solar energy IEEE PAPER 2018
With increasing demand of energy in our society, exploring and developing renewable energy is therefore becoming more and more desirable. Affordable and Clean Energy is listed as the 7th of 17 goals proposed from the United Nations to transform our world with
A Review of Solar Energy use in Drying
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ABSTRACT Energy consumption in drying food products is increasing day by day. Therefore, forreduction of energy consumption, it is required to bring the solar energy technology in picture. In comparison to other energy sources, solar energy is the best Archimedes said, Give me a place to stand and I will move the world . The future technologies based maybe all on light will let as perhaps say: Give me the light and the world will turn . This book gives a personal view on materials science, electronics, photonics
Thermodynamic Analysis of Lithium Bromide-Water (LiBr-H2O) Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on Solar Energy
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ABSTRACT -The continuous and rapid development of countries ran in a monumental increase in the demand of energy utilization. For this entailment of renewable energy such as solar energy for an eco-friendly process of refrigeration by Vapor Absorption process is looked to
Optimal Planning of Solar PV/WTG/DG/Battery Connected Integrated Renewable Energy Systems for Residential Applications using Hybrid Optimization
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ABSTRACT Nowadays, energy becomes the basic need of each and every human being. Most of the energy demands are met by the conventional energy sources like coal, oil, natural gas, etc., which are going to exhaust one day and cause severe energy demand in future
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ABSTRACT Sustainable development strategies seek to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment by minimizing the energy consumption of buildings. The main possible option to fulfil this objective is to find solutions to utilize solar radiation in passive and active ways
Adoption of solar and wind energy : The roles of carbon pricing and aggregate policy support
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ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the roles of policies and preferences in national adoption of solar and wind energy technologies. We use cross-sectional and panel regressions for both the European Union and a broader international sample. We find that countries that price
Nanotechnology Phenomena in the Light of the Solar Energy
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ABSTRACT : Nowadays, nanotechnology is one of the most conducting research-based areas because it merges understanding from many disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences among others. There are no
Problems in the Accomplishment of Solar and Wind Energy in India Problemy z pozyskiwaniem energii slonecznej i wiatrowej w Indiach
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Streszczenie Artykul przedstawia obecna sytuacje i problemy odnoszace sie do rozwoju energetyki slonecznej i wiatrowej w Indiach. Rosnace zapotrzebowanie na energie elektryczna oznacza wzrost wykorzystywania konwencjonalnych zródel energii. Z uwagi na
Solar Radiation of some Regions of Cameroon using the Linear Angstrom Model and Non-linear Polynomial Relations: Part 2, Sun-path Diagrams, Energy
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ABSTRACT -This paper aims to use the linear Angstrom model and non-linear polynomial relations to assess the global solar radiation (GSR) of some localities of Cameroon. The computation of the Angstrom correlation coefficients for the implemented models is
Development of a Universal Solar Energy Harvesting System Suited for Textile Integration Including Flexible Energy Storage. J Fashion Technol Textile Eng S4
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ABSTRACT With the growing interest in smart textiles the need for a lightweight energy supply that is compatible with textile properties is increasing. Here we describe a proof of concept for a universal solar harvesting system which is scaled for the integration into clothing
Tracking Control Algorithm for Maximizing Solar Energy Harvesting
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Useful electrical energy output from the Solar Power Systems depends on the amount of solar energy it absorbs and so its position is a major factor that affects its efficiency. Tracking Control System is used to increase the efficiency of solar cell by increasing its
Wireless Power Transfer in Electrical Vehicle by Using Solar Energy
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ABSTRACT -Wireless Power Transfer [WPT] using the magnetic induction technology which could avoid human from the hazardous accident caused due to the using of cables. By the using of MOSFET switches in the inverter, it creates the output with high frequency improves
Performance evaluation and COP calculation of Triple effect vapour Absorption machine working on Solar Thermal energy
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ABSTRACT The research paper deals with performance evaluation of a triple effect vapour absorption machine based on lithium bromide solution. The triple effect VAM at the National Institute of Solar Energy also has a provision of storage of heat and cool in PCM (phase
Feroelectric and ferromagnetic oxide based systems for solar energy harnessing applications
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ABSTRACT Research in the field of solar energy harnessing to meet the increasing demand of renewable energy and to circumvent the environmental issues has attracted a lot of attention in the last few decades. Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting, which split
Investigation of Phase Change Material Based On Thermal Storage System for Crop Dryer Using Solar Energy
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ABSTRACT : Commercial dried eatable things like vegetable foods with high quality of dried under the conditions. Food substances require controlled drying environment, in order to retain its natural parameters. In traditional drying method, the food substances spreading
Review on Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Energy System
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ABSTRACT -In this review solar energy system is compared, specifically solar thermal and solar photovoltaic system. Solar energy is highly grown over world-wide today because of its visibility, potential availability, and safe use for different application. In solar PV solar
Design and Development of User-Friendly Automated Lightening System Using Solar Energy
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ABSTRACT Electricity is a very important part of our daily life on which road lighting system is one the most important parts of the urban and public sector. Here traditional road lighting system is controlled manually which is costly and more power is wasted in this system. And
Push for solar energy : Is India on the right path
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Delhi recently hosted the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Summit from 10th to 12th March 2018. With 55 countries having signed the ISA framework agreement, and 26 of them already ratifying it, it looks like the ISA is certainly gaining momentum. Of course, India
Literature Survey on Intelligent Energy Metering System to Transfer Solar Power to DISCOMs
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ABSTRACT - Solar energy is emerged as a most important source of renewable energy and are now widely used for industrial and domestic applications. Such systems are based on a solar collector, they are designed to collect the suns energy and to convert it into either
Renewable Energy Potential and Available Capacity for Wind and Solar Power in Morocco Towards 2030
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we identify the current status and outlook of the renewable energy source in Morocco. We provide also the challenges and the barriers to the development of renewable energy (RE) in Morocco and the national strategy for energy security and
Local energy transfers in solar wind turbulence in the incompressible MHD limit
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It is well known that the observed temperature profile within the solar wind indicates the existence of a heating mechanism. However, since collisions are extremely rare, viscosity is ill-defined and does not constitute a likely candidate. The existence of turbulence may A eureka of solar energyA Tool to Lighten Up India ABSTRACT When the first bulb was invented by Edison, the dream was to make people free from holding petrol lamps, to give them a freedom to utilize night, to give players a chance to play in beautiful night with no worries of dawn. Gramjyoti yojna of Government of India also
Renewable Energy and Solar Business in the European Union
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ABSTRACT The solar business faces major challenges related to the constantly changing regulatory framework, corporate interests and public pressure. Successful adaptation to the high requirements of regulators and competitive alternative energy sources is needed. The
The Potential for Energy Storage to Provide Peaking Capacity in California Under Increased Penetration of Solar Photovoltaics
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Executive Summary The cost of battery-based energy storage has declined dramatically in recent years, presenting an opportunity for energy storage to perform functions currently met by conventional generators that serve peak electricity demand. Peaking capacity represents
Concentrated Solar Thermal Integration into Spice Roasting Industry: An Energy Analysis of an Indian Masala Manufacturing Facility
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ABSTRACT : Roasted spices are an important ingredient in masala spice blends, a staple in many Indian dishes. Due to the high volume of masala consumed in India, the energy used for spice roastingin the forms of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and electricityis a notable ABSTRACT The worlds demand on drinking water has been increasing enormously during the last few decades. Solar distillation may become a potential alternative for water treatment. The feasibility of using solar energy for water distillation was identified by modeling the
Green Borders: Feasibility study and advantages (Case study: Solar Energy border between USAMexico)
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Page 1. 1 Green Borders: Feasibility study and advantages (Case study: SolarEnergy border between USAMexico) By: Behrouz Pirouz January 2018 Page 2. 2 Summary: A Green solar border with width of 100m The Capacity of power generation in 1km: 5 MW/km Cost for 1
The Search for Future US-China Energy Cooperation: The Case of Apple-Sun Power Joint Solar Projects
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ABSTRACT The current work is a case study of three solar energy projects built with the joint efforts of Apple and Sun Power. Because of their positive results and unique characteristics, I take these projects as an example of a successful collaboration in the solar energy sector
Component Energy Efficiencies in a Novel Linear to Rotary Motion Inter-conversion Hydro-mechanism Running a Solar Tracker
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ABSTRACT A new mechanism interconverting linear and rotary motion was investigated for energy transfers among its components. It employed a gear-rack set, a Hooke coupling and a specially designed bladder-valve system that regulated the motion. The purpose was to
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ABSTRACT : Solar and wind are the most popular resources due to its ease of availability and its ease conversion into electricity. Each renewable resource require DC/DC boost converter with MPPT control for power generation. To obtain high efficiency of photovoltaic (PV)
Consumer Awareness of Solar Energy Products A Study with Special Reference to Tirupur District ABSTRACT
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ABSTRACT In India, Solar energy Products are launched mainly with the objective to create environmental awareness of mass power consumption and the need to conserve power using Solar energy Products. The major drawback of Solar energy Products is its high cost
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ABSTRACT : This paper provides a narrative of insights and experience derived from two decades of monitoring of a sustainable house in the inner city suburb of Carrington in New South Wales. Water efficient appliances, rainwater harvesting, solar panels and battery
Recent applications of renewable solar energy in desiccant cooling systems A review
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ABSTRACT Present paper describes a review on different applications of renewable solar energy in desiccant based air conditioning techniques for maintaining thermal comfort in building. These cooling techniques used solar energy to reactivate the desiccant wheel
Cascade Utilization of Energy and Exergy for the Performance Analysis of a Solar Powered Cogeneration Cycle
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ABSTRACT Present study focuses on the first and second law analyses of a solar based cogeneration system which could simultaneously produce the electric power and refrigeration. An investigation is carried out to ascertain the effect of varying the direct normal
Solar electricity-renewable energy
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Renewable energy is power that is generated from natural resources such as sunlight (through photovoltaic solar cells), wind (through wind turbines), water (through dams and hydroelectric power plants), came from renewable energy sources, In 2006, about 18 per
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ABSTRACT For the effective utilization of Solar Powered Online-UPS System, it requires an Optimal Energy Management Controller. Whenever there is a power demand at times of non-availability of sunlight or at night times, the conventional charge controller automatically charges the battery
Green solar energy : Future prospects in Haryana as well in India
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ABSTRACT Renewable energy is developed from renewable resources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat occurring naturally. Renewable energy based on REN21s 2016 report, contributed 19.2% to global energy consumption and 23.7% to their
Design Challenges in Solar Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
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ABSTRACT The silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) cells produce energy of few milli-watts (~ 15mW/cm2), which can drive sensors, low-power microcontrollers and RF transmitters for a complete self-powered wireless embedded system. The recent advancements in renewable
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ABSTRACT : This work presents the development, evaluation and some economic analysis of a box-type solar cooker in the tropical climate of Ibadan. The performance evaluation included the determination of the first and second figure of merits (F1 and F2), the cooking power and CSE PROJECTS