smart city 2016 papers

Smart City Implementation Models Based on IoT Technology
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Abstract. IoT (Internet of Things) is the network of physical objects-devices, vehicles,
buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network
connectivity-that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The internet of

Personal Home Healthcare System for the Cardiac Patient of Smart City Using Fuzzy Logic.
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Abstract:Home based health care system is increasing about health status of chronic heart
disease patients can play a significant role in decision making about diagnosis and needed
treatment in real time. Fuzzy logic has proved to be the remarkable tool for building

A Stakeholder Based Assessment of Developing Country Challenges and Solutions in Smart Mobility within the Smart City Framework
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1. Abstract This research in first part attempts to bring clarity to the concept of smart cities
and what it has come to mean in the developing world. Various frameworks for smart city
development are analyzed. Lahore is selected as the setting for the investigation given it

A Maturity Framework to Evaluate Smart City Service Solutions
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Abstract:A lot of data and data processing functionalities are available in the context of
Smart City and Internet of Things and Services. These capabilities are accessible via
services and offered via service marketplaces. Marketplaces enable service trading

A Review on Smart City through Internet of Things (IOT)
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Abstract:’Smart cities’ consolidate universal figuring and urban administration, and are
portrayed by pervasive wireless networks and conveyed sensor stages from video
observation to meteorological stations, movement checking to ground sewerage and

IoT (Internet of Things) based Smart City Services for The Creative Economy
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Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a pervasive technology in the IT industry, and several
companies and governments have tried to make references with the IoT in the past.
However, in the manufacturing, retail, and social overhead capital (SOC) industries,

Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility Services
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Abstract: In times of smart city and internet of things and services a lot of data is produced.
However, there is no benefit in collecting the data without processing it. Smart services are
one possibility to enable data access for data processing. Smart services have attracted

Migrating Smart City Applications to the Cloud
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BLUE SKIES marCh/aprIl 2016 IEEE Cloud ComputIng 73 specifically tailored to city scale.
We present the specific foundations of SCOS that enable a larger smart city application
ecosystem, 2 allowing stakeholders and citizens to create applications within the smart

Smart City Reference Model: Interconnectivity for On-Demand User to Service Authentication
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Abstract:The Internet of Things and Services (IoTS) has encouraged the development of
service provisioning systems in respect to Smart City topics. Most of them are operated as
heterogeneous systems which limits end customers’ access and contradicts with IoTS

Technology-enhanced Smart City Learning: a Systematic Mapping of the Literature
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Abstract Smart cities are a popular and recognized research topic. In urban spaces, the
learning factor is an important component for citizens and local communities. This paper
presents a systematic mapping of the literature on smart city learning, with focus on how

NASA WorldWind: virtual globe for an open smart city
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Abstract In this paper, we first present the open source framework NASA WorldWind. NASA
WorldWind comes with two versions. The Java version is well established in the market and
has many customers. There is now a new Web version, Web WorldWind, with many of the

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Abstract. Most of the world cities today have common socioeconomic urban problems
resulted from rapid increase of population, such as enlargement and concentration of urban
facilities, aging population, rising crime, and threats to urban safety. As the solution to

Smart City Framework Strategies for Citizen Centric Governance
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Abstract: This framework design categories into various stages of the inner official
management views associated with the information of the Government Services and user
applications with different levels of abstraction. This Smart cities Framework mainly

A Multi-source Big Data Analytic System in Smart City for Urban Planning and Decision Making
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Various sensors are embedded in different places of smart cities to monitor and collect data
about the status of cities. The goal of a smart city is to improve the quality of life by improving
the efficiency of services and providing residents needs using different technologies and

Keynote: Campuses as Living Lived-in Laboratories for Smart City Development
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University campuses must take a leadership position in helping cities and nations address
the challenges and opportunities of climate change, urban population growth in developing
countries, as well as aging populations in developed countries. To turn these challenges

Beyond Bamboo Networking-Wiring Smart City Virtual Bridges
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Abstract The purpose of this work is to introduce and examine Taiwan’s next technological
leap relating to upper segments of the IT sector involving software and digital service
development supported by Smart City initiatives such as CitySDK. My approach in this

Smart shopping centers, controlled emission: rooftop PV power generation for a clean metropolitan city Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Abstract Dhaka, one of the fastest growing cities in the world has around 500 shopping
centres, which use unstable electricity supply from the national grid. A medium size
shopping centre having 50 shops consumes about 320kWh every day during the daytime

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ABSTRACT The Smart City project is creating an innovative network between government
and academic partners that is leading to excellence in the development and e-services and
e-government, that is setting new standards for eservice delivery across the world. If we

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Abstract: The current term and concept of Smart City is nowadays not clearly defined. This
article provides a robust analysis of Smart City research papers with focus on terminology
and definitions. The reviews of current literature and summary of the different definitions of

Smart City for Smart People
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Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Thomas Zelger, Hildegund Moetzl (Msc Elisabeth Kerschbaum, IBO –
Österr. Institut für Bauen und Ökologie, (Dipl.-Ing. Thomas
Zelger, FH Technikum Wien – University of Applied Science, Institute for Renewable

City Lab Lisbon–Development of a Smart Roadmap for the City of the Future
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1 ABSTRACT Lisbon is a city with more than half a million inhabitants and one of the most
touristic capitals in Western Europe, constantly trying to find ways to deal with challenges in
a smart and sustainable manner. How to turn Lisbon into a more inclusive, connected, and

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Abstract:This paper explains the various requirements for a city to upgrade into a smart
city. A smart city is a well planned city which provides environmental effective and
technological sound services for the well being of its citizens. A smart city can help to

How to become a Sustainable Smart City: the case of Al Quassim Eco-Neighborhood, Saudi Arabia
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1 ABSTRACT Sustainability is a word we started to hear it lately a lot and think about it. The
effect of the new approach of sustainability in architecture have been noticeable by
everyone and how it will be beneficial for the environment and the next generations.

Modern Ways of Implementing Renewable and Sustainable Technology andSmart Waste Management in Developing a Smart City
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Abstract:Across the globe, the movement of population from rural to urban areas is
increasing steadily. In terms of urbanization India has been viewed as a by-product of failed
regional planning. Now with the announcement of 100 smart cities in the budget by the

Milan’s Urban Food Policies as Smart City Governance Developments
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In the 2015 icitylab survey, the City of Milan achieved first place in the general classification
of smartness, followed by Bologna and Florence. 1 Motivated by the prospect of
consolidating this status, Milan City have seen the World Expo as an opportunity to

Some aspects and the bibliometric analysis of the sustainable smart cityconcept
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Abstract: In this paper some aspects of smart and sustainable city concept are presented.
Since cities are understood as important generators of economic growth, the efficiency of
performance of cities is in the focus of increasing number of research endeavors. Several

Towards Jeddah Smart City: Assessing People Perception Of Spacious Quality Indicators In Open Spaces
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1 ABSTRACT Strengthening sustainability within a smart community often begins with a
clear vision but it is really a process of creative, local, balanced decision-making that
continues to adjust to changing realities of community and urban living. Jeddah, a city with

Mobility as a Service in the Context of Smart City Operations
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Abstract:Economic growth in Europe has been, strongly associated with urbanization,
overwhelming cities with vehicles. This renders mobility inside cities problematic, since it is
often associated with large waste of time in traffic congestions, environmental pollution

Public transport ITS test environment for a smart city
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Abstract Transport is a significant part of smart cities. It accounts for a quarter of greenhouse
gas emissions and, through accessibility and appeal, affects regional competitiveness and
economic growth. Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS) cover a broad range of

A Review of Pune’s Fire Safety in Light of its Smart City Aspirations Secondary Study
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The Smart Cities initiative was proposed by the incumbent government as one of the key
points in their agenda. Smart Cities, as a term lacks a precise definition but the idea of Smart
Cities stems from the term Smart Living which in its crude definition can be classified as

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ABSTRACT: Smart City is a city that uses digital technologies to enhance the quality of life
and standard of living of its citizens. Smart Cities anticipate and mitigate current and future
challenges by using the power of the all-pervasive communication networks, distributed

Sensors and the Smart City
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Abstract:In this paper, we present a proposal for a research design, based on the argument
that there is a connection between smart cities and the concepts of smart buildings and
smart users. Smart cities refer to places where information technology is combined with

Citizens’ Perception of Urban Problems and Possibilites for Smart CitySolutions. Case Study from Sopron, Hungary
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Within the frame of a public survey in 2015 we have investigated the sensibility of the
inhabitants of Sopron for urban problems and analysed, which urban processes are
considered expressly harmful and which measures–even of smart character–would be

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ABSTRACT When talking about smart cities, one must mention Copenhagen which was
nominated several times as one of the Smartest Cities. Nonetheless, we must take into
consideration that, in general, these rankings have various and limited standards since

Enterprise 2.0 in Public Domain: An approach to Open Data in a Smart City
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Abstract. Open Data and Enterprise 2.0 help in collaborative and transparent governance.
The opening up of public services data facilitates innovation of new products and services
which create new businesses. When data reserves are opened up as widely as possible,

Smart City Control
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Abstract:smart city through distributive control system is the main purpose of this paper. In
this project the main aim of the project to enhance the conventional method and improve the
standardization of citizens with using proper resources and automation tools. Smart city

Swarm-Based Smart City Platform: A Traf-fic Application
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Smart cities are proposed as a medium-term option for all cities. This article aims to propose
an architecture that allows cities to provide solutions to interconnect all their elements. The
study case focuses in locating and optimized regulation of traffic in cities. However, thanks

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A Smart City should be implemented for the citizens’ considering their challenges and using
technology resolve these challenges. To maximize the benefits different ICT technology
based solutions may be mapped to meet citizen needs. A clear understanding of the

Definition of Smart Energy City and State of the art of 6 Transform cities using Key Performance Indicators
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This report summarises the work undertaken under the EU-FP7 TRANSFORM project for
Work Package 1 (part 1): Becoming a Smart Energy City, state of the Art and Ambition. Part 1
starts with a clear outline of each of the participating cities. The work describes the context

The Emotion-Aware City: Using Ambient Geographic Information (AGI) in order to understand emotion stress within smart cities
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The relevance of cities in modern societies can be summed up with just four statistical
indicators represented on figure 1, which depicts these challenges: urban coverage and

Deployment of an Operational Control Center in a Smart City
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Abstract:-The present article presents a bibliographic review about Operational Control
Center, about the concepts of Smart Cities and the relational between them regarding the
deployment of an integrated management and monitoring system in a city. On this

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remake India as a result of growingup of the economy with a view to incorporate itself

Creating an Intelligent System through Internet of Things for Smart City
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Abstract–Smart city provides the enhanced vision with the help of internet of things (IoT), and
the improvement in the existing systems operations. This project requires the involvement of
latest technology, to interact with physical environment and provide services of information

Citizen Science: A Learning Paradigm for the Smart City
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Abstract. Developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have
revolutionized learning; likewise, they have given a renewed impetus to Citizen Science in
recent years. Promoting learning in a variety of dimensions has always been a primary

SCSimulator: An Open Source, Scalable Smart City Simulator
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Abstract. Smart Cities, ie, cities enhanced with a technological infrastructure that enables a
more intelligent use and management of its resources, are currently seen as a powerful way
of improving the quality of life of its citizens. Smart city platforms tailored at metropolises

Developing inter and intra-operability. One of the best Romanian Smart-Citystudy case
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Understanding citizen online goals is critical because it gets to the heart of what the public
institution Web site should do. There are likely to be multiple goals that represent the
reason why citizen could come to the agencies/institutions Web site. Finding those

Application Layer DDoS Attack Defense Framework for Smart City using SDN
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ABSTRACT Smart city brings enormous opportunities and exciting challenges. In a smart
city, operations and services such as traffic, transport, electric power, and water distribution
are monitored, operated, and controlled through ICT based infrastructure, smartly. This

Method of Dynamic Optimal Rout Calculation in the Smart Clean City Project
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Abstract: A solution of the optimization garbage removal problem in the large cities is
suggested. In this paper there is described a system architecture to find time-optimal
dynamic route for garbage trucks within Smart Clean City project which unites an

Environment and Social Audit for Smart City Planning Perspective in India
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1 ABSTRACT In view of the fact that development is an ever growing process, its impact is
also ever increasing, leading to rapid deterioration in environmental conditions and human
health, auditing thus ensures that the potential problems are foreseen and addressed at

Smart city refers to the new generation of information technology, synthetically using the
internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, spatial information integration, etc. Its main features
are digitization, intelligence, networking, interaction, collaboration and convergence.

Web server for visualization of wireless sensor network data for smart cityapplications
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Abstract:Wireless sensor networks (WSN) can be used in many applications for home and
industrial environments. These networks have nodes which are connected wirelessly with
each other. These nodes have sensors attached with them which continuously generate

A Step Towards Smart City: A Pocket Size Solution For Traffic Police
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Abstract-Now-a-days, Traffic Management is a severe issue faced by the city. Unfortunately
traffic violations are rampant especially when police men are not present. Everyday there
are more than thousands of traffic rule violations. To solve this problem this paper

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ABSTRACT The rapid urbanization in every corner of the world, triggering city planners to re-
think about new urban solutions (Smart Cities) in order to provide better amenities to urban
citizens. Smart Cities are the new urban models and these are cities in which urban

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Abstract When discussing the issue of development of urban areas, it is not uncommon to
highlight a new stage of urbanisation–stage of smart city creation. Increasingly more cities
are nowadays labelled as intelligent or smart, even though there is no clear-cut

This collection of papers is about the energy dimension of a smart city. Its goal is to mark a
boundary around the concept of city smartness, considered with regard to the energy issue
and the town planning point of view. From another perspective, the aim of this collection of

The Harmonization of Customer Plants and the Power Grid in a Holistic Model-Prerequisite for a Smart City
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Net is a set of automated power grids, intended for Chain Links or Links, which fit into
one an-other to establish a flexible and reliable electrical connection. Each individual Link
or a Link-bundle operates independently and have contractual arrangements with other

EEVC-European Electric Vehicle Congress Development of Recharge Panels for Electric Vehicles at Buzios Smart City
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Abstract This paper presents the implementation of an electric vehicle infrastructure and the
development of refuelling panels for electric cars and bicycles at” Buzios Smart City RD
Project”, an initiative of Ampla a distribution company that is associated to the European

Initiating a Smart Transportation System: Jeddah City
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1 ABSTRACT Jeddah is a busy city, where road networks and expansion are under
continuous development. Public commuting is a key issue for many social categories needs
to commute within reliable transportation system. Public transportation required the quality

Prospects and Constraints in Development of Varanasi as Smart City, India
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Abstract At Present 33.66 million (27.8% of total population of 1.2 billion persons, Census of
India, 2011) people of India live in 4041 statutory towns, 3894 census towns, 475 Urban
agglomerations and 981 outgrowths. Out of this urban population, 43%(14.47 million)

Internet of Things (IoT) pattern to Smart City: communication model and experimentation
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In a nutshell, the Smart City vision consists in the pervasive application of the Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) to an urban scenario, in order to improve the
efficiency of modern cities, from both the economical and the social perspective. In fact,

Smart tales of the city
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The smart city industry is continually conquering new terrain. But as the global rollout of the
digital electricity and gas meter (smart meter) proceeds apace, Elke Rauth discerns a project
that shows disdain for the private sphere and puts the intelligence of governments and city

The Valuable Citizens of Smart Cities: The Case of Songdo City
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ABSTRACT: The article on hand uses the city of Songdo, South Korea, to examine how self-
proclaimed smart cities select their citizens, and to what effect. It shows how the smart city
uses technological systems to refigure citizens into subject declared valuable, fit for

Bihar Sharif as smart city: Metamorphosis plan and its challenges to sustainable development.
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Abstract-The Urbanization is overwhelming and contemporary procedure predominant all
through India particularly in state like Bihar, which has emerged as swift growing states of
India in the last decade. To bolster the speedy growth rate of economy and urbanization

Creative Capital for Smart Solutions: Toward a Liveable City
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1 ABSTRACT Creative capital of a city is a stock of knowledge, talent and experiences
possessed by individuals and the population at large. It presents not only concentration of
creative people in a city, but also their organised social interaction that generates

Smart City Graz-Strategy
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IRE Expert Conference – SmartCity – Green Mobility Trieste, 20.03.2015 “SmartCity Graz” was
set as the most important Development Goal to achieve in the Urban Development Scheme in
June 2013 First implementation of a “SmartCity Centre” in Austria using intelligent,

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ABSTRACT The use of open government data as citizen empowerment tool is one of the
premises of its existence. However, sometimes, the search for answers to the questions of
municipal order involves aggregation and analysis of several data sets structurally distinct

An Information Framework for Creating a Smart City through Internet of Things
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Abstract:Large population and industrialization in city area demands provision of
communication of objects to each other to create smart cities. In smart city government,
management and local people are provided with access to various real-time information

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Chandigarh is the first planned city of independent modern India. It is world renowned for its
architecture, planning and urbanism. Though Chandigarh is one of the most livable cities in
India, it is bursting at its seams as the city designed for a population of 450,000 in the

Smart Mobility in Smart City: action taxonomy, ICT intensity and public benefits
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Abstract. Smart City is a recent topic, but it is spreading very fast, as it is perceived like a
winning strategy to cope with some severe urban problems such as traffic, pollution, energy
consumption, waste treatment. Smart city ideas are the merge of some other more ancient

Smart City Artifacts Web Portal
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Abstract. In the smart city domain, many projects and works are generating essential
information. Open and efficient sharing of this information can be beneficial for all parties
ranging from researchers, engineers or even governments. To our knowledge, there is

ErgoCity, the Next Future City, Green, Smart and Human Centered Designed -, , ,
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ABSTRACT This project aims to refute the negative aspects related to the stereotype of the”
Smart City”, which favors mainly the sale of IoT technologies and the use of Big Data,
declaring them necessary for its growth, following the lines of Fritz Lang’s” Metropolis”. Our

Smart City Initiatives, Public Real Estate Strategic Management and New Venture Creation
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Abstract During the last decade, scholars have been involved in an interesting debate
around the development of the so called Smart City Initiatives, based on the following pillars:
ICT, human capital, mobility, environment etc. This chapter focuses on the role played by

Modelling Microclimates in the Smart City: a Campus Case Study on Natural Ventilation
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REAL CORP 2016 Proceedings/Tagungsband 22-24 June 2016 – ISBN
978-3-9504173-0-2 (CD), 978-3-9504173-1-9 (print) Editors: Manfred SCHRENK, Vasily V.
POPOVICH, Peter ZEILE, Pietro ELISEI, Clemens BEYER Modelling Microclimates in

Assessing Smart City Initiatives in Kowloon East
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Page 1. i Assessing SmartCity Initiatives in Kowloon East Cameron Currie Rebecca Dall’Orso
ii 44-CXP-C154 Assessing SmartCity Initiatives in Kowloon East An Interactive Qualifying Project
Report submitted to the faculty of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in partial fulfillment

Resilient Smart City Development: A Holistic Approach
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Abstract The impact of globalization and industrialization has been a subject for research
around the globe due to huge paradigm shift caused by them. Such phenomena is also a
cause of concern as cities consume close to three-quarters of the world’s natural

Big Data Quality-Towards an Explanation Model in a Smart City Context
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Big Data has received increasing attention in recent years, as organizations and cities are
dealing with tremendous amounts of data. This data are fast moving, often changing in
value, meaning and format, as well as can originate from various sources such as social

Smart Cities: a Policy Tool for City Efficiency
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1 ABSTRACT The level of interest in smart cities has been growing during these last years.
The academic literature (Hollands, 2008; Caragliu et al., 2009, Nijkamp et al., 2011 and
Lombardi et al., 2012) has identified a number of factors that characterise a city as smart,

Citizens as sensors/information providers in the co-production of smart cityservices
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Abstract. Citizens play a central role in smart cities, both as the users of the services
delivered by the city and as active participants in the initiatives aimed at making cities
smarter. By assuming the concept of co-production as the lens through which to look at

Smart City-Scale Taxi Ridesharing
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Abstract-Proposed and developed to taxi-sharing system that accept taxi passengers’ real-
time ride requests sent from smart phones and schedules proper taxis to pick up them via
ridesharing, subject to time, capacity, and monetary constraints. The monetary constraints

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ABSTRACT Smart cities are urban areas in which information and communication
technologies are used to solve their specific problems and support their sustainable
development in social, economic and/or environmental terms. In recent years, turning

Alternate Energy from Busy Road for Development of Smart City
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Abstract: The world is facing energy crisis with the difference in demand and supply and
limited number of natural resources. So there is a need for saving energy and requirement
an alternate energy source which is cheap and feasible. This paper attempt to concentrate

Making the City Smart from the Grassroots up: the Sustainable Food Networks of Bristol Matthew Reed, Countryside and Community Research Institute
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The Smart City approach has been critiqued for its top-down focus on technology at the
expense of finding viable solutions to the challenges of city life (Saunders and Baeck 2015;
Wiig 2015). The development of food policy and food activism in the UK also reflects the

Political Communication, Social Media, and Public Sphere: An Analysis to a Phenomenon in Bandung towards Smart City
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Abstract:The Web 2.0 Era has influenced the dynamics of politics and democracy, both
global and local level nowadays. At the local level, the rise of technology, communication,
and information affects the political communication between the government and the

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ABSTRACT City lense provide the mobile clients personalise services according to their
current location. this also refer to a set of application that exploit the knowledge of the
geographical position of a mobile device in order to provide valuable services based on

of Environmental Dimension Make Smart a Metropolitan Context An Argument about Planning in the Recently Established Metropolitan City of Cagliari and
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1 ABSTRACT In accordance with Article 3 of the Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of
natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive), Natura 2000 is a coherent
Ecological Network (EN), distributed throughout the European Union, that includes Sites

How Seoul used the ‘T-Money’smart transportation card to re-plan the public transportation system of the city; implications for governance of innovation in urban
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ABSTRACT In 2004, Seoul introduced a new a smart card system that significantly changed
the way Public Transportation System work in the city. This card, named T-Money card and
using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology, aimed to improve the public