ubiquitous computing 2016 IEEE PAPER
Beyond weiser: From ubiquitous to collective computing
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More than 25 years ago, Mark Weiser iden-tified ubiquitous computing as the third generation of computing, following the first generation of mainframe computing and the second generation of personal computing. 1, 2 His vision demonstrates how we can
Improving Vehicular Mobility in Urban Traffic Using Ubiquitous Computing
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Abstract The paper introduces a novel paradigm to use ubiquitous computing in urban traffic control as a methodology to include the benefits of considering physical elements implicated in the environment. This promising idea arises from previous results in the literature,
Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing and Ubiquitous Services
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LNEE publishes authored monographs and contributed volumes which present cutting edge research information as well as new perspectives on classical fields, while maintaining remove100's high standards of academic excellence. Also considered for publication are
Interactive Responsive Space for Effective Learning in Ubiquitous Computing Environment
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Abstract Supporting the interactions among the participants in a class makes the students more involved into the learning process and thus it is one of the important educational components to increase the learning effect of student. However, it is actually very difficult
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Abstract This work presents a survey of ubiquitous computing research which is the emerging domain that implements communication technologies into day-to-day life activities. This research paper provides a classification of the research areas on the ubiquitous
Optical Wireless Communications for Ubiquitous Computing
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Abstract. In this paper, we propose resource allocation optimization problems for indoor Optical Wireless Communications uplink. More precisely, a Binary NP-HARD optimization problem together with its relaxation are proposed. Cuckoo Search (CS) and Genetic
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
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Abstract Ad hoc and ubiquitous computing have established broad concentration with the hotheaded growth of wireless communication. These expertises are advantageous for many applications, such as offering innovative high bandwidth accessibility for users, and are
Ubiquitous Computing in Public Education: The Effects of One-to-One Computer Initiatives on Student Achievement on Florida Standardized Assessments
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of one-to-one computer initiatives on student achievement in reading and mathematics. This study compared the differences in FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics scores between schools implementing
Hydrate with Friends: Promoting Positive Behavior via Ubiquitous ComputingTechnology and Social Interactions
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Abstract:The quantified self-movement has spurred technological innovations to help individuals track and monitor data about his or her health, habits, and behaviors. Currently, various apps and hardware applications exist on the marketplace, tracking anything from
Applying Agile Software Engineering On Medical Ubiquitous Computing(MUC)
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Abstract-Nowadays, people are involved in using computation capabilities to meet their daily life needs although most of the time they may be unaware as to how this actually happens. Ubiquities Computing is considered the future trend for providing unlimited computing
How Ubiquitous Computing Effective in Healthcare System
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Abstract: Ubiquitous Healthcare system is much efficient in accuracy and accessibility of health treatment. In Ubiquitous Healthcare system patient and physicians relationships works very well unlike traditional healthcare system. Ubiquitous computing technologies
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Abstract:The article defines the ubiquitous computing technologies that support u-learning (ubiquitous learning). The purpose of this article is to provide basic information related to u- learning (ubiquitous learning). Ubiquitous computing is new areas which attract the new
user attributes for the design of home healthcare technologies. Personal andUbiquitous Computing, 19 (8), 1233-1245. 10.1007/s00779-015-0889-1
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Abstract Designing effective home healthcare technologies is a complex task. In order to succeed, it is important to look beyond purely technology-driven solutions and to develop technologies and services that are flexible and reflect a sensitive understanding of the
From nano to macro: material inspiration within ubiquitous computingresearch
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Abstract: Technological disruption grants continuous inspiration for design innovation. In particular, current paper focuses on the emergent interaction between the fields of ubiquitous computing (UC) and design. The interdisciplinary character of UC research
Ubiquitous Computing in the context of developing countries
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Abstract. Ubiquitous computing is an ultra-interdisciplinary field. Because of its capacity to affect every sphere of human life, it is endowed with a wide range of characteristics and features. This paper attempts to describe the more salient and diverse features of
Ethical Issues in Context Aware for Wireless Asset Management
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Abstract In this paper we are concerned with the ethical implications of using Context aware RFID for Asset management. We consider work place use of RFID to manage assets and its impact upon staff privacy. We conduct surveys and interviews to determine staff views on
Ubiquitous Computing research papers
A survey and taxonomy of location systems for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract Emerging mobile computing applications often need to know where things are physically located. To meet this need, many different location systems and technologies have been developed. In this paper we present a the basic techniques used for location-
Ubiquitous computing
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64 December 2002/Vol. 45, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONSOF THE ACM capability to physically move computing services with us. As a result, the computer becomes a takenfor- granted, ever-present device that expands our capabilities to inscribe, remember,
Ubiquitous computing
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If technological advances were simply a continuous, linear outgrowth of past technology, we might expect future computing environments merely to comprise more laptops possessing more power, more memory, and better color displays. But the world of information and
The Interactive Workspaces Project: Experiences with Ubiquitous Computing Rooms [Version# 2, 4/11/02]
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The Interactive Workspaces project was started at Stanford University in mid-1999 as an extension of a project to investigate interaction with large high resolution displays. It was initially set up in a busy laboratory where the device proved to be no more than a curiosity,
System software for ubiquitous computing
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Frequently mobile, these devices such as those we carry with us and embed in cars are typically wirelessly networked. Some 30 years of research have gone into creating distributed computing systems, and we've invested nearly 20 years of experience in
The future of ubiquitous computing on campus
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We are about to enter the third wave of the computing revolution. University campuses have been at the forefront of each of these technology revolutions. The first wave constituted the mainframe era, and universities established glass-house computing rooms for students,
Ubiquitous computing-computing in context
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Research in Ubiquitous Computing has arrived at a crossroad: A point of convergence where a technology proliferated environment meets with the ability of people to interact with, and make use of, the possibilities that this technology creates. Advances in the various
DOLPHIN: An Autonomous Indoor Positioning System in Ubiquitous Computing Environment.
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Abstract Determining physical location of indoor objects is one of the key issues in development of context-aware applications in ubiquitous computing environment. This is mainly because context information obtained from sensor network is meaningful only
Toward a general software infrastructure for ubiquitous computing
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The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. 1 Mark Weiser's visionary statement summarizes what's expected from pervasive or ubiquitous computing (ubicomp)
Task-based adaptation for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract:An important domain for autonomic systems is the area of ubiquitous computing: users are increasingly surrounded by technology that is heterogeneous, pervasive, and variable. In this paper we describe our work in developing self-adapting computing
How ubiquitous computing can support language learning
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Abstract This paper describes a computer supported ubiquitous learning (CSUL), called CLUE, the learners provide their own knowledge about the language learning in their everyday life, share them in the community and discuss about them. This paper focuses
Today's impact of ubiquitous computing on business processes
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Abstract. The aim of this paper is to show the impact of currently available ubiquitous computing technology on business processes. It shortly describes and investigates technologies, its drivers, and gives some examples of their application. This includes
Ubiquitous computing in education: Invisible technology, visible impact
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Ubiquitous computing in education, as defined in this book, is teachers and students having access to technology (computing devices, the Internet, services) whenever and wherever they need it. In a world of ubiquitous computing, the technology is always accessible and
Hospitals of the future–ubiquitous computing support for medical work in hospitals
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Abstract. This paper describes the visions and on-going research within creating ubiquitous computing support for medical work in the hospitals of the future. Today, clinical computer systems seldom play any role in in the execution of clinical work as such. Electronic
Seamful and seamless design in ubiquitous computing
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Abstract: In this paper, we question the assumption that seamless integration of computer system components is necessarily a design requirement for ubiquitous computing. We explore Mark Weiser's notions of seamlessness and 'seamfulness', and apply them in
Stars-a ubiquitous computing platform for computer augmented tabletop games
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ABSTRACT In this video presentation we demonstrate the STARS platform for realizing computer augmented tabletop games within a smart Roomwareenvironment. STARS dynamically couples multiple types of interaction devices such as personal digital
Discovery and its discontents: Discovery protocols for ubiquitous computing
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Recent trends in mobile and ubiquitous computing have created new requirements for automatic configuration and reconfiguration of network devices. Furthermore, the exploding deployment of networked digital devices in diverse real world environments including
Ubiquitous Computing in the Classroom: An Approach through Identification Process.
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Abstract: In recent years, there have been many efforts at research towards obtaining the simple and natural use of computers, with interfaces closer to the user. New visions such as that of the Ubiquitous Computing paradigm emerge. In Ubiquitous Computing the
When trust does not compute-the role of trust in ubiquitous computing
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Trust has long been an important concept in network security. With the humancentric vision of ubiquitous computing, a concept like trust seems to gain additional importance as it already forms the basic building block of societies and thus should play an important role
UBIWISE, a simulator for ubiquitous computing systems design
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Abstract. We describe UbiWise, a simulator for ubiquitous computing. The simulator concentrates on computation and communications devices situated within their physical environments. It presents two views, each in a separate window on the desktop of the
Location privacy in ubiquitous computing
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Abstract The field of ubiquitous computing envisages an era when the average consumer owns hundreds or thousands of mobile and embedded computing devices. These devices will perform actions based on the context of their users, and therefore ubiquitous systems
Intelligent ubiquitous computing to support Alzheimer's patients: Enabling the cognitively disabled
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ABSTRACT Assisted Cognition systems provide active cognitive aids for people with reduced memory and problem-solving abilities due to Alzheimer's Disease or other disorders. Two concrete examples of the Assisted Cognition systems we are developing
Managing personal information disclosure in ubiquitous computingenvironments
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Abstract. Ubiquitous computing stands to redefine established notions of pr ivacy as it introduces regular, pervasive sensing of personal information such as identity, location, and activity. To effectively and comfortably manage the di sclosure of personal information,
Ubiquitous computing
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Page 1. Wetware: Models and Theories Page 2. Model Human Processor (MHP) [Card, Moran Newell, 1983]simplified concept of cognitive psychology theories and empirical dataConsists of memories and processors Graphic credit: Card et al., 1983 Page 3.
Toward ubiquitous acceptance of ubiquitous computing
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For example, an auction site's interface on a mobile phone may allow buyers to increase a bid or get notifications on items they have been outbid on, but may not allow a seller to list an item since that process requires setting up a complex set of pages to display the item to
Intimate ubiquitous computing
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ABSTRACT Ubiquitous computing has long been associated with intimacy. Within the UbiComp literature we see intimacy portrayed as: knowledge our appliances and applications have about us and the minutiae of our day-to-day lives; physical closeness,
Feature learning for activity recognition in ubiquitous computing
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Abstract Feature extraction for activity recognition in context-aware ubiquitous computing applications is usually a heuristic process, informed by underlying domain knowledge. Relying on such explicit knowledge is problematic when aiming to generalize across
A conceptual model and a metaphor of everyday privacy in ubiquitous computing environments
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Abstract. We present a unified model of everyday privacy in ubiquitous computing environments, designed to aid system designers and administrators in conceptualizing the end-user privacy experience. The model accounts for the influence of societal-scale forces
Privacy in ubiquitous computing
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Bible, Jewish Law (free from being watched ) Justices of the Peace Act (England, 1361) The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the force of the Crown. It may be frail; its roof may shake; the wind may blow though it; the storms may enter; the rain
Ubiquitous computing
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The idea behind ubiquitous computing is to surround ourselves with computers and software that are carefully tuned to offer us unobtrusive assistance as we navigate through our work and personal lives. Contrast this with the world of computers as we know them now. Some
Reflective learning, future thinking: digital repositories, e-portfolios, informal learning and ubiquitous computing
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Learning technology is being driven rapidly onward by many forces: pedagogic, financial, political, technical, and cultural. We believe that three themes represent the key directions for learning technology development:digital repositories, or large-scale institutional
The smart box concept for ubiquitous computing environments
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Abstract In everyday life we are often faced with the need to monitor the contents of some kind of container eg the contents of a medicine cabinet or a tool box. In this paper we show that this entire class of scenarios has similar features and properties. To remove the
Protecting privacy with economics: Economic incentives for preventive technologies in ubiquitous computing environments
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Abstract Ubiquitous computing environments make the economic analysis of privacy more difficult as they exacerbate information asymmetries and uncertainties. This paper discusses why the actual marketization of privacy is more difficult than its technical protection in
Business perspectives on ubiquitous computing
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Abstract The goal of this paper is to establish what kind of business impacts companies can expect from applying ubiquitous computing technologies to their services, products and processes. The paper concentrates on business applications and thus omits the more
As we may live-Real-world implications of ubiquitous computing
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Abstract. The young field of ubiquitous computing is steadily making progress and gaining attention in both academia and industry. While new gadgets and smart home appliances cannot appear fast enough for many technologists, such rapid introductions of new
Phatic technologies: Sustaining sociability through ubiquitous computing
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ABSTRACT Recent research in ubiquitous computing has mostly concerned systems that support personal and informational issues. This workshop paper introduces the concept of phatic technologies–systems that establish and maintain the possibility of social
Wireless future: Ubiquitous computing
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Summary. Over the last 30 years, we have seen the power of microprocessors double about every 18 months. An equally rapid increase applies to some other technological parameters such as storage capacity and communications bandwidth. This continuing trend means
A survey of service composition mechanisms in ubiquitous computing
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Abstract Composition of services, ie, providing new services by combining existing ones, is a pervasive idea in ubiquitous computing. We surveyed the field by looking at what features are actually present in technologies that support service composition in some form.
Conducting a wizard of oz experiment on a ubiquitous computing system doorman
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ABSTRACT Ubiquitous computing is extending the use of information technology to everyday living and working environments. A problem in developing and testing these systems is the fact that they are environments. A complete environment cannot just be
Towards 'Ubiquitous' Ubiquitous Computing: an alliance with the Grid
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Abstract. The drive to implement Ubiquitous Computing systems has motivated the development of numerous research prototypes. Distributed systems platforms have emerged, each addressing a subset of the overall problem space. In contrast, many other
User control in ubiquitous computing: design alternatives and user acceptance
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Executive Summary The current work begins by equating Ubiquitous Computing (UC) with the automation of everyday life. Drawing upon classical research literature on automation, we analyse UC, its application areas and classes, goals and challenges with a view to
Enabling privacy management in ubiquitous computing environments through trust and reputation systems
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Privacy is a vital and urgent social issue confronting Ubiquitous Computing today. Ubiquitous Computing bicomp) promises a world where computational artifacts embedded in the environment will continuously sense our activities and provide services based on
Theme issue:Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence
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The ubiquitous computing (UC) idea envisioned by Weiser in 1991 has recently evolved to a more general paradigm known as Ambient Intelligence (AmI). This vision represents a new generation of user-centred computing environments aiming to find new ways to obtain a
A group-aware middleware for ubiquitous computing environments
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Abstract In this paper, we present, Active Surroundings, a groupaware middleware infrastructure for ubiquitous computing environments. Our system focuses on two key issues: group-awareness and transparent application reconfiguration. To achieve these goals,
Networking with knobs and knats: Towards ubiquitous computing for artists
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Abstract Ubiquitous computing technology enables new forms of creative expression, but the exploration of ubicomp in the arts and entertainment communities requires unique design considerations. Specifically, this paper suggests that the myth of interface independence
Automatic partitioning: Prototyping ubiquitous-computing applications
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The software-engineering goal of removing obstacles to human cre-ativity is a primary challenge in several areas of computing research. In particular, ubiquitous computing is one area in which researchers have clearly identified the need for software-engineering
The challenge of identifying value-creating ubiquitous computingapplications
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ABSTRACT Ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) applications involve large numbers of non- traditional networked computing devices which are often mobile and/or equipped with sensors to collect data. So far there is only limited knowledge on the impact of these
Authentication in ubiquitous computing
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Invisible and ubiquitous computing aims at defining environments where human beings can interact in an intuitive way with surrounding objects. Those objects, which can be personal digital assistants, electronic rings, doors or even clothes, offer embedded chips with
A user-centric, resource-aware, context-sensitive, multi-device application framework for ubiquitous computing environments
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Abstract Ubiquitous computing challenges the conventional notion of a user logged into a personal computing device, whether it is a desktop, a laptop, or a digital assistant. When the physical environment of a user contains hundreds of networked computer devices each of
Applying Semantic Web in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: Will Policy-Awareness Help
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Abstract. The Semantic Web can be seen as a means of improving the interoperability between systems, applications, and information sources. Emerging personal computing paradigms such as mobile and ubiquitous computing will benefit from better
Service composition techniques using data mining for ubiquitous computingenvironments
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Summary When users want to have a suitable application in ubiquitous computing environments, it is necessary to discover and compose primitive services considering context information. However, previous works focused on only service discovery for user
Tabletops: Interactive horizontal displays for ubiquitous computing
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Tables are part of our everyday lives. We use them at home and at work, to play and to eat, and for collaboration. Given the ubiquity of one of the world's oldest forms of furniture, researchers have long envisioned integrating computers into tabletops. After nearly two
Security and privacy rights management for mobile and ubiquitous computing
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Abstract. A new computing era after mainframes, PC's and mobiles is becoming more and more anticipated since the beginning of the 21st century: Ubiquitous Computing. A common characteristic behind this approach is that, it is based on a substantially more flexible
ubi-UCAM 2.0: A unified context-aware application model for ubiquitous computing environments
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ABSTRACT Context-aware framework can provide multi-service to multi-user without any explicit user's commands by exploiting contexts. Recently, several research activities have been made on a context-aware framework. However, the existing researches do not
Embedding intelligence: Research issues for ubiquitous computing
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Summary: In this paper we discuss the need for new technologies to enable the full benefits of ubiquitous computing to be realised in domestic environments. We argue that a key aspect of such new technology is that of embedding intelligence into devices. We do this
Preface to the special issue on user modeling in ubiquitous computing
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The field of user modeling has come up with many techniques for modeling and adapting to computer users, for example, to their preferences, goals, and intentions, as well as to their cognitive and affective states. Until relatively recently, these methods were restricted to
The business value of ubiquitous computing technologies
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Although there is no widely accepted definition of ubiquitous computing to date, one can probably say that applications based on ubiquitous computing technologies involve large numbers of non-traditional networked computing devices that are often mobile and/or
Providing service in a changing ubiquitous computing environment
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Abstract. Ubiquitous computing (UBICOMP) is a highly dynamic and heterogeneous environment. These aspects increase the complexity of the development of UBICOMP applications. We are currently working on an UBICOMP middleware that aims at shielding
Ubiquitous Computing and Cellular Handset Interfaces-are menus the best way forward
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Abstract: Embedded interactive computer systems, such as those found in cellular handsets, can be hard to use. The combination of small form factor–limited input and output potential– and an increasing feature set, result in devices which confuse novice users. Although
Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence: New challenges for computingj. ucs special issue
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The IST Advisory Group (ISTAG) of the European Union had a vision of" Ambient Intelligence"(AmI) in 1999. It refers to an exciting new paradigm of information technology, in which people are empowered through a digital environment that is aware of their
Ubiquitous computing in the living room: Concept sketches and an implementation of a persistent user interface
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ABSTRACT This video shows some concept sketches of applications that might be created for a living room with ubiquitous display and laser pointer interaction technology. A fully-
Ubiquitous computing: experience, design and science
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The emergence of powerful digital infrastructures, wireless networks and mobile devices has already started to move computing away from the desktop and embed it in the public spaces, architectures, furniture and personal fabric of everyday life. Handheld and wearable
Prototyping smart objects for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract. Technology enabling us to augment physical objects with electronics and thereby making them'smart'is readily available. What could keep us from building smart objects This paper keeps in perspective current development and technologies with a focus on
Secure ubiquitous computing based on entity recognition
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Ubiquitous computing cannot always use traditional enrolment schemes, especially in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and global computing infrastructures. In this extended abstract, we argue that entity recognition is more general than authentication and that
A Framework for supporting autonomous agents in ubiquitous computingenvironments
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Abstract. Handheld computers allow user mobility in pervasive environments and give users access to computing resources regardless of their location. These devices however, often operate disconnected from the network thus reducing the opportunities for spontaneous
The battle of concepts: Ubiquitous Computing, pervasive computing and ambient intelligence in Mass Media
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ABSTRACT For the past two decades the concepts of ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing and ambient intelligence have been used to describe the Internet of Things. This paper studies how the three concepts of ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing and
Ubiquitous computing for electronic business
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Many see ubiquitous computing as the next wave of information and communications technology to follow the era of the internetworked personal computer. What differentiates ubiquitous computing from previous paradigms is the fact that computation and (wireless)
Integrating privacy aspects into ubiquitous computing: a basic user interface for personalization
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Abstract Ubiquitous computing will have a unifying influence on user modeling, context- awareness and resource-adaptivity. The idea of this paper is to suggest a basic mechanism to integrate privacy aspects into mobile and ubiquitous computing. The user is enabled to
Integrating privacy enhancing services in ubiquitous computingenvironments
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With the advances in pervasive wireless communications (such as GSM, WaveLAN, Bluetooth, etc.) and context-aware and 'smart room'prototypes (GUIDE [1], ATT's Sentient Computing [2], Oxygen [3], Easy Living [4], the Aware Home [5], etc.), Mark Weiser's vision
Ubiquitous computing for teaching, learning, and communicating: Trends, issuesrecommendations
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Since the 1920s, media and technology have been introduced and used in schools based upon the belief that they can have positive effects on teaching and learning processes and outcomes (Cuban, 1986). Over the last decade, educators have seen dramatic increases
Location in ubiquitous computing
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7.1 IntroduCtIon This chapter discusses the fundamentals of location technologies and gives an overview of both historical and current location systems. Location tech- nologies have been an important part of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) and have been an active topic of
Guest Editorial-One-to-One Learning in the Mobile and Ubiquitous ComputingAge.
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Technological advancements in ubiquitous computing and wireless communication combined with the rapid adoption of sophisticated mobile multimedia devices and applications have created new software tools for people to connect and interact; therefore
NOSTOS: a paper-based ubiquitous computing healthcare environment to support data capture and collaboration.
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a new approach to clinical workplace computerization that departs from the window–based user interface paradigm. NOSTOS is an experimental computer–augmented work environment designed to support data capture and teamwork
Self-configuring, lightweight sensor networks for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract We show that it is possible to extract geometric descriptions of the spaces observed by sensor networks, even if the network consists of sensors that are of very limited ability: such as motion detectors. By using statistical techniques and relying only on the
Application coordination infrastructure for ubiquitous computing rooms
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Abstract The common mode of interaction with a computer involves a single user using a mouse and keyboard in front of a single display. With the proliferation of mobile devices and the ability to embed large touch screens in workrooms, a new type of human computer
Evolution of ubiquitous computing with sensor networks in urban environments
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ABSTRACT A significant increase in real world event monitoring capability with wireless sensor networks will lead to a further evolution of ubiquitous computing. This paper describes this evolution, leading to humans being connected to the real world via
Contextual mediation to support ubiquitous computing
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ABSTRACT The circumstances affecting the use of devices may be termed the context of use. This includes location, social situations, tasks and the characteristics of the device itself. The ubiquitous computing vision predicts that the context of use of computing devices will
A Taxonomy of Agent Technologies for Ubiquitous ComputingEnvironments.
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Abstract The design, development and deployment of Mobile Agent (MA) systems for high- level inference and surveillance in wireless sensor networks and RFID systems have drawn increasing attention in the past decade. To answer how the state-of-the-art of MA in a wide
An introduction to ubiquitous computing
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Ubiquitous computing, or ubicomp, is the term given to the third era of modern computing. e first era was defined by the mainframe computer, a single large time-shared computer owned by an organization and used by many people at the same time. Second, came the
Resonances and everyday life: ubiquitous computing and the city
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Abstract: Ubiquitous computing seeks to embed computers into our everyday lives in such ways as to render them invisible and allow them to be taken for granted, while social and cultural theories of everyday life have always been interested in rendering the invisible
Social Ubiquitous computing
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The vision of ubiquitous computing is usually associated with processing power being distributed and networked, not only in stationary PCs, but also in mobile phones, wearables, clothing, and everyday objects. One function of such infrastructure is to allow information
Unwanted Behavior and its Impact on Adaptive Systems in Ubiquitous Computing.
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Abstract Many ubiquitous computing applications so far fail to live up to their expectations. While working perfectly in controllable laboratory environments, they seem to be particularly prone to problems related to a discrepancy between user expectation and systems
Towards a Living Lab research facility and a ubiquitous computingresearch programme
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My interest in the topic of this workshop stems from my current involvement in setting up a new research facility at the Eindhoven University of Technology. This facility is called the'Living Lab', and is quite similar to related projects around the globe in that it aims to
Ubiquitous computing: Why Auto-ID is the logical next step in enterprise automation
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As a discipline, ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) has become progressively more visible over the past two years [AbMy00; Norm98; Saty01; Weis91]. Evidence of this trend is to be found in newly established journals (eg IEEE Pervasive Computing), conferences (eg
Business potentials of ubiquitous computing
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The term ubiquitous computing was coined by Weiser (1991) and focuses on the increasing number of computing devices that are surrounding humans in everyday life. Physical objects, information and processes merge providing economical, social and individual
Tejp: ubiquitous computing as expressive means of personalizing public space
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ABSTRACT We present the project Tejp, which aims at exploring the potential of ubiquitous computing as an expressive means of personalising public space. The project consists of a series of experiments in which users deploy open low-tech prototypes in urban settings to
Adaptive composite service plans for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract: Ubiquitous Computing environments require dynamic adaptable application and network services because of their need to adapt to rapidly change context eg new users and devices being introduced, changes in connectivity, changes in user needs and
Virtual reality in ubiquitous computing environment
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Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (U-VR) and examine technical challenges to be required for realizing it. It is difficult to realize Virtual Reality (VR) in our daily life although a lot of hardware and software have been developed. In addition, there is no chance for people to
Palpable Assemblies: Dynamic Service Composition for Ubiquitous Computing.
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Abstract An important characteristic of ubiquitous computing is that the computational services in our environment are envisioned to be far more interconnectable than today. This means it should be possible to combine them to suit the purpose at hand at any given time
The personal medical unit a ubiquitous computing infrastructure for personal pervasive healthcare
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Abstract. In this short paper we present an initial outline of the design of a Personal Medical Unit (PMU) for storing and synchronizing personal medical data with other clinical computer systems. The paper primarily discusses the motivation for such a pervasive healthcare
Key challenges in communication for ubiquitous computing
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What was novel about the outlook espoused by Weiser is that it firmly placed computing in the background and not as an end in itself. The focus is shifted from the technology to the users. The key message is that users' attention is the valuable resource and not the
A hybrid evaluation approach for ubiquitous computing environments
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In this paper we consider the problem of providing an evaluation framework for ubiquitous computing environments. We distinguish between qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluation and argue that a hybrid framework may be the most suited to ubiquitous
Construct a decentralised context infrastructure for ubiquitous computingenvironments
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The variance in number, heterogeneity and connectivity of devices that make up a ubiquitous environment adds complexity to the design process. Devices may join or leave a ubiquitous environment in an unpredictable fashion, and device failure must be treated as commonplace. Earlier
Ubiquitous computing: object tracking and monitoring in construction processes utilizing ZigBee networks
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Abstract: A large-scale of civil infrastructure systems is associated with great amounts of project resources and activities interoperated with various participants and organizations. Well-defined methodology for information acquisition and communication became more
Establishing a ubiquitous computing environment for teacher preparation students and faculty: The University of Texas at Austin Laptop Initiative, year two
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Page 1. Establishing a UbiquitousComputing Environment for Teacher Preparation Students and Faculty: The University of Texas at AustinParticipants will learn about a major initiative to create a ubiquitouscomputing environment for teacher preparation students and faculty.
Ubiquitous computing, customer tracking, and price discrimination
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The availability and cost-efficiency of modern information and communication technology have made interactive marketing and individual customer addressability not only possible but economical. In 1991, Blattberg and Deighton [5] defined the new frontiers for
A specification for agent-based distributed user modelling in ubiquitous computing
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Abstract. This paper introduces an approach for applying agent technology for user modelling in ubiquitous computing. It illustrates the research issues in distributing the knowledge about the user across active entities and distributed user-model acquisition
Introducing Personal Operating Spaces for Ubiquitous ComputingEnvironments.
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ABSTRACT Pervasive computing environments will combine everyday physical spaces with network aware devices and services; hence providing computing behaviour that is much more entwined with the environments we inhabit. Within such environments, a nomadic
Abstracting application-level security policy for ubiquitous computing
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Abstract In the future world of Ubiquitous Computing, tiny embedded networked computers will be found in everything from mobile phones to microwave ovens. Thanks to improvements in technology and software engineering, these computers will be capable
Towards an approach for developing socio-technical ubiquitous computingapplications
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Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to make a step towards a development approach for ubiquitous computing application. Therefore, we answer the following research questions: first, what is ubiquitous computing; second, which challenges of ubiquitous system CSE PROJECTS