verilog IEEE PAPER 2018
Remote Monitoring of Industrial Devices and Streetlights using Spartan III and Verilog .
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ABSTRACT -An Industrial security needs to pay more attention these days. In this paper I presented the idea of controlling the industrial devices remotely. The remote action is taken with the help of SMS (Short Message Servicing). Mobile phone is used for that purpose. Also
Design and Verilog HDL Implementation of Carry Skip Adder Using Kogge-Stone Tree Logic
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ABSTRACT The portable equipments such as cellular phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), and notebook personal computer, arise the need of effective circuit area and power efficient VLSI circuits. Addition is the most common and often used arithmetic operation in
Transient Fault Injection and Tolerance at Verilog Level using Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)
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A Khuntia 2018 ABSTRACT Semiconductor manufacturing defects deeply affect productivity and reliability. Huge resources are spend by manufacturer to reduce defect within the system. Designing of a reliable digital system is a challenging task because it incorporates testing of circuits at the
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This book provides a comprehensive study and concept clearing for B. Tech./M. Tech. students. It is our intent to give the students the best available latest information and concepts on the subject. The organization of the book is organized in such a way that it
Verification of Identity and Syntax Check of Verilog and LEF Files
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ABSTRACT The Verilog and LEF files are units of the digital design flow . They are being developed in different stages. Before the development of the LEF file, the Verilog file passes through numerous steps during which partial losses of information are possible. The identity
FPGA implementation of Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform in Verilog HDL
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ABSTRACT As of late the wavelet transform has picked up a considerable measure of popularity in field of signal processing. This is because of its ability of giving both time and frequency information simultaneously, subsequently giving time-frequency representation of signal
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ABSTRACT UART architecture involves and attempt to the serial communications. UART is appetent for make an interface between RS232 line and a microcontroller or an IP core. For this, UART is implemented on VCS tool of Synopsys platform of UNIX and the source code is
Design of Radix-4 Signed Digit Encoding for Pre-Encoded Multipliers Using Verilog .
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ABSTRACT : In this paper, we introduce an architecture of pre-encoded multipliers for digital signal processing applications based on off-line encoding of coefficients. To this extend, the Non-Redundant radix-4 Signed-Digit (NR4SD) encoding technique, which uses the digit ABSTRACT This paper presents a method for data-driven behavioral modeling of electronic circuits using recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The RNN structure is adapted based on known characteristics of the system being modeled. The discrete-time RNN is transformed to
A Novel approach for design of Real Time Traffic Control System using Verilog HDL
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ABSTRACT In this project we projected a design of traffic light control system (TLC) to manage the road traffic and clear the way for the ambulance. The steps that are followed in this project are proposing the idea, writing code, simulate, synthesis and finally the system
Comparison between FPGA implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform and Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform in Verilog HDL
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a design of Dual tree Complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) implemented in VLSI architecture using Verilog HDL and result in verified in FPGA implementation which achieves approximate shift invariance and good directionality. As the
Verilogto-Routing Documentation
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The Verilogto-Routing (VTR) project [RLY+ 12][LAK+ 14] is a world-wide collaborative effort to provide a opensource framework for conducting FPGA architecture and CAD research and development. The VTR design flow takes as input a Verilog description of a digital
Design a Reconfigurable digital system which can encrypt digital data Using Verilog Hardware Description Language.
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ABSTRACT Cryptographic algorithms are at the heart of secure systems worldwide, providing encryption for millions of sensitive financial, government, and private transactions daily. The rapid growth of secure transmission is a critical point nowadays. We have to CSE PROJECTS