remote control and monitoring IEEE PAPER
Remote monitoring and controlling system based on ZigBee networks
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Abstract Thanks to the rapid development of information technology and the growth of the Internet through high speed networks, network environments have even been changed from office oriented environments based on business industries and public institutions to the
Remote monitoring in agricultural greenhouse using wireless sensor and short message service (SMS)
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Abstract:-In traditional method of farming, human labors were required to visit the greenhouse at specific time and need to check the humidity level and temperature level manually. This conventional method is considered time consuming and needs a lot of
Remote Monitoring of patients suffering from early symptoms of Dementia
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Government green paper Independence, Well-being and Choice (March 2005)Key proposals include harnessing technology to deliver the right outcomes for adult social careRecognises telecare as having huge potential to support individuals to live at home and to
Validation of a real-time wireless telemedicine system, using bluetooth protocol and a mobile phone, for remote monitoring patient in medical practice
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Abstract: This paper validates the integration of a generic real-time wireless telemedicine system utilising Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), BLUETOOTH protocol and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) for cellular network in clinical practice. In the
A time-motion study of registered nurses' workflow in intensive care unitremote monitoring.
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ABSTRACT Utilizing advanced information technology, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) remote monitoring allows highly trained specialists to oversee a large number of patients at multiple sites on a continuous basis. In the current research, we conducted a time-motion study of
Advanced pulse oximetry system for remote monitoring and management
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Pulse oximetry data such as saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO2) and pulse rate are vital signals for early diagnosis of heart disease. Therefore, various pulse oximeters have been developed continuously. However, some of the existing pulse oximeters are not equipped
Remote monitoring of primates using automated GPS technology in open habitats
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Automated tracking using a satellite global position system (GPS) has major potential as a research tool in studies of primate ecology. However, implementation has been limited, at least partly because of technological difficulties associated with the dense forest habitat of
Remote monitoring of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices
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The number of patients implanted with cardiovascular electronic devices (CIED) like implantable defibrillators (ICD), cardiac resynchronisation (CRT) devices, and pacemakers continues to grow. These devices require regular followup interrogation in dedicated
System and methodology for using mobile phones in live remote monitoringof physical activities
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Abstract In this paper, we propose a system and methodology for using mobile phones for monitoring physical activities of a user, and its applications in assisting elderly or people with need for special care and monitoring. The method is based on processing
Remote monitoring and diagnostic for combined-cycle power plants
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abstract Reliability and availability are both critical for competitive operation of high efficiency combined-cycle power plants in the liberalized electricity markets. Monitoring and diagnostic of operational data is successfully used to prevent unexpected plant shut
Remote monitoring of plate-like structures using guided wave arrays
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ABSTRACT. A permanently attached guided wave array for the constant monitoring of defects in platelike structures is designed and a prototype built. Employing the first antisymmetric Lamb wave mode AO, the condition of large areas can be monitored from a
Wireless System for Remote Monitoring of Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate.
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Abstract:This paper describes the realization of a wireless oxygen saturation and heart rate system for patient monitoring in a limited area. The proposed system will allow the automatic remote monitoring in hospitals, at home, at work, in real time, of persons with chronic
Realtime monitoring of bridge scour using remote monitoring technology
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16. Abstract The research performed in this project focuses on the application of instruments including accelerometers and tiltmeters to monitor bridge scour. First, two large scale laboratory experiments were performed. One experiment is the simulation of a bridge with
Remote monitoring of experimental endpoints in animals using radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technologies
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Summary Advances in radiotelemetry and bioimpedance technology are providing improved and more humane approaches for monitoring physiological functions in experimental animals. Telemetry systems consist of miniaturized sensors and transmitters which detect
A novel, low-cost, reduced-sensor approach for providing smart remote monitoring and diagnostics for packaged air conditioners and heat pumps
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Summary Packaged air conditioners and heat pumps used on commercial buildings are often poorly maintained and operated. Remote monitoring of this equipment would increase the awareness by building owners and maintenance service providers of the condition
target signals by means of an SVM ensemble in C-OTDR systems for remote monitoring of extended objects
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Abstract-The report proposes a new method for multichannel classification of C-OTDR signals. The method is based on the use of an ensemble of SVM-classifiers and it is robust to the types of environments of seismoacoustic signals propagation. The report presents
Remote monitoring of vegetation using a fluorescence lidar system in spectrally resolving and multi-spectral imaging modes
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ABSTRACT Remote measurements with a fluorescence lidar system on spruce and maize during a LASFLEUR field campaign at DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, are reported. The system could be used in a spectrally resolving mode yielding the full fluorescence spectrum in a
Characterization of Organism-Sediment Relations Using Sediment Profile Imaging: An Efficient Method of Remote Ecological Monitoring of the Seafloor(
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ABSTRACT: A benthic successional model allows interpretation of structures observed in sediment profile images. From these structures, temporal and spatial changes can be deduced in both benthic habitat and its associated fauna. The instrument used for in situ
Remote Monitoring System For A Switchable Distribution Transformer By The Use Of Wireless ZigBee Technology
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ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a wireless ZigBee technology to monitor the parameters of the transformer. The transformer parameters such as voltage, current, power factor and temperature can be monitored through wireless ZigBee technology. Embedded Ethernet
Real-time remote monitoring cardiac patients at distance
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Patients with heart arrhythmia usually need to be monitored and controlled in hospital for one to several days. These patients are treated to reach on normalizing their heart arrhythmia or achieve an average heart frequency. Sometimes it is necessary to monitor
Remote monitoring of wind turbine dynamics by laser interferometry: Phase1
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ABSTRACT This work presents the results of the first phase of the infield tests performed to investigate the feasibility of using optical measurement techniques to monitor wind turbine dynamics. The utilized optical measurement method is based on laser interferometry in
Remote Monitoring and Actuation Based on LonWorks Technology
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Abstract The LonWorkstechnology is an open specification for distributed control networks. This technology allows the interconnection of intelligent sensors and actuators in a way that they are able to exchange data. In this work, we have developed a set of
Smartphone-based user Activity Recognition Method for Health Remote Monitoring Applications.
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Abstract: In the framework of health remote monitoring applications for individuals with disabilities or particular pathologies, quantity and type of physical activity performed by an individual/patient constitute important information. On the other hand, the technological
Remote monitoring of forest response to changed soil moisture regime due to river regulation
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ABSTRACT: Floodplain forest response to changed soil moisture regime and nutrient availability due to river regulation was studied using remote sensing (ETM) data. Images of May and October 2001 were used to prepare NDVI, SAVI, 5/4-ratio images and ETM band
GSM-Bluetooth based remote monitoring and control system with automatic light controller
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ABSTRACT In past few years, home automationremote control and monitoring systems have seen a rapid growth in terms of technology. This paper gives a review of these systems based on existing technologies and also proposes a GSM-Bluetooth based light controller
Remote monitoring for healthcare and for safety in extreme environments
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In this chapter we examine the potential use of remote health monitoring using Body Area Networks (BANs) to support individuals who are working or pursuing recreational activities in extreme environments. Monitoring can be defined as (periodic or continuous) measurement and
HARMONI: Motivation for a health-oriented adaptive remote monitoringmiddleware
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Abstract. This paper motivates the need for adaptive behavior in personal gateway devices (such as cell phones) used in remote health monitoring solutions. We put forth our vision of continuous monitoring of an individual's health, and consider the challenges presented by
Remote building monitoring and control
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This project is intended to develop a proto- type system which would permit remote monitor- ing and control of multiple commercial buildings across the Internet from a single control center. Such a system would be used by operators of mul- tiple buildings, such as school
Remote moisture monitoring of timber bridges: a case study
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ABSTRACT: This paper reports on the remote moisture monitoring of a timber traffic bridge in Switzerland. Timber has been a structural material for bridges for centuries, exploiting its high ratio of bending strength to weight. Numerous examples throughout the world
A navigation and path planning system for the Nomad XR4000 mobile robot withremote web monitoring
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Abstract. The development of teleoperated autonomous robots occurred due the existence of environments unsuitable for human action. These robots usually need a representation of the environment (a map) and the capacity to interpret that representation to be able to plan
Low cost remote effort monitoring with wearable accelerometers
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Abstract:Remote monitoring of physical effort has a great importance in the treatment of some cardiopathies. Nowadays, wearable motion-tracking devices represent an easy solution to acquire relevant data. We demonstrate a system based on a commercial
A web-accessible shaking table experiment for the remote monitoring of seismic effects in structures
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Abstract A remotely accessible system for controlling shake table laboratory experiments is presented. The Shake Table WebLab at MIT s Civil Engineering Department is implemented under the iLab initiative for the development of educationally oriented remote experiments
Remote monitoring in patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: New perspectives for complex therapeutic management
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For more than 50 years, antibradycardia pacemakers have been implanted. Technological developments have led to an improvement, extension of diagnostic and treatment options (such as holter function for detecting arrhythmias and biosensors), and to an increasingly
Middleware requirements for remote monitoring and control
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We discuss middleware requirements for remote monitoring and control applications. These requirements reflect our experiences with the RBMO Project (remote building monitoring and operations) of commercial buildings HVAC systems (heating, ventilating, and air
Remote monitoring and diagnosis of a mechatronic system
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Abstract: The real time evolution of a system is analyzed and the differences between the mathematical models describing the system are providing a feedback indicating a possible fault in the monitored process. All the monitoring activity was done remotely via word wide
Remote Machinery Monitoring--A Developing Industry
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Remote monitoring of rotating equipment has been around in one form or another for several years. With the advent of wireless communications and the Internet, it is now possible to wirelessly communicate with machines and view data via web site interfaces.
Impervious surface mapping and change monitoring using Landsat remotesensing
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ABSTRACT Landsat TM data have been used to map the percentage of impervious surface area of the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area in 1986, 1991, 1998 and 2000. Following classification of land cover types, a regression model relating percent
Comparison of protocols used in remote monitoring: DNP 3.0, IEC 870-5-101Modbus
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Abstract A brief introduction to IEC 870-5-101, DNP 3.0 and Modbus is presented together with the explanation of functionalities provided by these protocols. Comparison between these protocols, considering various aspects like architecture, functions performed by
An intelligent remote monitoring solution for the international space station
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Abstract-In this paper, Qualtech Systems, Inc. and Honeywell Space Systems present their experience and actual results from the development of a remote monitoring solution for International Space Station (ISS) diagnosticshealth management. The solution was
Application of geographical information systems and remote sensing technologies for assessing and monitoring malaria risk
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Abstract. Despite over 30 years of scientific research, algorithm development and multitudes of publications relating Remote Sensing (RS) information with the spatial and temporal distribution of malaria, it is only in recent years that operational products have been
An application of wireless standards for remote monitoring of electric drive systems
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Abstract This paper discusses an implementation of wireless standards for remote monitoring of electric drives. An appropriate wireless system has been developed and described. It uses ZigBee standard for remote data transmission combined with Internet
In situ and remote monitoring of water quality in South Puget Sound: The ORCA time-series
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Abstract We obtained high frequency measurements of chemical, physical, and biological properties throughout the water column at a fixed station using an autonomous moored profiling system in south Puget Sound, a largely undeveloped area subject to extensive
Droughtsfloods assessment and monitoring using remote sensing and GIS
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Abstract: Space technology has made substantial contribution in all the three phases such as preparedness, prevention and relief phases of drought and flood disaster management. The Earth Observation satellites which include both geostationary and polar orbiting
A remote sensing technique for global monitoring of power plant CO 2 emissions from space and related applications
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Abstract. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) causing global warming. The atmospheric CO2 concentration increased by more than 30% since pre-industrial times primarily due to burning of fossil fuels and still continues to
Mesh network design for smart charging infrastructure and electric vehicleremote monitoring
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Abstract:Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) charging today happens with little knowledge of the state of the vehicle being charged. In order to implement smart charging algorithms and other capabilities of the future smart grid, provisions for remote PEV monitoring will have
Remote monitoring of eutrophication parameters with basic ecological models
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ABSTRACT To illustrate the relationship between nutrients of Taihu Lake and growth of algal, three ecological model were introduced: 1) OECD management model; 2) Monod equation; 3) logistic equation. Based on these models of lake eutrophication, good
Remote monitoring of a rehabilitated concrete highway bridge
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ABSTRACT: As part of a major rehabilitation project, embedded instrumentation was installed in a concrete bridge barrier wall to remotely monitor the key physico-chemical parameters influenced by the prevailing environmental conditions. The remote monitoring
The benefits of remote monitoring in long-term care for patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
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Abstract OBJECTIVE: The increasing number of patients with implantable cardiac devices raises the need for more efficient outpatient follow-up care. Due to technological progress in communication and transmission systems and in the implantable devices themselves,
Remote Monitoring of Concrete Repairs on a Highway Bridge
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ABSTRACT: Years of de-icing salt use resulted in severe reinforcement corrosion of the barrier walls of a highway bridge near Renfrew, Ontario. A partnership was formed to study the deterioration mechanisms and to evaluate the long-term performance of different
Remote monitoring and failure diagnosis for a microturbine cogeneration system
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abstract This paper presents the implementation of failure detection and diagnosis, and predictive maintenance for a microturbine cogeneration system. It also introduces a remote monitoring system with capabilities for high-capacity high-speed data acquisition and
Design of WSN-based remote monitoring system for environmental parameters in substation
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Abstract According to the hidden danger of environmental security in unattended substation, the paper designs an environmental parameters remote monitoring system based on wireless sensor network (WSN), and achieves the part of data collection. In addition, the
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Abstract Remote monitoring is one of the important elements to strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA's) safeguards system. With the progress of digital processing technology for image data, remote monitoring for containment and surveillance has been
Design of a remote image monitoring system based on GPRS
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Abstract. This paper introduces a remote image monitor system based on the technology of ARM9 and GPRS wireless communication. presents the structure and work principles of the system, furthermore, it puts emphasis on the hardware processing circuits of image and
3.5 G based mobile remote monitoring system
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Abstract:Low bandwidth has long been a reason for the unsuitability of wireless internet in telemedicine. However with the advent of extended third generation wireless as an economically accessible high speed network, more opportunities are being created in this
Development of a portable remote monitoring system for third-party damage
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ABSTRACT The most important challenge we face is to protect gas pipelines from damage caused by third-party work. Toho Gas has developed a portable third-party damage remote
Towards a RT-Java based embedded remote monitoring tool for small and medium power plant units.
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Abstract: This work describes an on-going project at CNAM-CEDRIC. Its goal is to evaluate the ability of the Real-Time Java technology for process control applications with soft real- time constraints. We are designing a lightweight embedded remote monitoring computer
Remote ultrasound monitoring of underground water mains
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Abstract. This paper considers the current state of the main underground water pipelines, multiphase processes that lead to the deterioration of the water pipelines structure and the increasing number of failures, ultrasound technologies for remote monitoring of energy
Mechatronic experiment on remote vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis via the Internet
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This paper presents the development of amechatronic'experiment on the development of an intelligent vibration monitoring system for remote vibration signature analysis via the Internet. It will highlight the operational principles of the system, and the hardware and
Accelerometer based real-time remote detection and monitoring of hand motion
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Abstract:Real-time hand motion capture by using one triaxial accelerometer provides useful information about an individual's daily activity and it is also useful for the development of gesture-based customer devices. With the fast growth of integrated circuit technology,
Monitoring of recent glacier variations in the Southern Patagonia Icefield, utilizing remote sensing data
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ABSTRACT Monitoring glacier variations at a world-wide scale is important in light of the recent, apparent global warming trend. Despite the fact that the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI) is the largest ice body of temperate glaciers in the southern hemisphere, the recent
Remote monitoring of patients with implanted cardiac devices a review
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Abstract There has been a rapid growth in the number of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs), due to the consistent good results from large randomised trials and changing worldwide demographics with progressive ageing in all
Design and implementation of an embedded home-gateway for remote monitoring based on OSGi technology
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we use OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) technology to design and implement a remote monitor system in an embedded home-gateway. For the integration of all kinds of existing communication protocol, OSGi technology has the
Partners HealthCare: Connecting heart failure patients to providers throughremote monitoring
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ABSTRACT: Partners HealthCare's programs in home telehealth have been driven by its Center for Connected Health, which has pilot-tested and implemented telemedicine and remote monitoring solutions. The center focuses on practical innovations that can change
Remote sensing and the Kyoto protocol: a review of available and future technology for monitoring treaty compliance
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Background The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change contains quantified, legally binding commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels and allows carbon emissions to be balanced by
Remote activity monitoring of the elderly using a two-axis accelerometer
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Abstract This paper presents a design and experimental study of a remote posture monitoring system. The monitoring system aims for applications in activity analysis of the elderly. We propose a wearable sensor system, which consists of a two-axis
Enable pervasive healthcare through continuous remote health monitoring
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Abstract:In this article, we introduce a novel Remote Health Monitoring (RHM) system to enable high-quality pervasive healthcare services to users with low delivery delay and reduced costs. We define the RHM architecture and summarize the design considerations. MATERIALS AND METHODS MSS of Landsat, TM, HRV data of SPOT are popularly used remote sensing data. Among them, TM was widely used in China, which contains rich remote sensing information. In this paper, TM image data was selected as water quality
Design of an oil field remote monitoring system based on improved B/S structure [J]
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Abstract:The design of oil field remote monitoring system based on GPRS and Internet technology can achieve unguarding oil field management and monitoring oil well data information real-time. The system has the function of auto-alarm for the manager who can
Reliability and representativeness of a suspended sediment concentration monitoring programme for a remote alpine proglacial river
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ABSTRACT This paper considers the reliability and representativeness of a suspended sediment time series estimated for the proglacial stream of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. In particular it considers the degree to which a continuous turbidity record
Application of Modern Communication Approaches in Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Automatic Surveying
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Abstract: In this paper the application of two remote monitoring and control methods based on network communication techniques in automatic surveying system engineering is discussed. In the automatic deformation monitoring system for subway structure of the city,
Self-organizing maps application in a remote water quality monitoringsystem
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Abstract:This work was developed in the context of a system for remote water quality monitoring based on a wireless local area network (WLAN) and includes a Kohonen self- organizing map (K-SOM) implementation in order to perform sensor data validation and
Remote construction worker location, activity and safety monitoring
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ABSTRACT: Data fusion can be defined as a process for integrating information from multiple and heterogeneous sources to obtain a composite and augmented inference about the state of an entity. Data fusion has been successfully applied in several fields. Its
Mobile remote monitoring of biological signals
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Abstract:This research purposes the development of a telemedicine system, which is capable of remote monitoring and digitalization of the patients biological signals. It includes a mobile device which transmits the patient electroencephalogram (EEG) and
The International Remote Monitoring Project-Results of the Swedish Nuclear Power Facility Field Trial
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Abstract The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored work on a Remote Monitoring System (RMS) that was installed at a Swedish Nuclear Power Facility operated by Sydcraft. The RMS, designed by Sandia
Remote controlling and monitoring of HVAC system over Internet
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In this study, internet-controlled heating ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system has been proposed with programmable sleeping time and automatic operation mode, three steps fan speed unit, adjustable fan angle, a remote control device with an LCD and a CSE PROJECTS