Renewable energy is energy produced from sources that do not deplete or can be replenished within a human’s life time. The most common examples include wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower. This is in contrast to non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels.
Majority of the rural people from developing countries are dependent on agriculture sector and the major source of energy is traditional biomass. Due to radical climate changes, their dependency on traditional biomass and agriculture sector increases their vulnerability andRenewable energy urbanization, and ecological footprint in the Middle East and North Africa region
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The countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have the greatest potential for renewable energy consumption in the world and is likely to be the most vulnerable to the horrendous effects of climate change. Unfortunately, only a few of the countries have tapped Environment-economic growth nexus is one of the main concerns of the researchers in the modern era. Although there are several studies in this field, discussions are far from being reached a consensus. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of economic The studys main purpose is to investigate the complex interaction between innovation, renewable energy consumption, and CO 2 emissions (CO 2 e), under the Kuznets curve framework, for BRICS economies from 1980 to 2016. The empirical estimates drwan from
Renewable energy consumption and unemployment in South Africa
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The importance of renewable energy consumption has grown to a large extent over the recent years. The benefits of renewable energy consumption ranging from improved environmental quality to higher economic growth are well documented. However, the impact The technical, social, economic as well as environmental multi-benefits of renewable energy sources do not come without certain power quality (PQ) challenges, and deterioration of voltage and current quality is foremost among them. Technically, voltage harmonic
Criticality of sustainable research and development-led growth in EU: the role of renewable and non- renewable energy
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The path to sustainable economic growth and development has preoccupied most economies and the European Union (EU) member countries is no exception. Thus, the current study is aimed at revisiting the energyinduced growth by disaggregating energy
Wavelet Analysis of Renewable Non- renewable Energy Consumption and Environmental Degradation as a Precursor to Economic Growth: Evidence from
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The present study utilized continuous wavelet power range, and wavelet coherence power range estimations to analyze the relationship among renewable energy consumption, non- renewable energy consumption and environmental degradation by taking about quarterly
In a First, Renewable Energy Is Poised to Eclipse Coal in US
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WASHINGTON The United States is on track to produce more electricity this year from renewable power than from coal for the first time on record, new government projections show, a transformation partly driven by the coronavirus pandemic, with profound In the past decades, renewable energy consumption has grown considerably because of environmental degradation caused by non- renewable energy consumption. This research aims to find the causal link between renewable and non- renewable energy consumption
Oil price shocks and renewable energy transition: Empirical evidence from net oil-importing South Asian economies
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This paper makes a novel attempt to model the nonlinear association between renewable energy consumption and crude oil prices concerning four net oil-importing South Asian economies: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Using annual data from 1990 to
The Nexus between Agriculture and Renewable Energy Sources in the Island of Crete, Greece
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The aim of the current work is the study of the nexus between agriculture and renewable energies in the island of Crete, Greece. Agriculture and the use of renewable energies for energy generation are important sectors of the Cretan economy. Various applications of Three different waste animal fats (bone, chicken, and tallow) have been studied to evaluate whether they could be used as bioliquids according to the European Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009. The analyses showed that they contained an unsuitable amount of free fatty The long-term energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy raises critical questions about the future of oil and gas firms. This study asks why some oil and gas firms are committed to renewable energy while others continue to maintain a distinct fossil fuels In this study, wild-type microalgae species isolated from Porsuk river (Central Anatolia, Turkey) investigated as energy production feedstock and carbon dioxide sink. The obtained experimental data have been used for energy evaluation of the whole process and size
Renewable Energy Investment in Australia
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Renewable energy investment has increased significantly in Australia over recent years, contributing to a continuing shift in the energy generation mix away from traditional fossil fuel sources. Current estimates suggest that investment in renewable energy has moderated The role of renewable energy and globalization on ecological footprint is investigated in the USA by controlling for the effects of financial development and real output using quarterly data from 1985: Q1 to 2014: Q4. We apply the minimum Lagrange multiplier unit root test
Non-linear threshold effect of financial development on renewable energy consumption: evidence from panel smooth transition regression approach.
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Financial development is identified as one of the significant factors that affect energy consumption and has been widely discussed in the literature. However, the association between financial development and renewable energy consumption is still at its earlier Nowadays, with the high-power demand in industries, the need for high step-up converters has been a crucial part of interest. Power conservation is an essential aspect of innovation leading to improving the voltage gain of conventional converters such as boost, Cuk and This study aims to investigate the relationship between renewable energy consumption, agriculture, economic growth, and CO 2 emission in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries. We used annual cross-sectional data from Due to non-linear characteristics of renewable energy sources, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is adopted to maximize the output power. In this research article, on the basis of state of art review of renewable energy systems such as solar Photo-voltaic
Energy models for renewable energy utilization and to replace fossil fuels
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Abstract Models have become standard tools in energy planning. In recent years, considerable efforts have been made to formulate and implement energy planning strategies in various countries. The objective of this study is to predict the electricity
Renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, government expenditure, institution quality, financial development, trade openness, and sustainable
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This study investigates the role of non- renewable and renewable energy consumption in the sustainable development in 16 Latin America and Caribbean Emerging Market and Developing Economies (EMDEs) incorporating capital, government expenditure, institution
Risk Retirement for Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy
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Over the last couple of decades scientists, engineers, regulators, developers, and other stakeholders have examined and identified six key environmental interactions, or potential risks, for the marine renewable energy (MRE) industry: animals colliding with turbines;
Efficiency of Renewable Energy Plants in Russia
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The article offers an evaluation of the efficiency of power plants that use renewable energy . With the way tariffs for thermal energy are nowadays, the minimum cost of solar water heating (SWH) plants with a payback period of 7 years should not exceed $50/m2. Capital
An Overview of the Exploitation of Renewable Energy Resources in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom
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In this study, the current perspective of renewable energy utilization as an alternative energy source and viable energy option were examined and discussed from the standpoint of sustainable development in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The challenges
Renewable Energy based Experimental Study of Doubly Fed Induction Generator: Fault case analysis.
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Environmental-friendly technologies, such as wind power based generators having much attention, and the study of these generators behaviour under fault conditions and to overcome these undesirables during operation have become an essential topic. In this
Causal Relationship between Renewable Energy Consumption and Unemployment in Nigeria: Evidence from Toda and Yamamoto Causality Technique
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Contribution/Originality: This study contributed to the existing literatures on the relationship influence renewable energy consumption and unemployment in case of Nigeria by employing long-run causality test of TY approach and the novelty in this research is in the
CO 2 methanation activated by magnetic heating: life cycle assessment and perspectives for successful renewable energy storage
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Purpose Technologies with low environmental impacts and promoting renewable energy sources are required to meet the energetic demand while facing the increase of gas emissions associated to the greenhouse effect and the depletion of fossil fuels. CO 2
Protection philosophy in low short-circuit capacity distribution grids with high penetration of converter-interfaced distributed renewable energy sources
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The ever-growing penetration of converter-interfaced distributed renewable energy sources (CI-DRES) in distribution networks, despite the undoubted advantages, has a profound impact on the traditional protection systems. The protection problem becomes even more
Generation expansion planning under correlated uncertainty of mass penetration renewable energy sources
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This paper presents a methodology for Generation Expansion Planning (GEP) under the presence of uncertainty of multiple Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Both long-and short- term uncertainties are represented and incorporated within the proposed GEP model. TheIn this article we examine the risks of reducing the consumption of natural gas in the countries that are the largest exporters of Russian natural gas (Germany, Italy, Turkey, China) caused by the development of renewable energy . The forecast of natural gas The selection of appropriate renewable energy sources (RESs) for a region is a complex multi-criteria decision-making problem because the RES selection process involves many factors, such as economic, environmental, technological and societal. Hence, to address this
Examination of Hydrogen Production Efficiency Using Surplus Energy from the Renewable Energy 3020 Implementation Plan in South Korea
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Following the governments Renewable Energy 3020 Implementation Planannounced in 201 Korea is planning to increase the share of renewable energy generation to 20% of the total electric production by 2030 . In addition, according to the current governments Korea Renewable energy becomes one of the main resources that help the world to safety the environment from pollution and provide the people of new type of energy ; therefore, this paper presents model called multi-objectives renewable energygeneration (MORE-G) for
The influence of consumers intention factors on willingness to pay for renewable energy : a structural equation modeling approach
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As the adoption of renewable power generation technologies (RPTs) is a complex and multidimensional process influenced by a variety of factors, it provokes traction among researchers to identify these influencing factors. This study aims to investigate the impact of This paper investigates the dynamic short-term and long-term relationships among per capita GDP, per capita energy consumption, per capita renewable energy consumption, trade openness, and per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions within the framework of the This study examined the nexus between carbon emissions, renewable energy consumption, and the economic growth of West African countries for the period 1990 to 2018. To be able to uncover reliable and valid findings, more robust panel estimation methods were This work offers a simple and efficient model predictive voltage control strategy with a two- step prediction for improved output voltage control of single-phase inverter used for stand- alone renewable energy systems. The single-phase inverter with output LC filter is used to
A New Coordinated Control of Hybrid Microgrids with Renewable Energy Resources under Variable Loads and Generation Conditions
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The hybrid AC/DC microgrid is considered to be more and more popular in power systems as increasing loads. In this study, it is presented that the hybrid AC/DC microgrid is modeled with some renewable energy sources (eg solar energy wind energy ) in the residential of theTypically, the lack of effective stakeholder participation in a project especially in the initial planning and implementation stages has a negative impact on the expected performance of the project. These negative consequences require attempts to encourage their effective
Equilibrium of the Global Energy Market between Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources: A Conceptual Analysis
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This paper explores how to achieve a fair equilibrium between conventional and renewable energy on the global energy market by integrating economic, social and environmental factors. It also seeks to analyze the effect of technology on the advancement of clean energy
A comparison of the renewable energy and energy storage sectors in Germany and the United States, and recommendations for engineering teaching practices
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The German Energiewende is the planned transition by Germany to a low carbon, environmentally sound, reliable, and affordable energy supply. This paper reports on a US faculty international study program, which took place in 201 to explore the intersection Embracing energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) is essential for improving environmental quality. This research investigates the asymmetric impacts of EE, RE, and other factors on CO 2 emissions in BRICS (ie, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Most of the Indian rural area is electrified now, but the gap between supply and demand is much greater and increasing due to rapid industrial growth and increase in rural as well as urban living standards. That cause the extra burden on power grid. In order to reduce the Most of the countries of South America depend heavily on mining and agriculture, which develops through the destruction of the forest. The expansion of the agricultural frontier is more visible in countries with proximity to the Amazon. Otherwise, the increase in urbanAfter the industrial revolution, energy and its raw materials became vital for the economic growth and national security. Energy which is essential in the production process as intermediate asset, plays a role in all stages from transportation to the production of final
Pollutant Emissions, Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: An Empirical Review from 2015-2019
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Abstract1 The recent global turn on to more effective and systematic action to reduce pollution in the context of greenhouse gases (GHGs)(primarily considered to be responsible for global warming and its related adverse effects) has led to severe discussions among
Community Resilience Planning and Clean Energy Initiatives: A Review of City-Led Efforts for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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BACKGROUND Cities are global hubs of economic activity and energy consumption, accounting for 66% of energy use and 70% of CO2 emissions. 1 All of them rely on the uninterrupted flow of energy to function properly. However climate change is presenting
The Impacts of Reducing Renewable Energy Subsidies on Chinas Energy Transition by Using a Hybrid Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model. Front
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This paper develops a hybrid computable general equilibrium model to explore the impacts of reducing renewable energy subsidies on Chinas energy transition in various scenarios. The results of the benchmark scenario indicate that China can realize its regulatory goals in
Economic evaluation methodologies for renewable energy projects
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AIMS Energy 8(2): 339 364. DOI: 10.3934/ energy .2020.2.339 Received: 30 December Accepted: 14 April Published: 22 April Economic evaluation methodologies for renewable energy projects G remi Gilson Dranka *, Jorge Cunha Jos Donizetti de
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With the increasing importance of innovative technologies, the significance of aspects such as renewable energy production and consumption and RD expenditures cannot be ignored. The economy of the country as well as of other industrial sectors be enhanced
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In parallel with the economic development of China, domestic energy consumption is also increasing rapidly in China. Therefore, China is becoming increasingly dependent on fossil energy resources and plans to overcome the energy security problem by investing in
Feasibility analysis of a combined CLC combustion and renewable energybased methane production system for CO2 capture and utilization
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Power-to-Methane represents an innovative approach to convert electrical into chemical energy . Such a technology could actually be successful only when the coupling of a cost- effective source of electrical energy and a pure CO2 stream is carried out. Under this In recent years, the installed power capacity of renewable power plants has been increasing because of the technological developments, industrialization and rapid population growth. This case has led to the extension of electric transmission networks. Extending transmission Energy needs are growing in Africa. The continent is rich in renewable energy resources, and the majority of countries are willing to change their energy regime by moving to the development and increased use of renewable energy . Increasing the share of renewable
Russian Renewable Energy : Regulations and outcomes
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This chapter reviews the development of the legal framework for renewable energy in Russia and discusses the current state of renewable energy in the country. The Russian support scheme for renewable energy is elaborated in detail for both the wholesale and
Renewable energy consumption, financial development and economic growth: Evidence from panel data for the Middle East and North African countries
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This paper aims to explore the relationship between economic growth and financial development of the MENA countries over the period 1990 to 2015. The results of the fixed and random effect tests showed that there is a negative relationship between renewable
renewable energy IEEE PAPERS 2019-20
Solar energy. Sunlight is one of our planet’s most abundant and freely available energy resources.
Wind energy. Wind is a plentiful source of clean energy.
Hydro energy.
Tidal energy.
Geothermal energy.
Biomass Energy.
The five major renewable energy resources are solar, wind, water (hydro), biomass, and geothermal
Renewable energy provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification, which enhance energy security, lower risk of fuel spills, and reduce the need for imported fuels. Renewable energy also helps conserve the nation’s natural resources.
The most efficient forms of renewable energy geothermal, solar, wind, hydroelectricity and biomass. Biomass has the biggest contribution with 50%, followed by hydroelectricity at 26% and wind power at 18%.
Towards Energy Efficiency and Power Trading Exploiting Renewable Energy in Cloud Data Centers
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This study investigates the energy cost and carbon emission reduction problem in geographically distributed cloud data centers (DCs), where each DC is connected with its own renewable energy resources (RERs) for green energy generation. We consider four
An Optimized Off-gird Renewable AC/DC Microgrid for Remote Communities of Pakistan
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Today, renewable energy technologies are the most focused research areas as they can play an important role in improving the quality of life by meeting the electricity demand Keywords HOMER, Hybrid energy system (HES), Renewable Energy , Optimization
SCADA-agnostic Power Modelling for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources
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Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) are considered as instrumental within modern smart grids and more broadly to the various ancillary services contained within the energy trading market. Thus, the adequate power production profiling and forecasting of
Modeling of a Building Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage and Expansion System with ASPEN HYSYS
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Abstract Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) is a potential solution to mitigate renewable energy intermittency on islanded microgrids. Renewable microgrid generation in excess of the immediate load runs a cryogenic cycle to create and store liquid air
Optimal Control for Energy Dispatch of A Smart Grid Tied PV-Wind-Battery Hybrid Power System
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A case study is performed based on an industrial load and the simulation results demonstrate that the developed control reduces the operational cost of the studied system and the customers can receive an important income from the renewable energy sale
Achieving Low Carbon
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Citation: Mou, Xiaolin, Zhang, Yingji, Jiang, Jing and Sun, Hongjian (2019) Achieving Low Carbon Emission for Dynamically Charging Electric Vehicles Through Renewable Energy Integration. IEEE Access, 7. pp. 118876-118888 Renewable Energy Integration
Economic Load Dispatch with Renewable Uncertainties using PSO
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Renewable energy sources are good option to overcome the problem of conventional method of electricity generation. However, the major challenges with renewable energy sources are their nature of variability and uncertainty
In-Situ Performance Characterization of Photovoltaic Modules during Combined-Accelerated Stress Testing
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1National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, USA 2Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark DE-AC36- 08GO28308. Funding provided by US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
Cost Optimization of Hybrid Microgrid across China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Eastern Route for Rural Electrification in Pakistan
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In this paper, a hybrid microgrid system is designed across the eastern route of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) using renewable energy sources (RES) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017 1;72:734-45
Effect of hot climate condition on the performance of savonius type vertical axis wind turbine
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environment, clean and safe source of energy . Therefore, researchers from all over the world are trying to improve the performance and development of renewable energy . Among all types of renewable energy resources, wind
An Appraisal of Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Possible Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems
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The development of efficient multi objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) can provide an effective tool for solving the optimization of solely renewable electricity systems. This paper presents an appraisal of multi objective evolutionary algorithms. It covers MOEA framework
Energy efficient LoRaWAN for Industry 4.0
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scenarios. In addition, the carbon emissions due to the presence of LoRa motes and the annual CO2 emission savings per node have been recorded up to 3 kg/kWh when fed through renewable energy sources. The analysis
A Literature Survey of Optimization Technique of Unit Commitment Implementation in Microgrid Electricity System With Renewable Energy Sources
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In recent years, efforts to build electricity supplies for islands and remote areas have been carried out by developing renewable energy sources (RES) and integrated into existing electrical systems. For this reason, it is necessary to apply a method of regulating electricity
A Remote Sensing Approach to Assess the Impact of Mining Subsidence on Native Vegetation
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Abstract Energy is a very basic and essential need for any activities to be performed in the universe and this demand is fulfilled by conventional non- renewable as well as very innovative unconventional renewable energy approaches
Generating hydrogen from the biggest PV park in Belgium, combining wind power and battery storage
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Abstract Hydrogen is regarded by many scientists as the energy fuel of the future, provided that it is produced by non- polluting renewable energy systems (RES) such as photovoltaics and wind turbines. The majority of studies
Electrical energy management of building using fuzzy control
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renewable . I. INTRODUCTION With advancement of technology, renewable energy sources now offer much more competitive, environment friendly and cost-effective energy options than traditional fossil fuel power plants. These
Degradation of PhotoVoltaic (PV) Panel Performance due to Shading Effect-Case of Pakistan
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The production of electricity from the renewable energy sources is surely considerate and friendly. No detrimental chemicals are given out making the environment pollution free Renewable Energy , 34(1), 151-157. Quade, J., Cerling, TE, Bowman, JR (1989)
Renewable Microgeneration Systems Modeling and Efficiency Evaluation
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The issue of diesel power plants electrical energy supply low efficiency due to the fuel delivery high cost necessitates the use of renewable energy sources imported fuel consumption. One of these areas is the use of small-scale renewable energy systems
Electrostatic Energy Harvester Design using In-plane Gap Closing and In-plane Overlap Varying Mechanisms
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Abstract Demand of energy is increasing day by day with the development of new technologies. Renewable energy resources are mostly focused nowadays to harvest energy Harvesting of energy can be done through renewable and non- renewable resources
Analysis of Rooftop Photovoltaics Diffusion in Energy Community Buildings by a Novel GIS-and Agent-Based Modeling Co-Simulation Platform.
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households with Foreigners LG Laggard adopters LI Low-income Italian LY Lonely old ladies and Young unemployed OPEX OPerating EXpenses PV Photovoltaics RA Relative Agreement RB Retired Blue-collars RC Ruling Class RED Renewable Energy Directive RES
Analysis of the Value of Distributed Energy Resources through the Regional Electricity Market
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The main objective of this paper is to analyze the value of renewable energy and controllable loads such as HVAC, deferrable load, and ESS in the Prosumers network through the electricity price in the regional market renewable energy generation
Development of Wind Power Based Micro-Generation Electricity System by Means of Exhaust Fan and its Techno-Economic Evaluation
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based generating systems. The harnessing of wind is one of the alternatives and perhaps the oldest methods of generating power that significantly contributes towards the renewable energy production. The household ventilation
Simulation of Solar angles for maximizing Efficiency of Solar Thermal Collectors
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Keywords Solar Tracker, Solar Thermal Collectors, Renewable Energy I. INTRODUCTION Solar Energy is one of the cleanest sources of renewable energy for electricity generation and is available in abundance in most part of the world
of host publication: Proceedings of 2019 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent
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Host publication information Title of host publication: Proceedings of 2019 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Publisher: IEEE ISBN (Print): 978-3-8007-4938-6 Source
Active Solar Tracking System Using Node MCU
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FI Mustafa, S. Sakir, FF Mustafa and AT Naiyf, Simple design and implementation of solar tracking system two axis with four sensors for Baghdad city, 9th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), March 2018
Cloud Computing (CC) Centers-A Fast Processing Engine in Smart Grid
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The penetration of Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) into SG has enhanced power generation capacity. The RERs integrations pose certain limitation and constraints Index Terms Cloud Computing, Smart Grid, Renewable energy , Power Systems
High Accurate Dual Loop Controller for Power Regulation in DAB DC-DC Converter for Solar PV Applications
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It misleads the operation when dual active bridge (DAB) is interconnected with renewable energy systems, especially in solar PV applications It also offers to achieve a fast dynamic response which is more likely suitable to renewable energy systems
Protection Schemes for Low Voltage DC Networks
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Abstract The past two decades witnessed the shift of trend from conventional to renewable energy resources, leading to the development in micro-grids Recently, fields of Power electronics and renewable energy are advanced pointedly with DC applications
Cost Optimization of Off Grid Photovoltaic System by Increasing Conversion Efficiency
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Al-Ali, AR, et al. Smart home renewable energy management system. Energy Procedia 12 (2011): 120-126 Stand-alone PV system design: results using a new sizing approach. Renewable Energy 33.1 (2008): 162-167. Posadillo, R., and R. LópezLuque
Wide-Area Oscillation Damping in Low-Inertia Grids under Time-Varying Communication Delays
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Moreover, with the increasing integration of renewable energy resources into the grid, usually interfaced via power electronics, power system dynamics are becoming drasti- cally faster and making WAC more vulnerable to communication delays
Tailoring Polymeric Insulation Materials for DC Cable Dielectrics
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I. INTRODUCTION The increasing penetration of renewable energy in the traditional power system and particularly the massive integration of offshore wind farms calls for the ever increasing deployment of DC cabling [ 2]. DC insulation design is more of fundamental science
Synchronous Generator Stability Investigation in Power System with High-Penetration Photovoltaics Under Varying Solar Irradiances
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I. INTRODUCTION The utilization of renewable energy source connected to existing system has benefited significantly to the electrical power system but, on the other hand has created challenge to the electrical power system stability
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Transition from Conventional Power Systems to Modernized Smart Grids
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21st century to take advantage of improvements in information and communication technologies in the electricity industry, in order to address security issues in the centralized power systems, as well as to provide for increasing the penetration of renewable energy by deploying
Importance of Lithium-Based Energy Storage in Achieving Indias Climate Goals
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Energy storage is the key for the effective integration of the upcoming stochastic renewable energy systems with the electricity grid and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. In order to meet the emission targets in 2030
Optimal Operation of Energy Hubs Considering Uncertainties and Different Time Resolutions
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The proposed centralized optimal operation framework aimed at minimizing the operating costs. Stochastic programming was used for uncertainties of loads and renewable energy sources (RESs) in a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model
An Information-Based Waste Management Approach for Pakistan
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Therefore, our contribution in this conceptual proposed work includes a holistic household solid waste management ie eco-friendly waste management which can also act as renewable energy resource with the utilization of biodegradable process
Cyber-attacks and mitigation in blockchain based transactive energy systems
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Abstract Power grids are undergoing major changes due to the rapid adoption of intermittent renewable energy resources and the increased availability of energy storage devices. These trends drive smart-grid operators to
Standalone microgrid with five-level diode clamped inverter based hybrid generation system
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localized distributed generation . With the maturity of renewable energy technology and its wide acceptance, microgrids are not only expected to play significant in electric power generation for the electrified areas but also in the un-electrified rural areas . Generally, villages
Modeling and Simulation of Office Desk Illumination Using ZEMAX
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1 4. J. Ahmad, J. Li, M. Hussain, MT Riaz, MA Akbar, and MZ Khan, Study of Physio-chemical Properties of POSS/Mineral Oil based Nanofluids, in 2018 International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), 201 pp
Day Ahead Bi-Level Direct Load Control in Smart Residential Apartment Building: A Stackelberg Game Approach
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A math-heuristic portfolio based on mixed integer linear programming is developed in for energy management of a smart home in the presence of renewable energy sources, electric vehicle, grid, storage and different types of domestic appliances