Smart hospitals are those that optimize, redesign or build new clinical processes, management systems and potentially even infrastructure, enabled by underlying digitized networking infrastructure of interconnected assets, to provide a valuable service or insight
Smart hospitals contain three important layers – data, insight and access. s entities, which improves the quality of care. As the population grows,
Smart healthcare can promote interaction between all participants in a health-related conversation. It can help patients get the services they need, help caregivers make informed decisions, and facilitate the productive allocation of resources
Implement a unified network of wearables, mobile and medical devices.
Implement Big Data solutions.
Implement robotic surgery assistants.
Develop remote patient monitoring software.
Enhance preventive health management.
Enhance chronic care management.
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under the following headings; Within the scope of smart hospital using AI, disease diagnosis e) With applications defined as smart patient rooms, applications such as smart
A Smart Audit Teaching Case Using CAATs for Medicare
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smart hospital has gradually received attention. Various medical institutions have also begun promoting smart big data applications, such as smart wards, smart halls, bedside serviceIn` keeping with the IoT vision, the authors proposed a Smart Hospital System that combines various, yet complementary, technologies and smart mobile devices that communicate with
Design Smart Ambulance Emergency Application System in Egypt.
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Resend request to near hospital have available bed ambulance to reach the hospital Hospital Page
Real Time IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System
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This survey paper describes the how this RFID technology is used to build a smart hospital . The The RFID Locator is used improve the parameter quality of hospital services. This RFID
A Proposed Healthcare Architecture using Cloud Computing in WSN Environment with a Case Study
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Because health care workers can monitor medical, such as exercise, weight, blood pressure, without going to a patients hospital it is necessary to consider smart health technology.
Research on Construction of the Smart City
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smart city project is divided into three major fields and two relatively new concepts: smart government, smart economy, smart and the development environment of a smart city. (2) The
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The speed of our lives has been boosted with the advancement in the transportation system. In the present time, road traffic accidents have become a global concern all over the world.
Soft Tissue Abscesses Related to Repeated Intramuscular or Subcutaneous Cyclizine Injections
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First patient:EB is a 65 year old female who presented with nausea and vomiting leading to dehydration and admission to hospital . She had been fit and well following treatment for
Transforming Communication in Health Care via Information Technology: Implementation of a free telephone directory app
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smart phone app allows staff members to nd the hospital contact extension or bleep number they wish to request without the necessity of have to contact the hospital of the smart phone Anuradha, Internet of things (IOT) enabled smart autonomous hospital management system a real world health care use case with the technology drivers. in IEEE International
Evaluation of VANETs Routing Protocols for Data-Based Smart Health Monitoring in Intelligent Transportation Systems
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and transmit it to a nearby ambulance or hospital in emergency or road accident situations. in analyzing routing protocols for VANETs data-based smart health monitoring applications.
Understanding Interactions for Smart Wheelchair Navigation in Crowds
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Participants designing a smart wheelchair interface for the crowded hospital scenario showed an inclination towards visual and haptic feedback modalities rather than auditory ones.
The Effect of Service Quality on Image through Patient Satisfaction in the Inpatient Room of Hospital X Malang Regency
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the hospitals service quality impacts the hospitals reputation. The SmartPLS program was doing PLS regression analysis. on the hospitals reputation, as well as satisfaction with the
Smart Patients Monitoring System based on IoT
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In a hospital either the nurse or the doctor has to move physically from one person to This be a strain for the doctors who have to take care of a lot number of people in the hospital .
Smart IoT based Wearables and Care-Kit as enhancers for Effective Remote Care Service Delivery: A Case-based study in post COVID-19 Perspective of
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kit providing digital data for easy updation through the smartphone interfaces, helped cater to This study provides the holistic overarching model for the physicians and hospital network
Acceptability and User Experiences of a Patient-Held Smart Card for Antenatal Services in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study
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embed collected data into a smart card, and read the smart card using a mobile phone- there has been no money at the moment to go to the hospital for treatment. (Participant 4b)
An epidemic digital management framework for healthcare organizations based on multi-platform
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Our research took place at Wuhan Fifth Hospital which is the only AAA public hospital in -based smart hospital system to transform traditional HIS, EMR and LIS to meet the hospitals
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Another issue is also connecting the Smart City with the Smart Hospital in order to maintain the care also after the check out, to accompany the patient after the discharge from the
Model of Factors Affecting Hospital Services Supply Chain Hospital Services Supply Chain
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of hospital service supply chain in Iran. Therefore, considering the importance of hospital service supply chain, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting hospital
Digital Infrastructure Policies for Data Security and Privacy in Smart Cities
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To illustrate how QI can be used to re-identify individuals, consider the dataset in Figure produced by the public hospital Hosp of a smart city for intelligent healthcare and reporting,
A comprehensive review on Smart Grid Data Security
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service, such as a hospital or fire department. However, within a smart grid system EVs for Interconnected smart meters give information about individual homes such as power usage,
Real Time Glaucoma Prediction Using Y-UNet Classifier via Hardware Software Co-Design SMART System
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: DRIVE, CHASE_DB and one Trichy Government Hospital database. It is mainly used for 31 healthy images), and Trichy government hospital which contain (200 glaucoma and 255
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are now using smart technology to keep an eye on their patients. The Internet As a result of having a smart Things (IOT) Enabled Smart Autonomous Hospital Management System A in the smart healthcare sector. It describes various aspects of IoT for smart healthcare its application in the health sector, different smart IoT devices used or available for health
Improving hospital metrics through the implementation of a comorbidity capture tool and other quality initiatives
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In August 20 we developed an EHR smart logic to automatically capture fluid and electrolyte disturbances and renal dysfunction, based on the most recent laboratory values. The
Research on Top-Level Design of Smart Health Care Community System Based on Demand Orientation
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of smart health care, if we want to find a way of smart health care formulate effective policies for smart health care and benefit the a smart health care service system. The realization of
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hospital design and Islamic qualities which are then grouped into 6 clusters: environmental design, hospital Therefore, employing simple, smart and sustainable technology can greatly ; energy management; smart grids; internet of things; cognitive radio networks; computation; cloud computing; ubiquitous connectivity, and in mode general smart living, smart cities,
A smartdevice based secondary prevention program for cerebrovascular disease patients: a randomized trial
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This study aimed to test the feasibility of a smart device- provided with a smartwatch and smartdevices to monitor various Recurrent strokes are associated with a longer hospital stay,
An RFID based COVID Patient Health Care Monitoring System for Government Hospitals
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to support smart services. All the hospital medical equipment is connected and regulated with IoT system. Automatic patient monitoring and report distribution to hospital secured
Contribution-aware federated learning for smart healthcare
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) is often leveraged to build models for smart healthcare applications. Existing deployed FL Aware Federated Learning (CAreFL) framework for smart healthcare. It provides fair and
Intra-arterial Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke Management
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and intensity of up to 40 mA at our hospital . Recording parameters are time sweep of 50 ms well as AI-powered advice on surgical options in the background of smart hospital (Fig. 1).
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Research indicates that suicide rates are lower in those with higher IQ scores. In this essay, we show that this is consistent with Hamermesh and Soss’s utility maximization theory of
and Internet of Things in Smart Building Applications
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for smart grids, smart cities, smart buildings, and smart mobility. These examples demonstrate that there is no need for additional wires to power devices, smart meters hospital complex
Design a monitoring system for COVID-19 patients
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It includes a smart band as well as an application on the smartphone, the smart band can also daily activities that affect the decision to go to the hospital or stay at home. The core of the
Smart Cities, Sustainability, and Quality of Life A comparison of indexes and the indicators they include
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one of life quality and three indexes for smart cities. We compared these in terms of the of 35 smart city initiatives to see for each indicator / theme we identified how many smart city
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Premature infants require a longer stay in the hospital than do infants in the daycare or infant intensive care unit. PDA and hypotension, or breathing difficulties due to an immature
Estimation of recurrent atherosclerotic cardiovascular event risk in patients with established cardiovascular disease: the updated SMART2 algorithm
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However, the SMART risk score has several limitations. First, Third, the SMART risk score does not take competing risk for Therefore, we set out to update the SMART risk score by
Blockchain for E-governances and foster innovations: A context on Indian Subcontinent
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However, there are two types of data that can be stored in a smartcontract supporting as a smartcontract data that is required to execute the smartcontract code. A smartcontract
Smart Waste Monitoring System using IoT
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To overcome the problem, a smartbin is developed in such a way that the trash cans are monitored 24x7. The whole setup consists of Arduino UNO as the primary controller which is
The Hospital Ship as a Strategic Asset in21st Century Foreign Policy and Global Health Crises
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battle groups and large, slow, and cumbersome hospital ships not be the best tool in Soft power tools are also smart power tools. To do this smart power engagement we must
Early Urine Infection Prediction Framework using XGBoost Ensemble Model in IoT-Fog Environment
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reported that urine infections are the most common hospitalacquired infections. If left untreated Hence, in our current work, we propose a smart health monitoring framework that collects
Survey Response Rates to a Self-Initiated Longitudinal Survey Accessed by QR Code in Six Different Regions of the United States
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A quick response (QR) code allows rapid access to an online survey via a smart phone and of opioid use and pain scores following hospital discharge in pediatric surgical patients.
Security in IoT-enabled Smart Agriculture: Architecture, Security Solutions and Challenges
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They designed a smart hospital system with a trustworthy gateway hub that is resource-heavy, a resource-constrained doctor device that allows the doctor to enter his user identity along This book is composed of the papers written in English and accepted for presentation and discussion at the International Conference on Communication and Applied Technologies arrives into the hospital . Smart ambulances usually have a range of devices such as precision diagnostic medical sensors, hospital communication interface module, and intelligent
: A Revolution in Fast Stress Reduction, Newborns Protection, Well-being and Sleep Regeneration also for People with Trauma, Depression and PTSD in Smart
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Clinic of the University Clinic Hospital in Wroclaw, who filled performance here on Earth in smart cities and in the Space. modern cities making them future smart cities. Analyzing data
Shortest Path Computation Technique in WSN for IOT Applications
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to reach the hospital smart traffic management in which Dijkstra algorithm by incorporating real-time traffic conditions can be used for route planning. For future work, Dijkstras algorithm
Improving Patient Experience in Day Medical Unit A Lean Six Sigma Project to Reduce Visit Time For Infliximab Infusion
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Hospital mission is to provide a compassionate quality To ensure best patient experience, the hospital aims to limit Creating smart booking system for optimal bed utilization. 7.
Smart cooperation during CoVID-19 Pandemic: a case study in Nosy Mitsio Island (Madagascar)
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the schools, and the Bevaoko’s hospital . Two schools with hygienic services were also built in Bevaoko and Ampanitsoha, and the hospital in Bevaoko was upgraded. Water from taps
Quality Of E-Governance In Smart Cities: A Qualitative Review Of Literature
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The objective of this Paper is to consolidate the state of research regarding quality of E-Governance in Smart Cities. This review covers works spanning across toand a
Phase I trial of hypofractionated chemoradiotherapy in the palliative management of esophageal and gastro-esophageal cancer
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He presented to hospital with an esophageal perforation 4 months following the subsequent course of radiation and died following developing complications and a middle cerebralof harmful hospital wastes and of smart waste management is to handle all the waste in the city and monitoring all the process. A smart waste-bin consists of a smart sensor and smart
Real-world patient characteristics, treatment patterns, efficacy and safety of intramuscular ketamine treatment: a retrospective cohort study
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Madeline Brendle University of Utah College of Pharmacy Leo Smart 31% (61/199) of patients reported a history of having received inpatient treatment at a psychiatric hospital .
Providing the Smart Clothes for Security Forces by Adopting the IOT Technology
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These can include smart contracts ( smart contracts are conditions) or other smart applications that support specific Internet protected patient information exchange in hospital networks .
The hospitalwide patient flow
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of this thesis are to examine the phenomenon of hospitalwide patient flows and what is preventing or helping the patient flow to become swift and even across the hospital organization.
A cross-sectional study of diseases prevailing in an orthopaedic OPD at a tertiary care hospital in the Mumbai metropolitan region
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Background: The orthopaedic out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital plays a in an Orthopaedics OPD of a hectic tertiary care hospital which could in turn help to understand
Doctor Appointment Booking System Using Content Based Filtering Recommendation
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hospital or visiting the hospital itself. Dialing the hospital need some research for getting the hospital Here the patient will get details about doctor availability by using a smart user
Smart Cities Overview of Citizen Participation across Application Domains
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We consider scientific articles on Smart Cities as a proxy to describe the state of use of Smart Cities in the real world. For the purposes of our analysis, we have modified the database of