sensor IEEE PAPER 2017
An integratedsensorboard for real-time optimization of the electrical settings of a microbial electrolysis cell
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Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) recover energy from wastewater by hydrogen production. Although state-of-the art shows the optimal electrical settings comprise a trade-off between H2 enthalpy and applied power, there is no device to track this criterion [1]. Therefore, MECs
Underwater AcousticSensorArray Signal Lossless Compression Based on Valid Channel Decision Approach
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Abstract A lossless compression method for underwater acousticsensorarray signals is proposed here. The proposed method consists of a valid channel decision and MPEG-4 ALS. The valid channel decision is based on Root-Mean-Square Crossing-Rate (RMSCR)-
Efficient Energy Performance of the WirelessSensorNetworks and Cross Layer Optimization
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Current developments in embedded system have made likely to implement analog to digital conversation (ADC), signal processing, digital to analog conversion (DAC) and various sensing unit in a single on board chip. Wirelesssensornetworks are a group of these
A universal and ultrasensitive vectorial nanomechanicalsensorfor imaging 2D force fields
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The miniaturization of force probes into nanomechanical oscillators enables ultrasensitive investigations of forces on dimensions smaller than their characteristic length scales. It also unravels the vectorial character of the force field and how its topology impacts the
A Novel Technique to Reduce Measurement Errors due to FlowSensorInteractions in Multi-SensorConductivity Probes
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Multi- sensorconductivity probes rely on multiple sensors intruding into the flow field for the measurement of conductivity variations. This may cause sensors to deflect due to flow sensorand flow-body interactions. Since this deflection relocates thesensortips causing
Single-molecule detection of protein efflux from microorganisms using fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubesensorarrays
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A distinct advantage of nanosensor arrays is their ability to achieve ultralow detection limits in solution by proximity placement to an analyte. Here, we demonstrate label-free detection of individual proteins from Escherichia coli (bacteria) and Pichia pastoris (yeast) immobilized
MCTP is an ER-resident calciumsensorthat stabilizes synaptic transmission and homeostatic plasticity
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ABSTRACT 28 Presynaptic homeostatic plasticity (PHP) controls synaptic transmission in 29 organisms from Drosophila to human and is hypothesized to be relevant to the 30 cause of human disease. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of PHP 31 are just
Environmental Monitoring Using WirelessSensorNetworks (WSN) based on IOT.
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Abstract-In recent years, we have seen a new era of short range wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth [7], ZigBee [6], emerging in front of us. The project aims at building a system which can be used on universally at any scale to monitor the parameters in each
Opportunistic Void Avoidance Routing for UnderwaterSensorNetworks
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ABSTRACT Opportunistic void avoidance routing (OVAR) protocol has been proposed for UWSNs. It is an any cast, geographic and opportunistic routing protocol. OVAR switches to the recovery mode procedure which is based on topology control through the depth increasingly assumes itself as a place for open production of meaning and permanent negotiation, by providing comment
Noisysensornetwork localization: robust facial reduction and the Pareto frontier
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We consider the localization problem insensornetworks where the inter- sensordistance measurements are inaccurate and incomplete. In this paper, we present two novel algorithms for large-scalesensorlocalization based on semidefinite programming
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ABSTRACT Investigation of a mobicast, also called a mobile geocast, problem in three dimensional (3-D) underwatersensornetworks (USNs), which focuses to overcome the hole problem and minimizes the energy consumption of thesensornodes while maximizing the
Understanding sources of measurement error in the Wi-Fisensordata in the Smart City
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Summary Data quality audits are a necessary precursor to quantitative analysis of human activity patterns using primary data collected using automated sensors. This paper reports detailed exploration of the sources of measurement errors that potentially impact upon the
AmperometricSensorBased on Carbon Nanotubes and Polycations for the Determination of Vitamin C
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Detection of vitamin C (VC) is necessary because of its wide use in chemical, biological, and pharmaceutical engineering. Here, we describe a sensing system for the determination of VC. Instead of a bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE), a prepared multi-walled carbon
Validation of Polyvinylidene Fluoride ImpedanceSensorfor Respiratory Event Classification during Polysomnography in Children.
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Study Objectives: Polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosis and characterization of severity of sleep-disordered breathing. Accuracy and reliability of the technology used are critical to the integrity of the studys interpretation. Strict criteria for obstructive sleep apnea in
An Approach of Mobile WirelessSensorNetwork for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity with Minimum Movement
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Abstract-A Mobile wirelesssensornetwork is a set of physically distributedsensornodes. Sensornode is a small wireless device with limited battery life, radio transmission range and storage size. Asensornode performs the task of collecting important data, processing the
Smartphone based Data Gathering from wirelesssensornetworks in city environment
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Abstract In todays world,sensornetworks play a huge role in information technology, One of the applications of this network is in cities, Which collects important information for each sensor , And sends it to the main server, One of the challenges of the urbansensornetwork
Microbial electrochemicalsensorfor online ammonia monitoring of waste streams
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General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.Users
Sensing Properties of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide-based GasSensorFabricated using Immersion Method
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ABSTRACT Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a unique semiconducting material that popular among researchers due to its potential in various applications. ZnO has wide optical band gap energy of 3.37 eV and high excitation binding energy of 60 meV. Numerous methods can be
Gordian SMT: Untangling Ranging Attacks in NOisySensorNetworks for Secure Localization
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ABSTRACT Accurate localization is a critical enabling technology forsensornetworks and context awareness in the Internet of Things. As localization plays an increasingly safety critical role in applications, engineers must have confidence in the validity of location data. In
Flexible Multiple MicroSensorfor Local Persistent Effect Test in High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack
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The nonuniformity of local temperature, voltage and current in the high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack can accelerate the aging of membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and the failure of overall fuel cell stack. This study used micro-electro-
Exploring big volumesensordata with Vroom
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ABSTRACT State of the art sensors within a single autonomous vehicle (AV) can produce video and LIDAR data at rates greater than 30 GB/hour. Unsurprisingly, even small AV research teams can accumulate tens of terabytes ofsensordata from multiple trips and
Securable Identity Based Encryption Technique by Generating Key in WirelessSensorNetwork
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Abstract Managing secure and efficient big data aggregation methods are very enticing in the field of wirelesssensornetworks research. In real settings, the wirelesssensornetworks have been broadly applied, such as objective tracking and environment remote monitoring.
Fabrication of highly sensitive nitrite electrochemicalsensorin foodstuff using nanostructuresensor
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In this research, we introduced a powerful electrochemicalsensor(based carbon paste electrode) for analysis of nitrite in foodstuff, using CdO decorated single wall carbon nanotube incorporated with 1-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bromide (CdO/SWCNTs/1-3-
SpeedSensorless DTC of VSI fed Induction Motor with Simple Flux Regulation for Improving State Estimation at Low Speed
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Abstract In this paper constant switching frequency controller is used in order to replace 3 level hysteresis torque comparator without increasing the complexity of the control structure. The main objective of this paper is to improve speed and torque estimations of direct torque
Reconstruction of Path using Compressive Sensing in Dynamic WirelessSensorNetwork
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Abstract: This paper presents CSPR, a compressive sensing based approach for path reconstruction in wirelesssensornetworks. By viewing the whole network as a path representation space, an arbitrary routing path can be represented by a path vector in the
Endoplasmic reticulum stresssensorGRP78/BiP expression in lung adenocarcinoma: correlations and prognostic significance
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Abstract: Background: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stresssensorglucose-related protein 78 (GRP78)/BiP is an important member of the heat shock protein family 70 (HSPs70) that plays an essential role in tumor growth and progression. Although GRP78/BiP is highly expressed
Ad Hoc andSensorNetworks
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The third article, by Mate and Curcio, also focuses on content, but this time on automatic remixing of video content from several sources. The crucial insight of this article is that information from sensors available in many modern handheld devices, particularly
Electrochemical Determination of Adrenaline Using VoltammetricSensorEmploying NiO/CNTs Based Carbon Paste Electrode
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In the presence study we tried for synthesis of NiO/CNTs nanocomposite and application of synthesized nanocomposite for fabrication of NiO/CNTs nanocomposite modified carbon paste electrode (CPE/NiO/CNTs) as highly square wave voltammetric sensors for
Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Elliptical Ring Resonator based PressureSensor
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Abstract-Photonic crystal based optical sensors are one of the important research areas. A pressuresensoris designed using Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal (2DPC) wherein elliptical ring resonator is devised to make thesensor . The functional characteristics such as
Coresets for differentially private k-means clustering and applications to privacy in mobilesensornetworks.
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ABSTRACT Mobilesensornetworks are a great source of data. By collecting data with mobilesensornodes from individuals in a user community, eg using their smartphones, we can learn global information such as tra c congestion pa erns in the city, location of key
Plasmonic Nanomaterials for OpticalSensorand Energy Storage and Transfer
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Nanomaterials including noble metal nanomaterials and some metal oxide nanomaterials exhibit very strong lightmatter interactions under resonant excitation. Very large absorption and scattering at the localized wavelengths can been achieved. Because of their attractive
Missing Data Reconstruction Using Adaptively Updated Dictionary in WirelessSensorNetworks
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Due to interference or fault, the collectedsensordata is often missed or abnormal, but some applications need complete data set without missing or abnormal data, otherwise it will impact the prediction accuracy. In this sense, its significant to reconstruct the missing data
A Resilient Approach to Distributed Filter Design for Time-Varying Systems Under Stochastic Nonlinearities andSensorDegradation.
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Abstract This paper is concerned with the distributed filter-ing problem for a class of discrete time-varying systems with stochastic nonlinearities andsensordegradation over a finite horizon. A two-step distributed filter algorithm is proposed where thesensornodes
A highly sensitive twistsensorwithout temperature cross sensitivity based on tapered single-thin-single fiber offset structure
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ABSTRACT A highly sensitive twistsensorwithout temperature cross sensitivity based on tapered single mode-thin core-single mode fiber offset structure is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The two parameters mentioned above can be measured
FireƒOx Design Reference OxygenSensorfor Hot, Deep Atmospheres
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equilibrium measurements, and other a simple
Preparation of Graphene-Copper Nanocomposite for Constructing ElectrochemicalSensorfor Paclitaxel Anti-Cancer Drug Detection in Taxus Chinensis
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Paclitaxel (PAC), approved by Food and Drug Administration, is a promising drug for treating ovarian cancer in 1992, breast cancer in 1994 and Kaposis sarcoma in 1997. In addition, paclitaxel exhibits significant efficiency for treating other cancers involving cancer of colon
Multihop Calibration for Mobile Sensing: k-hop Calibratability and ReferenceSensorDeployment
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Abstract Mobile vehicles, equipped with low-cost sensors, can provide unprecedented opportunities for urban monitoring with a wide coverage. The quality of collected data is very important for many applications. The low-cost mobile sensors can, however, suffer from
Highly Sensitive VoltammetricSensorfor Determination of Ascorbic Acid Using Graphite Screen Printed Electrode Modified with ZnO/Al2O3 Nanocomposite
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A sensitive and selective voltammetricsensorbased on graphite screen printed electrode modified by ZnO/Al2O3 nanocomposite for the detection of ascorbic acid has been successfully developed. The electrochemical behavior of prepared electrode for the
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A potentiometricsensorbased on graphite paste modified with a phthalocyanine-BODIPY conjugate was proposed for the assay of tumor suppressor P53. The working concentration range was between 1.17 x10-9 and 2.93 x10-8μg/mL with a slope of 82.62 mV/μg mL-1 and
A Novel FlowSensorfor a Smart Shunt System
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Abstract We describe a microfluidic device for testing the flow rate within a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt system. The CSF shunt system is a medical device to treat hydrocephalus, in which abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid occurs in the brain. However, high
Cost Aware Secure Network Protocol Design for WirelessSensorNetwork
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ABSTRACT This paper concerns withSensornetworks which are a prominent representative of fastest computing technologies. The limited resources ofsensornodes and the low reliability of wireless communication pose special challenges for message routing in
Fabrication of aGreenand Low Cost Screen Printed GrapheneSensorand Its Application to the Determination of Caffeine by Adsorptive Stripping
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This work reports the development of low cost graphene based screen-printed sensors using agreenfabrication procedure. Three-electrode sensors featuring carbon working and counter electrodes and a Ag reference electrode were fabricated by screen-printing on
Sensorview and three-dimensional radiative transfer modelling for urban surface temperature estimation using ground based long wave infrared observations
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Remotely sensed (RS) skin surface temperatures Ts (rs) can be used to estimate the sensible heat flux QH across a range of spatial scales [1]. However, sampling a complete urban surface temperature Ts (c)[2] is extremely challenging due to the 3-dimensional
Early warningsensornetwork for brown-out conditions: phase II-field testing and assessment.
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Executive Summary All three states within the SOLARIS (Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) domain as well as other states such as Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado have had traffic accidents with fatalities in recent years due to brownout conditions, where windblown dust is
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Abstract. In the indoor air environment in Taiwan, formaldehyde concentration stays at a high level, which is an important issue affecting indoor air quality, and the formaldehyde issue in medical building spaces is more severe. The novel formaldehydesensorbased on
Energy Aware TPGF Protocol in Wireless MultimediaSensorNetworks
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Abstract Currently one of the hottest trending topics is a Wireless MultimediaSensor network that has attracted many researches in the area of networking. Multimedia data transmission should achieve QoS parameters such as high packet delivery ratio, reduced
A Survey on Security and Various Attacks in WirelessSensorNetwork
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Abstract Wirelesssensornetworks (WSN) have a set of algorithms and protocols with self establishing capabilities. These sensors work with every other to sense some physical phenomenon after which the information gather is processed to get relevant outcomes.
Compliant Ultrasound ProximitySensorfor the Safe Operation of Human Friendly Robots Integrated with Tactile Sensing Capability
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Abstract The robot proximity and tactile sensors can be categorized into two groups: grip sensors and safety sensors. They have different performance requirements. The safety sensorshould have long proximity range and fast response in order to secure enough ABSTRACT Localization ofsensornodes is important for wirelesssensornetworks (WSNs) especially for underwater WSNs (UWSNs). Among the existing UWSN localization approaches, reverse localization scheme (RLS) is an event-driven method suitable for
ASensorNetworking Architecture for ENTROPY-Energy-Aware Information and Communication Technologies Infrastructure Enabling Smart Building Solutions
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Abstract The ENTROPY project aspires to significantly contribute to (1) the reduction of energy consumption, and (2) the reduction of micro-generated energy losses, in buildings. As part of this ongoing project, we have created asensornetworking infrastructure for the
SensorBased Automatic Irrigation System and Soil pH Detection using Image Processing.
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Abstract-Indias population is reached beyond 1.2 billion and the population rate is increasing day by day then after 2530 years there will be serious problem of food, so the development of agriculture is necessary. Today, the farmers are suffering from the lack of
Review on WirelessSensorNetwork Issues Related to Broken Link Problem
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Abstract When links consists of new weights in a network at the time of using router could create duplicities through performing more computationsunnecessary corrections by repeating operation for every node regardless of location of link weight change. So it could
Application of MultipleSensorData Fusion for the Analysis of Human Dynamic Behavior in Space: Assessment and Evaluation of Mobility-Related Functional
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Abstract The authors have applied a systems analysis approach to describe the musculoskeletal system as consisting of a stack of superimposed kinematic hierarchical segments in which each lower segment tends to transfer its motion to the other
Corrigendum toAn interference-tolerant nitrate smartsensorfor WirelessSensorNetwork applications [Sens. Actuators B Chem. 213 (2015) 534 540]
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The authors regret that there is a mistake on the affiliation. It should be: Juan V. Capella (a), Alberto Bonastre (a), Rafael Ors (a), Miguel Peris (b) (a) Instituto de Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ITACA), Universitat Politècnica de
A New Technique to Enhance the WirelessSensorNetwork Lifetime by Mitagate Depletion Attacks
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WSNs convert extra and additional vibrant to the ordinary operative of people and organizations, obtain ability liabilities develop less acceptable. Lack of accessibility can make the change between businesses as typical and lost efficiency, power outages,
Electrochemical DNASensorfor hly Gene of Listeria Monocytogenes by Three-Dimensional Graphene and Gold Nanocomposite Modified Electrode
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A high performance electrochemical DNAsensorwith three-dimensional graphene (3DGR) and gold (Au) nanocomposite modified electrode was developed for sensitive analysis of specific hly gene of Listeria monocytogenes. Nanocomposite was synthesized by
Embedding Hierarchical Concept of Clustering for Large ScaleSensorNetwork
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ABSTRACT Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and fiber optics are promising technologies that are expected to satisfy the drastically increasing bandwidth requirements of the Internet. WDM is an approach that can exploit the huge optoelectronic bandwidth
Perception via Force/TorqueSensor
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Page 1. MIN-Fakultät Fachbereich Informatik Masters Thesis: Real-Time Object Shape Perception via Force/TorqueSensorCurrent Status Stephan Rau Universität Hamburg Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften Fachbereich Informatik Technische Aspekte Multimodaler
Efficient Topology Discovery and Routing in Thick Wireless LinearSensorNetworks
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Page 1. Efficient Topology Discovery and Routing in Thick Wireless LinearSensorNetworks May 1, 2017 Imad Jawhar1, Sheng Zhang2, Jie Wu3, Nader Mohamed4, and Mohammad M. Masud5 1Midcomp Research Center, Saida, Lebanon LSNs ? Simulation and results ?
TiO2 Nanotubes as Three-Dimensional Support for Loading Au Pd Nanoparticles: Facile Preparation and Enhanced Materials for ElectrochemicalSensor
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A new composite nanostructure made of unique TiO2-based nanotubes (TiO2NTs) and coating 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) anchor AuPd nanoparticles (AuPd NPs) has been demonstrated. APTMS covalent bonding of its functional silane groups onto
Enabling Reliable, Asynchronous, and Bidirectional Communication inSensorNetworks over White Spaces
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ABSTRACT Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) heralds a promising class of technology to overcome the range limits and scalability challenges in traditional wireless sensornetworks. Recently proposedSensorNetwork over White Spaces (SNOW)
QoS Based Cooperative Communications and Security Mechanisms for Ad HocSensorNetworks
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Wirelesssensornetworks (WSNs) are composed ofsensornodes and sinks.Sensornodes have the capability of selfhealing and self-organizing. They are decentralized and distributed in nature where communication takes place via multihop intermediate nodes. The
Erratum toAll-printed humiditysensorbased on graphene/methyl-red composite with high sensitivity [Carbon (2016) 23 32]
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The publisher regrets that the title of the above article was miss-printed as All-printed humiditysensorbased on gmethyl-red/methylred composite with high sensitivity, when it should in fact be All-printed humiditysensorbased on graphene/methyl-red composite with
Robust Magnetosensitive PositionSensorfor Demanding Applications
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Moving Magnet Technologies (MMT) has developed a two-part positionsensortechnology compatible with Hall-effect or magnetoresistive probes. Without any electronic linearisation it meets the accuracy requirements of on-and off-road vehicle applications, characterised in
Application of the Kinectsensorfor three dimensional characterization of vine canopy
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Monitoring grapevine canopy size and evolution during time is of great interest for the management of the vineyard. An interesting and cost effective solution for 3D characterization is provided by the Kinectsensor . To assess its practical applicability, field
Relationships between glucose fluctuations and oxidative stress in short duration type 2 diabetes treated withsensor -augmented insulin pump.
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Abstract: This study aims to explore the relationships between oxidative stress and glucose fluctuations in patients with short duration type 2 diabetes treated withsensor -augmented insulin pump (SAP). Sixty type 2 diabetes patients with duration< 1 year and HbA1c≥ 9%
Fabrication of a New Modified Tm 3-Carbon PasteSensorUsing Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and Nanosilica Based on 4-Hydroxy Salophen
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In this research, a new modified carbon paste electrode (CPE) including multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and nanosilica (NS) and 4-Hydroxy Salophen (HS) as a suitable ionophore was constructed and applicated as Tm 3+-ion selectivesensor . This electrode
Code KARAT in simulations of power microwave sources including Cherenkov plasma devices, vircators, orotron, E-fieldsensor , calorimeter etc.
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A high-power V-band relativistic orotron on a TM03 oscillation mode has an ovesized (D/k| 2.7) electrodynamic structure and diffractive output in the TM02 mode [3]. Single-mode operation of the oscillator is ensured by the cyclotron selection of the working axisymmetric
A Sensitive ElectrochemicalSensorUsing a Mesoporous Carbon and Nafion Composite for the Simultaneous Detection of Cadmium and Lead
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In this study, a mesoporous carbon (MC) and Nafion composite-modified electrode was prepared via drop-coating a dispersion of MC and Nafion, which was then dried by a lamp. Thissensorwas used for the sensitive detection of Cd (II) and Pb (II) by square-wave anodic
A novel electrochemiluminescnecesensorbased on an Ru (bpy)(3)(2+)-Eu2O3-nafion nanocomposite and its application in the detection of diphenhydramine
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An ultrasensitive solid-state electrochemiluminescence (ECL)sensorbased on the efficient and stable enhancement of tris-(bipyridine) ruthenium (II)(Ru (bpy) 3 2+) by diphenhydramine (DPH) in a carbon paste electrode has been developed. The ECL
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ABSTRACT We design and implement a robust, phenology-based satellite image classification algorithm to identify historical cropland allocation within the eastern portions of South Dakota and North Dakota since 1984. We identify five major crops (corn, soybeans,
Electrochemical Determination of Theophylline Pharmacokinetic under the Effect of Roxithromycin in Rats by the MWNTs/Au/poly-L-lysine ModifiedSensor
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In this work, a novel and simple method for pharmacokinetic of theophylline in rats was described with modifiedsensorbased on MWNTs/Au/poly-L-lysine. The modified screen printed electrode exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of
ZigBeeSensorNetwork Platform for Health Monitoring of Rails Using Ambient Noise Correlation
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Abstract: WSNs (wirelesssensornetworks) can be used for railway infrastructure inspection and vehicle health monitoring. SHM (structural health monitoring) systems have a great potential to improve regular operation, security and maintenance routine of structures with
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Abstract A screen-printed copper ionsensorwith photocurable poly (n-butyl acrylate)(pBA) membrane based on ionophore o-xylylene bis (N, N-diisobutyldithiocarbamate)(o-xc) was successfully fabricated. Poly (2-hydroxylethyl methacrylate)(pHEMA)-modified Ag/AgCl
Small molecular probe as selective tritopicsensorof Al 3u, Fa and TNP: Fabrication of portable prototype for onsite detection of explosive TNP
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Small molecular probe as selective fluorescent chemosensor for Al3u, FA and TNP with LOD 1 mM, 3 mM and 500 nM respectively. Fluorescence enhancement for Al3u and FA is due to PET-CT-CHEF-CtN isomerizationquenching with TNP occurs due to ACQ-RET-ICT. Al3u and
Plugin-drivensensormodeling of remote sensing imaging systems
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ABSTRACT A new radiometry and design framework has been introduced in the latest Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation model (DIRSIG5) that allows for faster simulations while streamlining the generation of high-fidelity radiometric data. The
Integrated Capacitive and Resistive Humidity Transduction via Surface Type Nickel Phthalocyanine BasedSensor
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This paper reports the study of an organic semiconductor nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc) based thin film surface-type integrated capacitive and resistive type humiditysensor . The capacitance and resistance of the fabricated devices were evaluated at room temperature in
Data Gathering System inSensorNetwork
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Abstract-Network lifetime, scalability and load balancing are important requirements for data gatheringsensornetwork applications. A major issue is the technique used for data collection and data gathering. Many protocols were introduced for better performance.
Accurate contact localization and indentation depth prediction with an optics-based tactilesensor ,
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Abstract Traditional methods to achieve high localization accuracy with tactile sensors usually use a matrix of miniaturized individual sensors distributed on the area of interest. This approach usually comes at a price of increased complexity in fabrication and circuitry,
A Novel Drip Irrigation System Using WirelessSensorNetworks
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Abstract In this paper a concise outline for improving throughput and average end to end delay of information gathered from the agriculture field for precision agriculture, using a distributed clustering mechanism has been outlined. This algorithm offers a throughput of
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Abstract Water quality sensors help utilities to detect contaminant intrusion and to assess quality problems in water distribution systems by continuously measuring conductivity, PH, concentration of different substances and other related parameters directly from the network.
Hybrid Target Tracking Scheme in WirelessSensorNetworks
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Abstract-The continuously widening variety of WirelessSensorNetworks (WSNs) applications requires node this is certainly precise which needs efficient and error free localization practices. Localization methods created in past times are totally centered on
Distributed Input and State Estimation Using Local Information in HeterogeneousSensorNetworks
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A new distributed input and state estimation architecture is introduced and analyzed for heterogeneoussensornetworks. Specifically, nodes of a givensensornetwork are allowed to have heterogeneous information roles in the sense that a subset of nodes can be active
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ABSTRACT: Photogrammetric and Lidar datasets should be in the same mapping or geodetic frame to be used simultaneously in an engineering project. Nowadays direct sensororientation is a common procedure used in simultaneous photogrammetric and Lidar Abstract Technology development caused progressing in wireless visualsensornetworks (WVSN). The WVSN is a directional type ofsensornetwork. In these networks, the energy consumption optimization isone of the important challenges. These types ofsensornetwork Abstract This paper establishes the velocity orientation requirements for dual or multiple mobile sensors to achieve optimal localization of a stationary emitter, based on TDOA and FDOA measurements. In one approach, optimal velocities are obtained by maximizing the
Molecular Interaction between ColorimetricSensorArray and Volatile Organic Compounds Considering Density Functional Theory
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A theoretical study based on density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level was carried out to investigate the ability of a colorimetricsensorarray (CSA) to bind volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Copper porphyrin (CuP) is the common dye that is used to
WirelessSensorNetwork and Internet of Things (IoT) Solution in Agriculture.
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the technology of Active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless MeshSensorNetwork (WMSN) that will be used in agriculture. In this paper, ZigBee technology platform is applied in 2.45 GHz and active RFID to sustain the
A Node Prioritization Based Load Balancing Approach To Improve Cluster Head Selection In WirelessSensorNetwork
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Abstract WirelessSensorNetwork (WSN) has a significant contribution in the field of emerging. Asensornetwork is a network defined with energy nodes. Each node ofsensor network is defined under the energy constraints. The nodes are defined with some initial
Highly pH-responsivesensorbased on amplified spontaneous emission coupled to colorimetry
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Abstract We demonstrated a simple, directly-readable approach for high resolution pH sensing. The method was based on sharp changes in Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) of a Stilbene 420 (ST) laser dye triggered by the pH-dependent absorption of
Sensitive SulfadiazineSensorBased on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Wrapped with Polystyrene Sulfonate Polymer Chain
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A significant improvement in the solubility of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was obtained by using a sodium polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) solution as the dispersing medium. A highly sensitive amperometric sulfadiazine (SD)sensorwas fabricated by immobilizing the
Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Cross Layer Load Balancing in Tactical Multi-gateway WirelessSensorNetwork
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Abstract-In a recent time owing to the expansion in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) technology, the popularity of wirelesssensornetwork has enhanced enormously. A tactical wirelesssensornetwork (WSN) is a distributed network that collects data from the
Solving inverse source problems for sources with arbitrary shapes usingsensornetworks
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Abstract. Recently, the use of wirelesssensornetworks for environmental monitoring has been a topic of intensive research. Thesensornodes obtain spatiotemporal samples of physical fields over the region of interest. For most cases these fields are driven by well-
A novel MEMS-basedsensorfor simultaneous pH and dissolved oxygen profiling in biofilms
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Microsensors have become a powerful tool in the development of biofiltration techniques for gaseous pollutants abatement, from the information obtained in situ within biofilms. Concentration profiles recorded using microsensors allow the determination of mass
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Abstract Many emerging applications that need packet delivery from one or more senders to multiple receivers are benefited by Group communication in wireless networks. Due to insecure wireless channels, group communications are prone to various kinds of attacks.
Web Based Monitoring ofSensorData for Smart Cities
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Abstract: Internet of Things is the inter-connected network in which the physical devices, buildings and items embedded with software, electronics, sensors, actuators and other things. The goal of this project is to develop the Smart City model based on Internet of
A Software Defined Networking Approach to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Mobile WirelessSensorNetworks
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Abstract Mobile WirelessSensorNetworks (MWSN) are usually constrained in energy supply, which makes energy efficiency a key factor to extend the network lifetime. The management of the network topology has been widely used as a mechanism to enhance the ABSTRACT Group connectivity is one of the major research challenges in largescale industrial wirelesssensornetworks (IWSNs). Critical nodes (CNs) are mainly responsible to maintain group-connectivity. This article focuses on prioritize these CNs to sleep more than CSE PROJECTS