software engineering IEEE PAPER 2016

Towards a Software Engineering Research Framework: Extending Design Science Research
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Abstract-Software Engineering (SE) may be regarded as a relatively young discipline, which has been driven by technical innovations, trends and practices. Although a great many research studies explored solutions, fundamental problems in SE domain still exist. Most

Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering: Models, Opportunities, and Challenges
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Abstract Almost surreptitiously, crowdsourcing has entered software engineering practice. In- house development, contracting, and outsourcing still dominate, but many a software development project today uses crowdsourcing for a variety of purposes, whether it is to Undoubtedly, Software Engineering is an intensive knowledge-based endeavor of inherent human-centric nature, which profoundly relies on acquiring semiformal knowledge and then processing it to produce a running system. The knowledge spans a wide variety of artifacts

A survey of app store analysis for software engineering
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Abstract App Store Analysis studies information about applications mined from app stores. App stores provide a wealth of information derived from users that would not exist had the applications been distributed via previous software deployment methods. App Store

Workshop on Continuous Software Engineering
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In order to develop and deliver high-quality products to their customers, software companies have to adopt state-of-the-art software development processes. To face this challenge, companies are applying innovative methods, approaches and techniques like agile

Future trends in software engineering research for mobile apps
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Abstract:There has been tremendous growth in the use of mobile devices over the last few years. This growth has fueled the development of millions of software applications for these mobile devices often called as 'apps'. Current estimates indicate that there are hundreds

Changes in Requirements Engineering After Migrating to the Software as a Service Model
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ABSTRACT Service-oriented architectures are widely considered to be the determining trend in software engineering. Vendors of software products want to benefit by migrating to cloud environments. However, when transforming an existing software system from the

A System Engineering and Acquisition Approach for Space System Software Resiliency
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Resilience is the ability of an architecture to support the functions necessary for mission success in spite of hostile action or adverse conditions. An architecture is" more resilient" if it can provide these functions with higher probability, shorter periods of reduced capability,

How does software process improvement address global software engineering
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Abstract:For decades, Software Process Improvement (SPI) programs have been implemented, inter alia, to improve quality and speed of software development. To set up, guide, and carry out SPI projects, and to measure SPI state, impact, and success, a

A design theory for software engineering
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From an ontological perspective, our theory embodies a view of Software Engineering as the practice of framing, representing and transforming Software Engineering problems. As such, theory statements concern the characterisation of individual problems and how problems

The need for multivocal literature reviews in software engineering: complementing systematic literature reviews with grey literature
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ABSTRACT Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) may not provide insight into the state of the practice in SE, as they do not typically include the grey(non-published) literature. A Multivocal Literature Review (MLR) is a form of a SLR which includes grey literature in This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Software Engineering Perspectives and Application in Intelligent Systems Section of the 5th Computer Science On-line Conference 2016 (CSOC 2016), held in April 2015. The volume Software Engineering

A Study on the Strategic Risk Management in Software Engineering Projects
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Abstract: Many software engineering projects have very high risks and failure rates during their project life. The projects mainly suffer from risks developed in software development which are mostly caused by operational risks, technological risks, management practices,

What Can Software Quality Engineering Contribute to Cyber Security
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Summary: The increasing use of wireless communication technology in software components of medical devices leaves them susceptible to cybersecurity breaches. The Food and Drug Administration expects device manufacturers to provide protection against

Peer Review-Assisted Learning: Teaching Software Design Engineering using Student Peer Review in a Lecture
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Abstract: A good software design is often characterized by a few direct attributes and many indirect ones. Direct attributes such as correctness can be analyzed by tests and verified by proofs directly; ie only the software and its design are needed to check its correctness.

the First International Workshop held on 06 April 2016 in conjunction with the International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems, London,
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The world is experiencing a massive growth in connected cyber--physical infrastructures– ranging from IoT--based smart environments to critical infrastructures such as power grids, energy, water and manufacturing systems. The number of connected devices is expected

Modern Software Engineering Methodologies for Mobile and Cloud Environments
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ABSTRACT Complex systems typically involve many stakeholder groups working in a coordinated manner on different aspects of a system. In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), stakeholders work on models in order to design, transform, simulate, and analyze the

Summary of" No Silver Bullet. Essence and Accident in Software Engineering" by Frederick Brooks, 1995
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Software engineering has its limits. No piece of software that has been build in the past is error-free or completely reliable. There is a need in the software engineering field for software development methods which would produce simple and reliable software. This is This volume contains the lecture notes of the courses given at the School on Engineering Trustworthy Software Systems (SETSS), held during September 8–13, 2014, at Southwest University in Chongqing, China. The school was aimed at postgraduate students,

Engineering Sustainable Software: A case study from Offline Computer Support Collaborative Annotation System
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Abstract:Sustainable software is a software that able to work in a constraint environment. For example, a classroom without Internet facilities or unstable connection; a field trips; a meeting room or discussion room with inadequate computer facilities and power and etc.

BS in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (2015-2016 Catalog)
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Page 1. Revision Date: 6/1/2015 BS in SOFTWAREENGINEERING (2015 2016 Catalog) Student _____3 Data StructuresInt. to Algorithms SE 3345* 3 Software Engineering SE 3354* 3 C/C++ Programming in a UNIX Envir.

CS314: Software Engineering
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Page 1. CS 314 SoftwareEngineering Chapter 0 Slides: Course Description Spring 2016 James M. Bieman Colorado State University 0-1CS314: SoftwareEngineering James M. Bieman Computer Science Department Colorado State University Updated for Spring 2016.

Applying Agile Software Engineering On Medical Ubiquitous Computing (MUC)
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Abstract-Nowadays, people are involved in using computation capabilities to meet their daily life needs although most of the time they may be unaware as to how this actually happens. Ubiquities Computing is considered the future trend for providing unlimited computing

Software Engineering Testing Research
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Abstract: Software testing research has not kept up with modern software system designs and applications, and software engineering education falls short of providing students with the type of knowledge and training that other engineering specialties require. Testing

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ABSTRACT W3C's Semantic Web intents a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application and enterprise. The semantic web and its related technologies are the main directions of future web development where machine-

Shaping Software Engineering Curricula Using Open Source Communities
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This paper documents four years of a novel approach to teaching a two-course sequence in software engineering as part of the aBeT-accredited computer science curriculum at the College of Charleston. This approach is team-based and centers on learning software

Continuous Requirements Engineering and Human-Centered Agile Software Development
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Abstract. The idea of Continuous Requirements Engineering in relation to a Human- Centered Agile Development Process is discussed. First, it is argued that Continuous Requirements Engineering has to cover design-time and runtime aspects. In this way

Service Integration Engineering: A Paradigm Shift in Software Engineering
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Abstract: The engineering field has taken on many new disciplines as our scientific knowledge has grown. The latest discipline in this is software engineering. Service Oriented Architecture, and in a broader sense, Service Oriented Computing have influenced

Software Engineering MS Graduate Handbook
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The MS in Software Engineering Program focuses on developing advanced knowledge and abilities in the design and application of software. The program involves the application of engineering principles to software development including design methodologies,

RESEARCH/WORK EXPERIENCEInternship Software engineering intern at Facebook, Palo Alto, CA, Spring 2013, Fall 2012 Algorithmic acceleration and scaling of
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RESEARCH/WORK EXPERIENCEInternship Softwareengineering intern at Facebook, Palo Alto, CA, Spring 2013, Fall 2012 Algorithmic acceleration and scaling of object recognition. Advisor: Dr. Lubomir Bourdev Software

Applications of Various Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Software Engineering
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ABSTRACT Software engineering is the principles which are used in the development of the software. Software development is a very long, complex process and it'sa human oriented activity. This paper discusses the concept of Artificial Intelligence and how its various

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ABSTRACT Reusability is one best direction to increase developing productivity and maintainability of application. We have to first search and focus upon the good tested software component and reusable. Application is being developed by one programmer

Software Quality Problems in Requirement Engineering and Proposed Solutions for an Organization in Mauritius
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ABSTRACT Requirement engineering is traditionally the first step carried out in any software project, precisely requirement elicitation followed by the requirements specification documentation. It is the requirements that principally dictate how the software should be

Challenges and Recommendations for the Design and Conduct of Global Software Engineering Courses: A Systematic Review Protocol
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1. Background The proposed systematic literature review is concerned with a crucial area of software engineer education and training:–how to teach global software engineering

Multi-criteria Code Refactoring Using Search-Based Software Engineering: An Industrial Case Study
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One of the most widely used techniques to improve the quality of existing software systems is refactoring–the process of improving the design of existing code by changing its internal structure without altering its external behavior. While it is important to suggest refactorings

M Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Software EngineeringIntelligent Systems)
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159 M Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Software EngineeringIntelligent Systems) Semester I Sr. No. Course Code Course Contact Hours/Week Credits LT/P 1 CE 601 Advanced Software Engineering 3 1 4 2 CE 602 Cyber SecurityCryptography 3 1 4 3

A Specialized Global Software Engineering Taxonomy for Effort Estimation
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Abstract:To facilitate the sharing and combination of knowledge by Global Software Engineering (GSE) researchers and practitioners, the need for a common terminology and knowledge classification scheme has been identified, and as a consequence, a taxonomy

Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering
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Abstract Context: There have been many changes in statistical theory in the past 30 years, including increased evidence that non-robust methods may fail to detect important results. The statistical advice available to software engineering researchers needs to be updated

A Survey: Data Mining Techniques in Software Engineering
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ABSTRACT There are various software engineering activities and a lot of data mining techniques available. Main objective of this paper is to know data mining techniques that are used in software engineering. There are various steps in software development life cycle.

On the Worthiness of Software Engineering Research
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The Impact Project tried to assess the impact software engineering (SE) research has had on software engineering practice [1]. Some of its findings indicated that (1) software engineering research has significantly affected SE practice;(2) lasting impacts require

Gamifying the Learning of Design Patterns in Software Engineering Education
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Abstract:In this contribution a process and a way for a standardized documentation are proposed for the creation of gamified and competency-based learning activities. Furthermore the application of the process and its documentation is described by using an Agile software development continues to be adopted widely, and the submissions to XP 2016 reflected a diversity of concerns. Alongside challenges that have traditionally been the subject of discussion and research such as scalability, UX design, and agile measurement

EvaluationOptimization of Software Engineering
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ABSTRACT: The term is made of two words, software and engineering. Software is more than just a program code. A program is an executable code, which serves some computational purpose. Software is considered to be collection of executable

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ABSTRACT Test Case Generation is one of the imperative ask in programming building that is having an arrangement of conditions under which a tester will figure out if an application, programming framework or one of its components is filling in as it was initially settled for it This book contains the proceedings of FASE 2016, the 19th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, held in Eindhoven in April 2016, as part of the annual European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS

How Reviewers Think About Internal and External Validity in Empirical Software Engineering
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Abstract: Empirical methods have grown common in software engineering, but there is no consensus on how to apply them properly. Is practical relevance key Do in-ternally valid studies have any value Should we replicate more to address the trade-off between

The formal Methods Approach to Software Engineering
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Abstract-The field of mathematics is intertwined with computer related fields. So it is natural to think of a mathematical solution to software related issues. The problem is and always will be that it is very hard to implement a reliable software project. Here lays the need of formal

Dynamic control of three-dimensional light distributions through wavefront engineering: hardware and software system
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Background Engineering light distributions in a three-dimensional volume to achieve selective illumination profiles is an instrumental task shared by many optical and microscopy techniques. The optimization of the light distribution can lead to significant enhancement

Ciencias Exactas e da Engenharia PhD THESIS presented in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Major: Software Engineering
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Information systems have become essential to people. As an example, people use web systems to search for things to buy, and use bank transaction systems to make payments, and even trust their lives to critical software systems, such as control software used by

Dynamic software product line engineering: a reference framework
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Abstract Runtime adaptive systems are able to dynamically transform their internal structure, and hence their behavior, in response to internal or external changes. Such transformations provide the basis for new functionalities or improvements of the non-functional properties

Extending Reverse Engineering for Software Maintenance
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Abstract-Software Maintenance is an important portion in the cost of an entire software development. However, it is not possible to prepare with protecting all risks at the stage of design. Applying maintainability with ISO/IEC 9126 can be improved. But in the case of

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ABSTRACT The Object Management Group's (0MG) Model Driven Architecture (MDA) strategy envisages a world where models play a more direct role in software production, being amenable to manipulation and transformation by machine. Model Driven

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Challenge for me is to use this software in scaled environment so for development of the scaled environment I had many options like chef, puppet but because of simplicity I have chosen puppet, by using puppet I prepared one server, and have written entire code on that

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ABSTRACT Analysis of portal frames involves lot of complications and tedious calculations by conventional methods. To carry out such analysis is a time consuming task. The Moment Distribution MethodSlope Deflection Method for analysis of portal frames can be handy

This is the published version of a paper presented at 2nd International IBM Symposium on Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering, 26–30 July
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In teaching and learning process, the role of teacher is undeniably vital and his/her presence stimulates the social, emotional and cognitive interactions especially when it comes to cross-cultural communication and education [5, 31]. The researchers agreed that