Radio frequency is the oscillation rate of an alternating electric current or voltage or of a magnetic, electric or electromagnetic field or mechanical system in the frequency range from around 20 kHz to around 300 GHz Radio frequencies are used in communication devices such as transmitters, receivers, computers, televisions, and mobile phones, to name a few. Radio frequencies are also applied in carrier current systems including telephony and control circuits.
Radio FrequencyBased Implantable Glucose Biosensor
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The module is radio frequency based and consists of two major components: (1) an frequency electromagnetic wave through a coil. This wave is commonly termed radio frequency (RF),
Influence of Co Transplantation SnO2 Nano Film on the Structural and Optical Properties Using Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
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In this research, investigated characterization of pure and Cobalt doped Tin dioxide SnO2: Co with 5 and 7 wt% fabricated using radio frequency magnetron sputtering method
Radiofrequency Ablation of Umbilical Cord for Reduction of Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence: A Case Series and a Literature Review
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For fetal reduction in complicated monochorionic twin pregnancies, RFA leads to thermal injury to tissues using high- frequency radio waves, applied to the umbilical cord of an for particle acceleration is the radio frequency (RF) standing- fields, oscillating at the RF frequency . When a particle passes A low-level radio frequency (LLRF) system, which is the main
Essential Elements for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) adoption for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing in Context of Technology-Organization-Environment
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To optimize production efficiency, the incorporation of automated data collection technologies such as Bar Code and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is essential. Both theseMany companies advanced their tracking systems from traditional barcode to radio frequency identification (RFID) tags because of the simultaneous multiple sensing capabilities . But
Risk factors for recurrence beyond Milan criteria after radiofrequency ablation in transplantable small hepatocellular carcinoma
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This study aims to determine the risk factors of recurrence beyond Milan criteria in patients with transplantable early hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after the first Radiofrequency
Developing Hybrid Car to Car Communication System Based on MIMO Visible Light and Radio Frequency
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This paper combines the advantages of both VLC communication and RF communication for car-to-car applications to achieve a higher data rate, more range coverage, smaller delay,
Silver Nanofunctionalized Stent after Radiofrequency Ablation Suppresses Tissue Hyperplasia and Bacterial Growth. Pharmaceutics 202 1 412
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RF ablation generates high- frequency alternating self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) placement immediately after radiofrequency (RF) ablation in a rabbit extrahepatic common bile
Redox Signaling Induced Laminin Receptor RPSA Mediates Cell Adhesion Following Radiofrequency Glow Discharge Treatments
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In this study, we examined the molecular mechanisms of Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Treatments (RFGDT) in mediating disinfection of biomaterial surfaces and concurrently
Radiofrequency dielectric properties of standard liquids: water, methanol and ethanol
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in the frequency range between 10 MHz and 3.0 GHz. We also developed and utilized a MATLAB software to simulate electromagnetic waves propagation in the radiofrequency range
A Review of Cognitive Radio (CR) Technology Application, Prospect and Challenges
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Cognitive radio (CR) technology has great potential to alleviate spectrum scarcity in of cognitive radio technology applications, prospects, and challenges with focus on radio frequency (the obtained radio frequency power link balance allows the and using a Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyzer and on the works in a frequency band instead of single frequency which
10 RadiofrequencyAssisted Liposuction for Body Contouring
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10.5 These diagrams are an analogy for tissue response to higher energy settings (70 W and 38 42C) used in previous studies with the radio frequencyassisted liposuction (RFAL)
Do radiofrequency and TACE influence HCC patients quality of life and laboratory parameters
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Background: the aim of this study to assess the effect of radiofrequency and TACE on laboratory profile and quality of life on patient with HCC. Material and Methods : 99 patient
Erratum to: Effects of Pulsed Radiofrequency with Different Temperature on Model Rats of Chronic Constriction Injury
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In the original publication of this article, there was an error in the corresponding author s last name. This should read: Cehua Ou instead of Cehua Qu . This error is now corrected
Paper Title: Radio Network Automation for Operational Testing. A Practical Resource for Radio Network Planning
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She has experience with Nextel, Sprint, and Shentel using various Samsung, Ericsson, Lucent and iDEN radio systems. She specializes in Radio Frequency engineering with a strong
Investigation of the D, E, F Ionospheric Regions in Radio Communication-A Review of The Phenomenon
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If the radio frequency is not too high, the pulses sent by the ionosonde are reflected back towards the ground. Echoes appear first where X and Y are normalized plasma systems towards high working frequency the frequency downconversion is also radio frequency selfinterference cancellation and harmonic down-conversion for in-band fullduplex radio
WODEN: A CUDA-enabled package to simulate low- frequency radio interferometric data
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WODEN is designed to simulate the response of a class of telescope known as an interferometer, producing output visibilities for a given astrophysical sky model. Simulated
The first deep-learning search for radio technosignatures from 820 nearby stars
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Doppler drifting radio signals. The principal challenge in conducting SETI in the radio domain is developing a generalized technique to reject human radio frequency interference (RFI)
The LOFAR two-metre sky survey deep fields: The mass dependence of the far-infrared radio correlation at 150MHz using
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regions of parameter space of radio frequency (150MHz), radio luminosity relation at 150MHz and results from radio FIRC and at lower frequency than the COSMOS observations.
Improving the Performance of HF Radio Networks in Presence of Interference: Frequency Hopping Automatic Link Establishment
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algorithm based on frequency hopping methods is presented, which increases the efficiency of the system in weak channel conditions. Usually, in frequency hopping based systems,
Radio resource allocation for multi‐antenna gateway stations of diverse NGSO constellation networks
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the co- frequency interference between constellations is In this paper, the allocation of radio resources, including power Assessment and analysis of radio frequency compatibilityintelligent radio 6G will exploit the full potential of radio signals. [ The proper use of radio frequency spectrum is of prime with a variety of different radio frequency standards, as well as
Evaluation of Pain Relief After Neurotomy in Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis
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Comparative evaluation of monopolar and bipolar radio frequency ablation of genicular nerves in chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Indian Jornal Of Anesthesia. 2018;62:876880. Radiofrequency is a novel surgical modality employing a temperature energy source of 4.0 MHz high- frequency radio waves. It is a completely different modality from electrocautery and
Radio Etiquette
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All permitted ambulance providers must maintain applicable frequency use agreements County Radio Frequency Annex. EMS providers that need or require additional frequency
Designing an optical frequency comb generator for visible light communication applications.
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A novel scheme of OFCG presented in this work for visible light communication application based on amplitude modulation, radio frequency (RF) signal, phase shift and two Mach-
Terahertz transistors based on aligned carbon nanotube arrays
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radio frequency circuits with great potential and advantage of constructing radio frequency / nanotube array materials suitable for radio frequency applications through improved self-The Main driver for the deployment of TVWS is the characteristic radio wave in the UHF TV band, and its ability to penetrate deep inside buildings. Some of the promising applications
System equivalent flux density of a low- frequency polarimetric phased array interferometer
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The interquartile range divided by 1.35 was used as a robust estimator of standard deviation, which is more robust against outlier data points due to radio frequency interference (RFI) or
Demo Abstract: Technology-agnostic Approach to RF based Human Activity Recognition
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Various radio frequency (RF) sensing technologies, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), WiFi, and RF radar, have been utilized for developing non-invasive HAR systems.
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The switch can be used to handle two frequency signals to/from two radio frequency (RF) coils. In this article, a 1H/31P atomic nuclei are excited. The two MSLs on the upper face of the
Radio Signal Pathloss Expressions-Modified Bloch Equations the Finite Gradient Pulse Effect
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In PGSTE pulse sequence, the magnetization is transferred to the Z direction by the second radio frequency (RF) pulse to eliminate the T2 relaxation effect, which has the advantage
Radio Over Fiber System for A Four-Store Hospital Building
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Radio frequency (RF) transfer over analogue intensity-modulated direct detection optical fibre lines has long been associated with RoF, which has been justified by cost savings .
Artificial Magnetic Conductor Surface for AM Radio Broadcast Applications
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The AM radio service uses different modes of propagation for different frequency bands. The But, the low frequency of signal makes the structures too huge to utilize the usual Printed- where f is the operating frequency equal to the IF frequency of In a frequency domain chipless RFID reader, the IF frequency is active components, radio frequency identification systems,
Numerical investigation of the performance of AlGaN/GaN/BGaN double-gate double-channel high electron mobility transistor
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(DC) behavior and the radio frequency (RF) performance of cutoff frequency (94 GHz) and a maximum oscillation frequency ( for high frequency and high-power microwave applications.
Over-the-Air Performance Testing of 5G New Radio User Equipment: Standardization and Challenges
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is performed without radio frequency (RF) cable connection to the device the radio heads combine the functions of frequency conversion and power amplification. The addition of radio
Door Access Control Using RFID and Voice Recognition System
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/office using voice recognition and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) authentication an office/location using Radio Frequency Identification and voice recognition authentication,
Assessing the effect of selenium on cyclin D1 level and nuclear factor kappa b activity in NIH/3T3 fibroblast cells at 2100 MHz electromagnetic field exposure
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%[trypan blue], cell cycle biomarker [cyclin D1] and the transcription factor [nuclear factor kappa b (NF-κB)] in NIH/3T3 broblast cells exposed to 2100 MHz mobile phone frequency .
Study of Diurnal Flunctuation of FM Signal Strength by a Broadcasting Transmitter: Case Study on Unilag 103.1
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the channel as the radio frequency travels through the D layer. The signal strength of the radio frequency waves is stronger at night than at daytime. The radio frequency wave reacts
LOS Signal Path Loss at a Frequency of 10.6 GHz During Rain Harmattan in Lagos, Nigeria
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Multiple paths can result in disruptions, especially for radio link operating in the lower frequency bands (less than 18GHz) over longer path lengths (greater than 20Km). Disruption can radio network to efficiently utilize the unused radio frequency band. In cognitive radio networks, each cognitive radio ) diversity techniques at each cognitive radio user, and it is proved
Demo Abstract: Environment-adaptive 3D Human Pose Tracking with RFID
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Radio Frequency (RF) based approaches have been proposed to address the privacy issue, but they also suffer from poor generalization when applying a trained system to different
Evidence-Based Approach to Vaginal Energy-Based Devices
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Objectives Outline biophysics of vaginal energy-based devices Contrast laser and radiofrequency mechanisms of action List evidence for fractionated laser and radiofrequency
The comparison of OpenCV library algorithms for tracking movements of liver tumors in ultrasound video.
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Movements of the neoplasms caused by the patient`s breath interfere with the positioning of the instruments during the process of biopsy and radio frequency ablation. The main
900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields Induce Microbiota Dysbiosis and Adaptive Immune System Disorders in Juvenile Rats
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The most common technology-related EMFs include extremely low frequency (ELF) elds ( 60 Hz) and radiofrequency (RF) elds (100 kHz 300 GHz). ELF elds are generated from
Inter-Satellite Optical Communications Using Photonic Antennas
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perform with radio frequency technology under the strict Size, Mass and Power (SMaP) constraints of small satellites. Transmitting data using the optical spectrum can permit higher data
Effects of exposure to different plasmas on work function and surface chemistry in niobium
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in turn leads to an increase in stable accelerating gradient for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities such as those in use in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL .
CCount: Correlating RFID and Camera Data for High Precision Indoor Tracking
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( Radio Frequency Identification) tags. In an experimental proof-of-concept, people walked in a controlled environment to show the effectiveness of this method in real scenarios. Results
The eureco EM-bridge technology and its applications
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panels and provides ultra-low loss radio frequency connectivity, whilst avoiding metal-to- ), which can be a major issue in radio communication systems. We are well placed to deliver
Development of a Low-Cost Ground Segment Capable of Receiving Data from Nanosatellites: a Partnership between Brazil and Portugal
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Defined Radio ), leaving the door open to new integrations that can expand frequency coverage The design supports a wide variety of missions, operating on amateur radio frequency in
Examining Wireless Networks Encryption by Simulation of Attacks
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A WLAN uses radio waves to communicate. As a result, all network users in the first and second layers would be exposed to radio frequency listening, which is one of the most
Design of a 120 220 GHz Fourth-Harmonic Mixer
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Moreover, a two-level hammer-head configuration is adopted at the LO LPF to block the 120 220 GHz radio frequency (RF) signal. Finally, a 120 220 GHz fourth-harmonic mixer is
Approximate Message Passing (AMP) Algorithm for Optimal Data Detection in Massive MIMO
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The complexity of the symbol detectors in an M-MIMO uplink receiver developed significantly due to the huge number of antennas and radio frequency (RF) chains. The task is to
Development and evaluation of wireless turning indicator for agricultural tractor-trailer system to ensure road safety
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The system consists of a safe wireless radio frequency module, transmitter circuit, receiver circuit, and lighting system. The braking system was provided with a stoplight at the rear of the
Reconfigurable Pattern Patch Antenna for Mid-Band 5G: A Review
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Radio frequency bands. They represent the key of antenna technology for materializing a high rate transmission, increased spectral and energy efficiency, reduced interference, and
Ultrasound-guided interventions in rheumatology
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frequency techniques are indicated when the result obtained Radio frequency ablation of genicular nerves with US is Explaining the radio frequency lesioning techniques is going
radio frequency IEEE PAPER 2021
Fourier domain excision of periodic radio frequency interference
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The discovery and study of pulsars and fast radio bursts (FRBs) in time-domain radio data is often hampered by radio frequency interference (RFI). Some of this terrestrial RFI is impulsive and bright, and relatively easy to identify and remove. Other anthropogenic
A mobility‐aware cluster‐based MAC protocol for radio ‐ frequency energy harvesting cognitive wireless sensor networks
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Cognitive wireless sensor networks (CWSN) are severely energy constrained and radio frequency (RF) wireless energy harvesting (RFWEH) has been shown to improve the network lifetime. In many CWSN applications, node mobility imposes challenges owing to
Morphological and cytophysiological changes in selected lines of normal and cancer human cells under the influence of a radio frequency electromagnetic field
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Introduction. Currently, mobile phones and Wi-Fi are the most commonly used forms of telecommunication. The popularity of mobile telecommunications has made it necessary to investigate the problem more comprehensively and cautiously assess the possible risks
Microwave and radio frequency fractional differentiation with a 49GHz Kerr soliton crystal microcomb source
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We report a photonic radio frequency (RF) fractional differentiator based on an integrated Kerr micro-comb source. The micro-comb source has a free spectral range (FSR) of 49 GHz, generating a large number of comb lines that serve as a high-performance multi-wavelength This study proposes a method to achieve stable confinement and efficient sympathetic cooling of a mixed ion system in dual radiofrequency (RF) traps by numerical simulations. The dynamic coupling behavior, sympathetic cooling mechanism, and efficiency-affecting
Radio frequency identification based smart parking system using Internet of Things
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The ideas of shrewd urban communities have consistently been a fantasy. There have been headways produced using the recent years to make a shrewd city dream to reality with the advancement of innovation, smart gadgets are getting increasingly normal in regular daily
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The trend to overcome wireless interference emerged in techniques like frequency agility, hopping, dual band technologies etc. However, these techniques suppress inter-operability of wireless technologies operating at the same frequency like Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, Z
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The study measured RF energy towards the design, optimization, and development of an efficient RF energy harvesting system in Katsina State, Nigeria. An SRM-3006 22 (Selective Radiation Meter), frequency selective measuring system was used for the environmental
5 THz bandwidth photonic radio frequency spectrum analyzer based on a CMOS-compatible high-index doped silica waveguide
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We report an all-optical radio frequency (RF) spectrum analyzer with a bandwidth greater than 5 terahertz (THz), based on a 50-cm long spiral waveguide in a CMOS-compatible high- index doped silica platform. By carefully mapping out the dispersion pro le of the
Literature review and technology readiness assessment of ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification to Canadian livestock applications
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The goal of this document is to perform a literature driven technology readiness assessment of ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for use in Canadian livestock identity and traceability settings. A comprehensive search and screening
Processed Radio Frequency towards Pancreas Enhancing the Deadly Diabetes Worldwide
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Diabetes is a chronic and debilitating disease, which is associated with a range of complications putting tremendous burden on medical, economic and socio-technological infrastructure globally. Yet the higher authorities of health services are facing the
Designing Positioning Coordinates of Powered Wheelchairs with Radio Frequency Identification
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We combine radio frequency identification (RFID) and the Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) to develop a positioning and warning system for powered wheelchairs rented for activities within a specific area. First, we begin with the use of Arduino to drive
Design and Development Of Lecturer Attendance System Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
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Lecturer attendance record is required by the university to know the presence of lecturers in teaching in class. In general condition, lecturer attendance is recorded on the attendance sheet, or input to web application accessed on a class computer. However, there are some
Development and Characterization of Nb3Sn/Al2O3 Superconducting Multilayers for High-performance Radio Frequency Applications
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For decades, Nb has been the material of choice for the radio frequency superconducting (SRF) resonators for high-energy particle accelerators. Technological advances have resulted in the development of Nb cavities which can exhibit extremely high quality factors
Superconducting wide-band BRF for Geodetic VLBI Ob-servation with VGOS Radio Telescope to prevent radio frequency interference
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The Toshiba Group has developed wideband (1-14GHz) multi-band (hex-band) BRF using high-temperature superconductor (HTS). The VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) specifications require wide-band operation of the receiver from 2 to 14 GHz. And in the LS
A Mutual Information Based Infrastructureless Radio Frequency Positioning System via Deep Learning
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We proposed a novel, scalable, spatial positioning solution based on existing radio frequency (RF) signals and available infrastructure by harvesting information from the signals, distilling the readings to get the mutual information gain of each perceived RF
Course Outline (W2021) ELE804: Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems
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This course deals with design of CMOS circuits for wireless communications. The theoretical component consists of: introduction to wireless communications, modulation schemes for wireless communications, characterization of RF circuits, architecture of RF transceivers
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Solar powered water system are winding up progressively across the board. In any case, the underlying setup expenses of these frameworks are high. To decrease these costs, both the vitality utilization and the anticipation of misfortunes from water system frameworks areIn this work, a modelling approach of complete RF-MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical-Systems for radio frequency ) passives is discussed. The methodology takes into account both the non- linear electromechanical and the RF behaviour, and is suitable for being implemented and
The Effectiveness of 448 kHz Capacitive Resistive Monopoles Radio Frequency in Acute Ankle Sprain: A Case Report. J Altern Complement Integr Med 7: 141
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The aim of the present report was to find out the effect of 448 kHz Capacitive Resistive Monopolar Radiofrequency (CRMRF) in acute ankle sprain. A patient with right unilateral acute ankle sprain participated in the present case study. The patient followed a course of
Toward 6G communication networks: Terahertz frequency challenges and open research issues
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terahertz [THz]) to perform optimally. Based on the current radio frequency allocation chart, it is not possible to obtain such a wide contiguous radio spectrum below 90 GHz (0.09 THz). Interestingly, these con- tiguous blocks
Methods of Signal Detection and Recognition in Cognitive Radio Networks
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As a consequence, all considered in the paper procedures be employed by the local frequency control authorities to monitor radio frequency resource utilization UCRF: Register of radio frequency assignments (centralized assignments) 18
Outage Probability Analysis to Address Interference Vulnerabilities in Digital Mobile Radio Networks
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realistic DMR deployment scenario. Then, a model of the radio frequency interference is developed in a Rayleigh fading channel model where interferers are distributed according to a Poisson point process. The model takes
Construction plan of a radio telescope at the National Observatory on Mount Timau, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia
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Current status of development of 3.8 m optical telescope at Timau A plan for radio Telescope Development Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Measurement at Timau Strategic and Future Plan Page 4 Page 9. Radio Frequency Interference measurement at Mt. Timau
The Pulsar Signal Simulator: A Python package for simulating radio signal data from pulsars
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et al., 1968). Today, most radio frequency observatories include dedicated equipment for observations of pulsars, eg, Roshi et al. (2019), Lynch et al. (2019), Stairs et al. (2019), Bailes et al. (2020). The phenomenal precision
Frequency-Scalable Coherent Radio-Over-Fiber Architecture for 100 Gbit/s Wireless Transmission
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caused by the frequency drift of the local oscillator laser. This approach further provides flexibility of the radio frequency (RF), with optical heterodyning by using a tunable laser diode. Experiments in the 57 GHz to 71 GHz Federal
The Deceleration of Radio/Light Transmission; A Collision Mechanism Dependent Radio Signal Emission, Transmission, and Reception
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The radio frequency shift and the wavelength reduction by the calculation demonstrate decelerations of radio/light transmission speeds due to the gradual reduced distance between two consecutive photon groups along the transmission pathway In this research, the Radio Frequency Plasma Spheroidization technique has been used for obtaining the req- uisite alumina powders Keywords: Radio frequency plasma spheroidization 3D Printing Spheroidized Al2O3 powders Surface morphology 1 Introduction
A Survey of RF Energy Harvesting Circuits
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Abstract: The aim of this work is, on one hand, to review the state of the art of the architectures and diodes used in radio frequency energy harvesting systems, the idea here is to review the most recent works, as well as their characteristics, which include frequency, type of diode
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A potential solution to overcome this challenge is to harvest energy from ambient energy sources, such as photovoltaic, thermoelectric and Radio Frequency and utilize this energy to supply the power for these devices. This
Biological Effects of Global System of Mobile Communication-A Review
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For instance, the radio frequency part of the electromagnetic is generals designed as when the part of spectrum where spectrum, where electromagnetic waves have frequencies within the range of 3KHz to 300GHz, is called microwave, which is a specific category of radio
Schwannoma of the posterior pharyngeal wall in a child
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was removed with plasma radio frequency excision via a transoral route, There was not seen any recurrence of tumor by examination of CT or MRI up to two years child, and the rst case in which the schwannoma was removed via transoral plasma radio frequency excision
Frequency multiplication by collective nano-scale spin wave dynamics
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tion itself. In the case of spin waves major attention went into studying the threshold behavior with 35 respect to the radio frequency (rf) pumping field showing that large excitation amplitudes drive non- 36 linear spin wave modes [13 17]
The Potential Role of Medial Branch Block as a Diagnostic Test in a Patient with Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome
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We received the patient after conservative therapy failed and offered a radio frequency ablation to help with her pain We propose that and radio frequency ablation aimed at medial branches can somehow attenuate the sympathetic compo- nent of neuropathic pain
Virgo: A Versatile Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy
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Furthermore, Virgo supports optional median operations, both in the frequency and time domain, for the suppression of narrowband and/or short-duration radio frequency interference (RFI), while allowing the user to export the raw observation data as a FITS (Pence et al
Frequency comb formation in a driven mechanical oscillator
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combs have significantly transformed modern metrology and molecular spectro- scopy . In this work, using a resonantly driven nonlinear nanomechanical resonator with a high quality factor, we demonstrate direct analogue for an optical comb in the radio frequency domain
Design of a Five-Band Dual-Port Rectenna for RF Energy Harvesting
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λg 0.15 λg. The proposed circuit realized a measured peak RF-to-dc ( radio frequency direct current) power conversion efficiency (PCE) of (21%, 22.76%, 25.33%, 21.57%, and 22.14%) for an input power of −20 dBm. The RF
Preparation of protective coatings using polyorganosilazane-derived precursors and cerium as inhibitor to obtain an active protection of Al alloys
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64 Examination of the Hydrogen Incorporation into Radio Frequency Sputtered Hydrogenated SiNx Thin Films N. Hegedus 2*, C. Balazsi K. Balazsi1 1 Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary 2 Doctoral School
Review on Optical Wireless Communication Technologies
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imagined. It is one of the most up-and-coming areas of research with incredible prospects of unprecedented outcomes which will noticeably modify the wireless market mostly dominated by radio frequency (RF) technologies
A Survey on Solar Cell based receivers used for Optical Wireless Communication
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ABSTRACT As of now, the Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum results in heavy spectrum congestion I. INTRODUCTION In Contemporary communication systems, the foremost known frequency band is Radio Frequency (RF) band