pervasive-computing IEEE PAPER 2017
andPervasive ComputingSystems
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The Course aims to establish systematic training of students on the design and development of Pervasive and Mobile Computing systems. It builds upon students prior knowledge of Computer Science and Telecommunications and expands on issues such Software System
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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Reliable human activity recognition with wearable devices enables the development of human-centricpervasiveapplications. We aim to develop a robust wearable-based activity recognition system for real life situations where the device position is up to the user or where
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) has several benefits over traditional endoscopy such as its portability and ease of usage, particularly for remote internet of things (IoT)-assisted healthcare services. During the WCE procedure, a significant amount of redundant video
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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Pervasiveand MobileComputing40 (2017) 1 16 Contents lists available at locate/pmc A hierarchical model for recognizing alarming states in a batteryless sensor
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Vision: Technology has the power to adapt to the limitations of human perceptions. With high speed and time-lapse photography, we can appreciate and understand processes not visible to human eye (as either happening too fast or too slowly); with the creation of
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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The trend in mobile networks used to support healthcare services was recognized by the World Health Organization in 2011 [1], where they defined the concept of mHealth as the communication or consultation between health professionals about patients using the voice,
From Green, Mobile,PervasiveNetworking to Big DataComputing
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Abstract The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of tactical coalition networks poses several challenges to common network management tasks, due to the lack of complete and accurate network information. We consider the problem of redeploying services in mobile tactical
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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Fast track article A game-theoretic and stochastic survivability mechanismElsevier BV All rights
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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The visual lifelogging activity enables a user, the lifelogger, to passively capture images from a first-person perspective and ultimately create a visual diary encoding every possible aspect of her life with unprecedented details. In recent years, it has gained popularities among different
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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The analysis of individuals current life stages is a powerful approach for identifying und understanding patterns of human behavior. Different stages imply different preferences and consumer demands. Thus, life stages play an important role in marketing, economics, and
Pervasiveand MobileComputing
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PervasiveContext-AwareComputingSurvey of Context-aware ubiquitious middleware systems
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AbstractPervasive computingis promising emerging endeavor which focuses on the capability for users to perform daily computer activities unobtrusively.Pervasive computing solutions are broad to encompass variety of technologies and real life applications. It
A Secure Versatile Context Aware Framework forPervasive ComputingEnvironment
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AbstractPervasive computing[1] imagines consistent seemless and diversion free application bolster for everyday user tasks. Accomplishing this requires a high level of computerization. In numerous situations, the reason for sensorization is setting data that can Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTiCS) delivers high-quality instructional content for undergraduates studying in all areas of computing and information science. From core foundational and theoretical material to final-year topics and applications, UTiCS books
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Localization Algorithm forPervasive Computing
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Abstract Protecting location privacy of mobile systems is important for various location based services inpervasive computingscenarios. How to quickly compute the target users location without knowing each anchor users location has drawn much attention. Under the CSE PROJECTS