software-testing IEEE PAPER 2017
Review on StructuralSoftware TestingCoverage Approaches
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Abstract: With the aim of discovering software bugs (blunders or different deformities) the test procedures incorporate the way toward executing a program or application and confirming that the software product is fit for utilize. To assess at least one properties of intrigue the
TeachingSoftware Testingusing Data Structures
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AbstractSoftware testingis typically a rushed and neglected activity that is done at the final stages of software development. In particular, most students tend to test their programs manually and very seldom perform adequate testing. In this paper, two basic data structures Software testingis an important phase in the software-development cycle. Well-tested software that is free of bugs is the goal of the software developer and the expectation of the user. Todays world hasgone digitaland offers services to people for their ease and
A Survey of Effective and EfficientSoftware TestingTechnique and Analysis
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Abstract the overall scenario of thesoftware testingis to confirm delivery of quality product to the end user. It is required for high quality software that possibilities of errors and bugs occurrence in production are very less. Development of software contains complexity and
Component Level Testing in Component-Based Software Development
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Dehradun ABSTRACT Whether it is traditional software or component-based software, softwaretestingis an essential process of software development. development. Keywords Softwaretesting , Reliability, Unit level, User Acceptance.
Reliability Growth Models forSoftware TestingAgainst Security Requirements
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The use of the mathematical models must not distract the experts from the painstaking and responsible realsoftware testinghelping mainly at the decision making points. That is why it will be practical to classify the models in accordance with the input statistics at different life
Process of finding defects insoftware testing
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Software Development Life Cycle. Projects underneath testing goes through different stages such as test analysis, test planning, test case, test case review process, test execution process, requirement traceability matrix cRTM), defect tracking cbug logging and tracking),
Towards Utilization of a Lean Canvas in the BiometricSoftware Testing
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ABSTRACT The growth of technology kept a unique value in the market for the biometrics products and its solutions. Biometrics solutions normally collect the human characteristics related different metrics and main utilization of biometric software solutions is in security.
Supervised Testing of Concurrent Software in Embedded Systems
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Hence, R2, R3, and R4 are mutually concurrent. Lockset only needs to analyze their execution traces against each other. B. Testing concurrent software in three phases We propose splitting concurrentsoftwaretestingactivities into three phases (cf. Fig.
Testing Domain based Software Reliability Growth Models using Stochastic Differential Equation
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Rajasthan, India ABSTRACTSoftwaretestingis a process to detect the errors in a totality and worth of developed software. Software reliability models provide quantitative measures of the software development processes. In
A Systematic Review and Comparative study of existing testing techniques for Aspect-oriented software systems
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Softwaretestingis a
Fairness testing: testing software for discrimination
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CCS CONCEPTSSoftware and its engineering →Softwaretestingand de- bugging This paper defines causal software discrimination and proposes Themis, asoftware testingmethod for evaluating the fairness of software. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(5), 823 836 (2004) 8. Orso, A., Rothermel, G.:Softwaretesting : a research travelogue (2000 2014). In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on SoftwareTestingand Analysis (ISSTA 2011), pp. 1 11. ACM, New York (2011) 11.
Prioritization on Software Reliability Assessment using Adaptive Testing Strategy
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ART overlay the way for a more rigorous and systematic analysis of the relationships between the in sequence available to the software tester and the effectiveness of families of testing strategies bequest to the foundations ofsoftwaretesting . V. REFERENCES
A hierarchical combinatorial testing method for smart phone software in wearable IoT systems R
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Application of a software package for transmission line digital overcurrent protection testing in the MATLAB-SIMULINK environment
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The present work substantiates the possibility of implementing asoftwaretestingsystem for digital overcurrent protection in the Matlab-Simulink system of dynamic modeling. The main part Models of GEO can be divided into rigid and flexible ones.
Software TestingAlgorithm Units
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ABSTRACT:Software testingis a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software.Software Testingis important as it may cause mission failure, impact on operational performance and reliability if not done properly.
Assessment Method of Test Suites for Testing of Information Security Systems Software
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systems. However,softwaretestingis absolutely necessary for its implementation process, which is aimed at checking compliance of all the derived characteristics, properties, as well as of the expected system behavior. This
Model forSoftware Testingand Quality Assessment using ANN Approach
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Abstract Almost 50% of the software production development cost is expended insoftware testing . It consumes resources and adds nothing to the product in terms of functionality. Therefore, much effort has been spent in the development of automaticsoftware testingtools
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parameter values. Software development is subjected to cost and also thesoftware testingis presumed as a time consuming process, where the cost and time spent on software development is increasing frequently. Most of
LeveragingSoftware Testingto Explore Input Dependence for Approximate Computing
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With the end of Moores law and the shift towards alternative paradigms for energy and performance gains, approximate computing has gained considerable traction in recent years. Approximate computing environments obtain gains in performance and/or energy by
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AbstractSoftware Testingis a process of finding errors while executing a program so that we will get a zero defect software. It is aimed at evaluating the capability or usability of a program.Software testingis an important feature of accessing quality of software.Software
Improving Software Consistency by Evaluating Efficiency ofSoftware TestingTechniques
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ABSTRACT We have a great number ofsoftware testingtechniques at our disposal for testing a software product. Although the utilization of these techniques is growing, we do have a very inadequate knowledge about their relative quantitative and qualitative statistics.
Evaluation ofSoftware TestingTechniques Using Artificial Neural Network
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ABSTRACT Software Industry plays a vital role in the current environment, it is very essential to minimize the fault in the existing software products. In SDLC life cycle,software testing becomes very much important which finds faults in the software that increases the efficiency
Evaluate and Propose Fault Detection Technique from Test Cases inSoftware Testing
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Abstract: The software engineering is the technology to process the software and perform various operations on thatsoftware .Testingis the important application of software engineering in which test cases are applied to detect faults from the software. In the recent
Quectel M-95 Gsm ModemSoftware TestingWith Device Control
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Abstract: The main objective for designing the project is that to develop user friendly testing software. Thats benefits minimum time required for testing Quectel M95 GSM modem. Quectel M95 GSM modem use in industrial starter motor which is our company requirement.
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management System forSoftware Testing
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AbstractSoftware testingis an important activity in quality assurance and it generates large amount of knowledge. Software testers need to gather domain knowledge to be able to successfully conduct asoftware testingactivity. Not having a proper knowledge base within
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Abstract:- Software Testinghas been considered as the most significant stage of the software development life cycle. Around 60% of resources and money are cast-off for the testing of software .Testingcan be manual or automated.Software testingis an activity that focuses at
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Abstract -During the software development, errors may occur even whensoftwaretesting assurance tools are of the best quality.Softwaretestingand reviews are conducted in each phase of life cycle of software development in order to ensure that the product is bug-free.
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ABSTRACT Testing is a major activity in software development process to find the defect in the software. In software development we have software development life cycle (SDLC) model is a process which includes various phases that are followed to develop the software
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ABSTRACTSoftware testinghas become an important tool in modern world to investigate the authenticity, working, reliability and sustainability of various softwares that are developed these days to cater the demand. The developed system is evaluated to check the
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ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis was to find data mining tools to support thesoftware testingprocess, specifically the endurance test result evaluation of IP Multimedia Subsystem applications. In order to improve the test result evaluation process based on the data from
Prevalence of Computer Visual Syndrome among Employee in MalaysianSoftware TestingBoard
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Abstract The expanding use of visual display terminal (VDT) unit has raise a concerning issues on the potential health effects. Major issues related to the VDT includes the effect of prolonged visual interaction with display content in terms of eye and other muscular fatigue
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Abstract: Various information systems are widely used in information society era, and the demand for highly dependable system is increasing year after year. However,software testingfor such a system becomes more difficult due to the enlargement and the complexity
Process Improvements for CrowdsourcedSoftware Testing
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Abstract Crowdsourcedsoftware testinghas been a common practice lately. It refers to the use of crowdsourcing insoftware testingactivities. Although the crowd testing is a collaborative process by nature, there is no available research that provides a critical
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Abstract The software industry has been in crisis almost since it began. This crisis reflects the wide gap between the expectations of users and commissioners of software products and what the software producer actually delivers. This gap can be expressed in terms of
OptimizingSoftware Testingusing fuzzy logic in Aspect oriented programming
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Abstract- Software testingis one of the most important activities in product development. For performing the task ofsoftware testing , test cases are to be designed. Thus, efficiency of software testingdepends on designing proper test cases. Considering all possible
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I. INTRODUCTIONSoftwareTestingSoftware unit is a courses used to classify correctness, integrity , and quality of developed computer software. PROPOSED WORK Software engineering AutomatedSoftwareTestingfor MatlabSoftwaretestingcould improve software quality.
PSO based OptimizedSoftware TestingTechnique
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Abstract: Regression testing is an expensive, but important, process. Unfortunately, there may be insufficient resources to allow for the re execution of all test cases during regression testing. In this situation, test case prioritisation techniques aim to improve the effectiveness of
Testing Domain Dependent Software Reliability Growth Models
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research ie the basic testing domain, testing domain with skill factor and testing domain with imperfect debugging (Yamada and Fujiwara, 2001); and then these types of domain were very much connected to behaviour of fault recognition method ofsoftwaretesting(Kapur et al
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Quality assurance, especiallysoftwaretesting , is equally important, if one wants to deliver a stable and reliable system. While much of the software logic can be tested by automated test procedures written by engineers, some parts are more difficult to test.
Built-In Testing For Component Based Software Development in Embedded Systems
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The built-in-tests make thesoftwaretestingself-contained [7]. The method proposed includes case study in which component have been developed using java language. The test- cases have been built inside the source code itself in the form of a function. 3.1.
Support Development and Testing of Concurrent Software through Supervised Software Execution
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3 Supervised testing of concurrent software We propose splitting concurrentsoftwaretesting activities into three phases (cf. Figure 2). Phase I produces the execution traces by executing the runnables and analyzes the scheduling. Here, we rely on virtual platforms.
A Univariate Marginal Approach for Pairwise Testing of Software Product Lines
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[6] RE Lopez-Herrejon, S. Fischer, R. Ramler, and A. Egyed,A first systematic mapping study on combinatorial interaction testing for software product lines,in Eighth International Conference onSoftwareTesting , Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2015, pp. 1-10. CSE PROJECTS