parallel computing research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
Development of a reduced-order design/optimization tool for automotive engines using massively parallel computing
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Abstract Design and optimization of automotive engines present unique challenges on account of the large design space and conflicting constraints. A notable example of such a problem is optimizing the fuel consumption and reducing emissions over the drive cycle of
Parallel implementation of K-Means clustering algorithm based on mapReduce computing model of hadoop
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DATA CLUSTERING, K-MEANS CLUSTERING ALGORITHM, MAPREDUCE, PARALLELCOMPUTING There need distributed computing technology to achieve large-scale parallel computing.
Comparison of Sequential Methods for Getting Separations of Parallel Logic Control Algorithms Using Volunteer Computing
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As tools for parallelcomputing technical capabilities of the volunteer distributed computing platform BOINC [30] have been used, which has been successfully used in several projects, including the Russian projects SAT@Home, Optima@Home and NetMax@Home [33, 34, 35].
Towards Teaching Embedded Parallel Computing: An Analytical Approach
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Abstract:Embedded electronic systems are finding increased applications in our daily life. In order to meet the application demands in embedded systems, parallel computing is used. This paper emphasizes teaching of the specific issues of parallel computing that are
The Evolution of the Computing Time in the simulation of Mimbot-Biped Robot using Parallel Algorithms
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IV. Parallel Programming, Implementation As stated in reference [15], parallelcomputing refers to the process of appoint multiple hardware assets (cores or processors) to simultaneously execute multiple sequences of instructions or multiple instances of data.
Resource Management in Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Environments with Soft and Hard Deadlines
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Abstract Heuristic-based approaches are often used to perform the assignment and scheduling of parallel high-performance computing applications on machines (as it is an NP- hard problem). The timevarying importance of tasks has been represented using
Multi-GPU Parallel Computing and Task Scheduling under Virtualization
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Abstract General Purpose Graphics Units (GPGPUS) have seen a tremendous rise in scientific computing application. To fully utilize the powerful parallel computing ability of GPU, and combine the isolation characteristic of virtualization, a GPU virtualization
A Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Subset Sum Problem based on Parallel Computing
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Abstract: The subset sum problem is to find subsets in a given number set, meanwhile number sum of the subset is equal to appointed value. It is a classical NP-complete problem in graph theory. It can be solved by the electronic computer in exponential time. In this
Cloud Computing Environments Parallel Data Mining Policy Research
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organized to handle large amounts of data. Knowledge mining parallelcomputing clusters with large data sets can raise the quality of the analysis can also improve performance. Therefore, high-performance parallel data mining
Research on Parallel Algorithm Based On Hadoop Distributed Computing Platform
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This paper improves the traditional decision tree SPRINT algorithms, proposes a parallel computing program and successfully applies to the Hadoop platform. Keywords: data mining, 3G network, parallelcomputing, cloud computing, Hadoop platform 1. Introduction
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ABSTRACT In this paper we describe paradigms for building and designing parallel computing machines. Firstly we elaborate the uniqueness of MIMD model for the execution of diverse applications. Then we compare the General Purpose Architecture of Parallel
Improved algorithm for DNA Sequence Alignment using Parallel computing
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Abstract Alignment is the most basic component of biological sequence manipulation and has diverse applications in sequence assembly, sequence annotation, structural and functional predictions for genes and proteins, phylogeny and evolutionary analysis.
Parallel Computing with DNA
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Abstract In this thesis we present a DNA strand displacement binary division algorithm for a dividend a and a divisor b based on the Domain Replacement Model introduced in [1] that uses O (log (a)· log (b)- log (b) 2)) rules. Further we introduce two adapted divisibility
From Variability-Tolerance to Approximate Computing in Parallel Computing Architectures
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Page 1. From Variability-Tolerance to Approximate Computing in ParallelComputing Architectures Abbas Rahimi Microelectronic Embedded Systems Laboratory July 22, 2015 Page 2. Ever-Increasing Variability in Semiconductor 1 Technology Generation (nm) Performance
Parallel Optimization of String Mode Matching Algorithm Based on Multi Core Computing
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ABSTRACT String mode matching is a classical computer research question and one of many key technologies in the network security system. With the hardware technology and network technology development in information age. Big data processing and application
A Bibliography of Publications in Parallel Computing
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(k) [HRR08a]. () [Kam87]. (r8, n1/2, s1/2) [Hoc85b]. (r8,n1/2) [Tem89]. 0 [LLW+15]. 0/1 [CJ92, MS99b]. 1 [LLW+15, Tak03, Ume01, YL86]. 2 [AW13, BSE88, BAS13, Cap88, DZD01, EY86, Lee97, Mar92, MM96b, RVGG01, TT00, WSR14, YL86]. 2, 576, 980, 370, 000
A Parallel Computational Model Based on Mobile Agents for High Performance Computing
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Due to the huge volume of data to be processed and to the large amount of computations needed to solve a given problem, the basic idea of the parallelcomputing is to split tasks and data so that one can easily perform their corresponding algorithms concurrently on different
Parallel Decision Tree Algorithm Based on Granular Computing
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Finding N Prime Numbers Using Distrusted Computing PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)
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[3] PVM Parallel Virtual Machine: A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Network ParallelComputing, the MIT Press (November 8, 1994). [4] GIMP – The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.[6] Jordan, HF, Jordan, HE Fundamentals of ParallelComputing, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Load Balancing Dynamically in Distributed and Parallel Computing System with Process Execution Time
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Abstract To improve distributed and parallel system performance the load balancing techniques are extensively using that is a process of redistribution of work load among multiple servers in distributed computer systems. In recent research and literature, various
LITERATURE REVIEW: Parallel Computing Approach of the Reverse-Delete Algorithm for finding Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree and Minimum Spanning
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The world of computing lead people to the thinking of optimizing all the solutions, ie finding the best solution to a problem from the set of all feasible solutions. Many such problems require lots of processing time and power especially with problems consisting of
An Approach to Efficiently Calculating Dodgson-Scores Using Heuristics and Parallel Computing
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Abstract The objective of this thesis will be to measure the practical limits of algorithms computing the exact Dodgson scores from a number of votes. While the problem itself is theoretically intractable, this work will feature five different solution which try different
An Survey to Parallel Embedded Computing
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and finally we will study a very good example that I found in 2014 papers of 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), August 2014. I hope this article will help you to have a better vision of parallelcomputing and embedded systems. 3
Computing and Finding a Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree in parallel
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Page 1. Computing and Finding a Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree in parallel On the other hand there are lots of papers about finding the minimum spanning trees in a parallelcomputing systems with different architectures.