A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer— capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. Robots can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within.
Four different interaction styles for the social robot Furhat acting as a host in spoken conversation practice with two simultaneous language learners have been developed, based on interaction styles of human moderators of language caf s. We first investigatedREBOund: Untethered origami jumping robot with controllable jump height
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Origami robots are well-suited for jumping maneuvers because of their light weight and ability to incorporate actuation and control strategies directly into the robot body. However, existing origami robots often model fold patterns as rigidly foldable and fail to take
Bio-inspired robotic impedance adaptation for human- robot collaborative tasks
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To improve the robotic flexibility and dexterity in a human- robot collaboration task, it is important to adapt the robot impedance in a real-time manner to its partners behavior. However, it is often quite challenging to achieve this goal and has not been well addressed
The Robot Revolution: Managerial and Employment Consequences for Firms
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As a new general-purpose technology, robots have the potential to radically transform industries and affect employment. Preliminary empirical studies using industry and geographic region-level data have shown that robots differ from prior general-purpose
Auctions for multi- robot task allocation in communication limited environments
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We consider the problem of multi- robot task allocation using auctions, and study how lossy communication between the auctioneer and bidders affects solution quality. We demonstrate both analytically and experimentally that even though many auction algorithms have similar We describe in this paper, the development of a humanoid robot for the Ski Robot Challenge, which was held in Korea. The goal of this competition was to develop a humanoid robot that could autonomously perform in a ski giant slalom game. To participate
Proprioceptive sensor fusion for quadruped robot state estimation, in
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Estimation of a quadrupeds state is fundamentally important to its operation. In this paper we develop a lowlevel state estimator for quadrupedal robots that includes attitude, odometry, ground reaction forces, and contact detection. The state estimator is divided into
Decentralised self-organising maps for multi- robot information gathering
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This paper presents a new coordination algorithm for decentralised multi- robot information gathering. We consider planning for an online variant of the multi-agent orienteering problem with neighbourhoods. This formulation closely aligns with a number of importantExploring the specific field of care robot orientation generates many questions regarding the meaning, content and how it should be conducted. The issue is important due to the general digitalisation and implementation of welfare technology and care robots. The aim of the Abstract Social Assistive Robots are starting to be widely used for paediatric health-care. In this setting, the development of effective strategies to engage and remain compelling during the interaction is still an open research area since, in the case of an incoming medical
The effects of feedback on childrens engagement and learning outcomes in robotassisted second language learning
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To investigate how a robots use of feedback can influence childrens engagement and support second language learning, we conducted an experiment in which 72 children of 5 years old learned 18 English animal names from a humanoid robot tutor in three different
Robot Betrayal: a guide to the ethics of robotic deception
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If a robot sends a deceptive signal to a human user, is this always and everywhere an unethical act, or might it sometimes be ethically desirable Building upon previous work in robot ethics, this article tries to clarify and refine our understanding of the ethics of robotic
A Multi-Dimensional Conception and Measure of Human- Robot Trust
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Robots are increasingly used in social applications, which raise challenges regarding peoples trust in robots. A modern conception of human- robot trust must go beyond the conventional notions of human-automation relations and better connect to the current
Blockchain technology secures robot swarms: A comparison of consensus protocols and their resilience to Byzantine robots
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Consensus achievement is a crucial capability for robot swarms, for example, for path selection, spatial aggregation, or collective sensing. However, the presence of malfunctioning and malicious robots (Byzantine robots) can make it impossible to achieveIn this paper, a navigation and environment mapping method is presented for small exploration robots that use hopping motion. While previous research about hopping rovers mostly focuses on mobility and mechanical design, the motivation for the proposed method
Investigating Taste-liking with a Humanoid Robot Facilitator
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Tasting is an essential activity in our daily lives. Implementing social robots in the food and drink service industry requires the social robots to be able to understand customers nonverbal behaviours, including taste-liking. Little is known about whether people alter their
Optimizing multi- robot communication under bandwidth constraints
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Robots working collaboratively can share observations with others to improve team performance, but communication bandwidth is limited. Recognizing this, an agent must decide which observations to communicate to best serve the team. Accurately estimating the Socially assistive robots are a promising technology for supporting residential care facilities to provide stimulating recreational activities to residents in group settings. In order for caregivers to teach robots customized recreational activities for residents in their facilities
Robotassisted versus conventional total and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis of radiological and functional outcomes
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The study aims to provide an up-to-date systematic review and meta-analysis comparing radiological and functional outcomes of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) using either robotic assistance or conventional methods from the
Demystifying Emergent Intelligence and Its Effect on Performance In Large Robot Swarms
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We investigate the emergence of swarm intelligence using task allocation in large robot swarms. First, we compare task decomposition graphs of different levels of richness and measure the emergent intelligence arising from self-organized task allocation by deriving Different geopolitical conflicts of recent years have led to mass migration of several civilian populations. These migrations take place in militarized zones, indicating real danger contexts for the populations. Indeed, civilians are increasingly targeted during militaryPerson accumulates sensual information, most of all, through the visual and perception system. He develops intelligence on the basis of feeling-knowledge. New feeling-knowledge contributes to the development of skills and accumulation of behavioral and professional In this paper, an optimal nonlinear control scheme based on the application of ant colony optimization (ACO) is applied to a micro- robot equipped with vibratory actuators. Accordingly, two small vibrating motors are utilized to run the micro- robot and the motion
Moral evaluation of human and robot interactions in Japanese preschoolers
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Several empirical and theoretical studies have examined the role of robots in child- robot interaction, and they have showed that robotic agents can be perceived as social partners. Nonetheless, studies on moral development in pre-schoolers classically involve a human The present research studies the attribution of credit for success and attribution of blame for failure in a human robot group. In the experiment, two participants of the same gender and a robot composed of a group that cooperated to solve the desert survival problem. Each
Collaborative and inclusive process with the autism community: A case study in colombia about social robot design
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One of the most promising areas in which social assistive robotics has been introduced is therapeutic intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders (CwASD). Even though there are promising results in therapeutic contexts, there is a lack of guidelines on how to Purpose To assess the feasibility of same-day discharge (SDD) after robotassisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) in the context of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and prehabilitation pathways. Materials and methods For 1 year, we prospectively assessed theHealthcare robots enable practices that seemed far-fetched in the past. Robots might be the solution to bridge the loneliness that the elderly often experience; they help wheelchair users walk again, or help navigate the blind. European Institutions, however This study examined whether interacting with a humanoid robot influences childrens gaze aversion, an effortless strategy that people commonly use to facilitate thinking when asked challenging questions. Following the intentional stance model, we hypothesized that
Relocating Units in Robot Swarms with Uniform Control Signals is PSPACE-Complete
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This paper investigates a restricted version of robot motion planning, in which particles on a board uniformly respond to global signals that cause them to move one unit distance in a particular direction on a 2D grid board with geometric obstacles. We show that the problem
Goal density-based hindsight experience prioritization for multi-goal robot manipulation reinforcement learning
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Reinforcement learning for multi-goal robot manipulation tasks is usually challenging, especially when sparse rewards are provided. It often requires millions of data collected before a stable strategy is learned. Recent algorithms like Hindsight Experience Replay
Gershgorin loss stabilizes the recurrent neural network compartment of an end-to-end robot learning scheme
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Traditional robotic control suits require profound task-specific knowledge for designing, building and testing control software. The rise of Deep Learning has enabled end-to-end solutions to be learned entirely from data, requiring minimal knowledge about the
Acoustic Collision Detection and Localization for Robot Manipulators
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Collision detection is critical for safe robot operation in the presence of humans. Acoustic information originating from collisions between robots and objects provides opportunities for fast collision detection and localization; however, audio information from microphones onBackground Robotassisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) with intrathoracic anastomosis is gaining popularity as a treatment for esophageal cancer. The aim of this study was to describe postoperative complications and short-term oncologic outcomes for
Complementary multi-modal sensor fusion for resilient robot pose estimation in subterranean environments
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Resilient pose estimation for autonomous systems, and especially small unmanned aerial robots, is one of the core capabilities required for these robots to perform their assigned tasks in a reliable and efficient manner. Different sensing modalities have been utilized for
Noise-resilient reconstruction of panoramas and 3D scenes using robotmounted unsynchronized commodity RGB-D cameras
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Modern scene understanding and navigation tasks [Qi et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2015] require databases of high-idelity 3D scenes [Ar-meni et al. 2016; Dai et al. 2017a; Hua et al. 2016], which are mostly acquired through either hand-held scanning [Dai et al. 2017a; Hua et alIn this paper, we propose a framework that enables a human teacher to shape a robot behaviour by interactively providing it with unlabeled instructions. We ground the meaning of instruction signals in the task-learning process, and use them simultaneously for guiding theWe present the collected findings of a user-centred approach for developing a tele-operated robot for remote echocardiography examinations. During the three-year development of the robot we involved users in all development stages of the robot to increase the usability of
COTS vision system, radiation sensor and 6 DoF robot for use in identifying radiologically uncharacterised objects
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A novel, semi-autonomous radiological scanning system for inspecting uncharacterised objects is presented. The research utilises commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic components, intended for use in relatively low radioactive dose environments. To
Preliminary experience with an image-free handheld robot for total knee arthroplasty: 77 cases compared with a matched control group
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Background Achieving an optimal limb alignment is an important factor affecting the long- term survival of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This is the first study to look at the limb alignment and orientation of components in TKA using a novel image-free handheld robotic In this paper, a novel variant of bio-inspired planning algorithms is presented for robot collision-free path planning in dynamic environments without prior information. The first contribution of this paper is that, with mild technical analysis, the traditional neural dynamic
Dynamics and control of a hopping robot for extreme environment exploration on the moon and mars
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High-resolution orbital imagery from the LROC reveals evidence for subsurface voids and mare-pits on the lunar surface. Similar discoveries have been made with the HiRISE camera onboard the MRO observing the Martian surface. These accessible voids could be used for Physical contact like touching and hugging plays an essential role in social bonding between people by encouraging interactions and self-disclosure. However, in a human robot interaction context, it remains unknown whether physical activity with robots provides This paper proposes a path planner for multi- robot systems based on the solution of the multiple traveling salesman problem by genetic algorithm. The main planning goal is to build an efficient path to each robot of the system which jointly ensures that several a priori known
A conceptual framework to evaluate human- robot collaboration
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Abstract Human- Robot Collaboration (HRC) is a form of direct interaction between humans and robots. The objective of this type of interaction is to perform a task by combining the skills of both humans and robots. HRC is characterized by several aspects, related both to
An Open Source Seeding Agri- Robot
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To enable wider experimental uptake and build interest in autonomous precision agriculture, we present a lowcost, open source hardware and software platform for automated precision seed planting, for use by researchers and practical agrihackers. The robot platform is about The robot is a very complex multi-input multi-output nonlinear system. Due to the inaccuracy of measurement and modeling, coupled with changes in load and the effects of external disturbances, it is virtually impossible to obtain a complete kinetic model. The strong The soft robot is composed almost entirely of flexible materials, making it highly flexible, complex environment adaptable and safe human-computer interaction. However, the soft robot is exposed to sharp objects during work, which is ease to cause damage and reducesThere is a close connection between health and the quality of ones social life. Strong social bonds are essential for health and wellbeing, but often health conditions can detrimentally affect a persons ability to interact with others. This can become a vicious cycle resulting in
Visualizing local minima in multi- robot motion planning using multilevel morse theory
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Multi- robot motion planning problems often have many local minima. It is essential to visualize those local minima such that we can better understand, debug and interact with multi- robot systems. Towards this goal, we present the multi- robot motion explorer, an
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Robotassisted surgery for gastrointestinal cancers began to be covered by universal health insurance in April in Japan. However, the current status of this new procedures such as the number of patients and clinical outcomes was unclear. The aim of this study to
The Interplay Between Emotional Intelligence, Trust, and Gender in Human Robot Interaction
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As robots begin to enter roles in which they work closely with human teammates or peers, it is critical to understand how people trust them based on how they interpret the robots behavior. In this paper we investigated the interplay between trust in a robot and peoples
Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Tangible RobotAssisted Handwriting Activity for Special Education
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In this article we investigate the role of interactive haptic-enabled tangible robots in supporting the learning of cursive letter writing for children with attention and visuomotor coordination issues. We focus on the two principal aspects of handwriting that are linked to Abstract Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) is a novel electrically actuated intelligent material with the advantages of big bending displacement, low driving voltage, flexible and so on. It has been recognized as one of the most attractive actuators with prospective Research findings suggest that robots can enhance interventions targeted at children with autism spectrum disorder. A pilot study was conducted at a special needs school to examine the effect of robot KASPAR on making contact with children with autism. Nine children
Cognitive System Framework for Brain-Training Exercise Based on Human- Robot Interaction
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Every 3 seconds, someone develops dementia worldwide. Brain-training exercises, preferably involving also physical activity, have shown their potential to monitor and improve the brain function of people affected by Alzheimer disease (AD) or mild cognitive impairment CSE PROJECTS