real time tracking system
Real - time tracking via on-line boosting.
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Very recently tracking was approached using classification techniques such as support vector machines. The object to be tracked is discriminated by a classifier from the background. In a similar spirit we propose a novel on-line AdaBoost feature selection
DART: Dense Articulated Real - Time Tracking .
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This paper introduces DART, a general framework for tracking articulated objects composed of rigid bodies connected through a kinematic tree. DART covers a broad set of objects encountered in indoor environments, including furniture and tools, and human and robot
Real - time tracking of pedestrians and vehicles
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We present results from a tracker which is part of the integrated surveillance system ADVISOR which is designed to operate in real - time in a distributed local network of offthe- shelf computers. For PETS200 our indoor people tracker has been modified to include the
Real - time tracking of microorganisms
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The barduare and software compo-ments are described to track multiple flagellates Símultaneously fn real time . The technique is based on onlinedigitizationoffourframes taken at 80 ms inienvals and stored in a specialized vídeo memory. The outlíneandp05ítíon
Real - time tracking and tracing system: Potentials for the logistics network
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The importance of tracking and tracing of shipments is considered quite high for manufacturing firms in terms of customer service and essential for managing logistics networks efficiently. Global industries are facing problems both from tracking and tracing in
Towards real - time markerless tracking of magic lenses on paper maps
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Recently, many applications have been proposed that focus on the combination of paper maps and mobile devices. Paper maps provide high-resolution, large-scale information with zero power consumption. Mobile devices offer dynamic, personalized, up-to-date content
Real - time auditory and visual multiple-object tracking for humanoids
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This paper presents a real - time auditory and visual tracking of multiple objects for humanoid under real -world environments. Real - time processing is crucial for sensorimotor tasks in tracking , and multiple-object tracking is crucial for real -world applications. Multiple sound
Real - time face and facial feature tracking and applications
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A human face provides a variety of different communicative functions. In this paper, we present approaches for real - time face/facial feature tracking and their applications. First, we present techniques of tracking human faces. It is revealed that human skincolor can be used
Robust real - time tracking of non-rigid objects
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Several approaches to real - time video object tracking are reviewed. A new alternative approach for fast real - time object tracking based on colour thresholding is presented. Tracking is performed on non-rigid objects in a sequence of video frames based on a user
Simple tempo models for real - time music tracking
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The paper describes a simple but effective method for incorporating automatically learned tempo models into realtime music tracking systems. In particular, instead of training our system with rehearsal databy a particular performer, we provide it with many different
An Algorithm for Real - Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects.
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We describe an algorithm for tracking an unknown object in natural scenes. We require that the objects approximate initial location be available, and further assume that it can be distinguished from the background by motion or stereo. No constraint is placed on the
Enhanceddesk and enhancedwall: Augmented desk and wall interfaces with real - time tracking of users motion
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In the last several years, we have been studying man-machine interaction by using computer vision and augmented reality technologies [1-8]. Our augmented desk/table interface system provides novel man-machine interfaces based on direct manipulation of
Real time tracking and identification of moving persons by using a camera in outdoor environment
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A new method for detecting and tracking of moving persons based on low resolution image employing peripheral increment sign correlation image and identifying the moving persons by their color and spatial information is proposed in this paper. Many tracking algorithms
Rapid rendering of apparent contours of implicit surfaces for real - time tracking .
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This paper addresses the problem of real - time visual tracking of structures with curved surfaces by localising the apparent contour in each frame of an image sequence. A scheme is presented for rapidly rendering the apparent contour from a predicted pose. ErrorsThis paper describes a real - time multi-camera surveillance system that can be applied to a range of application domains. This integrated system is designed to observe crowded scenes and has mechanisms to improve tracking of objects that are in close proximity. The
Real time tracking health monitoring system of remote soldier using Arm7
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Every year Soldiers become lost or injured. This project gives the ability to track where Soldiers are at any given moment. Search and rescue efforts become minimized in time and resources. Additionally, with alert feature Soldiers will be able to communicate their distress Optical tracking systems are used in many research laboratories for monitoring and recording the movements of mobile robots. The data gathered by such systems is invaluable for offline post-experiment analysis, for example, measuring the area coverage of a robot
Tracking Musical Beats in Real Time .
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Identifying the temporal location of downbeats is a fundamental musical skill. After briefly discussing the perceptual information available in beat tracking , we survey previous attempts to automate this process in both real time and non- real time . Our attempt to add
Look, ma-no hands! hands-free cursor control with real - time 3d face tracking
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This paper presents a real - time , non-invasive, vision system which performs hands-free cursor control by having users point their nose where they wish to place the cursor on a monitor screen. The vision system robustly tracks 3D face position and orientation in real
Real - time camera tracking and 3D reconstruction using signed distance functions.
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The ability to quickly acquire 3D models is an essential capability needed in many disciplines including robotics, computer vision, geodesy, and architecture. In this paper we present a novel method for real - time camera tracking and 3D reconstruction of static indoor CSE PROJECTS