software requirement specification
Using Software Requirement Specification as Complexity Metric for Multi-Paradigm Programming Languages
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The existing complexity metrics being used are based on code and cognitive metrics. This study therefore proposed a complexity metric using Software Requirement Based Specification . The proposed approach identified complexity of software immediately after
Statechart: A Visual Language for Software Requirement Specification
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Statechart is a visual language for software requirement specification that has been widely used in recent years. In essence, it extends the conventional language of state-transition diagrams with three elements that accommodates the notions of hierarchy, concurrency, and
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Software requirements are considered to be ambiguous if the requirements statement could have more than one interpretation. The ambiguous requirements could cause the software developers to develop software which is different from what the customer needs. The focus
Tacit knowledge extraction for software requirement specification
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Abstract Knowledge extraction is becoming an important research area for the organizations in order to get and share the knowledge. Most important and useful part of the knowledge extraction is dedicated to tacit knowledge extraction. There are already known methods to
c-RSL: a context-aware software requirement specification language
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Context-aware software uses context to provide relevant information and/or services to the user . Although contextaware software has an increasing importance, this area is still immature in terms of tools, languages, and methods. Therefore, context-aware software
Activity Based Quality Assessment Technique for Software Requirement Specification
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Most software problems will arise based on the deficiencies that occur in software requirements specification development. It is essential to develop a quality requirement specification development, to achieve success for developing any software product because
Quality improvement measures for Software Requirement Specification
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one of the crucial steps in the software development process is collecting user requirements and represent them in the form of Software Requirements Specifications document (SRS). This SRS can be supplied as input for the next phase Requirement analysis which involves
Software Requirement Specification Tool
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Statistics has shown that requirement phase held great responsibility for software projects that exceeded their cost and time or even failed. The main factor is because requirements were frequently written ambiguously, inconsistently, and insufficiently. Most of the time, non
A Methodology for the Abstraction of Software Component from Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
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This paper attempts to abstract software components ie (object class name and its attributes, Actors and its interface) from the software requirement specification (SRS). These abstractions are further refined using the blend of good database design principles. A
Software Effort and Cost Estimation using Software Requirement Specification
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Process of estimating the effort required for the software development process is difficult and very complicated. There are many techniques to estimate the effort and cost of producing software , this article is based on a correct reading and mathematical analysis of the software
Software Requirement Specification
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The content and qualities of a good software requirements specification (SRS) are described and several sample SRS outlines are presented. This recommended practice is aimed at specifying requirements of software to be developed but also can be applied to assist in the
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This is the software requirement specification for PPTX to HTML5 content converter project. We begin with an introduction section. The introduction section consists of a clear definition of the problem we are trying to solve by this project, purpose and scope of this software
Automated Personal Clinic Services in Uganda Software Requirement Specification
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Abstract Software Requirement Specification for Personal Clinic Services enhance the availability and accessibility of traditional clinic, health care services are offer without limits or physical boundary, it is a web-based mobile Chatbot in google assistant that help patients
Development Process of the Software Requirement Specification for the Design of COMPAS
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For automating the core management works of the Wolsong NPP, CANDU COre Management Procedures Automation System (COMPAS) is developing. The success of the development of COMPAS is mainly dependent on identifying system functionality needs
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This software requirement specification (SRS) report expresses complete description about Recommendation System Project sponsored by AGMLab. This document includes all the functions and specifications with their explanations to solve related problems as a project of
Generation of UML class diagram from software requirement specification using natural language processing
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Any software development process starts with requirement analysis. The phase from requirement analysis to chalking out a design is acknowledged as the most intricate and troublesome exercises in programming advancement. Failures brought about throughout
An Empirical Investigation on a Tool-Based Boilerplate Technique to Improve Software Requirement Specification Quality
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The process of producing software requirements specification (SRS) is known to be challenging due to the amount of effort, skills and experience needed in writing good quality SRS. A tool-based boilerplate technique is introduced to provide assistance in identifying
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classes can be identified, but the object class is the part of the sequence diagram itself. Moreover, no where they have stated that, the object classes are abstracted from the Page 2. scenarios of the software requirements. Which indicates the object classes are the assumption during the
Software reuse facilitated by the underlying requirement specification document: A knowledge-based approach
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Reinventing the wheel not be appropriate in all instances of software development, and so, rather than do this, reuse of software artifacts should be embraced. Reuse offers certain benefits which include reduction in the overall development costs, increased reliability
An Efficient Fuzzy-Based Software Cost Prediction Model for Software Product or Application Requirement Specification and Effort Evaluation
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Software project management is an interpolation of software project planning, project monitoring and project termination. The objectives of software planning are investigating the future, to analyze the attributes that are essentially done for the consummation of the project