security-system IEEE PAPER 2017
Intelligent Smart Home Automation andSecurity SystemUsing Arduino and Wi-fi
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Abstract: This paper provides a low cost-effective and flexible home control and monitoring system with the aid of an integrated micro-web server with internet protocol (IP) connectivity for access and to control of equipment and devices remotely using Android-based
A Low Cost Computer based FingerprintSecurity Systemfor Restricted Access Control Automation using LabVIEW
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ABSTRACT The access to a restricted area is normally done through a manual system of keys and locks. In some places, it has been automated through the use of personal identification number or passwords and smartcard technology. However, such systems are
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ABSTRACT This paper investigates the effects of user-centric, security, and system characteristics and the moderating effects of gender on behavioural intention to use mobile payments (m-payment) services in Tanzania. The study extended the Technology
Designing of Multifunctional Surveillance andSecurity system
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Abstract-This paper describes to design and build a manually controlled surveillance system. The main purpose of this system is to be able to roam around in a given environment self contained with wireless transmission of data. We are making is to provide
Smart Home Automation: GSMSecurity SystemDesignImplementation.
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Abstract Smart home automation has attracted the interest of the research community during the last decade, at a great manner. Home security systems consist a constantly developing research field. In this paper, asecurity systemfor smart home automation is proposed. The
Design and Development of a Versatile and Intelligent HomeSecurity System
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Abstract This paper deals with the designing and implementation of microcontroller based security systemto alert when unauthorized persons try to enter in a home. The first phase of security was implemented using a GSM module to send alert message (SMS). To make the
EnhancingSecurity Systemusing Finger Print based Authentication
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ABSTRACT Security has been assuming a key part in lots of places like workplaces, foundations, libraries, research centres and so on so as to keep our information secretly so that no other unapproved individual could have an entrance on them. These days we
IGuard: An Intelligent IOT basedSecurity Systemfor Server Rooms in Industries
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Abstract-IoT has provided a great opportunity to create powerful applications for industries with increasing demand of mobile phones, sensor devices and wireless application. In recent years there has been quite rise in industries among development in industrial
Railway tracksecurity system
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Transport plays a vital role to carry the passengers and goods from one place to another. Among all the forms of transportation, railway is the most significant one. Now-a-days the railway network has become highly prone to accidents. So, proper inspection is needed
Automated Parking andSecurity System
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Abstract: This paper focuses on implementing Raspberry Pi basedAutomated Parking and Security System, using different technologies based on the developments in Smart Sensors, Image processing and Raspberry Pi-RPI model with their comparative analysis. The
Adaptable and Reliable IndustrialSecurity Systemusing PIC Controller
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Abstract The system needs to measure, acquire and store the parameters of electric power or solar battery equipment, including alternating and direct voltage and current, temperature and luminous flux. They then are stored in system memory, and can be accessed through
Security Systemusing Raspberry Pi With Door Lock Controller
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Abstract: This paper deals with the design and implementation of Smart image monitoring system using Raspberry pi for mobile devices. It increases the usage of mobile technology to provide essential security to our homes and for other control applications. The paper
High PerformanceSecurity SystemFor Image In IoT
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Abstract-Image or video exchange has become one of the important requirements in diverse applications in this Internet of Things era. Quad rotor is one of the applications of IoT. In quad rotor, with Secure Digital Camera images can be captured. After capturing the image, it
Incorporation of Human Resistant System and Advance NetworkSecurity Systemto improve Computer Security
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Abstract-Numerous of the present security systems do not provide satisfactory level of protection aligned with everincreasing threats. The main reason for their collapse is the use of point solutions to protect hosts and reactive approach against intrusions. Here we studied
Development Of Smart Homesecurity systemusing Raspberry Pi
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Abstract-HomeSecurity Systemis a mobile web based application that allows the user to monitor and control their home using their mobile device. Proposed system requires a micro SD card with an OS for the Raspberry Pi. The OS Raspbian is selected for this system, which
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the InternationalSecurity System
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We investigate1 the possible impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on the internationalsecurity systemand see closer economic cooperation between the EU and the United States as a supplement to their political alliance. In our opinion,
Bank Locker And Jewellery ShopSecurity Systemby Using Stimulated Radar System
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ABSTRACT This work describesSecurity systemfor banks and jewellery shops. It is very suitable for remote monitoring of confidential area. Due to increase in bank robbery and theft day by day, security at some places is very important. So the main aim of our project is to
IoT Based Air Pollution Level Monitoring and LPG Cylinder Regulation andSecurity System
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Abstract: Air pollution is a growing issue these days. It is necessary to monitor air quality and keep it under control for a better future and healthy living for all. Here we propose an air quality monitoring system that allows us to monitor and check live air quality through IOT.
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Abstract An intelligent homesecurity systemwith high level of security is explored in this paper. This system uses visual surveillance and much useful in home and company security. The main processing unit here using is ARM7 processor. There are different security
Fusion-Algorithm-BasedSecurity Systemwith Multiple Sensors
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People seek a comfortable and safe living environment, but accidents such as home invasions, gas leaks, and fire often occur in our environment. Thus, asecurity systemfor disaster prevention and detection is very important. However, current common security
Security Systemin Library
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ABSTRACT Today thesecurity systemis essential in all types of libraries for secure the collection and Information in libraries, this paper deals with the application ofsecurity system in libraries in technological environment, and describe about the theft and mutilation of
HomeSecurity SystemUsing PIBOT
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ABSTRACT Recently the crime rate is increasing day-by-day in every place like shops, bank, etc. In this design using Raspberry Pi 3 model is like a mini computer. The image is captured by the USB camera is interfaced with the raspberry pi 3 model, to detect the
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Abstract-A lot of children need to communicate between homes to school daily. In recent days safer transportation of school children has been a severe issue as it is often observed that, the child is forgotten to exit in the respective bus stop and if the child not entering the
A Biometric based ATMSecurity Systemusing RFIDGSM Technology
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Biometrics technology is rapidly progressing and offers attractive opportunities. In recent years, biometric authentication has grown in popularity as a means of personal identification in ATM authentication systems. The prominent biometric methods that may be used for
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Abstract: In agriculture, quality and high productivity depend on irrigation of crops in dry months. Pressurized irrigation methods are preferred due to both natural water resources more efficiently as well as better quality agricultural production. This situation brings with it
BorderSecurity Systemusing ArduinoUltrasonic Sensors
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Abstract: This research paper is based on aSecurity Systemwhich is fabricated for the Border Security by using different technologiessensors. This paper is based on the project made by our team under the guidance of our mentor. The main purpose of this paper is to
Arduino based CarSecurity System
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Abstract The project entitled Arduino Based CarSecurity System is a system which is designed to provide high security in vehicles. This system is based on Arduino controller with GSM and Sensor networks. This project is solely based on securing a vehicle and
HomeSecurity Systemand Door Access Control Based on Face Recognition
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Abstract-Smartsecurity systemhas become indispensable in modern daily life. The proposedsecurity systemhas been developed to prevent robbery in highly secure areas like home environment with lesser power consumption and more reliable standalone security
GSM based homesecurity system
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Abstract-In recent years, there has been a growing interest among consumers in the smart home concept. HomeSecurity Systemrepresents and reports the status of the connected devices in an intuitive, user-friendly interface allowing the user to interact and control various
Improved DataSecurity SystemUsing Hybrid Cryptosystem
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ABSTRACT As information is send and receive through the World Wide Web, it becomes subject to inspection and access by unauthorized parties from different part of the world since it contains vital and private content that can be use for fraudulent purpose. As a result,
Security systemof credit cards provided by NCC Bank Ltd.
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The reportSecurity systemof credit cards of NCC bank is a result of my continuous practice and experience for the last three months. In this report the history and the principle of NCC bank is described elaborately. The main objective of this bank is to mobilize resources from
Implementation of GSM BasedSecurity Systemwith IOT Applications
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Abstract An effectivesecurity systemis designed and implemented through the application of embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). The main goal of this work is to present the IoT system and modern technology systems/embedded intelligent networks. IoT
Implementation of ATMsecurity systemusing GSM and MEMS
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ABSTRACT In this paper is designed for providing security using MEMS Accelerometer. The output of MEMS device is given to ADC circuit to convert the analog values to digital which is inbuilt for LPC2148 microcontroller. Whenever the accelerometer is disturbed it gives signal
Development of a Sim800l Based Reprogrammable Household SmartSecurity Systemwith Recipient Phone Call Alert
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Abstract:-Security has become a major issue everywhere. Home security is becoming necessary nowadays as the possibilities of intrusion are increasing day by day. A traditional homesecurity systemgives the signals regarding alarm or text alert through GSM. However,
Security and Privacy A Big Concern in Big Data A Case Study on Tracking and Monitoring System
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purposes.[6] User information is in transit all the time, being accessed by the inside users, outside contractors, and business partners sharing it for research.[19] 2) Granular Access One of the greatest challenges when implementing a big datasecuritysystemis respecting
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System administrators are reluctant to take on additional security risks that stem from information sharing. Undoubtedly, it is very common for a system which runs on a higher security setting oblige to transfer some information to a lowersecuritysystemor network.
Review on QoS and Security of Database System using Genetic Algorithm
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11 Digital Investigation, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2014, Pages 336-348. [5] Kashif, K., Madjid, M., Shi, Q.,Sohail, A. (2013). Component-basedsecuritysystem(COMSEC) with QoS for wireless sensor networks. Security and Communication Networks, 6 (4), 461 472.
Human Face Detection System for Door Security
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III. METHODOLOGY The aim is to provide a highsecuritysystemusing face detection on Raspberry Pi board and send an alert to the authorized person via GSM module; this will increase the security. By using this research methodology proposed work follow.
Compressed Sensing Based Image Steganography System for Secure Transmission of Audio Message with Enhanced Security
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Section III presents the results achieved. Section IV concludes the paper. 2. Problem Formulation: We propose an innovative informationsecuritysystemwhich utilizes compressed sensing in steganography for secretly transmitting an audio message. The proposed system. Again and again, the reader is presented with evidence that thesecurity systemappears to be falling victim to the same McDonaldized (Ritzer 2002) principles as are most other large organizations in modern society.
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To implement thissecuritysystemcurrently facing some problems like noisy sensor data, non-universality and/or lack of distinctiveness of the biometric trait, unacceptable error rates, and spoof attacks affects biometric systems which utilize a single trait for recognition (ie
A Systems-Theoretic Security Model for Large Scale, Complex Systems Applied to the US Air Transportation System
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These environmental conditions do not enable motivated, dili- gent execution of duties. There are many ways that inadequate control can lead to asecuritysystembeing compromised. STAMP provides a useful categorization scheme that cap- tures most control flaws.
Review on Social Media Security Based on one-Time Password and Biometric System
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As an alternative to this, there are recent trends of cryptographic key. But, in the cryptographic basedsecuritysystem , the key management is a critical issue. In cryptography, if the key is short or simple, then it can be easily broken.
A MAS-Based Cloud Service Brokering System to Respond Security Needs of Cloud Customers.
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are risks computed. 1) Threat and Vulnerability Analysis: A vulnerability is a software defect or weakness in thesecuritysystemwhich might be exploited by a malicious user causing loss or harm [23]. The identification of these
Leveraging Security Metrics to Enhance System and Network Resilience
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Page 1.
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Abstract: The Internet and computer networks are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. With new types of attacks appearing continually, developing flexible and adaptive security oriented approaches is a severe challenge. This paper discusses the
Construction and evaluation of cultivated land ecologicalsecurity system : a case study in Zhuhai city
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Abstract?Accidents in general arise because of driver carelessness. The main intention is to provide attention and safeguard mechanism for the driving force. Important cause of an accident is because of drowsiness, alcohol consumption and irregular pulse rate of driving
Tracking AndSecurity Systemfor Womens using GPSGSM
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Abstract-The mobile which will be useful in women security which would be controlled from anywhere else. It is also highly economic and less expensive; hence GSM is preferred most for this mode of controlling. In this application we are maintaining a switch. In the worst
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ABSTRACT The basic need of this project is home security, With the help of GSM technology to provide security and safety to Blind people Because there are so many people are blind in a society therefore for this purpose. So or localization and Positioning of vehicles using GPS
GSM Based AdvanceSecurity Systemby Using Pic Microcontroller
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Abstract In this Project PIC Microcontroller is used to interface with PIR Sensor, RFID Module, GSM Module, LCD display, and Keypad. If anybody enters from outside of the border, it will be first detected by the PIR Sensor and once the Person is detected by the PIR
Implementation of Human Face Detection System for Door Security using Raspberry Pi
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cards etc. Without these, they are unable to access their home or any place they want.Traditionalsecuritysystemrequire the user a key, a security password, an RFID card, or ID card to have access to the system. However, these
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Abstract: Nowadays, housesecurity systembecomes the best solution to overcome house intrusion problem when user is in house or not in house. As we know, there are many types of housesecurity systemwhich are too expensive and difficult to use. For that reason, an
An Intelligent Automate Door Access Control and HomeSecurity SystemBased on Face Recognition
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Abstract: Smart home security control system has become indispensable in daily life. The design and development of a homesecurity system , based on human face recognition technology and remotely monitoring technology, to confirm visitor identity and to control door
Design and Implementation Multi LevelSecurity System
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Abstract Today the security becomes an important issue of communication and the need of it information has become a necessity. The proposed article provides a method encrypts text and hide it inside a digital image. This article included many stages where the first stage
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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) security is the field of study that goes for arrangements that give numerous purposes of insurance against physical and electronic robbery from ATMs and ensuring their establishments. From hostile to skimming protect frameworks to
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Abstract: A wide assortment of frameworks requires solid individual acknowledgment plans to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. The purpose of such plans is to guarantee that the rendered administrations are gotten to just by
Development of Smart FarmSecurity Systemwith Alarm Mechanism using Image Processing
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ABSTRACT Area security is very important nowadays, no one wants their investments to be ruined by someone who intends to rob or destroy the property. The proponents came up with this research to strengthen the existingsecurity systemand develop a new way of securing a
Security Systemusing Arduino Microcontroller
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Abstract: Security has been becoming an important issue everywhere. Every person wants his home, industry; bank etc to be secured Home security is becoming necessary. Now days as the possibilities of intrusion are increasing day by day. In this paper, homesecurity
Providing Security and Internal Intrusion Detection to a system Using Forensic Techniques and Data Mining (IIDPS)
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engineering challenges. Therefore, in this paper, The system propose asecuritysystem , named Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System (IIDPS), which detects malicious behaviors launched toward a system at SC level. The
Fingerprint and Palmprint Multi-Modal BiometricSecurity System
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Abstract In this work, fingerprint and palm print multi-modal biometricsecurity systemis proposed. In this proposed work some of the common features of finger print and palm print images are identified and the process is carried out for authentication. At first, the
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Safety from theft, leaking of raw gas and fire are the most important requirements of homesecurity systemfor people. A traditional communications security However, a smart homesecuritysystem offers many more benefits. This project mainly focuses on the security of a home
An Stepped ForwardSecurity Systemfor Multimedia Content Material for Cloud Computing
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Protection System For Cloud Computing, a new approach for securing a multimedia system contents. The system supports a price potency, quick development, deployment, scalability and snap for equalization a work on a cloud infrastructure. This system will used a for
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Abstract: This paper presents two level data security in Network system. Cryptographic algorithm BLOWFISH and Steganography algorithm List significant Bit (LSB) are used for data security. Confidential information is encrypted by BLOWFISH algorithm, and then
IntelligentSecurity Systemconnected to IoT
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A home is a private place which means safe and secure. Everyone would like to keep an eye on his place but unfortunately doing it physically 24/7 is not possible. Fortunately, the technologies available nowadays can be used to create an automated third eye for those
The European Union as an AlternativeSecurity Systemand Turkeys Relations with This System
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When the historical formation and organizational structure of the European Union are taken into consideration, it is understood that it has different and unique characteristics at such level that it cannot be compared to any other classical international organization. Especially
Privacy of the Client Protection by using Trusted DatabaseSecurity System
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Abstract: Although the remuneration of outsourcing and exhaust are well known, significant challenges yet lie in the path of large-scale adoption since such services often require their customers to inherently trust the provider with full access to the outsourced data sets. We
Design and Development of IoT Based Residential AutomationSecurity Systemwith Bluetooth Technology
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ABSTRACT Internet of things is a new emerging technology and is an established set of specifications for wireless personal area networking which means digital radio connections between computers and related devices. The objective of the paper is to design a smart
Invisible Eye-The ModernSecurity System
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Abstract: As crimes and thefts are incredibly increasing day by day, it is the necessity of time that we need an advance system for security that is less complex and very much cost effective. Also can be easily installed anywhere. In todays era we use multiple cameras that
SmartSecurity systemfor Women using Arduino
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Abstract. Security of women is at threat worldwide. This work illustrates a smartsecurity systemfor women. The prototype consists of Arduino UNO, Flex Sensor, GSM Module, GPS receiver, Screaming alarm, Shock generating circuit and tear gas activation mechanism. The
Internet of Things based Embedded-Security E-Mailing System using MATLAB
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Thesecuritysystemdetects the illegal entrance in the lokcer room that commonly happens in the case of the robberies. The major issue with current manually supervised securitysystemis that if the robbery occurs then the locker
Real Time Face Identification in Smart CarSecurity System
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Abstract In this modern age, there is rapid increase in number of vehicles and so there is the number of car theft attempts. Thus, the protection of vehicles from theft becomes important due to insecure environment. Real time vehiclesecurity systembased on
Review of NetworkSecurity Systemin Data Communications
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Abstract: Network/Arrange security has turned out to be more imperative to PC clients, associations, and the military. With the approach of the web, security turned into a noteworthy concern and the historical backdrop of security permits a superior
Biometric Enabled Ration CardSecurity Systemfor Public Distribution System
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Abstract: This paper is proposed the improvised technique of implementing smart ration card. Currently, ration card is very useful to every household for various purposes such as family members details, to get subsidized food items and non-food items, gas connection,
FPGA based Security Login System using GSM with OTP Generation
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To overcome this security threat, asecuritysystemhas been proposed using GSM technology, by generating One Time Password and implementing in FPGA. Thissecuritysystemactivates, authenticates and validates the user and then unlocks the system.
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Abstract: In a democratic country election is the way of select representative. As per current trends voter goes to polling both with proper identity proof for voting. But this process of voting system is not so accurate and secure. This method is also not so cost effective. In this
Literature Survey onInteractive motion detectionsecurity systemusing Raspberry Pi in IOT
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Abstract: Internet of Things is the communication technology mainly intended for transferring usable data in real time monitoring system, for example, to monitor and control temperature of room by using a sensor. The aim of this paper is to devise a newsecurity systemfor
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Abstract Face recognition is a form of biometric identification that relies on data acquired from face of individualscompared with the database of individuals. The objective of this paper was to develop a real time hardware face recognition system based on Field
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ABSTRACT There is a major boom in oil and gas industry around the world thanks to the seemingly insatiable demand for fossil fuels in both developed and developing countries. The product together with petrol, petrochemicals, and lubricants all of that area unit used
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Abstract. In the present paper, we deal with the application of the parallel modular computing structures for creating a cryptographic informationsecurity system . The proposed computer-arithmetical base of the modular computing technology within the minimal
Design and Implementation of AutomotiveSecurity Systemby ARM Processor using Gabor Wavelet Filter
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Abstract Automotive theft has been persisting problem around the world and greater challenge comes from professional thieves. Modern security can be deceived by professional thieves therefore a need of biometric authentication technology arises in
Design and Implementation of Home AutomatedSecurity SystemUsing Short Message Service (SMS) and Bluetooth
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ABSTRACT Home security is a trending topic where crime is on the increase and everyone wants to take proper actions to avert unwanted access to their homes and offices. There was a need to automate home so that user can take advantage of the technological
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Abstract Voice recognition is a process of identifying the identity of an unknown speaker on the basis of individual information that contain in the speech signal. Voice recognition technologies used in asecurity systemto reduce cases of fraud and traits. It lends itself well
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ABSTRACT In this Era IOT (internet of things) is the quick rising innovation which includes cooperation among things through web without human collaboration. The objective of this paper is to build up a system that will give remote control of home apparatuses and
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Abstract: The need of possessing information about a potential opponent has accompanied people for ages. This knowledge, obtained in a secret fashion, has constituted an important tool supporting the security policy of every state. The task of acquiring this information has
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The aim of this project is to design and implement affordable, flexible and fast monitoring home securitysystemusing Raspberry pi. build a low cost simple Homesecuritysystem , which not only alert you through an email but also sends the picture of Intruder when it detects any.
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An efficient automotivesecuritysystemis implemented for anti-theft using an embedded system integrated with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). A. GSM Model A smart anti-theft vehiclesecuritysystem(Fig.
Survey of ATMSecurity System
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Abstract The main aim of this paper is to provide security for ATM Centers by using IRIS Recognition. For the traditional ATM terminal, customer recognition systems rely only on bank cards, passwords and such identity verification methods which measures are not
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ABSTRACT This propose work is an attempt to model design an smart advance vehicle security systemthat uses biometric scanner and RFID card reader to give ignition pulse using two main module and to prevent theft. The system contains biometric scanner, RFID
Security Systemfor DNS using Cryptography
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ABSTRACT DNS, Domain Name System is a protocol that resolves hostnames to IP Addresses over the Internet. DNS, being an open source, it is less secure and it has no means of determining whether domain name data comes from an authorised domain owner.
organization, its associated collectivesecurity system , and its relations to other organizations. The second and largest part consists of case studies of the disputes and
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The third major subdivision is an evaluation of the structure and functioning of the Arab League in dealing with regional disputes; its procedures, modes of peaceful settlement, collective security function, and the role of the Secretary-General. In addition, the author
Informationsecurity systemof the enterprise (the legal aspect)
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One of the activities of economic entities in transport sector is to ensure a stable income by posting information about them on the Internet. Such an activity has several directions: the first one is purely informative (creating pages on the Internet); the second one is advertising,
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This paper implements the design of home automation andsecuritysystemusing Android ADK. facial recognition. An individuals body characteristics are pre-stored in a biometricsecurity systemor scanner, which may be accessed by authorized personnel.
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Summary: Creating a new territorial defence system is caused primarily by a change in the essence of war and the content of the armed struggle. Modern war is not an armed confrontation anymore. The events of recent years clearly show us examples of the so-called
Analysis and Performance of a Low Cost Multiple AlarmSecurity Systemfor Smart Home Based on GSM Technology and Controlling Based on Android
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Abstract This paper demonstrates and explains the design and implementation of multiple alarmsecurity systemfor smart home based on GSM technology and controlling based on android smartphone. Security is an important subject that could be added to a smart home
Strengthening Local Responsibility: Reforming the Swedish Employment-related SocialSecurity System
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The Swedish system of social security has often been regarded as a model of comprehensive coverage and inclusiveness. Despite facing repeated financial challenges through the 1990s and 2000s, it has maintained its essential character as a popular and well-
Embedded Based Vehicle Security using GSM-and GPS System
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3, no. 6, pp. 75-85, Dec 2011. [6] SS Pethakar, N. Srivastava, and SD Suryawanshi,RFID, GPS and GSM based vehicle tracing and employeesecuritysystem ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, vol. 1, no. 10, pp.
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However, in this implementation of socialsecuritysystem , there exists in appropriate things for purposes of legal system of social security, so that law makers still have a duty to fix or reviseall weaknesses and blunders existing in the regulations.
Intelligent Safety System for Women Security
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II. LITERATURE REVIEW Security is most important factor for safety of women. Today?s women require help for their safety so there is need for developing a portable system for women security [1]. Recently existingsecuritysystemfor women are as follows:
An Efficient Machine Learning and Data Mining Method for Finding Anomalies in a Cyber Security Intrusion Detection System
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By implementing anomaly intrusion process we are using classification technique in the data mining. In this paper we are implementing naïve Bayesian algorithm is used for intrusion detection in cybersecuritysystem . Before CSE PROJECTS