Real Time Remote Control Architecture Using Mobile Communication

This paper presents a new development of mobile communication for application to remote data transmission and control. The concept of G3 , including global positioning system, global system for mobile (GSM), and geographic information system, is proposed. In this paper, a GSM real-time control system for data uplink and downlink remote terminals is considered. The proposed system can be implemented on a PC-based or a P-based to integrate into G3 configuration. This paper presents the system design and implementation with practical data verification. The proposed GSM real-time control system has accomplished a very reliable two-way point-to-point uplink and downlink data transmission within a 0.6-s time delay.

THE worldwide trend for wireless communication has elevated into wide band data instead of voice only. Real-time
point-to-point data reporting architecture is useful for remote
surveillance and control, if communication network can be convenient to access. In civil aeronautical service, the concept of
automatic dependent surveillance (ADS) is one of the important applications with positioning and communication in realtime. Wireless data reporting has to elect proper communication media with analog and digital data transmission capability.
Communication media are varied using UHF, VHF, or HF with
critical limitations. It is difficult to develop into livelihood applications for real-time control or surveillance. As for remote communication and control, wireless modem was a popular choice.
However, due to power and range limit, wireless modem has its
shortages in application.
Global system for mobile (GSM) communication and general packed radio service (GPRS) [1], [2] are developed in cellular configuration for mobile communication after the 1990s.
They are developed in digital technology with data link capability. Within the metropolitan areas, GSM service has been
greatly improved with very high serviceability and reliability.
Focusing on the concept of GSM service, the more cellular stations are being distributed, the better their service may provide. The transmitting power and coverage angle are varied acManuscript received June 15, 2002; revised February 23, 2003.
cording to users demands. By tests, GSM coverage can maintain acceptable quality as high as a few hundred meters above
ground. GSM has elevated the remote communication and control without boundary limit.
GSM mobile communication requires longer dial-up and connection time of about 40 to 55 s for full communication. Therefore, some known methods using the embedded “short message” functions to deliver 120-bytes data length were developed.
Under such “short message” function, GSM delivers the specified 120 bytes data, then returns to disconnected condition. The
next short message delivery requires a dial-up process to connect again. This method loses the incentive of mobile communication in real-time applications. When the GSM communication requires to send messy data or to set up real-time two-way
protocol, the “short message” service is no longer valid.
In our laboratory, the project on the lighter than air (LTA) airships mainly studies microtransports for commercial and special demands. For mission requirements, they are designed typically below a few hundred feet with cruise speed less than
10 knots. The performance of this system requires navigation,
surveillance, operation, and control. Data communication becomes very important in this LTA operation system implementation

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