soft computing IEEE PAPER 2016
Hybrid Soft Computing Approaches
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With the shortcoming and limitation of classical platforms of computation, particularly for tackling uncertainty and imprecision prevalent in our day-to-day life, Soft Computing as an alternative and extended computation paradigm has been making its presence felt,
Hybridized Soft Computing Approaches Based Data Mining Techniques For Protein Dataset
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Abstract Bioinformatics is one of the emerging technologies which is played an important role in the field of biology. The molecular biology and Bioinformatics information are extracted from the protein datasetwhich is used for analyzing the different kind of
Diagnosis of CAD and risk factors using DM and Soft Computing Techniques–A Survey
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Abstract: Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) is a most listening disease and death rate also high in modern society. Patient's information handling and computing is vital task in clinical section. In this regard essential tools are required to process the medical data. Data
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ABSTRACT This paper proposed a prediction model based on Fuzzy Association Rule (FARs). Present a two model; it is the integration of the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and Multiple Support Apriori (MS apriori). Even though, enhancing the knowledge from the large
RMSD Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction with Soft Computing
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Abstract Root-mean-square-deviation (RMSD) is an indicator in protein-structure-prediction- algorithms (PSPAs). Goal of PSP algorithms is to obtain 0 Å RMSD from native protein structures. Protein structure and RMSD prediction is very essential. In 2013, the estimated
Statistical analysis of the performance of the soft computing based prediction model for shrinkage of concrete including mineral admixtures
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Abstract:The study covers a numerical study to derive a soft computing based mathematical model for prediction of the shrinkage of concretes having different mix compositions. The model will be derived by means of gene expression programming (
Prediction of IVF Treatment Outcome using Soft Computing and Various Classifiers: A Survey
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Abstract:1 in 6 couples suffer from infertility problem. The reasons for infertility are still not clearly identified. It may be due to environmental factors, genetic problem or personal characteristics. Due to infertility, people need to undergo infertility treatment. Various
Performance Analysis of Soft Computing and Image Processing Based Image Segmentation
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Abstract:Image segmentation is an important class of image analysis in digital image processing and is mainly used in the varieties of applications; some of them are sorting product in the industry, surveillance system, environmental or climate predictions and
Review Paper on Validation of Medical Image Devices for Detection and Diagnosis of Various Diseases by Using Soft Computing Tools.
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ABSTRACT: The imagining technologies employ conventional projection radiography, computed tomography, MRI, Ultrasonography etc. Image processing techniques play a crucial role in clinical studies of different diseases. Current manual methods of It is a matter of pride that, the Annual Series of International Conference, called 'Soft Computing for Problem Solving'is entering its fifth edition as an established and flagship international conference. This annual event is a joint collaboration between a group of
Enhancing technique for Predictive Grading of Childhood Autism using Soft Computing
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Abstract An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information. Neural networks also contribute to other areas of research such as neurology and
Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, SOFT Computing and Informatics
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MARCH 2016 VOLUME 65 NUMBER 3 IEIMAO (ISSN 0018-9456)REGULAR PAPERS Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, SOFT Computing and Informatics Two-Phase Slug Flow Characterization Using Artificial Neural Networks . .. C.
Groutability estimation of granular soils with cement-based grouts using a hybridization of soft computing approaches
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ABSTRACT Permeation grouting is a common technique for soil improvement. Predicting the groutibility is particularly important in the planning phase of a grouting project. This study presents a novel method for groutability estimation with cement-based grouts in granular
Improving Soft Computing Performance with Ant Colony Optimization for Multiclass Classification: The Application for Learning Style Classification
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Abstract:several areas such as education implement data mining technique to solve the problem related to classification. The unseen data are classified using the built model from data mining. However, the multiclass classification seems to be difficult to improve the
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Abstract: This paper presents a new perspective of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although, it is not so easy to define Artificial Intelligence, but I tried my best for doing so. This is a review paper and in this paper I'd made my efforts to describe soft computing and its domain
Soft Computing Based Secure Aggregation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract: Wireless sensor nodes are normally deployed in hostile environment for collecting data. The collected data should be aggregated before they reach the base station to reduce energy consumptions and increase network lifetime. The aggregated data should be
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ABSTRACT:-This Paper focuses on detecting, classifying and locating faults on electric power transmission lines. Fault detection, fault classification and fault location have been achieved by using artificial neural networks. Feedforward networks have been employed
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ABSTRACT Disease Diagnosis is one of the most complicated processes and requires sophisticated techniques to overcome complexities. Soft computing techniques came into existence to deal effectively with the emerging problems related to medical diagnosis. As
Literature Review on soft computing optimization techniques in MIG/MAG Welding Parameters
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Abstract-The present paper surveys the application of soft computing (SC) optimization techniques in MIG/MAG welding parameters. A number of Soft computing optimization techniques have been utilized by a number of research workers working in this field. In the
Optimum Setting and Performance Evaluation of the Three Mode Controller Using Bio Inspired Soft Computing Algorithms
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Abstract: The best possible and desirable solution of the engineering problems can be found using optimization algorithms. The most widely used dc-dc converters are highly non-linear dynamical systems. Designing a control technique has been a most promising control
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Abstract Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a graph to identify heart disease. Cardiac Arrhythmia is analyzed based on beat recognition, cluster and classification. The noise can be eliminated and features are extracted by using several methods. Discrete wavelet
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ABSTRACT Large number of people has being affected due to heart disease and it has become a major problem. One of such threat is Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). If it is not treated and detected at an early and proper stage may lead to death. Especially in
A Review of Soft Computing Used in Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
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ABSTRACT Nearly eighty million people all over the world are suffering from infertility related problems. This problem has aggravated due to several reasons like change in lifestyle, infections, genetic issues, postponed childbearing, etc. Assisted reproductive
Review of Design and Simulation of Carpool Service Problem using Soft Computing Tools
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Abstract:The constant increases in traffic congestion have resulted in adverse affect on word. Carpooling is the best effective solutions for traffic congestion. Carpooling consist of growth in occupancy rate in car in order to reduced traffic congestion. In this paper, new
Implementation Of Power Extraction From Shaded Photovoltaic Modules UsingSoft Computing Techniques
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Abstract: Solar energy is the most readily available energy source in the Earth blessed by nature. The radiant light energy from the sun contains photons which can be utilised by the solar cells to produce electrical power. The solar cells are made up of semiconductor The series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing contains publications on various topics in the area of soft computing, which include fuzzy sets, rough sets, neural networks, evolutionary computation, probabilistic and evidential reasoning, multi-valued logic, and
A Review on Mental Health using Soft Computing and Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques
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Abstract-Mental health awareness is very crucial for any society. To spread the education of mental health, World Mental Health day is celebrated on 10th October which was first celebrated in 1992 by World Federation for Mental Health, a world-wide mental health
Soft Computing Approaches for Effective Utilization of Elastic Energy in Flexible Manipulator
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The he concept of Soft Computing was developed in the year around 1990. Soft Computing techniques are designed to model and exploit the solutions to real world problems. As the opposite concept of Soft Computing, Hard Computing requires precise model with exact
Synchronization Index based Epilepsy Diagnosis from EEG Data by Recurrence based Soft Computing Model
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Abstract--A well-known common feature of oscillatory systems and biological oscillators, in particular, is their ability to synchronize. Entrainment of periodic (also noisy) self-sustained oscillators by external periodic force, or mutual synchronization of several such oscillators
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ABSTRACT A method of using fuzzy logic to interpret current sensors signal of induction motor for its stator condition monitoring was presented. Correctly processing theses current signals and inputting them to a fuzzy decision system achieved high diagnosis accuracy.
Splice Site Prediction: A Review Of Progress In Hard Vs Soft ComputingTechniques
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ABSTRACT: Bioinformatics refers to the study of script of life which begins with DNA. DNA holds genetic information and consists of thousands of genes. Genes are typically recognized by the process in which different signals and content recognizers are crafted
Classification of Medical Dataset using Soft computing Techniques
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Abstract In this paper, the application of Artificial intelligence computing techniques for diagnostic of disease by classifying the biomedical datasets. Many Artificial Intelligence techniques were reviewed for medical dataset classification. This Exploration assembles
Groundwater Dynamic Prediction Model for Mining Area Based on Hybrid Soft Computing
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Abstract In order to improve the simulation and forecast level of groundwater, the rational exploitation and utilization of groundwater resources is realized. In this paper, from the perspective of groundwater circulation in Yushen mining area, analyzed the change trend
Exploring Highly Structure Similar Protein Sequence Motifs using SVD with SoftGranular Computing Models
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Abstract-Vital areas in Bioinformatics research is one of the Protein sequence analysis. Protein sequence motifs are determining the structure, function, and activities of the particular protein. The main objective of this paper is to obtain protein sequence motifs
Scheduling for Cloud-Based Computing Systems to Support Soft Real-Time Applications
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Abstract:Cloud-based computing infrastructure provides an efficient means to support real- time processing workloads, eg, virtualized base station processing, and collaborative video conferencing. This paper addresses resource allocation for a computing system with