telecommunication research papers 2012 section 3
A Goal Programming Modeling for Telecommunication Routing Management
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CT Chang, ZY Zhuang, HM Chen ABSTRACT Automatic and effective routing management is a troublesome, longstanding problem for all telecommunication service providers. Current operational fact reveals that no single telecommunication operator can own the whole network, especially for those
Competition and Diffusion of Telecommunication Services: The multimedia communication services in Brazil
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CV Rauen , ABSTRACT This paper aims to discuss the recent trends in the regulation of telecom services regarding the diffusion of broadband. To this matter, it compares recent competition regulation experiences to the Brazilian scenario. Considering that the telecom sector
Short-term Forecasts Parameters the Stream of Calls on the Telecommunication Networks
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II. FORECASTING PARAMETERS THE STREAM OF CALLS The active developing networks with the multiplexing by labels and packet switching network took the interest to the problem of traffic analysis back again. But these researches were focused to review the packet
Technical University of Berlin and GMD FOKUS Telecommunication Networks Group http://www-tkn. ee. tu-berlin. dewolisz ee. tu-berlin. de Phone/
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Abstract As internet tends to evolve to a single, universal platform for information access/dissemination, the topic of charging becomes a critical one. In this position paper a new approach based on strong differentiation between charging for use of services and
Congestion Control Mechanisms and Patterns of Call Distribution in GSMTelecommunication Networks: The Case of MTN Nigeria
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ABSTRACT Congestion remains a major challenge to telecommunications service provision both to the service providers as well as the subscribers. We attempted to determine the causes of congestion and evaluated congestion control mechanisms adopted by service
An Exploratory study of Appraisal Techniques from Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL).
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AS Khan, F Anwar , ABSTRACT. Performance Appraisal has drawn an unparalleled and unprecedented attention of researchers over more than last three decades. Selection of an appropriate and suitable performance appraisal technique has all the times been a point of concern for most of
Effects of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System on Hearing in Rats Universal Mobil Telekomunikasyon Sistemin Farelerde Isitme zerine Etkileri
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Z Salturk, I Topaloglu, G Berkiten, H Ugras, M Bal , ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of the study was to asses the potential effects of universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) waves on inner ear and compare with those of the well- known ototoxic agent amikacin. Material and Method: The study examined 24 healthy
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ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between job satisfaction and organization commitment in telecommunication companies in Jordan. In today s global economy, organizations incorporate programs like total quality management, employee involvement,
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Synthesis of common unified methodological approach to security incidents management in telecommunication networks is a general scientific problem. Interconnections between elements of qualitative parameter set, such as: definition hierarchy, emergency level,
Photonic Crystal Fibers with Optimized Dispersion for Telecommunication Systems
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M Lucki The use of Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCF) is understood within their unique chromatic dispersion characteristics and nonlinear behavior, which is suitable for dispersion compensation or transmission of information without pulse spreading, leading to an
Information System Planning Failures in Indian Telecommunication Industry
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BP Kaur, H Aggarwal, G Singh , ABSTRACT There is industrialization, globalization and the intense competition in the market due to which business is rapidly changing. In order to get better competitive advantage, industry and managers are using Information system (IS). Most ISs are
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J PALONKA, T POREBSKA-MIAC , Summary: Globalization makes logistics face many new challenges. Logistics must unite and integrate a system that appeared as a result of dividing the functions of supply, production and distribution between units located in different parts of the world. This paper
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ABSTRACT The target of this research work was to investigate the objective project optimization of the two leading communication networks in the country (Nigeria) which are MTN and GLOBACOM in advertising their products and other services they render within the country
Market Competition Affect the Structures of Corporate Governance after Deregulation? Evidence from the Deregulation of US Trucking and Telecommunication
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IJ Chen , ABSTRACT This study investigates how governance structure changes in response to the dynamics of business environment after deregulation. Deregulation, on one hand, shifts the responsibility of agency problem from the regulatory parties to firm s shareholders. On the
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M Rawat , ABSTRACT The significance of telecommunication in the economy is being increasingly felt in recent times because of the enormous impact of this technology across the entire economic spectrum. IT (Information technology) is nothing but the synthesis of computers
Concentration Trends on Telecommunication Market in Croatia in the period from 2003 to 2008
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Jirous, MP Bach, J Zoroja , ABSTRACT The paper analysis the level of concentration of telecommunication industry in Croatia from 2003 to 2008. Data from Croatian Infotrend magazine were used to measure the concentration of telecommunication market in Croatia. The data used in the analysis
Problems Related To Telecommunication Tower Foundation
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A Abeykoon, H Hettiarachchi, HCL Hewage , ABSTRACT Telecommunication towers are very much essential due to rapid growth of the Telecommunication Technology. Towers consist of steel super structurereinforced foundation. Normally, the tower foundation constitutes about 20 to 40 percent of the total
End-Users in Telecommunication
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M Bourk , In recent years, governments and telecommunication companies across the world have poured billions of taxpayer and shareholder dollars into establishing national broadband networks in the light of promises of spectacular returns on investment. 1 For example, it
Coopetition strategies and innovation in pre-competitive R&D programs: the case of wirelesstelecommunication sector
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Abstract Many studies highlight that coopetition is a performant strategy for value creation. However, the determinants of its emergence and success remain insufficiently studied from coopetition theory perspective since it is just tackled by traditional relational perspectives.
Educational Software for Optimal Order Determination of LP Speech Modeling inTelecommunication
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O RASO, M BALIK ABSTRACT This paper describes an algorithm from educational? software family which was created in our department of telecommunication in the Brno University of technology. The software family is used for linear predictive modeling education purpose. This algorithm is
Estimation of Loss in Consumer Surplus Resulting from Excessive Pricing ofTelecommunication Services in Mexico
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ABSTRACT The present study evaluates the loss in consumer surplus caused by the low degree of competition in the Mexican telecommunication sector which results in relatively high prices, and also leads to lower levels of consumption across the range of
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ABSTRACT. The main purpose of this paper is to apply the Lin s method–modified fuzzy perception-importance (PI) analysis–to evaluate the service quality of mobile application stores in Taiwan. A comparison of three major telecommunication companies is
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