uwb-ultra wideband research papers 2012 section 4

A Parametric Study on Impedance Matching of A CPW Fed T-shaped UWB Antenna
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D Ujwala, DSR Kiran, B Jyothi, SS Fathima, P Harish ,International Journal of
Abstract:-A CPW fed novel compact Ultra wide band antenna is proposed in this paper. The
size of the antenna is 20mm x 20mm x 0.6 mm and it is prototyped on FR4-Epoxy substrate
material which has a dielectric constant of 4.4. The proposed antenna provides a 

 Design of 24 GHz UWB CMOS IR-UWB Transmitter with On-chip Balun
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KG Kjelgård, TS Lande ,folk.uio.no
Abstract—This paper presents a Short Range Radar IR-UWB transmitter design in 90 nm
CMOS with center frequency of 24 GHz and a tunable bandwidth (-10 dB) from 2 to 5 GHz. A
balun is loading the single balanced Gilbert cell mixer, providing a single ended output. 

 Detection and Tracking by Wireless UWB and Camera Networks
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T Axelsson, L Brandt, C Olsson ,ee.kth.se
Abstract—In this report, we have focused on how wireless Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) and
camera networks can be used to detect and track moving objects. The aim of the project is to
investigate how these technologies can be integrated into the smart building, where there 

 Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Communications Channel–Theory and Measurements
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The most recent increase in demand within the wireless user community for short-range,
very high rate data and video transmission devices has motivated the growth of a new
generation of broadband wireless access communication systems, ie Ultra-Wideband ( 

 Effects of Bandwidth on Estimation of UWB Channel Parameters
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D Coko, Z Blaževic, I Marinovic ,Ultra Wideband Communications ,cdn.intechopen.com
The subject of this chapter is to investigate the effect of bandwidth on a short range indoor
UWB channel performance. This research is based on a measurement campaign performed
on a wooden desk surface placed in an office room at our faculty building. A vector 

 Comparison of TH-SS and DS-SS with sleeping protocol for LDR-UWB Network
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MA Khan ,
Abstract—This paper addresses the performance evaluation of Time-Hopping (TH), Direct-
Sequence (DS) and sleeping protocol in LDR-UWB (Low data rate-ultra-wideband) network
in the view of energy consumption of node. The energy lifetime is one of the most 

 Non Destructive Measuring of Root Crop Properties using UWB-RADAR
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C Peveling-Oberhag, PS Lammers ,cirg.ageng2012.org
Abstract Rapid assessment of plant parameters in plant breeding requires sensor-systems
working in a non-destructive way. In case of root-crops there is still a lack for fast and reliable
systems for non destructive plant-root analysis. This paper will present an approach for 

 Design of a CPW-fed Compact Dual Band (UWB/Bluetooth) Integrated Antenna with Single Band Notched Features
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J Kishan, A Rajput, T Singh
Abstract—A compact, low-profile, and planar ultrawideband and (UWB) Bluetooth integrated
antenna with dual Band WiMAX/WLAN (3.4/5.5) notch features is presented. The antenna
works dual-band operation covering 2.4–2.484 GHz (Bluetooth) and 3.1–10.6 GHz (UWB) 

 Al-Hello (2012)Computer Simulation to Generate Gaussian Pulses for UWB Systems
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IA Murdas, A Murad ,Journal of Asian Scientific Research ,atifali.com
Abstract In this work we present a computer simulation of a simple technique for the
generation of power-efficient, FCC-compliant Ultra-Wideband (UWB)(monocycle and
doublet) pulses. A Simulated system consist of a laser sources, semiconductor optical 

 Performance Comparison of UWB-Fingerprinting Positioning with RBF Neural Network and k-Nearest Neighbor in an Indoor Environment
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W Winitchaikul, J Sangthong, K Limpisawat ,ist-journal.mut.ac.th
ABSTRACT–In recent years, an indoor positioning system has been widely used in medical,
industrial, public safety and transportation. In addition, its important requirement is high
accuracy in dense multipath fading environments. This paper studies on indoor 

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ABSTRACT In a context of the evolution of localization based on the technological progress
and the implementation of GNSS such as GPS or the European Galileo project used in
outdoor environment allowing accuracy of a few meters, but for an indoor environment, the 

 Tracking of UWB Multipath Components Using Probability Hypothesis Density Filters
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Abstract—In multipath assisted indoor navigation and tracking (MINT), individual multipath
components (MPCs) of the ultra wideband (UWB) channel needs to be extracted. A
sequential Monte-Carlo based implementation of the multi-source multitarget probability 

 UWB (Ultra wideband) wireless communications: UWB Printed Antenna Design
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A Alshehri ,cdn.intechweb.org
The admirable benefits of a wireless lifestyle have resulted in a huge demand for advanced
wireless communications. The quick tempered growth of the wireless communication market
is expected to continue in the future since the claim of all wireless services is increasing