rfid attendance system
RFID-based students attendance management system
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Abstract In recent years, there have been rise in the number of applications based on Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to different
areas as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and hospitality industry to
Attendance Control System based on RFID-technology
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Abstract In Kazakhstan, checking students’ attendance is one of the important issues for
universities, because many universities evaluate students’ attendance and while giving the
final grade, professors consider their total number of appearances on classes during the
Online Attendance Management System Using RFID with Object Counter
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Abstract Educational institutions’ administrators in our country and the whole world are
concerned about regularity of student attendance. Student overall academic performance is
affected by it. The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names or signing
The Research and Application of College Student Attendance System based on RFID Technology
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Abstract College student attendance management of class plays an important position in the
work of management of college student, this can help to urge student to class on time,
improve learning efficiency, increase learning grade, and thus entirely improve the
Optimized Design of Student Attendance System Using RFID
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Abstract:Web-based student attendance management system is required to assist the
faculty and the lecturer for the time-consuming process. For this purpose, GSM/GPRS
(Global System for Mobile communication/General Packet Radio Service) based student’s
The Design of Intelligent Campus Security Attendance System Based onRFID, GSM and Zig-Bee
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As the number of valuables owned by college students increases, means of criminal theft
becomes more intelligent and hidden. But students security awareness is relatively weak,
which results in frequent campus thefts and has bad effect on teachers, students and the
Development of a Student Attendance Management System Using RFID and Face Recognition: A Review
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Abstract: Whole world and administrators of Educational institutions’ in our country are
concerned about regularity of student attendance. Student’s overall academic performance
is affected by the student’s present in his institute. Mainly there are two conventional
Design of RFID Based Student Attendance System with Notification to Parents Using GSM
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Abstract:RFID means Radio Frequency Identification. It is a wireless identification
technique which has become very popular these days. It is used for smart system that can be
used to identify, monitor secure and do object inventory by the use of radio frequency. This
Arduino Based Smart RFID Security and Attendance System with Audio Acknowledgement
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Abstract:there has been emerging demand for secure system that must be reliable and fast
responded for the industries and company. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one of
the reliable and fast means of identifying any material object. Their significant advantage
Enhancing a learning management system to track attendance using RFID
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ABSTRACT Over 95 percent of institutes of higher education in the US have a learning
management system (LMS) in place. Blackboard (BB) is one of the most widely used LMS
and has a building block (freeware) that provides the ability to manually record and track
The Design and Research of Student Attendance System Nodes Based onRFID
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Abstract. In the recently years, the main student attendance mode is named by teacher in
great majority university. The kind of named is not only waste class time, but also can not be
truly reflection the really student attendance. In response to this situation, student
A Proposed RFID Based Student Attendance System
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Abstract: The majority of universities in the developing countries are still using a paper sheet
for checking students’ attendance. The use of an alternative system is becoming an urgent
necessity to manage the students’ attendance record automatically. The RFID enables the
Functional Model of RFID-based Students Attendance Management System in Higher Education Institution
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ABSTRACT The need of developing student attendance management system is driven due
to the fact that the students’ attendance records are one of the most important factors of their
academic achievement. The conventional practice of managing the student attendance
RFID Based Face Attendance System RFID Based Face Attendance System
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Abstract This paper describes the development of a employee attendance system based on
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a
technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag
The Design and Implementation about attendance system used in campus classroom based on RFID technology
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Abstract:In order to make up the disadvantage that the traditional attendance system used
in classroom brought, such as taking up the class time, Can not avoided on behalf of the
named phenomenon that Behalf of named and so on. At the same time, in order to
Implementation of Attendance System based on RFID and GSM with respect to Power Saving Concept
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Abstract The paper describes the development of student’s attendance system based on
RFID followed by power saving concept. The existing system includes manual attendance
which is very time consuming and at the same include lots of paper work. The drawback of
Design and Implement of Meeting Attendance System Based on RFID
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Abstract-The traditional manual method of meeting attendance brings out many
disadvantages such as belated information, incorrect attendance data, inefficiency of the
operation. As Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) technology can identify object
A RFID Based Automatic Attendance System in Educational Institutions of Nigeria
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Abstract As a result of the challenges of the manual method of taking attendance in schools
and colleges in Nigeria, an automated attendance system needs to be adopted. The
challenges include difficulty in keeping the attendance list over a long period of time,
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ABSTRACT Web-based student attendance management system is required to assist the
faculty and the lecturer with the objective for the time-consuming process. For this purpose,
GSM/GPRS (Global System for Mobile communication/General Packet Radio Service)
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Abstract-Whole world and administrators of Educational institutions’ in our country are
concerned about regularity of student attendance. Student’s overall academic performance
is affected by the student’s presence in his institute. Mainly there are two conventional
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ABSTRACT Employee management, today, is widely practiced in all workplaces. Day by day
security breaches and transaction fraud increases, the necessity for secure identification and
private verification technologies is turning into a good concern to the organization.
Design and Implementation of RFID Based Attendance System
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Abstract: RFID is a nascent technology, deeply rooted by its early developments in using
radar as a harbinger of adversary planes during World War II. A plethora of industries have
leveraged the benefits of RFID technology for enhancements in sectors like military, sports
Structural and Behavioral Models of RFID-based Students Attendance System Using Model-View-Controller Pattern
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ABSTRACT A student attendance management system is needed by higher education
institution due to the fact that the students’ attendance are one of the critical factors which
decide their academic achievement. The practice of managing the attendance based on
Students Attendance Monitoring System Based on RFID and GSM Network
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Abstract: RFID means Radio Frequency Identification is a wireless identification technique
which becomes very popular these days and is used for the identification of physical objects
like products, humans etc. by the use of radio frequency. This technique is much more
Requirement Analysis and Design of RFID and Mobile Application basedAttendance Management System: A Case Study of Ordinary Level Schools
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ABSTRACT Mobile phone technology has continued to grow in terms of computation power,
memory sizes and efficiency power utilization. The emergency of Smartphone has facilitated
many applications for different activities to be developed. Smartphone are mobile phone
Students’ Attendance Management System Based On RFID And Fingerprint Reader
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Abstract: Today students'(class) attendance is become more important part for any
organizations/institutions. The conventional method of taking attendance by calling names
or signing on paper is very time consuming and insecure, hence inefficient. This paper
An Automatic Attendance Monitoring System using RFID and IOT using Cloud
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Abstract:If we talk about the current scenario of our education system than we found that
we have lot of technologies to use but still we are following the traditional system. We if we
talk about the attendance system in universities and schools, lecturers did that work
Attendance Monitoring System Using ZigBee and RFID
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ABSTRACT Attendance Monitoring System Using ZigBee and RFID are designed to collect
and manage student’s attendance record from RFID devices installed in an educational
environment. Based on the verification of the student identification in the class, the system
Effective Automatic Attendance Marking System Using Face Recognition withRFID
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ABSTRACT In this RFID system, the student shows RFID tag which initiates the camera and
a face is captured and recognized so that attendance is marked. During the class hours
Ultrasonic sensor is activated. If a student leaves in between the class hours or comes late
Secured Attendance Management System Using RFID Technology
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Abstract–In recent past, a rapid growth in the number of applications based on Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to different
areas as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and hospitality industry to