research paper-rf design-microstrip antenna
Reconfigurable microstrip antenna
- RF MEMS reconfigurable triangular patch antenna
- Smart Reconfigurable Antennas for Satellite Applications
- MEMS reconfigurable Vee antenna
- Multifunctional reconfigurable MEMS integrated antennas for adaptive MIMO systems
Adaptive Power Management of Linear RF Power Amplifiers in Mobile Handsets An Integrated System Design Approach
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Energy-efficient, linear RF power amplifiers (PAs) are critical for achieving longer battery life in state-of-the-art radio transceivers because typically they determine and dominate the power consumption of the system. In this paper, an adaptive power management scheme
Choosing RF CMOS or SiGe BiCMOS in mixed-signal design
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Deciding what technology to choose for fast-moving targets is not trivial, especially in the commercial space where the price, time to market, and the performance of the chip can make or break a product, and sometimes the company. This article attempts to analyze these This lecture is about the possible methods to reduce the beam impedance of cavities. Cavities are not the only source of beam impedance in a machine. But if the beam tube is well designed ie without unnecessary irregularities, they are the dominant source. Let us just
Using behavioral models to drive RF design and verify system performance
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A new generation of software tools for Model-Based Design is enabling the creation of system-level models that system architects can use to evaluate the RF design specification in a flexible design environment that allows information to flow both top down and bottom up
Challenges for the Low Level RF Design for ESS
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Abstract The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a planned neutron source to be built in Lund, Sweden, which is planned to produce the first neutrons in 2019. It will have an average beam power at the target of 5 MW, an average current along the linac of 50 mA, and
VeSPA: integrated applications for RF pulse design , spectral simulation and MRS data analysis
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Introduction: Spectral simulation is an effective and efficient means for optimizing data acquisition sequences and for facilitating spectral analysis. The VeSPA-Versatile Simulation, Pulses and Analysis package is an integrated set of open source applications written in that
Design of High-Power High-Specific Impulse RF -IonThruster
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One possible image of powerful (35 kW) RF -ion thruster ( RF IT) with specific impulse of 7000 s is examined in the paper. The work is supported by the RF Government Grant for supporting the scientific researches performed under the leadership of Russian
Design of a ring RF system
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In a circular accelerator or collider, the excitation of coherent longitudinal oscillations (dipole and quadrupole) by RF noise, magnetic fluctuations and the like cause indesirable effects, for instance emittance blow-up or even beam losses. The RF system architecture can
Design and fabrication of RF MEMS switch by the CMOS process
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This work investigates the fabrication of a RF (ratio frequency) MEMS (micro elector mechanical system) switch using the standard 0.35 μm 2P4M (double polysilicon four metal) CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) process and the post-process. The
RF design of APEX2 cavities
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APEX2 is a proposed high repetition rate, high brightness electron source based on continuous-wave normal conducting RF cavities, aiming to further extend the brightness performance for Free Electron Laser and Ultra-fast Electron Diffraction/Ultra-fast Electron Advances in electronics technologies have led to a kind of a boomin a very wide range of fields, such as, informatics, bioengineering, communications, electronic gadgets, to name a few. Despites the fact that in the digital domain, designers can take full benefits of IPs and
Low energy RF transceiver design
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Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
RF and millimeter-wave IC design in the nano-(Bi) CMOS era
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This article describes new developments in circuit topologies and design methodologies that have become necessary in the RF and millimeter wave (mm-wave) arena due to the emergence of the silicon MOSFET as a serious contender. The impact of nanoscale CMOS
RF design and characterisation of inductive coupler for new Indus-1 RF cavity
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INDUS-1 RF cavity is used to compensate the energy losses of 100 mA stored beam current at 450 MeV energy. For the desired operation, INDUS-1 RF cavity requires 1.2 kW RF power. Input coupler and sensing RF coupler are used in the INDUS-1 RF cavity. An
Design and simulation of RF MEMS capacitive type shunt switch its major applications
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This article details about the design of a K-band RF -MEMS capacitive type shunt switch and some of its major applications. The electrostatic and electromagnetic analyses of the designed structure have been performed using MATLAB and commercially available EM
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Design goals and development schedules make simulation an essential tool in the development of new communication systems and SDR waveforms. For todays radios, this means the simulation must be able to model the mixed-domain design of the waveform PHY Circuit and interconnect design techniques that tackle many of the greatest difficulties and uncertainties in the development of ICs for RF and high bit-rate applications are the subject of this book. At bit-rates above 10 Gb/s, the impact of on-chip interconnect on circuit
Using high-speed op amps for high-performance RF design , Part
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Why use op amps for RF design Traditional RF design techniques using discrete transistors have been practiced successfully for decades. RF designers who are comfortable with things as-is will scrutinize introduction of a new design technique using op amps. The
Joint design of dual-band large-tip-angle RF and gradient waveforms in parallel excitation
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Results Figure 2 shows SE water and fat excitation patterns, which were obtained via division of short-TE GRE images from SE images acquired with each pulse. Excitation patterns for the shimmed pulses contain strong inhomogeneities at the phantoms periphery
Rf design and high power tests of a new tsinghua photocathode rf gun
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A new photocathode RF gun has been designed and fabricated to meet beam brightness requirements (0.5-1 nC, 1-2 mm mrad) of Tsinghua Thomson scattering project (TTX) and Shanghai soft X-ray free electron laser test facillity (SXFEL). Compared with classical BNL