smart grid series compensation research papers 11
Damping of Subsynchronous Oscillations and Improve Transient Stability for Wind farms
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AF Abdou, A Abu-Siada ,
study. A small signal analysis is conducted to study the impact of the series
compensation levels and torsional dynamics on system stability. Index Terms Wind
farm, Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR), STATCOM, Smart Grids. I
Comparing investigation for a Bi-directional Isolated DC/DC Converter using Series Voltage Compensation
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S Miyawaki, J Itoh ,
Abstract — This paper discusses a bi-directional isolated DC/DC converter using series
compensation method. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, high efficiency and high power density for
the bi-directional isolated DC/DC converters are increasingly desired for smart grid system.
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D Povh ,
XXC Series Compensation Benefits ? Reduction in Transmission Angle ? Increase in
Transmission Capacity Benefits ? Reduction in Transmission Angle ? Increase in Transmission
Capacity 2005 Fig. 8: Basslink HVDC – Sustainability of a Smart and flexible Grid Fig.
Power System Stability Enhancement using The Unified Power Flow Controller
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A Elkholy, FH Fahmy ,
The proposed control will enable increased connections of renewable energy sources in the
smart grid. The UPFC is perhaps the most versatile of the FACTS controllers, offering a unique
combination of shunt and series compensation and guaranteeing flexible power system
Smart Grid: Overview, Issues and Opportunities
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Page 1. 1 Smart Grid: Overview, Issues and Opportunities Advances and Challenges in Sensing,
Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Control Societal and governmental visions for the smart
grid will require the engagement of the controls community for their realization.
Improvement of Transmission Line Power Transfer Capability, Case Study
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A Abu-Siada ,system ,
Option AUD Million TSVC 44 STATCOM 55 Series Compensation and STATCOM 66 220 kV
Line Upgrade and STATCOM 459 the Low-Voltage-Ride-Through Capability of Type-D Wind
Turbine Generator presented at the IEEE Innovation Smart Grid Technologies conference
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SN Course ,
3. MPS605B Smart Grid 4 ,25 75 100 4 3 Encoder type digital transducers, Signal conditioning
and telemetry, Basic concepts of smart sensors and Unit-II Series Compensation: ,Concept of
series compensation, applications, Improving transient stability, Power oscillation
Unified Power Flow Controllers Without Energy Storage: Designing Power Controllers for the Matrix Converter Solution
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J Monteiro, JF Silva, S Pinto
This arrangement operates as an ideal reversible AC-AC switching power converter allowing
shunt and series compensation and bidirectional power flow, between the AC terminals of the
two converters. The Page 2. Energy Storage in the Emerging Era of Smart Grids 426
Plugging in
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F Pinnekamp ,Behind the plug, 2008 ,
decades. Phase-shifting transformers and series compensation are long-established
methods for increasing power transfer in electrical grids. Review. 4) See When grids
get smart on page 44 of this edition of ABB Review. References
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S Sankar, S Ramareddy ,
In this paper, the two SeVs provide real and reactive series compensation for line 1 and line 2.
The In the occurrence of a disturbance in the utility grid, the compensator injects the missing
voltage supplying the 14 International Journal on Intelligent Electronic Systems, Vol.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
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P SCHEDULE ,2010 ,
Room 202 S2 DC-AC Inverters: Grid Connected Inverters I Modularized Bi- directional Grid- Tied
Inverter with Asynchronous Sigma-delta Modulation Room 201 S1 Electric Machines: Induction
Machines Room 202 S2 DC-AC Inverters: Grid Connected Inverters I
Novel Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Farm for Improving Transient Stability and Transmission Limits Both During Night and Day
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RK Varma, SA Rahman ,
capacity [3]. To increase the available power transfer limits/capacity (ATC) of existing transmission
line, series compensation and various is Manager – Systems Innovation and Advanced Grid
Development at Hydro One Networks and leads the Smart Grid Technology adoption
Electrical energy
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B Jucker, P Leupp ,ABB Review, 2008 ,
decades. Phase-shifting transformers and series compensation are long-established
methods for increasing power transfer in electrical grids. Review. 4) See When grids
get smart on page 44 of this edition of ABB Review. References
Demonstration of an Inertia Constant Estimation Method Through Simulation
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Furthermore, the introduction of other new technologies such as energy storage and smart grid
devices will potentially affect the after it has passed other factors, not accounted for here
(Generation unit primary controls, loads’ response, series compensation, storage, spinning
Integrated offshore networks: the context of our work
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A Hiorns ,target, 2020 ,
4 We have not assumed radical technology solutions pre 2020 ¦ Currently bespoke by project /
application ¦ Scope for standardisation under an integrated solution ¦ Could be developed
as part of an integrated solution Smart grids Page 3. 3 Interaction with onshore
Novel Low Cost Green Plug Smart Filter Soft Starter (GP-SF-SS) Schemes for Small Horse Power Motorized Loads
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AM Sharaf ,International Journal of Electrical and , 2010
ripples, efficient energy utilization/conservation with minimal impact on the electric grid security
and Figure 8 and 15 show the proposed family of Green Plug-Smart Filter- Soft 12 shows a switched
series and/or parallel capacitor compensator for series compensation and power
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Series Compensation No Yes No Yes No Yes N/A 3. Wikipedia, Grid Energy Storage, viewed
2010- Oct-08. 8. Beacon Power – Smart Energy Matrix 20MW Frequency Regulation Plant
Application of genetic algorithm to improve voltage regulation of self-excited induction generator in a wind energy conversion system
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D Joshi, KS Sandhu ,International Journal of Intelligent , 2007 ,Inderscience
to improve the voltage regulation of self-excited induction generator (SEIG) using series
compensation. To feed such an area from power grid, long transmission lines are Bigger turbines,
better blade design, advanced materials, smart electronics and microcontrols have all
Excitation control of self excited induction generator using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network
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D Joshi ,International Journal of Mathematical Modela and , 2009
Abstract— Induction generators which may be operated in grid or self-excited mode, are Another
simple way to control the terminal voltage is through excitation control using series compensation.
In this paper artificial intelligent techniques are used to model the control strategy
Use of energy-storage equipped shunt compensator for frequency control
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MH Nordlund ,
This is an important part of the smart grid concept. It is also an interesting area since it can
provide additional features which can be related to the smart grid. The main use of energy
storage is to store energy when the produced power exceeds the used.
Wide-area stability and voltage control
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CW Taylor, MV Venkatasubramanian ,Proc. VII Symp. , 2000 ,
Averaging of several three-phase measurements per substation might be feasible as legacy
transducers are replaced with IEDs (intelligent electronic devices). Undesirable switching of series
compensation is more benign than undesirable shunt compensation switching.
Energy storage for the electricity grid: Benefits and market potential assessment guide
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J Eyer ,Sandia National Laboratories Report, , 2010 ,
Thus, the intended audience includes: electric utility planners, electricity end users, non-utility
electric energy and electric services providers, electric utility regulators and policymakers,
intermittent renewables advocates and developers, Smart Grid advocates and developers
High efficiency contactless energy transfer system with power electronic resonant converter
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AJ Moradewicz ,Bulletin of the Polish Academy of , 2009 ,Versita
of secondary side in case of chosen compensation circuits is: – for series compensation: Z? =
Res power supply for robots and manipulators, J. Automation, Mobile RoboticsIntelligent
Systems 2 J. Pan, An integrated inverter for a single-phase single-stage grid connected PV
Economic Assessment of Fault Current Limitation and Power Flow Control Techniques in Subtransmission Networks
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B Sousa ,2012 ,
17 Figure 9: Schematic of a smart grid. It is distinguished by the presence of DG, CHP,
distributed storage and enhanced control technologies along the network. 27 37 Figure 14:
Typical series compensation: series capacitor (left) and TCSC (right). 43
Intelligent power routers: a distributed coordination approach for electric energy processing networks
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AA Irizarry-Rivera, M Rodriguez-Martinez ,International journal of , 2007 ,Inderscience
Example of EFCDs are: circuit breakers, phase-shifting transformers, series compensation
capacitors or their combination as Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS). Generators Loads
(consumers) Zone A IPR-based Electric Grid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Load Page 14. Intelligent power routers
Ancillary service revenue opportunities from electric vehicles via demand response
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M Leo ,2011 ,
DR-EV Ancillary Services Study 8 2 Project Introduction This project was conceived by
four University of Michigan MBA/MS students who have a strong interest in the intersection
of renewable energy, smart grid technology, and electric vehicles.