uwb-ultra wideband research papers 2012
A Positioning Algorithm for Multiple Targets Using A Multi-Static IR-UWB Radar System
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a positioning algorithms for multiple targets using a Multi- Static Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Radar System. The positioning algorithm for multiple targets uses the time-of-arrival (TOA) measurement of the signal form the IR-UWB
Design of Rectangular-Cut Circular Disc UWB Antenna with Band-Notched Characteristics
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the design of CPW-feed rectangular-cut circular ultra wideband (UWB) antenna with notched-band characteristic. The antenna has been designed on a FR4 substrate with dielectric constant Er= 4.4, loss tangent (tan d)= 0.022
A polarity comparison timing synchronization estimation for MB-OFDM-based UWB systems
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ABSTRACT We propose a new approach for timing synchronization estimation with polarity comparison for multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM)-based UWB systems. We attempt to locate the start sample of frame sequences by calculating
Remotely-sensed TOA interpretation of synthetic UWB based on neural networks
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ABSTRACT Because of the good penetration into many common materials and inherent fine resolution, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) signals are widely used in remote sensing applications. Typically, accurate Time of Arrival (TOA) estimation of the UWB signals is very important.
Retrieval information from the UWB pulse signal using the Karhunen Loeve trasform
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Abstract In the article the results of the Karhunen-Loeve transform in the processing model of UWB pulse signals to retrieval information about the amplitude and phase changes. Keywords–UWB pulse signal, Karhunen-Loeve.
Bit Error Rate Reduction by Smart UWB Antenna Array in Indoor Wireless Communication
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a new ultra wideband circular antenna array (UCAA) combining genetic algorithm to minimize the bit error rate (BER) is proposed. The ultra wideband (UWB) impulse responses of the indoor channel for any transmitter-receiver location are
Sample selection and adaptive weight allocation for compressive MIMO UWB noise radar
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a sample selection method for compressive multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO) ultra-wideband (UWB) noise radar imaging. The proposed sample selection is based on comparing norm values of the transmitted sequences, and
Image-based target detection with multispectral UWB OFDM radar
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes an image-based automatic target detection algorithm to be used in clutter and sparse target environments. We intend to apply the algorithm to an ultra- wideband multispectral radar concept by means of employing multi-carrier waveforms
Discrete fourier transform-based TOA estimation in UWB systems
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Abstract In this paper, we propose two time of arrival estimators for ultra wideband signals based on the phase difference between the discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) of the transmitted and received signals. The first estimator is based on the slope of the
A Compact UWB Microstrip Antenna with Modified Ground Plane for Bandwidth Enhancement
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a bandwidth enhancing technique using a modified ground plane with diagonal edges, L-shaped slot and parasitic patches with main patch for the design of compact antennas. The proposed low-cost, compact-size rectangular patch
Improving the Estimation of the Degrees of Freedom for UWB Channel using Wavelet-Based Denoising
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ABSTRACT In this work, the use of Wavelet-based denoising to improve the estimated Power Delay Profile PDP from Ultra Wideband UWB indoor channel measurements was investigated. The effect of this process on the Eigen Properties and Degrees Of Freedom
Tiny Circularly Polarized Printed Slot Antenna for UWB Usage
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ABSTRACT This letter offers a wideband circularly polarized square slot antenna (CPSSA) fed by coplanar waveguide (CPW), with a compact size of only 25 mm (length)× 25mm (width)× 0.8 mm (height). The proposed antenna provides impedance bandwidth of 2.86–10.95
Parallel S? Converter for MB-OFDM-UWB Transceiver
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ABSTRACT A parallel S? converter for multi-band (MB) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) ultra-wide-band (UWB) transceivers has been designed. The S? converter consists of five modulators covering five sub-bands. The noise transfer functions
A SIMO one-bit time reversal for UWB communication systems
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ABSTRACT With the one-bit time reversal ultra wideband (OTR-UWB) transceiver, the data symbols are encoded using the reversed order of the channel phase. The major factor limiting SISO OTR capacity and performance is intersymbol interference (ISI). As the data
Design of inscribed circle Apollo UWB fractal antenna with modified groundplane
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we have achieved two ultra wideband antennas by applying fractal geometry with co-planar waveguide (CPW) feeding technique. These antennasare designed on dielectric substrate er= 4.3 and thickness h= 1.53 mm. The return loss of first antenna
A Novel Rake Receiver Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform Designed for UWB Systems
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ABSTRACT In this paper a new Rake receiver designed specifically for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems is presented. The novel Rake receiver is based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and is referred to as wavelet Rake receiver (WR). The WR receiver makes use of
TH Differential Pseudo-Random Pulse: A New UWB System for LR-WPAN Applications
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ABSTRACT Ultra Wide Band is a new technology that has received much attention for its peculiar advantages: high-bandwidth, extremely low power spectral density, propagation robust to fades, ability to penetrate materials, possibility to coexist in the same spectrum
An Improved Reconstruction Algorithm for UWB-CS Channel Estimation Based on Gradient Pursuit
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ABSTRACT Due to the low power spectrum density and complicated transfer multi-paths of Ultra- Wideband (UWB) signal, it is important to estimate transmit channel s properties accurately, either in cooperative or noncooperative communication. But it s difficult to sample UWB
Advanced ranging techniques in uwb based localization
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Summary In the last decade or so, indoor positioning systems have been gaining a lot of attention. Tracking objects and people, entertainment and gaming, health care applications, military and first responders, environment monitoring and treatment are some of the areas
Ultrawideband (UWB) High-Resolution Noise Radar for Concealed Weapon Detection
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In this report, we present a promising method for concealed weapon detection, which utilizes the matrix-pencil method for uncovering a weapon s resonance frequencies and a power ratio method for detecting those resonances in a more cluttered environment. The data
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ABSTRACT A simple and compact microstrip line-fed ultrawideband planar monopole antenna with single band-notch characteristics is presented. Wide impedance bandwidth is achieved by inserting two rectangular slots on both sides of the microstrip feed line on the
Multi User Detection Schemes for TH PPM UWB System using LDPC Codes
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ABSTRACT In multiuser environments, multi access interference (MAI) is occurred in UWB System. To overcome above problems Multiuser Detection Schemes (MUD) are used in wireless UWB System. Channel coding is another technique to reduce the multiuser
- A novel compact ultra-wideband (UWB) wide slot antenna with via holes
- novel compact ultra-wideband UWB wide slot antenna with via holes
- ultra-wideband location positioning
- Low Noise Amplifier for UWB
- FPGA based UWB MISO time-reversal system design and implementation
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uwb-ultra wideband research papers 2012 section 2 CSE PROJECTS