Survey of Software Refactoring
Beyond the refactoring browser: Advanced tool support for software refactoring
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Current refactoring tools only provide support for performing selected refactorings. We show how tool support can be provided for the preparatory phases of refactoring as well, by determining when a software application should be refactored and which refactoring (s) in
A comparison of software refactoring tools
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The principal aim of this paper is to apply the Taxonomy of Software Evolution, developed by Mens et. al , to position various software tools that support the activity of software refactoring as part of the evolutionary process. This taxonomy is based on the mechanisms
Towards an appropriate software refactoring tool support
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Refactoring is a technique that is concerned with changing internal software design while external software behaviour is preserved. Although the refactoring process seems to be clear and well defined, there are difficulties with regard to its automation. Various refactoring
Trends, opportunities and challenges of software refactoring : A systematic literature review
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Software refactoring is a technique that transforms the various types of software artifacts to improve the software internal structure without affecting the external behavior. Refactoring is commonly applied to improve the software quality after a significant amount of features are
Software refactoring applied to C programming language
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Page 1. SOFTWARE REFACTORING APPLIED TO C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE BY ALEJANDRA GARRIDO Licenciada, Universidad Nacional de La Plata THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science
Software Refactoring at the Class Level using Clustering Techniques.
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Software becomes more and more complex as it adapts new requirements, is enhanced or is modified. Thus, the quality of the software decreases. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the softwares complexity and improve its quality. Refactoring reduces software complexity
Identification of nominated classes for software refactoring using object-oriented cohesion metrics
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The production of well-developed software reduces the cost of the software maintainability. Therefore, many software metrics have been developed to measure the quality of the software design. Measuring class cohesion is considered as one of the most important
Refactoring: Emerging trends and open problems
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We suggest these directions for further research based on our own ex- perience with refactoring, as well as on a detailed literature survey on software refactoring . 1. Introduction 4. Conclusion The research in software refactoring continues to be very active
A survey of software refactoring tools
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This paper is meant to be a starting point for both groups. It models the state of the art in the field of software refactoring tools and discusses problems and common implementation challenges in the light of current research activities. The paper furthermore presents yet open questions
Challenges in model refactoring
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Figure 1: A scenario for model-driven software refactoring . 2. State-of-the-art in model refactoring In research literature, mainly UML models are considered as suitable candidates for model refactoring (Suny et al.) (Astels) (Boger et al.)
Agile software development: principles, patterns, and practices
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Page 1. Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices Robert Cecil Martin Alan Apt Series Prentice Hall Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Page 2. Brief Contents Section 1 Agile Development 1 3 11 19 23 31 43 Chapter 1
Model and criteria for the automated refactoring of the UML class diagrams
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Abstract Many papers have been written on the challenges of the software refactoring . The question is which refactorings can be applied on the modelling level A number of studies have investigated different means of the software refactoring [ 6]
Bad smelling concept in software refactoring
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This paper discusses refactoring, which is one of the techniques to keep software maintainable. However, refactoring itself will not bring the full benefits, if we do not understand when refactoring needs to be applied. To make it easier for a software developer
Neptune: Supporting semantics-based runtime software refactoring to achieved assured system autonomy
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We consider language support for the domain of runtime software adaptation from the perspective of codebase analysis and self-adaptation, whilst guaranteeing predictable autonomic software behaviours. The paper reviews the current state-of-the-art mechanisms
Describing the impact of refactoring on internal program quality
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Page 1. Describing the impact of refactoring on internal program quality Bart Du Bois Lab On ReEngineering Universiteit Antwerpen Middelheimlaan B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium Tom Mens∗ Programming
Using Software Quality Attributes to Classify Refactoring to Patterns.
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III. RELATED WORK Software refactoring has been studied extensively by the software engineering research community. However, only a few studies have investigated the effect of refactoring on software quality attributes. In
Investigation for software power consumption of code refactoring techniques.
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This paper investigates the power consumption conditions for the refactoring techniques suggested by Martin Fowler . M. Fowlers 68 refactoring techniques provide general and common concepts, and they also cover almost all industrial practices to software refactoring
Non-source code refactoring: a systematic literature review
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Abstract Since software refactoring techniques were introduced, the process is commonly applied to alter the structure of source code Keywords: Software Refactoring , Non-Source Code Refactoring, High Level Refactoring 1. Introduction
SORMASA: A tool for Suggesting Model Refactoring Actions by Metrics-led Genetic Algorithm.
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In this paper we describe SORMASA, SOftware Refactoring using software Metrics And Search Algorithms, developed at our research center with the goal of supporting decision making in refactoring a software architecture A survey of software refactoring . IEEE Trans. Softw
Towards proving preservation of behaviour of refactoring of UML models
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In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Graph Transfor- mation, pages refactoring . IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., 30(2):126 13 2004. [Opd92] WF Opdyke CSE PROJECTS