Solar Tracker research paper
A tracker rotating in the east-west direction to align the solar panel with the sun over a day is known as a single-axis tracker. At any fixed location, the sun travels close to 180 degrees between day and night. A solar panel in a fixed orientation between dawn and sunset could see a significant movement of the sun to either side (about 80° each way), and thus, could miss out on significant amounts of energy if it were not aligned suitably. Rotating the panels to the east and west can optimize such alignment over the day.
Design of a solar tracker system for PV power plants
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Abstract : This paper deals with the design and execution of a solar tracker system dedicated to the PV conversion panels. The proposed single axis solar tracker device ensures the optimization of the conversion of solar energy into electricity by properly orienting the PV
A simple neural network solar tracker for optimizing conversion efficiency in off-grid solar generators
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AbstractA new model of neural network and a new type of neural controller are proposed, aiming to reduce cost and complexity without sacrificing efficiency of traditional, more complex neural net-based solar trackers The solution is derived from Mark Tildens neural and nervous
Azimuth-altitude dual axis solar tracker
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AbstractPeople in underprivileged countries could benefit from the use of a solar distributed generation system. To provide an efficient solar distributed generation system, a scaled down dual-axis solar tracker was designed, built and tested. At maximum, the solar tracker
Theoretical and experimental performance investigation of a two-axis solar tracker under the climatic condition of Denizli, Turkey
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AbstractIn this study, an open-loop, two axes movable photovoltaic (PV) solar tracker is designed and analyzed as detailed. Its performance over a fixed tilted (37o) PV system is evaluated theoretically and experimentally for the climatic condition of Denizli, Turkey. Two
Fuzzy control based solar tracker using Arduino Uno
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AbstractThis paper presents the fuzzy logic control based solar tracking system using Arduino Uno. Stepper motor helps in tracking the axis of the sun and keeps the panel in direction of the sun all day long and a Buck DC-DC Converter has been used for Maximum
Solar tracker
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The tracker uses two Nema 23 bipolar stepper motors to rotate 2 photovoltaic cells around the altitude and azimuth axes. We have three tracking algorithms to track the sun. The first moves the PV panel in little squares in spherical coordinates, finds the point on the square
Solar tracker
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AbstractSolar energy is rapidly gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding renewable energy resources. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the technologies associated with this area. My project will include the design and
Experimental investigation and construction of PV solar tracker control system using image processing
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AbstractFinding energy sources to satisfy the worlds growing demand is one of societys foremost challenges for the next half-century. The challenge in converting sunlight to electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is dramatically reducing $/watt of delivered solar
Solar Tracker of Two Degrees of Freedom for Photovoltaic Solar Cell Using Fuzzy Logic
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AbstractThis paper proposes and evaluates mathematical simulation, a solar tracking controlled by fuzzy logic in order to achieve the correct positioning of a photovoltaic solar cell and get as much sunlight during the day and therefore produce the most electricity. The
A review of solar tracker patents in Spain
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Abstract :-A solar tracker is a machine that is designed as a mounting for photovoltaic panels so that they track the sun in such a way that the panels are perpendicular at all times to its rays, thereby increasing energetic efficiency with respect to fixed systems. The principal
Design of Intelligent Solar Tracker Robot for Surveillance
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Abstract : Surveillance is increasingly becoming one of the most important subjects when it comes to security. In this work I have aimed to design a portable, economically viable alternative to manual surveillance that can find application in both civilian and military
Comparison of power output from solar PV panels with reflectors and solar tracker
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AbstractIn this paper, performance enhancement of solar Photo Voltaic (PV) panels has been experimented utilizing diffused reflectors and solar - tracker in other to determine the one with higher power output. An intelligent solar tracker and diffused reflector augmented
Design and construction of a microcontroller based single axis solar tracker
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Renewable energy solutions are becoming increasingly popular. Photovoltaic ( solar ) systems are but one example. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase efficiency. In order to maximize power output from the solar panels, one needs to AbstractSolar tracking devices try to increase the area exposed to direct radiation of the sun. The main drawback of these kind of devices is the energy consumed when following the sun. This work presents the design of a mechanism able to accurately follow the sun motion
A Study on Automatic Dual Axis Solar Tracker System using 555 Timer
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AbstractThis automatic dual axis solar tracker system is a design and implementation of a polar single axis solar panel tracker . It has a fixed vertical axis and an adjustable horizontal motor controlled axis. This setup is similar to an office swivel chair. The tracker actively track
Implementation of dual axis solar tracker model by using microcontroller
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AbstractAs we are in increasing demand of power these days, power sector has been playing a vital role in our day today life. Heading towards the damp increasing power, solar energy comes to the picture or in our mind why because it is one of the most important
Intelligent solar tracker system implemented on 8051 microcontroller
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Abstract Solar energy is becoming increasingly attractive as we grapple with global climate changes. However, while solar energy is free, non-polluting, and inexhaustible, solar panels are fixed. As such, they cannot take advantage of maximum sunlight as weather conditions
Artificial Intelligent based Modeling of Mobile Solar Tracker for a Large Ship
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Abstract -Mobile Solar Tracker for a Large Ship is a tracking mechanism device to follow the sun position, while the ship is traveling. A mathematic analysis and modeling for tracking the sun spot on a maneuvering ship, that having waves disturbance has been done. The
Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based Automatic Solar Radiation Tracker
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AbstractSolar energy is rapidly becoming an alternative means of electricity source. Fossil fuels are seriously depleting, thus the need for alternative energy source is a necessity. To make effective use of solar energy, its efficiency must be maximized. A feasible approach to
A High Precision Angle Compensation Controller for Dish Solar Tracker Installed on a Moving Large Ship
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AbstractThe tracker has two axes, XY Cartesian mechanical system to compensate the roll and pitch of the ship movement. The system uses four light sensors in obtaining the highest intensity to adjust the dish for pointing the sun position. A system simulator prototype was
Comparison of solar trackers and application of a sensor less dual axis solar tracker
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Abstract : In the 21th century, one of the biggest problems that the world faces is energy provision. Today, the way that most countries use for energy production is not clean and continuous. The most obvious proof for that is the change in the climate. The amount of CO2
Structural and motion system dynamic analysis of a two-axes solar tracker under wind action
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Abstract : Solar trackers are being increasingly used within the industry in order to improve the amount of power produced by photovoltaic systems. The design of these devices must pay special attention to wind action as the most relevant load seen by the generally flexible
Advanced control of on-ship solar tracker using adaptive wide range ANFIS
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AbstractProblem of a tracker on a ship is to maintain focus accuracy to point the sun on nonlinear and time variant disturbance condition, which is caused by ships rotational movements. The tracker requires a suitable xy axes Cartesian mechanical system and an
Low cost solar tracker
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AbstractPhotovoltaic, or PV for short, is a technology in which light is converted into electrical power. One of the applications of PV is in solar tracker . A solar tracker is a device for operating a solar photovoltaic panel or concentrating solar reflector or lens forward sun-
Automatic peak power tracker for solar pv modules using dspacer software
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AbstractRenewable energy sources plays an important role in electricity generation. Various renewable energy sources like wind, solar , geothermal, ocean thermal, and biomass can be used for generation of electricity and for meeting our daily energy needs.
Chronological Single Axis Solar Tracker
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Abstract Solar energy is a clean and freely available renewable source of energy whose use reduces polluting emissions and thus helps to control global warming. This paper describes a project aimed at maximizing the efficiency of photovoltaic cells by optimizing the
An Efficient Low Cost Solar Tracker Using Microcontroller
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Abstract : Solar energy is gaining importance day by day as an energy resource. Efficiency of solar panel systems must be maximized to make solar energy more usable. By sun tracking we can increase the efficiency of solar panel. When the solar panel is perpendicular to the
Image-based Solar Tracker Using Raspberry Pi
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AbstractMalaysia is a country that receives the sun light throughout the year. Sun light can be used as an alternative energy to fossil-fuel or hydroelectricity station to generate electricity. There are various methods used to optimize the harvesting of solar energy but
Dual-Axis Solar Tracker for Using in Photovoltaic Systems
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Improving the conversion efficiency of solar panels has become a challenging area of study for researchers. Solar trackers are an alternative to reach this goal, as has been shown in many cases, by tracking the position of the sun changes, the productivity of the panel
A maximum power point tracker optimized for solar powered cars
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AbstractThe following is an efficiency study of a key component in a solar powered car: the maximum power point tracker (MPPT). An MPPT is necessary where power is delivered from solar cells to batteries. A design optimization for the tracker is crucial for its use in solar
SKF dual axis solar tracker -From concept to product
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AbstractThere has been a growing global demand for environmentally friendly energy for quite some time now and solar power is one of the definite answers. It is required that solar power becomes more cost efficient in order for it to compete with the conventional energy
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AbstractThe paper presents a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based tracker to accurately track the maximum power point (MPP) of a photovoltaic (PV) array. The tracking logic realized on FPGA is based on a modified version of Adaptive Perceptive Particle
Design and Implementation of a Linear Quadratic Regulator Based Maximum Power Point Tracker for Solar Photo-Voltaic System
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AbstractA maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique based on linear quadratic regulator (LQR) approach for solar photo-voltaic system has been proposed in this paper. LQR based MPPT controller has been designed with online set-point adjustment approach
Regular paper Improve Dual Axis Solar Tracker Algorithm based on Sunrise and Sunset Position
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This paper presents sensorless dual axis solar trackers based on sun position using sunrise and sunset database. The database created from exact calculation of solar azimuth and elevation based on Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT) system with parameters input: local
Maximum peak power tracker : a solar application
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AbstractThe design and implementation of a Maximum Peak Power Tracking system for a photovoltaic array using boost DC-DC converter topology is proposed. Using a closed-loop microprocessor control system, voltage and current are continuously monitored to determine
Direct tracking error estimation on a 1-axis solar tracker
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AbstractThe characterization of the precision of a solar tracker used in solar thermal collectors is not currently standardized. Nowadays, existing testing standards consider a solar tracker as part of the solar collector and do not take into account the tracking precision,
Design of PC controlled automatic solar tracker robot
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Abstract : Most of the solar powered vehicles are powered using fixed solar panels placed on top of the vehicle, where the solar panel remains in the direction of vehicle irrespective of the direction of the sun. This project provides the best solution for this by aligning the tracker
Aerodynamic analysis of a photovoltaic solar tracker
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AbstractThe new generation of photovoltaic solar farms are composed of solar panels mounted over mobile structures that rotate tracking sun trajectory in the sky with the aim of being always oriented perpendicular to the sun and consequently gaining efficiency and
Performance Test of Two-Axis Solar Tracker System with Distinct Tracking Strategies
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AbstractUnstable electricity generation in Iraq motivates the researchers to employ the ecofriendly energy as one of the most reliable and effective solutions to meet the increased electricity demand. On the other hand, the decreasing in fossil fuel resources and its
Kinematic and energy analysis of single axis solar panel tracker system (a comparative study)
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The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is about TWICE the Earths non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium collectively (Energy (available energy) . The challenge is to capture maximum sun
Solar Array Peak Power Tracker
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Satellites in orbit above the Earths atmosphere are powered by solar arrays. A challenge arises when a satellite will travel through intervals of darkness while in the Earths shadow, knows as eclipses. A battery, the alternate power source during an eclipse, must be
Development of an Automated Tracker for the Enhancement f Energy Availability in a Solar Box Oven
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The study focuses on the enhancement of the energy available in a solar box oven, by designing and testing an automated pendulum system to efficiently track the suns position
Development of a correlation tracker system for the New Solar Telescope
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AbstractIn this paper, we report on the development of a correlation tracker system for the New Solar Telescope (NST). It consists of three sub-systems: a tip-tilt mirror unit, a camera unit, and a control unit. Its software has been developed via Microsoft Visual C++,
On the minimization of the solar tracker incidence angle
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Abstract : This paper presents the modelling of the sun-ray unit vector and of a solar panel normal unit vector in the reference system of an observer from Earth. Using the resulted formulae set there is modelled and numerical simulated the sun ray- solar panel incidence
The Designing, Building, And Testing of An Azimuth-Altitude Dual Axis Solar Tracker
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AbstractTo maximize a solar modules power output the module needs to receive as much direct sunlight as possible. By turning throughout the day with the sun, a dual axis solar tracker allows a mounted module to remain perpendicular to incident sunlight, thus
Tracker and collector for an experimental setup of a small-scale solar thermal Brayton cycle
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AbstractThe small-scale open solar thermal Brayton cycle can be applied to generate electricity in Southern Africa. An experimental setup of this cycle is currently underway at the University of Pretoria to study the benefits of using entropy generation minimisation as
Design of Sun Tracker System for Solar Energy Applications
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AbstractIn the present study, electro optical system was designed with simple components tracks the sun on both axes and which is controlled via a program was written for this purpose. The performance testes were carried out in one axes ( solar altitude angle)
Matlab/simulink model of current based maximum power point tracker for solar photovoltaic system
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AbstractIn this paper a current based maximum power point tracker for solar photovoltaic system has been developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The current based maximum power point tracker isused to extract the maximum power point from the solar
Optimizing Solar -Powered Tourist Boat with Converter-Based Maximum Power Point Tracker
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AbstractIn this paper, comparison between constant voltage method and Maximum Power Point Tracking for a solar -powered boat is presented. The comparison is concluded based on simulation using Matlab software. The input data of the simulation is hourly sun
Simulation and Digital Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Solar Maximum Power Tracker Application
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AbstractThis paper presents the development of a maximum power point tracking algorithm using an using fuzzy logic for a solar power system. PIC16F877a microcontroller based system continuously monitored value of current and voltage from the battery. If the
Microcontroller based Solar Tracker system using LDRs and Stepper Motor
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AbstractThe renewable sources of energy are becoming one of the utmost priorities of the present day world due to their innumerous advantages. In particular, solar energy is progressing as a potential inexhaustible and non-polluting energy source to suffice our ever-
Automatic solar tracker
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A new solar tracker requires no servo power and needs minimal maintenance. It uses solar energy directly to keep the axis of a Sunfall collector pointed at the Sun. The tracking mechanism uses differential pressure of a condensable fluid such as Freon against a fixed piston to equalize the
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Abstract - Solar energy is more rapidly gaining popular as an important means of increasing renewable energy resources. Our project will include the design and construction of a microcontroller-based solar panel tracking system. Solar tracking receives more energy from
Design and Implementation of a Sun Powered Hydraulic Solar Tracker
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Abstract : A solar tracking apparatus, which enables solar panels to rotate along with the sun such that light from the sun is perpendicularly incident on the panel, is designed using hydraulics. The apparatus consists of a vessel for storing ethanol, which is the working fluid,
Simulation and performance analysis of a 1 kWp off-grid photovoltaic power system with a 2-axis solar tracker
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AbstractIn the last decades, photovoltaic power systems (PVPSs) have obtained an increasing importance in making the national energy policies of various countries in the world due to environmental issues and fuel prices related to the fossil based energy
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Abstract -Energy crisis is the most important issue in today s world. Conventional energy resources are not only limited but also the prime culprit for environmental pollution. Renewable energy resources are getting priorities in the whole world to lessen the
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AbstractReducing high energy consumption and costs is imperative and significant to our daily life. In this paper, we describe a capstone senior design project that develops an efficient energy-saving solution. The solution is called the GreenLite system and consists of
Mobile measurements of atmospheric CO columns in megacities, using a mid resolution infrared spectrometer and a rapid solar tracker .
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AbstractA mobile solar FTIR system, positioned on an automobile, has been developed and deployed at field campaigns in Mexico City and around Milano. Measurements of the atmospheric columns of CO have been conducted, investigating both their temporal and
Solar Tracker Design for PV System using Microcontroller ATmega16
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Abstract -The main aim of conducting this project is to utilizing the sunlight energy into electricity in dc form. For that reason, the sunlight direction should be matched with normal to the photovoltaic modules/cell. As the intensity of sunlight on earths surface is varied at
Microcontroller based Solar Tracker System (STS)
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AbstractIn order to trap the energy to the maximum extent solar tracker technique (STT) is used based on the orientation of different payloads toward the sun. Payloads may be photovoltaic cells, reflectors, lenses or other optical devices. For this paper the payload is
Solar tracker with stepper motor control
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AbstractThe purpose of this project is to design and construct a solar tracker system that follows the sun direction for producing maximum out for solar powered applications. Achieving balance between power consumption and power production is a bigger challenge
Energy Yield and Economic Analysis of Tracker Controlled and Fixed Angle Photovoltaic Solar Power System
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AbstractThe efficiency of the solar system is affected by the angle between a photovoltaic (PV) panel and sun. More direct sun light on PV modules leads to enhanced energy yield. Therefore, tracking systems are implemented to improve the performance of PV system by
Dual/Single Axis Active Solar Tracker with Built in Inverter Designed for Grid Connectivity and Standalone Systems
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AbstractIn our Dual axis automatic solar tracker project, AT89S52 micro-controller has been used. Four photo-sensors (LDR VAC54) are used for sensing the sunlight to know suns movement. Two gear motors (12V, 300 rpm) are there to rotate the solar panel (EW
A Review of Solar Energy Tracker and Models
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Abstract : Sun is one of the potential energy sources and an essential part of life. Importantly, solar -energy can be utilized as electric energy using a device calledsolar cellor photovoltaic cell. The challenge in this field of research is to improve efficiency of
Solar Tracker Mounted Battery Electric Vehicle
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AbstractSolar photovoltaic energy conversion is a one-step conversion process which generates electrical energy from light energy. The explanation relies on ideas from quantum theory. Light is made up of packets of energy, called photons, whose energy depends only
Prototype Development of Voltage Based Solar Tracker Algorithm
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Abstract -Energy has been recognized to be one of the most important inputs for national development. The depletion of conventional energy sources is occurring at a faster rate due to enhancing gap between supply and demand. It is therefore evident that harnessing
Maximum Solar Power Tracker Mechanically By Using Dual Axis Tracker
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Abstract : To formulate a method for harvesting the maximum solar irradiance and thereby increase the output of the system. To reduce the energy expenditure by solar tracking system and conserve energy without any extra hardware components. The solar power is
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AbstractElectric power is a basic need in todays life. Due to the extensive usage of power, there is a need to look for an alternate clean energy source. Recently many researchers have focused on the solar energy as a reliable alternative power source.
An Appalachian automated dual axis solar tracker and analysis
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AbstractTodays young scientists and engineers need practical experience with tracking techniques appropriate for solar . Tracking systems are not fully developed right now, although many trackers are in development and on the market. With a minimal budget, a
An Analytical Approach to Design a Cost Effective Dual Axis Solar Tracker Based on CSP and PV Technology
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AbstractNow-a-days present world is facing crucial energy deficiency. Power is mostly generated using fossil fuels, which emit tons of carbon dioxide and other toxic materials. As the deposits of fossil fuel are dwindling and environment pollution has become a great threat
Development and Evaluation of 1 Layer Polar Motion Control System for Solar Tracker
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AbstractFinding sufficient supplies of clean energy for future is one of the societys most important challenges according to technologies. Alternative renewable energy source such as sun energy can be substituted for exceeding human energy need. The main factor affect
Electrical design, implementation and commissioning of a LabVIEW based control system for a dual axis solar tracker
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This thesis outlines the implementation and commissioning of a LabVIEW based, dual axis solar tracking system located within Murdoch Universitys Renewable Energy Outdoor Test Area. An electrical system that is capable of supplying power to the solar tracking hardware
Increase of effectiveness of solar batteries by using of solar tracker and acryl concentrator
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Currently in Russia there is an acute problem of the lack of cheap electricity in the areas with decentralized electric power supply. Now that area is embracing about 70% of the country with a population of 20 million people. Currently stand-alone diesel systems use allow
Design of Automatic Two-Axis Solar Tracker with Fuzzy Logic Controller for Maximum Power System in Nigeria
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AbstractThe need of the tracking system for solar photovoltaic panel arises to extract maximum solar energy. More solar energy is collected by the end of the day if solar receivers are installed with a tracker system. In this paper, a solar tracking system is
Implementation of Incremental Conductance Algorithm in Dual Axis Solar Tracker for Maximum Solar Panel Output
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Abstract : The demand of energy has increased which has resulted in the depletion of conventional energy resources. The focus of the entire world is now on renewable energy resources. Solar and wind are the most popular among them. In this paper the focus is on
Performance analysis of a Photovoltic module on a solar tracker with reflectors
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The goal of this study is to improve the performance of an existing one axis passive solar photovoltaic (PV) tracker system. Few modifications were made to the tracker by adding mirror reflectors to increase the system power output. Two similar 50 W photovoltaic
Design and Performance of an Automatic Solar Tracker Using GPS and Tilt Angle Measurement
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Abstract : During recent years solar energy has been the most important renewable energy. Due to the Earths rotation, the Sun rises and falls every day and its illumination angle changes continuously. PV systems equipped with solar tracker keeping solar cells directly
Disturbances Observation of Solar Tracker Feeding a Boiler
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Abstract : The aim of this work is the study of the disturbances in solar tracker which supply a boiler. The photovoltaic system associated to a boiler is described in view of modeling and simulation by bond graph tool. From bond graph model we generate the faults indicators
Solar Tracker with Virtual Instrument Interface
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Abstract Solar energy is by far among the best sources of energy from every perspective. But harvesting solar energy efficiently is not very easy because of the fact that the relative to the earth the sun is moving. The solar panels are mounted they are fixed in some direction,
Design of Passive Solar Tracker
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AbstractA new concept for a single-axis, passive solar tracking device is developed and designed for use with a small photovoltaic solar panel. The tracker operates using the volumetric expansion of paraffin wax as it changes phase from solid to liquid, driving a CSE PROJECTS