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Issue 2 | 2020. Quantum Computing and Cryptography. Quantum computers can be highly beneficial to scientific developments due to the new,.
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by G Brassard 1998 50 Quantum computation is the extension of classical computa- tion to the processing of quantum information, using quantum systems such as individual atoms,
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Quantum information science and quantum computing Quantum computers exploit the quantum phenomenon of superposition, the ability for quantum systems
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Areas of cyber security, such as asymmetric encryption, will be dramatically impacted by the proliferation of quantum computers . For example, forensic analysts
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Scientists have already built basic quantum computers that can perform certain calculations; but a practical quantum computer is still years away. In this chapter,.
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But, as we shall see, this is a polynomial time problem for a quantum computer ! From periods to factors: Suppose p = 2r is even. Then x2r − 1=(xr − 1)(xr
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