research papers in microprocessor 81
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IS Kolev , A PIC 16F873 microconttroller with 10-bit AD converter (ADC) is used in the proposed circuit shown in fig. 1. The parameters of the microcontroller are shown in table 2. Two independent differential photodetectors can be included in the circuit. The dividers
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HEDM Abdou , ABSTRACT A new EPROM programmer and emulator circuit is described In this paper. This circuit is general purpose and has many useful features and applications, among which are; I-It can be used with any 8 bit microprocessor. Ii-It contains RAM and EPROM with variable
Simulation Design of A General Purpose Microprocessor Based on FPGA
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S Abdul-Hassan ABSTRACT A General purpose microprocessor is one having the capability to execute the usual set of instructions like arithmetic, logic, branching and other control instructions. It is consisting of a set of registers to store data, a program counter, a stack pointer,.. etc. In this
New Re-Design in Microprocessor Internet Laboratory
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EL Aldea, ES Ruz, SM Gutirrez, GD Orueta , ABSTRACT The DIEEC (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department) of UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) in Spain is working to elaborate different tools to teach Computer Architecture subject using new technologies. One of the Education Platform
Designing of an educational resource the Microprocessor technics
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ABSTRACT By the problem of research we have defined revealing pedagogical conditions for formation of the future engineers readiness to productive and innovative activity in educational process of the university. During research the adding each other methods
Evaluation and Design of Guitar Effects Software used on a PIC Microprocessor
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J Mohamed , There are millions of musicians in the world today, with so many people making music, creating a distinct and unique sound is not easy. There are different genres of music–from Pop to Rock to Classical, and all these genres have their own sounds. It is these sounds
Automation of Dipole Moment Measurements Using Microprocessor Controlled System
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Measurement techniques with conventional dipolmeters require fine adjustments and measurements which seem to be very tedious and time consuming. Provided automation enables very frequent measurements with a step of Io ? and disallows any user-oriented
A VLSI Chip Set for a Multiprocessor Workstation-Part I: An RISC Microprocessor with Coprocessor Interface and Support for Symbolic Processing
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, Abrmzcr-This two-part paper describes two key components used in building a 40-70 MIPS multiprocessor workstation. In the first part, VLSI implementation of the central processing unit (CPU) chip, based on reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture and with
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A Kamkin , Page 1.Abstract FUNCTIONAL VALIDATION OF MICROPROCESSOR UNITS BASED ON CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Specification of Requirements Here we present an approach to functional validation of microprocessor units that is based on contract specifications.
A knowledge acquisition approach: from Von Neumann to more complex computer architectures using microprocessor simulators
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JM Prez-Lorenzo, R Viciana-Abad, S Garcia-Galn , A major problem in teaching computer architecture courses is to provide a tool which can aid the students during practical sessions in order to reinforce the knowledge acquired in the theorical lessons. To achieve this goal, we present the development of two simulators
A microprocessor-controlled film balance system
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Film balances are widely used to study the physical and chemical properties ofmonomolecular films of surface-active substances, such as lipids and proteins at the gas- liquid interface. Usually film balances measure the two-dimensional surface pressure, lI,
An efficient hardware implementation of extended and fast physical addressing inmicroprocessor-based systems using programmable logic
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ABSTRACT This paper describes an efficient hardware implementation of a new technique for interfacing the data exchange between the microprocessor-based systems and the external devices. This technique, based on the use of software/hardware system and a reduced
Microprocessor Verification Based on DatapathAbstraction and Refinement
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Counterexample GuidedAbstraction Refinement (CEGAR for short) has been shown to be an effective paradigm in a variety of hardware and software verification scenarios. Originally pio- neered by Kurshan [7], it has since been adopted by several researchers as a
Compact Thermal Modeling For Microprocessor Design With Spatially Correlated Power Inputs
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Z Liu, XDT Sheldon, H Wang, R Quintanilla , ABSTRACT This paper proposes a new thermal modeling method for the thermal design of package for high-performance microprocessors. The new approach builds the thermal behavioral models from the given accurate temperature and power information by means
Microprocessor based flow meter for measuring the flow rate of cryogenic liquids
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This paper presents the design of a microprocessor-based flow meter to optimize the flow rate of liquid nitrogen required to control fire in underground coalmines. The salient features of the device and its set-up procedure with the liquid nitrogen tanker are illustrated with
WP 25.3 A 580MHz RISC Microprocessor in SOI
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P Kartschoke, D Kramer, P McCormick, N Rohrer , The separation by implanted oxygen (SIMOX) SOI process produces partially-depleted devices. Source and drain capacitances are reduced by an order of magnitude, improving gate delay by 12%. Reduction in body-bias effects on device stacks and passgate
Complexity Analysis of a Functional Assignment Register Microprocessor
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BA Abderazek, S Shigeta, T Yoshinaga , ABSTRACT New designed processor complexity can be variously quatified. It can be performed in terms of number of transistors, dies area, clockspeed/cycle-time or power dissipation. In this paper, we present the complexity of a Functional Assignmnet Register Microprocessor
Investigation of DC-DC Converter Topologies for Future Microprocessor
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Abstract Future generation microprocessors are expected to exhibit much heavier loads and much faster transient slew rates. Today s Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) will need a large amount of extra decoupling and output filter capacitors to meet future requirements,
Number cruncher interface to microprocessor
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National Semiconductor s number cruncher unit (NCU) is a single chip arithmetic unit (another term for calculator) designed for interface to either a microprocessor driven system or a random logic system. It contains most of the arithmetic functions found in the more
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microprocessor research papers 71
research papers in microprocessor 82 CSE PROJECTS