uwb research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
UWB Antennas with Band Notch Characteristics-A Study
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Abstract This study considers the different UWB antenna designs with band notch characteristics. Different antennas designs to reject interference from WLAN, WiMAX, DSRC, and HIPERLAN/2A are considered and listed in table. Index Terms–UWB, WLAN, WiMAX,
Single Notched-band UWB Antenna For WLAN Environment Using Complementary Split Ring Resonators CSRR and Spiral Resonator CSR
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Page 1. ResultsDiscussions Single Notched-band UWB Antenna For WLANReferences 0 0 0 2 w r LC p = Introduction In this work we propose the design of UWB monopole antenna, providing single notched-band for WLAN 5-6 GHz to avoid interference signals, using
Wideband, Multiband, Tunable, and Smart Antenna Systems for Mobile and UWB Wireless Applications 2014
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With the advent of high data rate 3G and 4G wireless communication systems and the app- based use paradigm, wireless connectivity through multiple air interfaces has become a common requirement in the RF architecture of mobile communication devices. Modern
of Small Square Monopole Antenna with Dual Band Notch Characteristics Using U-Shaped Slot and Butterfly Shape Parasitic Element on Backplane for UWB
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Abstract- In this study, a dual band notch microstrip antenna for UWB applications has been presented. The antenna consists of a stepped patch with U-shaped slot, two rectangular shaped slots in the ground plane and a butterfly shaped parasitic backplane
CLEAN Algorithms for Intra-Vehicular Time-Domain UWB Channel Sounding
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Abstract: A comparison of two variants of CLEAN, a time-domain serial subtractive deconvolution algorithm, is presented. Appropriate statistical metrics for assessing the relative merit of the deconvolution technique are identified in the context of intra vehicle
Review of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using UWB for Wireless Communication Devices
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Abstract:As per Microstrip Patch antenna (MPA) provide low profile and low volume, so it is use in a now a days communication devices. In this paper study of past few year shows that targeted on planning compact sized microstrip antenna. A novel
Application of Fuzzy Logic Control to Dynamic Channel Allocation of WiMedia UWB Networks
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Abstract. This paper reviews applications of fuzzy logic to ECMA-368 based WiMedia UWB networks and proposes a fuzzy logic control scheme for dynamic channel allocation with combined prioritized contention access (PCA) and distributed reservation protocol (DRP).
Performance improvement through interference mitigation techniques in Transmitted Reference UWB system used in WPAN overlay systems
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ABSTRACT In this paper, studies are performed and techniques are proposed for interference mitigation in Transmitted Reference ultra wideband (TR-UWB) system. The best method for suppressing and reducing the mutual interference is without modifying
Autoregressive model of channel transfer function for UWB link inside a passenger car
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Abstract:This article reports results of channel frequency transfer function measurements inside the passenger compartment of a four seated sedan car. The examined frequency range spans from 3 GHz to 11 GHz and covers the ultra wide band, a promising candidate
Effect of Pulse Shape Modulation with Maximal Ratio Combiner Scheme on the Performance of 802.15. 3a UWB Channel Model
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ABSTRACT In this paper we proposed an analytical method which is used for 802.15. 3a UWB channel to find out the effect of pulse shape modulation (PSM) with Maximal ratio combining (MRC) scheme. We used a mathematical model of instantaneous SNR which is
An Optimal Design of the Compact CRLH-TL UWB Filter Using a Modified Evolution Strategy Algorithm
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Abstract This paper deals with an efficient optimization design method of a compact ultra wideband (UWB) filter which can improve the characteristics of the filter. The Evolution Strategy (ES) algorithm is adopted for the optimization and modified to suppress the ripple
Design and Optimization of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for UWB Applications
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Abstract A novel rectangular microstrip antenna for ultrawideband applications is proposed. The ultrawide frequency response is achieved by determining the dimensions of the radiating patch of antenna. The simulated reflection coefficient is smaller than-10 dB for
Study and Performance Analysis of UWB Antenna for UWB Ccommunication Systems
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Abstract:In this article, recent papers on UWB antennas are studied; different geometries, design parameters and their experimental results are discussed. Several types of UWB antennas in recent papers are described together while comparing their measured
A Transparent UWB Antenna with a 5 to 6 GHz Band Notch Using Two Split Ring Resonators
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Abstract- A miniaturized thin film transparent ultrawideband (UWB) antenna design with a band notch is presented. A pair of split-ring resonators (SRRs) is placed besides the radiating element to realize the band notch centered at 5.5 GHz. The proposed
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ABSTRACT Antenna diversity is an effective solution to mitigate multipath fading signals and enhance the system capacity. Ultra wide band has become one of the most favourable technologies for wireless communications owing to its promising features such as low
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Abstract-According to federal communication commission (FCC) rules, the 3.1-10.6 GHz band is allocated to the ultra wideband (UWB) applications. Due to the overlap of the currently allocated UWB frequency band with the communication systems such as
Design and Analysis of Hexagonal Fractal Antenna for UWB Application
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Abstract A fractal antenna having the shape of hexagonal for UWB application is designed. The frequency band is considered from 3 to 10.6 GHz. This antenna is designed on a dielectric FR4 epoxy substrate of dimension (50mm X 40mm) permittivity€ r= 4.4 and
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In this paper the extended study of IDMA system is done by implementing it in UWB environment. Interleaving Division Multiple Access, briefly IDMA, is an evolution of CDMA- Multiplex transmission method for digital signal transmission and is the solution of multiple
Interference Suppression Performance of Automotive UWB Radars Using Pseudo Random Sequences
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Ultra wideband (UWB) automotive radars have attracted attention from the viewpoint of reducing traffic accidents. The performance of automotive radars may be degraded by interference from nearby radars using the same frequency. In this study, a scenario where
Design of a Novel UWB Omnidirectional Antenna Using Particle Swarm Optimization
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A UWB E-plane omnidirectional microwave antenna is designed and fabricated for IEEE 802.11 a communication system and microwave magnetron source system as a radiation monitor. A cooptimization method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm
An UWB LNA Design with PSO Using Support Vector Microstrip Line Model
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A rigorous and novel design procedure is constituted for an ultra-wideband (UWB) low noise amplifier (LNA) by exploiting the 3D electromagnetic simulator based support vector regression machine (SVRM) microstrip line model. First of all, in order to design input and
Performance Comparation of TR and FDE in the MB-IR-UWB System Based on MIMO
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Abstract In order to improve the channel capacity of the multiband impulse radio ultra- wideband (MB-IR-UWB) system, the multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) technology is introduced to MB-IR-UWB system, and we get a new MB-IR-UWB system based on MIMO.
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ABSTRACT Passive localization is known to have very advantageous features: it does not require the localized object to have any wireless device attached and it performs very well in NLOS and multipath radio channels. In this technical document, we present results of a
Evaluation of Isolation Property of UWB 2DC Tile for Coexistence with Radio Signals
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Abstract:In this paper, we evaluate isolation property of an ultra-wide band (UWB) two- dimensional communication (2DC) tile. The UWB 2DC tile is based on 2DC technology and enables a room-size and high-speed network. In 2DC, radio waves are confined in a
Space-Time Diversity Schemes with Blind Channel Estimation for TH-PPM UWB MIMO Communications
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Abstract:For a time-hopping (TH) pulse position modulation (PPM) based ultra-wideband (UWB) multiantenna system, we propose four coherent space-time (ST) diversity schemes, corresponding to which the correlation template signals with blind channel estimation are
A Low Complexity Asynchronous UWB TDOA Localization Method
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Impulse-radio ultrawideband (IR-UWB) is a promising technique for indoor localization due to its high accuracy and robustness against multipath interferences. In this paper, to deal with the synchronization challenges among anchors in traditional timedifference-of-arrival
UWB-MIMO Quadruple with FSS-Inspired Decoupling Structures and Defected Grounds.
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Abstract- In this paper, a quad element Ultra Wideband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (UWB-MIMO) antenna system is presented. The proposed design is compact as it has four semielliptical shaped antennas along with the decoupling structures, fabricated on a
Implementation of IR-UWB MAC Development Tools Based on IEEE 802.15. 4a.
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Abstract IR-UWB has been developed as a standard of indoor ranging technology because it has robust and good transmission characteristics in indoor environments and it can be operated with low power. In this paper, an IR-UWB MAC packet analyzer and a MAC test
Single Link Performance of UWB Systems Based on Cognitive Radio in the AWGN UWBChannel
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Abstract:The single link performance of UWB systems in the AWGN UWB channel is investigated. Based on Cognitive Radio (CR) spectrum allocation and the restriction of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) emission mask, the second derivative
A Low-Power Low-Complexity Transmitter for FM-UWB Systems
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(FM-UWB) transmitter with a high-robust relaxation oscillator for subcarrier generation and a dual-path Ring VCO for RF FM is proposed, featuring low power and low complexity. A prototype 3.65-4.25 GHz FM-UWB transceiver employing the presented transmitter is
Performance Analysis of DWT-OFDM Diversity for Standard SV-Model Based UWB System
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ABSTRACT Recent generation communication system has a serious challenge of accommodating more users within limited allocated bandwidth without affecting the system performance. OFDM is used to cater for increased data rate of wireless medium with good
High-Robust Relaxation Oscillator with Frequency Synthesis Feature for FM-UWBTransmitters
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Abstract:A CMOS relaxation oscillator, with high robustness over process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, is designed in 0.18 µm CMOS. The proposed oscillator, consisting of full-differential charge-discharge timing circuit and switchedcapacitor based
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In this paper a conformal patch fed stepped triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) is proposed for Ultra Wideband applications. The conformal patch connected to microstrip line is used as feeding structure for the proposed triangular DRA. Three different
A 6.5-8.5 GHz CMOS UWB Transmitter Using Switched LC VCO
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Abstract:A 6.5–8.5 GHz CMOS UWB transmitter is implemented using 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The transmitter is mainly composed of switched LC VCO and digital pulse generator (DPG). Using RF switch and DPG, the uniform power and sidelobe rejection are
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Abstract-in this paper, a rectangular slot in patch scheme is described to enhance the operation bandwidth of microstrip patch antenna for wideband applications. By cutting rectangular slot from the rectangular patch, the bandwidth enhancement of the proposed
Design and Analysis of Triangular-Circular Fractal Antenna for UWB Applications
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ABSTRACT-In this paper, microstrip patch antenna is fabricated on a low cost FR-4 epoxy substrate with relative permittivity 4.4 and having dimensions 17.89 x 21.45 x 1.6 mm3. The antenna is a combination of Triangular and Circular shape Microstrip Antenna. For the
Compact Band-notched UWB Antenna Design Based On Transmission Line Model
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Abstract In order to avoid the interference from existing narrowband communication systems, this paper proposes a compact band-notched UWB (ultra wideband) antenna with size of 12mm× 22mm× 1.6 mm. Transmission line model is applied to analyzing wide
Fuzzy Logic Control Based Dynamic Channel Allocation of WiMedia UWB Networks for Supporting Mixed Data Traffic
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Abstract This paper proposes a fuzzy logic control based dynamic channel allocation (DCA) to ECMA-368 based WiMedia UWB networks, which aims to support mixed high-quality video traffic and shipboard control data traffic with high reliability and priority as well. The
A 750µW 3.5-4.5 GHz FM-UWB Transmitter
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Abstract This paper presents an ultra-low power frequency modulated ultra-wideband (FM- UWB) transmitter implemented in standard 130nm CMOS technology. The transmitter operates in the range of 3.5-4.5 GHz with 4GHz RF carrier frequency. The transmitter can
Measurement Uncertainty of Echo Parameters Estimation in UWB Radar System for Monitoring of Human Movements
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Abstract-The research reported in this paper is related to the ultra-wide-band radar technology that may be employed in care services for elderly and disabled persons. Two algorithms for preprocessing of measurement data from an impulse radar sensor, when
Design of UWB Microstrip antenna with band-notch for interference avoidance.
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Microstrip antennas are the correct option for several wireless applications (Wi-MAX, RFID, GSM etc) because of their several advantages including easy designfabrication procedure [1]. These antennas are low profile, conformable to planarnonplanar
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Abstract:Data rates and quality of service are limited by the fact that, for the duration of any given connection, they experience severe variation in signal strength. As reported any UWB system faces major challenges in achieving wide coverage without affecting the system
Cooperative V2X Relative Navigation using Tight-Integration of DGPS and V2X UWB Range and Simulated Bearing
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Abstract Many intelligent transportation systems applications require precise relative vehicle position. Global Navigation Satellite Systems, particularly GPS currently provide this through either absolute or differential positioning. GPS performance is limited in environments with
A New Method of Direct Time-Domain Simulations of an UWB Transmission for an Electromagnetic Wave Source Placed on a Convex Obstacle
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Abstract-The paper presents a new approach to time-domain effective simulation of ultra- wideband (UWB) electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation when a source is placed on convex obstacle. The frequency domain uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) and rational
A novel design of CPW-Fed UWB antenna with dual band-notched features
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Abstract: A coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed ultra-wideband monopole antenna with dual band-notched characteristics was designed to reject and avoid interference with existing bands at (3.3-3.7) GHz and (5.1-5.9) GHz band for IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) and IEEE 802.11
Novel Adaptive Decision Threshold Modulation Technique for UWB Direct Chaotic Communications
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Abstract A new non-coherent chaotic modulation technique based on adaptive decision threshold is proposed for the Ultra-WideBand (UWB) Direct Chaotic Communication (DCC) technology. The principal advantages of the proposed technique are:(1) Removing the
Design of CPW Band-notch Slot UWB Antenna at 8.710.2 GHz for Wireless Broad-band Applications
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ABSTRACT A coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed ultra wide band antenna is presented. The UWB antenna consists of a rectangular patch, which is etched onto an FR4 printed circuit board (PCB) with an overall size of 30mmX35mmX1mm. The simulation show that the
Effect of PAPR Reduction Technique on the Performance of ASTC MB-OFDM UWB System
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Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) for Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology presents a potential candidate for the diverse set of high performance short-range applications. But this scheme causes high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) resulting in the saturation of high power
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ABSTRACT Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems have recently attracted considerable interest for short range high throughput wireless communication. In this paper, a 6-10-GHz ultra wideband (UWB) directional reduced-size wide slot antenna (RWSA) for on-body wireless
A New Implementation of UWB CRLH Based Antennas for Wireless Communications
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Abstract:In this article, a novel ultra wideband (UWB) small antennas based on the composite right/left-handed transmission lines structures are proposed. The antennas are presented with best in size, bandwidth and radiation patterns. Their physical size and the
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ABSTRACT Due to rapid development in the field of wireless communication there is an increasing demand for the higher data rate and large bandwidth. The emerging Ultra Wideband (UWB) is a promising technology for high data rate transmission. In this paper a