temperature and humidity controller
Temperature and Humidity Laboratory Remote Controller
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R López, S Galindo, E Gaytán ,Instrumentation and , 1996 ,proton.ucting.udg.mx
ABSTRACT This paper describes a temperature and humidity laboratory remote controller
where the user can pre-adjust temperature and humidity conditions and tolerances at will. In
addition it records temperature and humidity variations. The controller can be easily
A design and simulation of fuzzy PID controller for the optimization of temperature and humidity in the thermodynamic system
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Š Koprda, Z Balogh, M Turcani ,Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS , 2011
Abstract: The article describes modern methods of controlling for the optimization of
continuous technological processes. Naturally, it is necessary to make provision for the level
of technologies, which in recent times make use of the modern means of controlling.
The Fuzzy Inference System Translator (FIST) and Micro-Controller Regulation of Plant Growth Chamber Temperature and Humidity
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B Taylor, E Leyderman, J Vredenburg ,SAE , 1998 ,faculty.fairfield.edu
ABSTRACT The Fuzzy Inference System Translator (FIST) is a tool in the realization of
standalone, fully-programmable, fuzzy logic micro-controllers for the regulation of advanced
life support system temperature and humidity subsystems. Analog input signals may