WCDMA and LTE focus on high-speed wireless
Development of HighPowerRFAmplifierSystem for the KBSI RFQ
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Abstract KBSI (Korean Basic Science Institute) has developed a compact accelerator system for generation of fast neutron by lithium beam of 2.7 MeV/u. The facility consists of 28 GHz SC-ECR ion source, LEBT, RFQ and DTL. The developed RFQ accelerator provides lithium
Linearization ofPower Amplifierusing the Modified Feed Forward Method
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Abstract-A modified circuit for improving linearization ofpower amplifierbased on the model of the Feed Forward circuitamplifieris proposed. With the help of mathematical model for the singlepower amplifier , the circuit is simulated and a demonstrator is fabricated and
Analysis of Gain Characteristic of Erbium Doped FiberAmplifier(EDFA) with PumpPowerand Fiber Length
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Abstract In this study our main objective is to design new configuration of EDFA (Erbium Doped FiberAmplifier ) to obtain higher gain characteristics in conventional band in terms of pumppowerand fiber length using optic system. The pumppoweris set at 980nm. The
Design and Characterisation of LowPowerFolded-Cascode OperationalAmplifier
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ABSTRACT: The trend towards low voltage lowpowersilicon chip systems has been growing rapidly due to the increasing demand of smaller size and longer battery life for portable applications in all marketing segments including telecommunications, medical,
A Low- PowerHigh-Gain Low NoiseAmplifierFor Wake-Up Receivers
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The recent researches are focus on the ultra-lowpowersystem like bio-medical device and IoT/IoE devices. In this case, the Wake-Up Receiver (WuRx) is absolutely necessary to make connections between devices with ultra-lowpowerconsumption. In the WuRx, the most
LowPowerReduction Techniques In Current SenseAmplifierin SRAM Cell
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Abstract In present paper, the different type of lowpowerreduction techniques has been performed by implementing in current senseamplifier6-T SRAM cell. The lowpower reduction techniques have been realized in 6-T SRAM sense amplifiers using the 90-nm 1-V
Design and Simulation of 15 WPower Amplifierfor 2.4 GHz Applications
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and simulation ofPower Amplifier(PA) at 2.4 GHz for applications. CREE CGH27015F GaN HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) is used for the design. The designedpower amplifierexhibits a gain more than 10dB and input
Design and Analysis of Solid StatePower Amplifierat High Frequency Band
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Abstract This paper describes the operation, parameters, merits and demerits of thepower amplifier . Steps for design procedure of thepower amplifierhave been described. Along with that importance of matching and its methods has been described. Different approaches
Digital Predistortion ofPower Amplifierusing Quadratic Rotation Method
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Abstract In this paper, the task of design and implementation of digital pre-distortion technique has been divided into two parts. The behavioural model ofpower amplifierhas been developed and digital predistorters module has been developed. AM-AM
30-512 MHz HybridPower AmplifierDesign Using GaN transistor
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, using a GaN transistor, a class AB single-endedpower amplifier with 30-512 MHz frequency band and 100 W saturated outputpowerhas been designed and implemented. An electromagnetic and a thermal CAD by CST have been employed to
Class-F RFPower Amplifierwith a New Load Network Configuration
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Abstract High efficiency RFpoweramplifiers are increasingly employed in modern mobile communication systems to reduce battery size andpowersupply consumption. Class-F RF poweramplifiers offer improved efficiency over conventional class-Bpoweramplifiers by
Nonlinearities inPower Amplifierand its Remedies
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Abstract Linearity performance has become a important parameter as it affectspower efficiency, channel density, signal strength, and adjacent channelpowerratio. To maintain high efficiency, PAs should be operated at their output saturation regions but this could not
ETpower amplifierefficiency modeling and performance evaluation
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Abstract Energy consumption of next generation radio access network is posing a deep impact on CO2 emission and network operating cost. In a macro site, radio equipment dominates thepowerconsumption. Specifically, thepoweramplifiers consume 70% of the
Design of LowPower Amplifierfor Neural Recording Applications using Inversion Coefficient Methodology
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Abstract: Preamplifier block is the preliminary stage of Analog Front-End (AFE) design in implantable neural recoding system. Preamplifier is the crucial block, which determines the overall performance of the neural recording system. The key design parameters of neural
Development of an AudioPower Amplifierfor the Management of Speaking Activities
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AbstractThis study developed and evaluated the performance of a method of reducing the quiescent energy consumption in conventional class AB audiopoweramplifiers, which are commonly used in public address systems.The structure of a conventional class AB audiopower amplifier
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LowPowerWideband NoiseAmplifierfor 1GHz to 10GHz Wireless Application
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ABSTRACT- A lowpowerwideband noiseamplifier(LNA) for 1GHz to 10GHz wireless has presented for wireless application in this dissertation work. Lowpowerwideband noise amplifieris design by using resistive shunt feedback, current reuse, gain flatting techniques,
Design of high gain LowPowerOperationalAmplifier
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Abstract In this paper we are going to design a two stage CMOS operationalamplifierand to analyses its behavior by performing AC analysis using tsmc 130nm technology of mentor graphics tool. Generally Op-Amp is an electronic device that produces high gain which is
Ultra-LowPowerReflectionAmplifierusing Tunnel Diode for RFID applications
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Abstract To increase backscatter efficiency and communication range in RFID systems, we propose an ultra-lowpowerreflectionamplifierusing a tunnel diode. We measured the input impedance of a tunnel diode and used a compact matching circuit to provide the desired CSE PROJECTS