solar-cell IEEE PAPER 2017
Rare earth Er 3/Yb 3 codoped-sol gel SnO2 For up convertersolar cell
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Abstract The rare earth couple Ytterbium-Erbium doped tin dioxide (SnO2: Yb3+/Er3+) were prepared by sol gel method using tin (II) chloride as source of Sn2+ ions, Ytterbium and Erbium chloride hydrate for doping rare earth ions source. This material is considered as a
A comparative study on the CDS sensitized and dye-sensitized ZnO photoelectrodes based onsolar cellperformance
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Abstract Semiconductor sensitized solar cells (SSSCs) based on hetrostructure of CdS/ZnO electrode and dye sensitizedsolar cell(DSSC) based on ZnO-Eosin-Y was fabricated. The CdS thin film was deposited onto ZnO layer by chemical bath deposition method. The
Application of Dye-SensitizedSolar Cell(Dssc) from Polyurethane (Pu)/Diol-Nai Electrolyte with Activated Carbon (Ac) Composite Electrode
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Abstract Application of dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell (DSSC) was developed using bio-based hybrid polyurethane (PU) polymer and composite electrolyte of Sodium iodide as cation of charge transport. The conducting electron transport material for the
Obtaining and analyzing the characteristics curves of asolar cell
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Abstract-The world spend all the capabilities to meet every day demand of energy and it is very expectable that soon we will come up short on any of natural energy source such as petrol, mineral etc therefore, renewable vitality arrangement has accomplished. Sun
Simulation of Quantum Dot pin JunctionSolar Cellusing Modified Drift Diffusion Model
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Abstract We model quantum dot pin junctionsolar cellsuch by modifying the Drift Diffusion equation by bringing in the coupling of the quantum dot region to the rest of the device parametrized by the coupling co-efficient and the Transmission co-efficient. We simulate the
Photophysical, Electrochemical and Photovoltaic Properties of Porphyrin-Based Dye SensitizedSolar Cell
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Abstract Porphyrins occur in a number of important biomolecules and are also synthetically made for use as probe component of chemical and biological sensors. The performance of dye sensitized solar cells with two different porphyrin dyes was investigated in this work. The
Recent Advances in Photovoltaic Technology based on PerovskiteSolar Cell -A Review
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Abstract-Perovskite material used in fabricating solar cells as absorber have significantly improved the efficiency of solar cells for power conversion. They had proved to have a great impact on PV devices. They have PCE considerably higher than its other counter parts
EvaluatingSolar CellFracture as a Function of Module Mechanical Loading Conditions
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Abstract Cell cracking presents a serious risk for the long term reliability of c-Si photovoltaic modules. Cracks may not initially result in performance loss, but over time performance may degrade as the module experiences stresses in the field such as
Normalized AreaSolar Celland Potential Applications
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Abstract Nowadays in laboratories and in industries, distribution of solar cells sizes could be very large, hence; for the first time it is rather difficult to compare photovoltaic parameters which are size dependent (current, serial resistance, shunt resistance ) and performances
Chemical bath deposition of transparent conductive zinc oxide thin films forsolar cellapplications
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Abstract Zinc oxide is a wide band gap semiconductor material and finds broad application as a transparent conductive oxide in electro-optical devices. Doped zinc oxide thin films (eg Al: ZnO, B: ZnO) are established electrodes for thin filmsolar celltechnologies, where high
Wearable FlexibleSolar CellCharger
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Abstract In this paper, a design for a portable-charging T-shirt that utilizes flexible solar cells is proposed. The flexible solar cells are tested in various conditions to determine the best arrangement and design for the shirt. Different filters, circuit configurations, shade
A novelsolar cellshallow emitter formation process by ion-implantation and dopant modulation through surface chemical etching
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Abstract Ion implantation is an advanced technology to inject dopants for shallow junction formation. Due to the ion-induced sputtering effect at low implant energy where dopants tend to accumulate at the silicon surface, the excess ion doses can be easily removed via a
Influence of Texture Depth and Layer Thickness of Crater-like Textured ZnO on the Efficiency of Thin FilmSolar Cell
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? Abstract The application of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin film as transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer in thin film solar cells (TFSC) has high potential because of the various advantages of ZnO over other TCO materials. In this paper, the influence of the crater-like
Effect of Zn (O, S) Buffer Layer on Cu_2ZnSnS_4Solar CellPerformance from Numerical Simulation
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Abstract Zn (O, S) is a promising alternative buffer layer to CdS in Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) based solar celldue to its large bandgap and nontoxic elements. In this study the performance of CZTS/Zn (O, S)/Al: ZnOsolar cellwas numerically simulated bySolar CellCapacitance
CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot (QD) SensitizedSolar CellUtilizing a Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Photoanode on a Stainless Steel Substrate
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Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) forests grown on a stainless steel substrate were used as a photoanode in CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) quantum dot (QD) sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs). QD-treated MWCNTs on the conductive metal stainless steel substrate showed a
Selective plating concept for silicon heterojunctionsolar cellmetallization
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Abstract We introduce a new plated metallization process for Silicon Heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells by selective plating of copper onto a positively masking seed layer. This process tackles the issues of high silver consumption and low grid conductivity of screen printed
Minority Carrier Diffusion Coefficient D*(B, T): Study in Temperature on a SiliconSolar Cellunder Magnetic Field
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Abstract This work deals with minority carrier diffusion coefficient study in siliconsolar cell , under both temperature and applied magnetic field. New expressions of diffusion coefficient are pointed out, which gives attention to thermal behavior of minority carrier that is better
Numerical Simulation of Tin Based PerovskiteSolar Cell : Effects of Absorber Parameters and Hole Transport Materials
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The organometal perovskite solar cells have shown stupendous development and have reached a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 22.1%. However, the toxicity of lead in perovskite solar cells is a major challenge towards their incorporation into photovoltaic
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A numerical analysis of the ZnO buffer layer based on physical modeling in SILVACO Atlas has been carried out for a Cu2O/ZnO subcell in a Si-based tandem heterojunctionsolar cell design, in order to evaluate and improve the metal-oxide subcell performance. The influence
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Solar celltechnology is one of the future energy resources has been progressing recently. Silicon is utilized as the semiconductor material for traditional sun powered cells, yet silicon is costly and the cost diminishment of the sun oriented cells is a standout amongst the most
Optical Analysis of a ZnO/Cu2O Subcell in a Silicon-Based Tandem HeterojunctionSolar Cell
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Abstract Research on silicon-based tandem heterojunction solar cells (STHSC) incorporating metal oxides is one of the main directions for development of high-efficiency solar cells. In this work, the optical characteristics of a STHSC consisting of a ZnO/Cu2O
InAs/GaAs Quantum DotSolar Cell
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ABSTRACT In this work Silvaco TCAD have been used to model quantum dotsolar cell . It was found that the addition of InAs QD (quantum dot) in the intrinsic layer of hetero-structure InGaP/GaAs pinsolar cellextends the absorption range of thesolar cell , thereby giving rise
Influence of Characteristic Energies and Charge Carriers Mobility on the Performance of a HITSolar Cell
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In this article, two factors that limit the performance of HIT solar cells (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer) based on amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon are studied. First, we study the influence of the valence band tail width (characteristic energy ED) and the
Co-solvent additives influence on the performance of PTB7: PCBM based Thin film organicsolar cell
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Abstract The effect of co-solvents additives on the performance of thin film organic solar cells (TFOSC) composed of Poly {4, 6-(2-ethylhexyl-3-fluorothieno [3, 4-b] thiophene-2 carboxylate) alt-2, 6 (4, 8-bis (2-ethylhexyloxy) benzo [1, 2-b: 4, 5-b] dithiophene)}(PTB7), a
Use of Nanotechnology in Solar PV Cell
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Abstract: Thesolarcellindustry has grown quickly in recent years due to strong interest in renewable energy and the problem of global climate change. They are a form ofsolar cellthat is completely beyond anything you might imagine.
PbS-ZnOSolar Cell : A Numerical Simulation
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During the last decades various promisingsolar - cellconcepts, ranging from single-crystal silicon, through thin-film technologies to purely organic devices, had been developed and demonstrated intensively. Looking to the present state of art for the large-scale
Optimization of the emitters bandgap and thickness of AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs Multi-junctionsolar cell
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Abstract-In this paper an optimization model of the top cell emitters bandgap and thickness of AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs Multi-JunctionSolar Cell(MJSC) is treated. This study allows to enhance, after two optimization steps, efficiency energy conversion up to 24.9% compared
Simulation and Performance Study of Nanowire CdS/CdTeSolar Cell
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Abstract-Thin film CdS/CdTesolar cellis one of the leading technologies for providing high power conversion efficiency at comparatively low manufacturing cost. We have done modeling and simulation of thin film CdS/CdTesolar celland then used nanowire CdS layer
The design of broad band anti-reflection coatings forsolar cellapplications
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Abstract The design of broadband anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) forsolar cellapplications using multiobjective differential evolutionary (MODE) algorithms is reported. The effect of thickness and refractive index contrast within the layers of the ARC on the bandwidth of
Development of Numerical Method for Optimizing SiliconSolar CellEfficiency
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This paper presents a development of numerical method to determine and optimize the photocurrent densities in siliconsolar cell . This method is based on finite difference algorithm to resolve the continuity and Poisson equations of minority charge carriers in pn
Enhancement of External Quantum Efficiency of GaSb/GaAssolar cellBased on Graphene
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Abstract The main limitations of the typical solar conversion device is that low energy photons cannot excite charge carriers to the conduction band, therefore do not contribute to the devices current, and high energy photons are not efficiently used due to a poor match to
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In recent years, the performance of solar cells keeps an important place in the production of electrical energy. Improving the conversion efficiency of a photovoltaic cell (PV) is a main objective of research and helps manufacturing PV technologies cost-competitive with more Abstract A synergistic effect between anatase and rutile TiO2 is known to be able to improve light harvesting and the overall solar conversion efficiency. Dye-sensitizedsolar cell(DSSC) was fabricated using the mixture of anatase rutile phase of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared
Applications of Taguchi Method for Optimization of DyeSolar CellDesign
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ABSTRACT This paper addresses the optimal DyeSolar Cell(DSC) design considering parameters namely TiO2 thickness, surface area, iodide concentration in electrolyte and TiO2 passivation layer thickness as they have influence on DSC performance. It aims to do
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During the past three decades, extensive research and development efforts have been devoted to finding new materials and fabrication processes with higher potential of cost reduction than that of crystalline silicon technology. One of the most promising ways to
Changes in Electrical Parameters Due to Partial Shading of PVSolar Cell
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Abstract The shadowing effect of photovoltaics modules has a devastating impact on their performances since any shadow is able to keep down the electricity production. Therefore in the recent years new technologies and devices have come up in the photovoltaics field in
Simulation Suggests Origin of Potential Induced Degradation ofSolar Cell
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Abstract Solar cells are well known as devices for sustainable electric energy generation. Nowadays the potential induced degradation has been brought up as an obstacle problem for practical use. In order to determine the cause of this kind of degradation, numerical
Results in Sizing and Simulation of PV Applications Based on DifferentSolar CellTechnologies
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Abstract Modeling and simulation of photovoltaic (PV) systems represents an essential task for the integration of PV panels in current power applications. At the present time, there are sizing tools of photovoltaic systems available on the market, taking into account the
MultijunctionSolar CellPerformance in Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) conditions
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This paper discusses about the array operating requirements, array configuration, and predicted array performance versus the observed in-orbit performance at MOM orbit conditions. Also presents about the MOM array performance prediction and array
Effect of Parameters on Potential Induced Degradation ofSolar Cell
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Abstract Solar cells are widely used to generate electric energy even at homes. It surely has a great advantage of sustainability. However, the potential induced degradation has been found to be an obstacle problem for practical use. It was reported that the main cause is the
The ?admium Telluride Thin Films for FlexibleSolar CellReceived by Magnetron Dispersion Method
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For the purpose of creation of thin-film photoelectric converters on the basis of sulfide and telluride of cadmium the pilot studies of process of magnetron dispersion on a direct current of telluride of cadmium and influence of the modes of magnetron dispersion on crystalline
Electric Conductivity of Fluorinated Oligomer Gel Electrolyte Including Ionic Liquid and Performance of Dye SensitizedSolar Cell
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Abstract Fluorinated oligomer gel is suitable to the electrolyte of dye sensitizedsolar cell . This article studied mainly in the scope of electric conductivity, including ionic liquid in the electrolyte. It was found that the ratio of mixing with dimetyl sulfoxide and the concentration
Acetylacetone-Based Electrolyte in Dye SensitizedSolar Cell
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Abstract Dye sensitized solar cells attract much attention for a clean energy generation device. Among several solvents for the electrolyte, we investigated here the cell characteristics with acetylacetone as a solvent. The electric conductivity of the electrolyte
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With the gradual increase in the global energy demand and the shortage of the available conventional energy sources, focus on the use of other renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy have increased [1]. Asolar celluses photovoltaic effect to
Development of a Novel High Efficiency Dye-sensitizedSolar CellUsing ZnO Based Electrodes
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Dye-sensitizedsolar cell(DSSC) has attracted extensive attention and been considered as a promising candidate for the next generationsolar celldue to its advantages such as low cost, relatively simple fabrication process, and environmentally friendly materials. Since
Synthesis of Complex Compounds Ni (II)-Chlorophyll as Dye Sensitizer in Dye SensitizerSolar Cell(DSSC)
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Abstract− Increasing global energy demand has resulted in an energy crisis. The dye sensitizersolar cell(DSSC) is an alternative source because of its ability to convert the suns energy into electrical energy. Our aim was to determine the effect of synthesized Ni (II)-
Computational Modelling of the Heat Transfer Phenomena in the Process of PhotovoltaicSolar CellManufacturing
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Abstract Recent developments in solar photovoltaic cell technology have enabled significant cost reductions so that in many markets it is now directly competitive with conventional energy generation. To maintain downward pressure on module prices and to improve
Studies of Surfactant in Photogalvanic Cell for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage
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Later, it was observed by Rideal [3] and Rabinowitch [4]. A dye sensitizedsolarcell(gratzed cell) which is based on a semiconductor formed between a photosensi- tized anode and on electrolyte systematic investigation was done [5]. And a met- al based photo galvanic solar
Performance potential analysis of a 4 Terminal GaAs on industrial c-Si tandemsolar cell
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Climate, market, and political forces are combining to create a pressing need to accelerate the pace of innovation in photovoltaics (PV). To clarify R D priorities and quantify expected impacts, a systematic, simulation-driven approach is required. Tandem-based solar cells
Modelling of the indium gallium nitride tandemsolar cellperformances with the tunneljunction
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Abstract During the past few years a great variety of multi-junction solar cells has been developed with the aim of a further increase in efficiency beyond the limits of single junction devices. InxGa1-xN is one of a few alloys that can meet this key requirement. While in
TransparentSolar CellUsing Spin Coating and Screen Printing
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ABSTRACT The development of Transparent Solar Cells (TSC) has become the main focus of solar energy research in recent years. The TSC has a number of applications and make use of unexploited space such as skyscraper windows. In this paper, TSC is fabricated using
Quantum dotsolar cellutilizing optical properties of carbon nanotubes
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This dissertation focuses on an application of CNTs to improve an efficiency of quantum dot solar cells (QDSSCs) utilizing optical reflectance carbon nanotubes. The originality ideas were provided firstly to utilize the reflected light, total, diffuse, and specular optical
The influence of the thickness of the Cds emitter layer on the performance of a CIGSsolar cellwith acceptor defects
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Abstract In this work, we simulated asolar cellbased on CIGS with simple default acceptor, using software (SCAPS) version 3.302 in order to study certain parameters. In particular, we have varied the thickness of the CdS emitter (0.05 μm, 0.04 μm and 0.03 μm) to study its
InAs0. 35P0. 65/GaAs quantum dotsolar cell
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Abstract This work proposes a modeling and simulation study of InAs0. 35P0. 65/GaAs quantum dotsolar cell . We have investigated several effects such as the number of quantum dot layers embedded on the current-voltage, power-voltage characteristics and on the
Effect of Incidence Angle on Capacitance of Vertical Parallel SiliconSolar Cellunder Modulation Frequency
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ABSTRACT: In this work, the modeling for the capacitance of a vertical parallel siliconsolar cellhas been carried out with an analytical approach. A theory on the determination of the diffusion coefficient of the excess minority carriers of a siliconsolar cellis presented. Based
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Abstract. A simulation of a thin film hydrogenated amorphous silicon cell was developed, in order to demonstrate the use of the transfer matrix method, TMM, with diffusive interfaces to model a textured a-Sisolar cell . A quantum efficiency comparison between experiment and
Curcumin Dye-SensitizedSolar Cell
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Abstract: DSSCs (dye sensitized solar cells) are expected to be one of the efficient third generation solar cells that are generating green energy at low production cost since no vacuum systems or expensive equipment are required in their fabrication. In this paper,
Exploiting the Potentials of the Front Surface Field (FSF) Industrial SiliconSolar Cell
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Abstract This paper reports the PC2D simulation of an industrial size FSFsolar cellwith screen-printed Al alloyed back pn junction. Best cell efficiency of 18.4% was modeled by PC2D confirming fill factor (FF) of 79.3%. Contour maps were generated to confirm the
(2009). The influence of absorbing donors and acceptors on the efficiency for a stacked and a monolithic organic tandemsolar cell .. 24th European Photovoltaic
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ABSTRACT: In order for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells to compete with the traditional inorganic cells, power conversion efficiencies of more than 10% are desirable. A way to improve the efficiency is to use a tandem configuration. In this article, we study the
A Comparative Study of Titanium Dioxide and ZnO Nanostructured Based Dye SensitizedSolar Cell
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ABSTRACT: A comparative study of performance of the DSSCs were done using three different photo anodes namely photo anodes prepared by coating Nano TiO2 paste on FTO (Fluorine Tin Oxide) coated conductive glass substrates, Pure ZnO nanostructures grown by
Inorganic hole transport materials for perovskitesolar cell
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Abstract: Organic inorganic metal halide perovskites have recently shown great potential for application, due to its advantages of low cost, excellent photoelectric properties and high power conversion efficiency. Perovskite-based thin film solar cells have achieved a power
Fabrication And Characterization Of P-Cuo/N-Si Heterojunction ForSolar CellApplications
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Abstract In this study, P-CuO/n-she has been fabricated by the Drop casting technique at 200 C temperature. The structural, morphological and optical of Chou has been studied. XRD measurement disclosed that the CuO were of cubic crystal structure. AFM detect
Numerical Simulation of Ch3Nh3PbI3-XClx Perovskitesolar cellusing SCAPS-1D
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ABSTRACT: In this article, the performance of mixed halide perovskite layer (Ch3Nh3PbI3 XClx) is investigated using a computer based software known assolar cellcapacitance simulator (SCAPS-1D).Solar cellcapacitance simulator was developed by Marc Burgelman
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ABSTRACT The energy crisis is major problem facing the world today, so it takes renewable energy source that are environmentally friendly and can be renewed, one of which is Dye SensitizedSolar Cell(DSSC). DSSC is one of the photochemical electric cells that can
Carbon nano tube as a transparent electrode for organicsolar cellby ultrasonic spray method
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Abstract In organicsolar cellmost effective layer is window layer through which the incident light is transmitting towards the active layer and here it is converted into the excitions and electrical energy. Now a days Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) is used as a transparent conducting
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ABSTRACT: In our work, lead antimony sulphide (Pb5Sb8S17) quantum dots are successfully adsorbed on the ZnO photoelectrode by successive ionic-layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. Post annealing converts the PbS and Sb2S3 into Pb5Sb8S17.
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ABSTRACT The efficiency of solar cells has increased from 4-5 percent, when it was discovered in 1954, to 38-40 percent due to the use ofsolar cellconcentrators. These concentrators could bring down the total cost of solar cells, thus making solar technology
Printed DSSCSolar Cellwith UV Cured Barrier Layer
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There is a growing interest in printed functionalities in the area of the printing industry. Existing or upgraded production facilities can produce various types of printed electronic devices, usually calledprinted electronics . Structures forming functional electronic
Synthesis of Yb 3 doped Sr2CeO4 phosphor and its luminescence characteristic to enhancesolar cellperformance
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Abstract A UV-Visible to near infrared spectral converting phosphor Sr2CeO4: Yb3+ has been synthesized by solid state reaction method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) study confirms the structure of the system to be orthorhombic. The prepared phosphor is characterized by
Elizabeth and Elliott, Paul I. Investigation of a new bis (carboxylate) triazolebased anchoring ligand for dyesensitisedsolar cellchromophore complexes Original
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A novel anchoring ligand for dye-sensitisedsolar cellchromophoric complexes, 1-(2, 2 bipyrid-4-yl)-1, 2, 3-triazole-4, 5-dicarboxylic acid (dctzbpy), is described. The new dye complexes [Ru (bpy) 2 (dctzbpy)][PF6] 2 (AS16),[Ir (ppy) 2 (dctzbpy)][PF6](AS17) and [Re
Solar Celland Wind Energy Replacement Of Power Plants Globally
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Abstract Analysis of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, global mean surface temperatures, and aGoldilocksplanet model that is neither too hot nor cold identifies how civilization could continue thriving beyond 2050-2080 (or earlier). It starts with the replacement of one of
Functionalized Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) Two-Dimensional Heterosystems forSolar CellApplications
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ABSTRACT: We present preliminary results of theoretical investigation of mono-and multi layers of graphene (G), hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and/or their combinations, functionalized with hydrogen, which are prospective for photovoltaic (PV) applications.
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ABSTRACT Solar cells, popularly known as PV cells, are actually electrical devices which help us to convert solar energy into direct current. When these cells are exposed to sunlight, they absorb protons and after completing the gap between two poles electric current starts to
Quantum Electron Generation in Colloidal Multi-Nanocrystals with Quantum dots in applications ofSolar CellStructure
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Abstract: In a conventionalsolar cell , the energy of an absorbed photon in excess of the band gap is rapidly lost as heat, and this is one of the main reasons that the theoretical efficiency is limited to~ 33%. However, an alternative process, multiple exciton generation
32.325% Efficiency PIN Junction Gallium ArsenideSolar Cellwith Reduced Thickness and Textured Front Surface
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Abstract: In this article, PIN junction Gallium Arsenide solar cells have been studied varying different parameters such as thickness and doping concentration of all the layers as well as reflection, front surface texture angle and front surface texture thickness of the topmost layer.
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ABSTRACT One of the primary need for development of country and mankind is consumption of energy in different forms. The most useful form of energy is the electrical energy. Development of power from renewable energy sources especially solar energy is
ZnSe/ITO thin films: candidate for CdTesolar cellwindow layer
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Abstract: The crystal structure, electrical and optical properties of ZnSe thin films deposited on an In2O3: Sn (ITO) substrate are evaluated for their suitability as the window layer of CdTe thin film solar cells. ZnSe thin films of 80, 90, and 100 nm thickness were deposited by
Solar CellDiagnostics by Combination of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy with Local Photoexitation
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These subcells are arranged in order of decreasing energy bandgaps from the photosensitive surface to the substrate, being linked by oppositely connected tunnel diodes. Each subcell converts into electricity the energy of the short-wavelength part of the incident
Solar cellMonitoring and Actuating via Embedded Web Server
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Abstract The energy of the sun is free to use because it is a natural permanent source, which makes thesolar cellsystem cheaper and completely non-polluting so it can be used in a wide variety of locations in the world Wherever there is sun. Monitoring systems forsolar cell
Simulation of CZTS thin filmsolar cellfor different buffer layers for high efficiency performance
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Abstract: Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) absorber layer research shows extensive influential factors to replace expensive Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) absorber layer due to its high efficiency, low-cost, non-radioactive and environmental friendly behavior. Potential buffer
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Abstract The world cannot imagine without electricity or the applications of it that we are using. The electricity is the lifeblood of modern world. The sources of energies that include coal, gas, oil and nuclear energy are non-renewable sources of electrical energy which
Series Resistance Both Temperature and Wavelength Dependent in SiliconSolar Cellunder Steady State
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Abstract: he excess minority carrier junction recombination velocity limiting the open circuit Sfoc and the experimental series resistance of an exposed solar cellto temperature under monochromatic illumination in static regime were
The three terminal heterojunction bipolar transistorsolar cell : a novel structure for multi-junction solar cells
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Diodes (pn junctions) are the conventional building blocks of multi-junction solar cells. We propose here the use of npn or pnp (transistor structures) as new building blocks. A npn semiconductor structure can substitute a more complex np/p+ n+/np structure (being the p+
-ray and Electron Spectroscopies-Revealing the Peculiarities of Cu (In, Ga) Se2 Chalcopyrite and CH3NH3PbI (3− x) Clx Perovskite-based Thin FilmSolar Cell
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Abstract This thesis focuses on the investigation and characterization of the surfaces and interfaces of chalcopyrite-based Cu (In, Ga) Se2 (CIGSe) and organo-metal mixed halide perovskites, specifically CH3NH3PbI (3− x) Clx, thin film solar cells using various x-ray and
Bulk HeterojunctionSolar Cell
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In 1991 Diederich et al. succeeded for the first time in isolating C84. 1 After C60 and C70, C84 was found to be the third most abundant fullerene. Of all formed fullerenes in the graphite arc process2 only 3 to 4% per weight consists of fullerenes other than C60 or C70.
Synthesis and Dye SensitizedSolar CellApplications of Bodipy Derivatives
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Three Bodipy dyes with strong absorptivities in the visible and near infra-red region were designed, synthesized and their potential as photosensitizers for liquid electrolyte dye sensitized solar cells have been evaluated. For the first time Bodipy derivatives with bis-
Comparative Analysis and Design ofSolar CellRegulated Power Transmitter with active inductor and active transformer versus Passive Inductor and Passive
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2. Analysis and Design of Various types of CMOS passive LC Cross coupled Oscillator 2.1 NMOS Regulated Cascode Cross coupled oscillator 2.1.1 Startup design equation of figure 2.1 2.1.2 Sweep current consumption as a function of loop gain for figure 2.1 2.1.3 Phase noise analysis
Analysis between Conventional and Modified P O Method for Solar PV Cell using MATLAB/SIMULINK
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supply more electric energy [8]. 2. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF PVSOLARCELL The equivalent circuit of solar PV cell consists of light source in parallel with one diode and resistance RSH [5]. Fig. 1 The output current is given
Harmonic Analysis of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Solar Photo Voltaic Cell
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When light energy strikes thesolarcell , electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the semiconductor material. However nosolarcellis ideal and thereby shunt and series resistances are added to the model as shown in the PV cell diagram above.
Solar Regenerative Hydrogen Fuel Cell Charging System
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Index Terms- Fuel Cell; Water Electrolyzer;SolarCell ; Hydrogen; Hybrid; Clean Energy; Energy Storage; Regenerative System; Renewables; Demonstration; Education I. Introduction generation. The six- solarcellarray was able to output a maximum of 9 W, which was
dye solar cell 2017 IEEE PAPER
A comparative study on the CDS sensitized and dye-sensitized ZnO photoelectrodes based on solar cell performance
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Abstract Semiconductor sensitized solar cells (SSSCs) based on hetrostructure of CdS/ZnO electrode and dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) based on ZnO-Eosin-Y was fabricated. The CdS thin film was deposited onto ZnO layer by chemical bath deposition method. The
Application of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (Dssc) from Polyurethane (Pu)/Diol-Nai Electrolyte with Activated Carbon (Ac) Composite Electrode
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AbstractApplication of dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell (DSSC) was developed using bio-based hybrid polyurethane (PU) polymer and composite electrolyte of Sodium iodide as cation of charge transport. The conducting electron transport material for the
Photophysical, Electrochemical and Photovoltaic Properties of Porphyrin-Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract Porphyrins occur in a number of important biomolecules and are also synthetically made for use as probe component of chemical and biological sensors. The performance of dye sensitized solar cells with two different porphyrin dyes was investigated in this work. The
Applications of Taguchi Method for Optimization of Dye Solar Cell Design
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ABSTRACT This paper addresses the optimal Dye Solar Cell (DSC) design considering parameters namely TiO2 thickness, surface area, iodide concentration in electrolyte and TiO2 passivation layer thickness as they have influence on DSC performance. It aims to do
Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance of TiO2 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Based on One-Dimensional Composite Photoanode
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We fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with photoanodes based on small TiO2 nanorods (80 nm in length, 15 nm in diameter). These nanorods had a comparable specific surface area to that of spherical nanoparticles but showed superior electron transfer
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Solar cell technology is one of the future energy resources has been progressing recently. Silicon is utilized as the semiconductor material for traditional sun powered cells, yet silicon is costly and the cost diminishment of the sun oriented cells is a standout amongst the most
Effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on newly synthesized phenothiazine derivative-CPTA dye and its applications as Dye sensitized solar cell.
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) on newly synthesized phenothiazine dye ie.,(Z)-2-cyano-3-(10-heptyl-10H-phenothiazin-7-yl) acrylic acid (CPTA dye) has been studied using spectroscopic techniques such as absorption, Abstract A synergistic effect between anatase and rutile TiO2 is known to be able to improve light harvesting and the overall solar conversion efficiency. Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) was fabricated using the mixture of anatase rutile phase of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared
Study of Geometrical, Electronic Structure, Spectral and NLO Properties of Allium cepa Dye Sensitizer for Solar Cell Applications
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Abstract-Allium cepa dye molecule was designed and their optoelectronic properties were studied using DFT with hybrid functional B3LYP for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) applications. The properties of the designed dye molecule were analyzed using various
Electric Conductivity of Fluorinated Oligomer Gel Electrolyte Including Ionic Liquid and Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract Fluorinated oligomer gel is suitable to the electrolyte of dye sensitized solar cell. This article studied mainly in the scope of electric conductivity, including ionic liquid in the electrolyte. It was found that the ratio of mixing with dimetyl sulfoxide and the concentration
Acetylacetone-Based Electrolyte in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract Dye sensitized solar cells attract much attention for a clean energy generation device. Among several solvents for the electrolyte, we investigated here the cell characteristics with acetylacetone as a solvent. The electric conductivity of the electrolyte
Development of a Novel High Efficiency Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Using ZnO Based Electrodes
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Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) has attracted extensive attention and been considered as a promising candidate for the next generation solar cell due to its advantages such as low- cost, relatively simple fabrication process, and environmentally friendly materials. Since
Synthesis of Complex Compounds Ni (II)-Chlorophyll as Dye Sensitizer in Dye Sensitizer Solar Cell (DSSC)
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Abstract− Increasing global energy demand has resulted in an energy crisis. The dye sensitizer solar cell (DSSC) is an alternative source because of its ability to convert the suns energy into electrical energy. Our aim was to determine the effect of synthesized Ni (II)-
Curcumin Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract: DSSCs (dye sensitized solar cells) are expected to be one of the efficient third generation solar cells that are generating green energy at low production cost since no vacuum systems or expensive equipment are required in their fabrication. In this paper,
Effect of Dye Sensitizers from Mangosteen Pericarp for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Application
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Abstract-In this work, we are focusing the dye sensitizers from mangosteen pericarp for dye sensitized solar cell application. A dye sensitizers from mangosteen pericarp will soaking in TiO2 film coated on FTO glass. The electrodes were coated on FTO glass at size 23 cm2.
A Comparative Study of Titanium Dioxide and ZnO Nanostructured Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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ABSTRACT: A comparative study of performance of the DSSCs were done using three different photo anodes namely photo anodes prepared by coating Nano TiO2 paste on FTO (Fluorine Tin Oxide) coated conductive glass substrates, Pure ZnO nanostructures grown by
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ABSTRACT The energy crisis is major problem facing the world today, so it takes renewable energy source that are environmentally friendly and can be renewed, one of which is Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). DSSC is one of the photochemical electric cells that can
A Novel Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-Graphene Oxide/Titanium Dioxide (PEDOT-GO/TiO2) Composites Counter Electrode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract PEDOT-based material counter electrodes (CE) are recently given an enormous attention as new renewable energy sources due to their cost-effectiveness and accessibility, coupled with the simplicity of production. The existing dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are
Preparation and Characterization of Dip Coated ZnO Thin Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications
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Abstract: Thin films form a fair share in the ever growing solar cell research and also in the market. One of the most versatile materials grown as thin films today are from derivatives of pure and doped Zinc Oxide. A combination of dip coating and hydrothermal technique is a
Synthesis Of Metal-Free Organic Dye For Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
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Abstract: A D-π-A type of dye was synthesized containing carbazole unit as electron donor, phenyl ring as a π-linker and cyano acetic acid as an acceptor that absorbs light in the range of 300-530 nm. The structure of dye and its intermediates were confirmed by NMR, Mass CSE PROJECTS