research paper on android operating system
A Design of U-system for Group Management Using Wireless Sensor Network and AndroidDevice
ABSTRACT This paper presents a group management system using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and smart phone devices. The proposed system was comprised of personal device based on sensor node of WSN, smart phone device which is used by group manager and
Overview on Android–The New Mobile Operating System
ABSTRACT Cellular telephony has had a significant worldwide rate of acceptance, by year 2010 it is estimated that 3.5 B of the 6. s8B people in the planet will have access to a cell phone. Smartphone devices such as iPhone, Blackberry, and those that support the
ABSTRACT A system for mobile office and entertainment applications was developed. The input modalities include touch screen and automatic speech recognition, the output modalities screen output and speech synthesis. Services comprise an e-mail reading and
Remote Access of Building Management System Alarms Using Android Mobile Devices
ABSTRACT As Internet communication technologies are growing up. Web Services are rising up as a popular middleware technology used to integrate heterogeneous building automation system on Internet. Android Technology with web services has gained
Android Security Model that Provide a Base Operating System
ABSTRACT Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The android provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using programming language.
Mobile Image Processing on the Google Phone with the Android Operating System
This report analyzes the computation time of several common image processing routines on hardware platform with the Android Operating System.
Joint Tracking and Transmission System for Simulating Motion of the Human Body on AndroidSmart Phone
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a method of simulating the movements of the human body by automatically extracting the characteristics of an object from a camera and sending them to mobile devices. In this method, a RGB color video from a camera was converted into hue,
15712 Advanced Operating and Distributed System Android and iOS Platform Study Final Report
With smart phones becoming more ubiquitous than ever before, lots of applications are being developed for these devices instead of traditional computing platforms such as the desktop. It is thus worthwhile and interesting to conduct a study on mobile platforms and
Android Apps Recommender System
With thousands of different applications available and more than 2.5 billion of total downloads the android market is one of the most used applications container of the world. Unfortunately it gives to users a very little help for searching between this huge number of
Design and Development of Noise Cancellation System for Android Mobile Phones
ABSTRACT Background noise has always been undesirable in end user communication devices while conversing over a mobile phone if the speaker is on a busy road or noisy environment. Noise cancellation mechanism can be implemented in these mobiles
A Smart Texting System For Android Mobile Users
ABSTRACT Texting that is SMS is the important function of any Mobile phone and we know that the mobile phone usage in World is spreading rapidly and has gone through great changes due to new developments and innovations in mobile phone technology. This
Implementing Optical Character Recognition on the Android Operating System for Business Cards
ABSTRACT This report presents an algorithm for accurate recognition of text on a business card, given an Android mobile phone camera image of the card in varying environmental conditions. First a MATLAB implementaton of the algorithm is described where the main
ABSTRACT When cabling is not really needed for performance reasons, wireless monitoring is a good choice for large scientific facilities like particle accelerators, due to the quick implementation. There are several wireless flavors: ZigBee, WiFi etc. depending on
aLight-Android based system for traffic-lights to car communication
The new technology offers new ways and various ideas for mobile communication on the road. For example: communication between vehicles or between a vehicle and traffic lights. Using this technology, it is possible to implement new ways to achieve improvement in
ABSTRACT The popularity of Android devices has resulted in a requirement for a process to extract and analyse data in a forensically sound manner. There is a wide range of devices which use the Android operating system, and hence a standard process for forensic
Building a Telepresence Robot Based on an open-source Robot Operating System andAndroid
ABSTRACT The open-source Robot Operating System (ROS) provides operating system like services to operate robots such as hardwareAbstraction, device drivers, mapping, autonomous navigation We explain our low cost approach that uses an iRobot Create,
Usability Evaluation of Route Mate–A Route Learning System Developed on the Android OS for People with Intellectual Disability
ABSTRACT This study investigates the usability of a location-aware assistive technology for the Android mobile operating system which is designed to aid the development of cognitive maps in young adults with intellectual disabilities. A mixed method experimental design
The ContaKm system as an Android application
The main goal of this work is to show that a proper analysis phase can greatly help in the organization of the work and of the final product (code) even no explicit representation of models and of the logic architecture is done in UML. The Java language can be used as a
Simple Scoring System for ECG Quality Assessment on Android Platform
ABSTRACT Work presented in this paper was undertaken in response to the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011: Improving the quality of ECGs collected using mobile phones. For the purpose of this challenge we have developed an algorithm that uses five simple rules,
Mobile Government System Based on the Android Platform
With the rapid development of the 3G mobile internet technology and the widespread use of the smart cell phone system, the public could visit the government e4government system not only through the fixed internet, but also by using a mobile phone at any time. Therefore,
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developed and used by people.iFall: An Android Application for Fall Monitoring andof Developing An Android-based Emergency BroadcastingUSA A Mobile Disaster Management System Using the Android Technology
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2) GPS Receiver: A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global PositioningSystem to determine the preciseare available but here vibrator sensor is used to sense the vibration acting on the vehicle so accident detection .
OCR optical character recognition on android
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Abstract: This report presents an android application for accurate recognition and translation of text in varying environmental conditions, given an Android mobile having a camera. This paper presents an extremely on-demand, fast and user friendly Android Application
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Abstract: The current procedure of meter readinggenerating bills are complex tasks of Power distribution company (PDC). In followed manual process, meter reader captures images. Store all the captured images and after capturing, all images are submitted to the
Linear equation solver in Android using OCR
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Abstract: In this paper we demonstrate an Android application that takes a camera image of a simultaneous linear equation and displays the solution. Application can solve hand written or computer printed equations. In this paper we demonstrate method for Optimizing Image
Optical character recognition
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[5] Implementing OpticalCharacter Recognition on the Android Operating System for Business CardsDigital Image Processing. [6] Hybrid Page Layout Analysis via Tab-Stop Detection Ray Smith Google Inc.
Implementing Optical Character Recognition on the Android Operating System for Business Cards
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Abstract:This report presents an algorithm for accurate recognition of text on a business card, given an Android mobile phone camera image of the card in varying environmental conditions. First a MATLAB implementation of the algorithm is described where the main straightening. Next, an optical character recognition (OCR) using neural network was utilized to extract texts and numbers. The proposed ANPR algorithm was implemented and simulated using Android SDK on a computer.
Construct OCR on mobile mechanic system for android wireless dynamics and structure stabilization
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Construct OCR on mobile mechanic system for android wireless dynamics and structure stabilization smart phone;mandarin study;opticalcharacter recognition;fuzzy lyapunov;artificial intelligence;
Optical character recognition techniques: a survey
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straightening. Next, an optical character recognition (OCR) using neural network was utilized to extract texts and numbers. The proposed ANPR algorithm was implemented and simulated using Android SDK on a computer.
Design, development and performance evaluation of reconfigured mobile Android phone for people who are blind or visually impaired
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The key idea is to evaluate usability of the integrated system (R-MAP) developed on the Android mobile phone with a simpler user interface and using the camera image capturing routines, optical character recognition (OCR) [28]and text to speech (TTS) engines to provide read
Smudge Attacks on Smartphone Touch Screens.
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to be automated, previous work in the area automated image recognition, facial recognition techniques [5, 9] or optical character recognition We investigated the feasibility of capturing such smudges, focusing on its effect on the password pattern of Android smartphones. flowchart of the developed Android-based robot featuring automatic LPP and automatic LPR. The flowchart in Figure 2 is made up of three main subprocedures. 1) License Plate Patrolling (LPP), 2) License Plate Detection (LPD), and 3) OpticalCharacter Recognition (OCR).
Mobile Camera Based Text Detection and Translation
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Befitting from this, android programmers are able to implement many digital image- processing algorithms in Android phone platform. 3) OpticalCharacter Recognition: OCR, OpticalCharacter Recognition, is developed to translate scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or
Software Architecture for Better Text-Based Infromation Accessibility
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This software combines techniques like: Image Processing, OpticalCharacter Recognition, Machine Translation, Text Analyze and Text to application for text recognition and translation for Android phones [3], but without text-to-speech capabilities. Our main contribution is the inclusion of optical character recognition within text bubble associated to comics char- acters.considering the accessibility features offered by mature Open Source components, but also by Open Source APIs of recent platforms such as Android [11].
Transforming IbnSina into an advanced multilingual interactive android robot
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IbnSina [1] is the worlds first ArabicYlanguage conversational android robot, which already has capabilities for generating preYscripted facialR3) Basic read-aloud-text capability (through OCR) OCR (OpticalCharacter Recognition) is a program thats converts scanned
Android based Measurement System with Optical Character Recognition
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Abstract Across the world, electric utilities are deploying smart meters also known as AMI (Automated Metering Infrastructure) to their residential customers and industrial applications. Smart meters provide two-way digital communications between the utility and the In terms of logical aspect, features that were already implemented on the PC software such as optical character recognition for chords and lyrics, and manual correction, are also made possible. In the future, if Android API provides libraries for synthesizing MIDI, this will help us
Optical Character Recognition of Non-flat Small Documents Using Android: A Case Study
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Abstract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) using Android has been received a great attention. In all these efforts a flat document is selected for OCRing and non-flat documents are ignored. Labels mounted on cylindrical surfaces such as wine bottle, pill box, cans, etc
Optical character recognition software in library mobile apps
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Optical character recognition is software that allows a computer to create text strings out of scanned images or, in our case, anthat may prove useful for identifying geometry or image reconstruction includes the OpenCV library, now available for the Android mobile operating
Text Recognition and Translation Application for Smartphone
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will own a mobile phone with an embedded camera, which is all that our system needs.Research in the field of OpticalCharacter Recognition (OCRWe propose an Android application that detects the text information within an image taken with a mobile phone camera, extracts it
Very high growth rate chemical vapor deposition of single-crystal diamond
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same full width at half-maximum of 3.4 cm1. These results mean that the top surface of the CVD diamond possesses a different opticalcharacter but the same internal stress strength as the HPHT-diamond seed (21).
ATMA: Android Travel Mate Application
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research in optical character recognition, a technology well developed for
android threading
Identifying android malicious repackaged applications by thread-grained system call sequences
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Abstract Android security has become highly desirable since adversaries can easily repackage malicious codes into various benign applications and spread these malicious repackaged applications (MRAs). Most MRA detection mechanisms on Android focus on
Verifying android applications using Java PathFinder
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In Android, this main thread is called the Looper thread. The Looper has a message queue attached to it containing all application events to be dis- patched.The ActivityThread class is part of the Android framework and starts the application's Looper thread.
Testing for poor responsiveness in Android applications
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Jank is excessive work performed in the event-handling thread, which in Android is the main thread of the application.1) Network Access: A well-known development guideline states that Android applications should not perform network operations in the UI thread [20].
Droidscope: seamlessly reconstructing the os and dalvik semantic views for dynamic androidmalware analysis
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mterp InterpState InterpState {Jvalue retval;Thread* self;} SharedPreferencesImpl.getInt:(Ljava/lang/String;I)I: lib d v m .s o String Integer this S ta ck g ro w s low address Figure 5: Dalvik Virtual Machine State code.
Learning android
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Object and Initialization Code 56 Compiling Code and Building Your Projects: Saving Files 59 Adding the jtwitter.jar Library 59 Updating the Manifest File for Internet Permission 61 Logging in Android 62 LogCat 62 Threading in Android 65 Single Thread 65 Multithreaded
Developing mobile learning applications for Android using web services
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They allow the development of actions in the background without blocking the main thread execution and interaction with such applica- tion. Android applications are developed mainly using Eclipse IDE with Android Develop- ment Tools (ADT) plug-in.
Improving Android performance and energy efficiency
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DSP side applicationPs TSK thread can block itself till it gets that message by calling MSGEKget() method.DSP Debugging support: We provided a logging mechanism which helps developer to print any values in Android logging daemon directly from DSP side application. In this paper, we present a preliminary conclusion about Android's real-time behavior and performance based on experimental measurements such as thread switch latency, interrupt latency, sustained interrupt frequency, and finally the behavior of mutex and semaphore.
Development and preliminary evaluation of an Android based heart rate variability biofeedback system
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even block UI [16]. Therefore, real-time processing and visualization of signals is accomplished by use of four working threads and one specific androidthread called intentservice [17] in addition to UI thread. They are called UI
SMS Encryption using AES Algorithm on Android
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3. Long pressing any message in the thread will popup an action box wherein the user can delete, forward or decrypt the message. 4. The cipher key is randomly generated if the user does not enter it.6. This application is developed on Android platform.
Visual-inertial tracking on android for augmented reality applications
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As the camera explores the scene the map is grown by adding keyframes and map points [5]. In the 978-1-4673-2738-1/12/$31.002012 IEEE Page 2. following we focus on the tracking thread and its adaption for the Android OS. A. Linux Kernel ) Android OS bases on Linux 2.6 kernel, and Linux kernel as hardware abstraction of underlying layer provides the services of basic memory management, thread management, network protocol stack and device driver etc.
Android/OSGi-based vehicular network management system
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R4 OSGi implementation. Using the Dalvik ClassLoader object to read the main class continually in child thread, the Android/OSGi platform can start the OSGi framework in the Android application layer. In addition, this study
Developing Android applications with arctis
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Revised Architecture for Android on ArctisFinal Architecture for Android on ArctisNon-thread dependent service initiation Thread dependent service initiation
Comparison and analysis of the three programming models in google android
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The multi-thread version computes the physics in multiple threads by using Android built-in thread pool executor class.Performance improvement with multiple worker threads Note, Android system is inherently designed with multiple-process and multiple-thread support. about the signature permission what happen if the declaring app is uninstalled, Android Security Discussions,
Retrofitting concurrency for android applications through refactoring
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thread. The UI event thread of an Android app processes UI events, but long-running operations (ie, CPU-bound or blocking I/O operations) will freeze it, so that it cannot respond to new user input or redraw. Android documentation
The Android developer's cookbook: building applications with the Android SDK
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Overview Recipe: Creating a Project and an Activity Directory Structure of Project and Autogenerated Content Android Package andData Types Between Activities 3 Threads, Services, Receivers, and Alerts Threads Recipe: Launching a Secondary Thread Recipe: Creating a
Race detection for Android applications
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eg, [20, 24, 30]). Unfortunately, race detection for Android applications requires reasoning about both thread inter leavings and event dispatch; ignoring one or the other leads to false positives. Our happens-before relation gener
Execution and property specifications for JPF-android
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user interface (GUI). Due to the GUI of Android applications not being thread safe, these additional threads can only interact with the GUI by posting requests in the main thread's message queue [10]. This makes monitoring
A study on the performance of Android platform
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in single thread cannot utilize of high performance of multi-core high-end CPUs, other view system mechanism is needed for better performance. V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS. We reviewed some software tools for analyzing the performance of Android platform.
Cofa: Automatic and dynamic code offload for android
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system. Android programming guidelines behooves the appli- cation developer to execute performance intensive tasks in a worker thread in Android[10].Listing 1: Example Android program doing computation in a thread the
Rtdroid: A design for real-time android
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Note, however, that even in extreme cases of contention the latency of high priority thread's mes- sages is only increased by the cost of preempting the low priority thread. For the Android configuration, this dramatic drop occurs before the RTDroid configuration at around 50
Designing an m-learning application for a ubiquitous learning environment in the androidbased mobile devices using web services
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Widgets unlike applications, occupies only part of the main display screen and associated (Home). Android operating system is multitasking, each application running in a separate thread. 4.2 Android Application Development
Android permissions demystified
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Dalvik Virtual Machine Native Code Binder Service1 ThreadThread Binder ServiceN API LibraryPublic API RPC Stub IBinder Hidden Figure 1: The architecture of the Android platform. Permission checks occur in the system process. Permissions.
Evaluating android os for embedded real-time systems
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Dalvik follows the pthread model where all the threads are treated as native pthreads. Internal VM threads belong to one thread group and all other application threads belong to another group. According to source code analysis, Android does Figure 2. Zygote Heap A buggy implementation could hang thread execution, while new threads are being created.All of the discussed measurements can be easily collected via system services provided by the Android platform, and does not require any code changes or system modifications.
Mobile Devices-An Introduction to the Android Operating Environment Design, Architecture, and Performance Implications
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To illustrate, the Bionic library contains a special thread implementation that 1st, optimizes the memory consumption of each thread and 2nd, reduces the startup time of a new thread. Android provides run-time access to kernel primitives [2]. Hence, user-space components can
Android programming: Pushing the limits
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Dalvik Java to Java SE Optimizing JavaCode forAndroid TypeSafe Enumon Android Enhanced ForLoop on Android Queues, Synchronization, and Locks Memory Management and Allocations Reducing Object Allocations Multithreading on AndroidThread AsyncTask Handler
RetroSkeleton: retrofitting android apps
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updating the widget with the translated text. Apps usually set the text in UI widgets from within the Android UI (main) thread, so rewritten apps will invoke our handlers in the UI thread. Regular setText calls finish quickly, but delaying handler. The UI thread updates UI depending on the received updating message. The operation of Android UI is not thread-safe so that it must be done in UI thread. Handler is used to achieve the Android UI updating. A Handler
Calculating source line level energy information for android applications
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For example, Line 10 of Program 2 will incur a significant energy overhead for the context switch that occurs when a new thread is started. Periodically, the Android operating system will perform garbage collection during the execution of an application.
Enabling ZigBee communications in android devices
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Materials Science Page 5. CC2530 via UART, the firmware on CC2530 will relay it to radio. And when CC2530 receives a radio packet, the firmware will use HALUARTwrite to forward it to the UART and will be received by the Android receiving thread.
Software engineering a family of complex systems simulation model apps on android tablets
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Graphical Apps creates a single thread of execution by the Android OS which is called the main thread. UI, invalidation and canvas drawing are performed on this thread and we implemented this with the code on Figure 3, creating a new thread for our drawing to the canvas.
Automated GUI testing on the Android platform
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The developers do not need to take core of the synchronization between the UI thread and UI objects methods, as with the Instrumentation Framework. However, this limits the UI Objects handling at screen level. While the Android instrumentation framework offers greatest
Teaching embedded software concepts using Android
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Review of Operating Systems BasicsProcesses and ThreadsProcess Synchronization and CoordinationInter-process CommunicationMemory ManagementProcesses and Thread Support in AndroidConcurrency, synchronization and Inter-process Communication
A cross-platform analysis of bugs and bug-fixing in open source projects: desktop vs. Androidvs. iOS
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Source Projects: Desktop vs. Android vs. iOSIn this paper we focus specifically on differences in bugs and bug-fixing processes between desktop and smartphone software. Our study cov- ers 444,129 bug reports in 88 open source projects on desk- top, Android, and iOS.
Smartphone malware evolution
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A gui crawling-based technique for android mobile application testing
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camera and so on. In order to optimize the management of all these resources and to cope with the intrinsic hardware limitations, the Android applications implement a multi-thread process model in which only a single thread
android system research papers