vhdl IEEE PAPER 2017
VHDLImplementation of Adaptive Median Filter
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Abstract: This paper introduces, a new intelligent hardware module suitable for the computation of an adaptive median filter is presented for the first time. The function of the proposed circuit is to detect the existence of impulse noise in an image neighborhood and
Review on Transmission and Reception of Data Through USB inVHDL
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Abstract-The scope of project is based on USB controller which depends upon the Video and Audio Host controller. High speed data which flow between Video and Audio devices improves the speed quality in Telephone Integration, Consumer Electronics and in
Implementation on Transmission and Reception of Data Through Normal USBParallel USB inVHDL
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Abstract-USB system is used to communication with the help of computer peripherals and the host computer. Xilinx device programming takes our design from design entry to perform software simulation. The ISE 13.2 project navigator processes our design entry in various
Design and Implementation of HDLC Controller UsingVHDLCode
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Abstract: High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) is a bit oriented full duplex data link layer transceiver. HDLC controller has a Flag register with an 8-bit pattern of 01111110 which generates the state of HDLC protocol. This paper describes the HDLC controller design
Digital Control with a Direct Torque Control Algorithm Applied to a Three-Phase Induction Motor usingVHDL
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ABSTRACT This work developed a simulation of a three-phase induction motor (MIT) with via the direct torque control (DTC) technique, which is executed in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) of the programmable logic type using theVHDLlanguage. This
VHDLDesign and FPGA Implementation of LDPC Decoder for High Data Rate
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Abstract In this work, we present a FPGA design and implementation of a parallel architecture of a low complexity LDPC decoder for high data rate applications. The selected code is a regular LDPC code (3, 4).VHDLdesign and synthesis of such architecture uses
Design of a PID Controller usingVHDL
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Abstract-The intelligent control systems design is now the major area of research interest. The designing of an idea to implement these control systems need synthesis of artificial intelligence approach. In the industries the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller
Review on 32 bit single precision Floating point unit (FPU) Based on IEEE 754 Standard usingVHDL
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Abstract-Floating point unit (FPU) is a part of computer system specially designed to carry out operation on floating point number. This paper shows review of IEEE floating point unit (FPU) which will perform multiplication, addition, subtraction and division function on 32bit
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Abstract: The freedom of compatibility with old designs and the use of microprocessor technology led to a renaissance in computer design which emphasized both architectural innovation and efficient use of technology improvements. The paper proposes a micro-
Design and Simulation ofVHDLBased UART Using FSM
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ABSTRACT The proposed work discusses the designing and simulation ofVHDLbased UART where the control path is provided by FSM. In this research work basic UART modules are implemented viaVHDLto achieve the error free and reliable data transmission. In the present decade, the complexity of the ASIC and FPGA design has grown rapidly. Due to that there is need of the intelligent and complex devices, and hence the FPGA prototyping area has evolved during this decade. Major FPGA vendors such as XILINX and Altera (Intel
Digital Design of DS-CDMA Transmitter UsingVHDLand FPGA
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In recent years, there has been a significant amount of research Performed in both industry and academia into the development Of CDMA systems. DSCDMA is a type of spread spectrum communication system in which multiple signal channels occupy the same
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The art of information encryption is change of DES calculations, an innovation that gives sheltered, secure and private data trade. Information Security is playing imperative and critical part in the field of system correspondence framework and Internet. It can be 3. In Chap. 1, p. 16, last line: end struct;is changed toend arch_struct;in program Example 1.1 Structural style for the half adder ; p. 17, the last line: end behav;is changed toend arch_behav;in programExample 1.2 Behavior style of theVHDLcode for half
TeachingVHDLDesign to Schoolchildren A Scalable and Flexible FPGA Framework
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Abstract Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are becoming increasingly important in many digital systems due to their high performance and flexibility. The efficient utilization of programmable logic is still complex and requires in-depth knowledge. Therefore,
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Resumen Introducción; Este artículo presenta el modelo de un multiplicador en campos finito GF, estudiando la arquitectura generalizada del componente LFSR (registros desplazamientos con realimentación lineal), esto con el propósito de generar una
VHDLBased Symbolic Model Checker with Improved CTL Property Language
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Abstract: Most existing verification tools suffer from having a standard language for design specification. Although most of these tools support standard hardware description languages, but the subset of the HDL they support is very limited. In this paper we introduce
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Abstract: The digital data can be transformed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The imagesneed to be transformed without loosing of information. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) was based on time-scale representation, which provides efficient multi-
VHDLDesign OFDM System using FFT/IFFT
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Abstract Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier system where data bits are encoded to multiple sub-carriers, while being sent simultaneously. This results in the optimal usage of bandwidth. A set of orthogonal sub-carriers together forms an
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Abstract Generally, digital signal transmission systems have important advantages over analog counterparts because noise dose not built up in cascading of repeaters. There is various digital transmission techniques like PCM, DM, DPCM, ADM etc. In this DM and ADM CSE PROJECTS