software testing research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER

Testing Resource Allocation for Modular Software using Genetic Algorithm
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ABSTRACT Software testing is one of the important steps of SDLC. In software testing one of the important issues is how to allocate the limited resources so that we finish our testing on time and will deliver quality software. Number of Software Reliability Growth Models (

Challenges in Testing Context Aware Software Systems
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Abstract. Context aware software systems (CASS) are becoming pervasive in our lives. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether traditional (no-context aware) software testing techniques are adequate for testing CASS. Therefore, a quasi systematic literature review

Design and Implementation of a Software Testing Training Course
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Abstract This paper presents the design and implementation of a software testing training course for software developers with little or no background on software testing. The design of this training course is modular, so that it can be adapted to different industry needs. The

Automated testing of simulation and embedded software
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Abstract. In this paper we propose a system for automated testing of simulation and embedded software. Automated tests make thorough, frequent testing easy, which means errors will be caught more quickly. Automated testing also means that more of the

Scientific Software Installation Testing Using a Plan-Do-Check-Act Methodology: A Case Study
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Abstract: The scientific software installation testing has a main goal: Evaluate if the software meets its requirements and specifications. In this paper, the scientific software installation in six machines is evaluated. The software installation was tested using a PDCA (Plan-Do-

Analysis of Automation and Manual Testing Using Software Testing Tool
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ABSTRACT Testing is a major activity in software development process to find the defect in the software. It means testing in IT world is used to show how we can test and where our application or software is lacking. We have Testing can be conducted manually as well as

Applying Computational Intelligence in Software Testing
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Abstract This paper describes two computational techniques that can be used to automate generation of test cases. These techniques are Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Both the algorithms are evaluated by varying parameters and

Software Testing Case Generation of Ant Colony Optimization Based on Quantum Dynamic Self-Adaptation
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Abstract Automatic generation of testing data is the most crucial technology in the testing phase with some certain real value to improve software's testing automation degree. Although some certain results have been achieved by introducing the ant colony

The Significance Of Testing Throughout The Software Development Life Cycle-A Roadmap
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ABSTRACT Software testing is an incredibly complex and imperative element of any software development lifecycle. This paper discusses it in broad-spectrum without taking any particular model of software development into consideration. The matter of the fact is that

Symbolic Execution in Software Testing-A Review
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Abstract: Symbolic Execution is a program analysis technique used in automated software testing. It uses symbolic variables instead of actual data. That means execute the program symbolically rather than concretely which maintains a path condition that is updated

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ABSTRACT: Software testing plays an important role to make any software project reliable and successful. Owing to human effort and deviated results, manual testing is being replaced by automated testing tools. But the automated solution is much costly due to

Analysis of Software Reliability using Testing Time and Testing Coverage
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Abstract: Software reliability testing comprises the analyzing software's capability to perform tasks, specified environmental circumstances, intended for a specific time interim. Reliability testing aids to uncover numerous problems in design and functional aspects of software.

Software Development, Unit Testing, and the ModelE Climate Model
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1 Abstract The principles of software development and engineering dictate how creating or updating software should be handled. Unit Tests will be used on the a Shallow Water Equation Model, and the NASA GISS ModelE climate model in order to make continuing

A Comprehensive Analysis on Software Testing Methodologies
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Abstract:In this era of technology the importance of software can never be overlooked. People have become addicted to the use of computers, laptops, cell phones etc. All of these require some software to be operated so these devices can be used properly. So it is the

Real-time simulation of Distributed Generators, for testing a Virtual Power Plant software
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Abstract: Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are designed to monitor and schedule a large number of decentralized producers and consumers via intelligent software. A possible way to test the VPP functionality is to interface its software with simulated producers and consumers

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Software testing is the process of checking whether a system meets the specifications and fulfills its intended purpose. Testing a system requires executing the test cases that can detect the potential defects in the program. In general, exhaustive testing is not possible or

In the Well-Testing Interpretation Software, How to Calculate the Formation Parameters in the Log-Log Coordinate System in the Well-Testing Interpretation
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Abstract:Unconventional oil and gas resources have been paid more and more attention, and the fracturing technology play a key role in the development of unconventional oil and gas. Especially for tight reservoir, fracturing technology is currently only developmen

Method of unit testing for algorithms of computing software modules
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Abstract. The method of automating Unit testing processes for computing software modules is considered in the paper. Modern means of testing automation, which are analyzed in many scientific studies, specialize mainly in testing graphical user interfaces, web-

Software quality testing for calculation of outdoor noise
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Summary Currently a wide range of software tools are used for calculations in different fields of building physics. This takes place for building acoustics as well. However such diversity in the absence of clearly defined requirements to software products leads to the fact that

Understanding the influence of human factors on testing activities in software producing organizations
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Abstract The view of software testing has, over the years, evolved into a constructive one. However, while testing has received an increased focus in the software engineering field, the literature has predominantly focused on new technologies and new methods for

Evaluating Model Based Testing using Robot Platform for Nokia Product Software Testing
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As results of this study, we gained information on of advantages and challenges of modelbased approach using industrial robots. One of the advantages is that the robot with artificial finger and camera can mimic the real end user. Model-based testing can be used

A Unique Technique to Handle the Complexity and Improve the Effectiveness of Test Cases in Software Testing
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Abstract Software Testing is a critical part of the whole process of development, on which the quality of the products delivered strictly depends. The testing is performed to verify the software using various types of information that are available in the project. When the

GorshkovaSoftware testing based on global search of several variables functions discontinuity
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Abstract. Testing of software products (SP) is one of the most important stages of SP lifecycles, when it can be found not only the errors, connected to computational algorithm coding process, but also those ones input at the stages of mathematical model (MM)

Software testing: rationale for teaching and creating test strategies using the conclusions drawn from the
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Abstract The paper presents a mathematical justification of the problem of applying software testing for smaller class of problems. The No Free Lunch theory is shown, conclusions are drawn from this theory. The logic of software testing division is shown. Test optimization

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Software tests have an increasingly effective and important role in terms of whole system in software systems. Also, it is necessary in terms of some criterias of the system such as successful, quality, cost, availability etc. The problem of the thesis, large systems has very

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Abstract: Software products intended for on-line delivery by distributors serving an open community of subscribers are developed in a specific life-cycle model in which the roles of major stakeholders are strongly separated, unlike in any other software development

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ABSTRACT Regression testing is often a very resource and time consuming activity with large scale software. However, regression tests may be run in continuous integration where everything should run fast in order to get quick feedback. This thesis reviews the existing