virtual key board IEEE PAPER
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ABSTRACT Now a Days computing is not constraint to desktops and laptops, it has got its way into mobile devices like mobile phones. But the input device for the computing process has not been modified from the last few years. eg:-QWERTY keyboard. Virtual Keyboard
" Virtual keyboard" controlled by spontaneous EEG activity
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Abstract:A" virtual keyboard"(VK) is a letter spelling device operated for example by spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG), whereby the EEG is modulated by mental hand and leg motor imagery. We report on three able-bodied subjects, operating the VK. The
Virtual keyboard with scanning and augmented by prediction
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ABSTRACT All our teenage users are confined to electric wheelchairs and are unable to speak or make any voluntary movements much beyond either moving their head against one of three switches mounted in the chair's headrest or to hit a large banger switch.
Eye-controlled virtual keyboard using a new coordinate transformation of long and narrow region
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In this paper, we present the development of an eye-tracking and virtual keyboard control system using a PC camera. The image inputs at the channel of the PC camera directly and we can control the cursor of the screen through the sequential image processing. Three-
VistaKey: A Keyboard Without A Keyboard A Type Of Virtual Keyboard
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ABSTRACT People in the modern world are tied up with heavy workloads and they do not have even one second to waste. They try to reduce their day-to-day workload by using conventional computing devices such as Desktop Computers and Laptops, as well as
Are there differences in muscle activity, subjective discomfort, and typing performance between virtual and conventional keyboard
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Abstract:This study investigated whether muscle activity and fatigue differed between a touchscreen virtual keyboard and two conventional keyboards. Finger flexor, extensor, and shoulder muscle electromyography, subjective discomfort, and typing performance were
A new input method of computers with one CCD camera: Virtual keyboard
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Abstract: We propose a keyboard-style input method of computers with one compact CCD camera. The proposed method is called Virtual Keyboard. Virtual Keyboard economizes the input devices' space of computers. In addition, it provides customisability for users. We
Random Number Based Dynamic Anti-Screenshot Virtual Keyboard for Securer Web Login
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Virtual Keyboards have for long been employed by online bank portals and other Internet web portal to mitigate threats of key loggers, this has now being made inefficient
TheVirtual Ethiopic Keyboard for Smart Phones
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Abstract: The need for effective text input methods on smart phones has increased with the advent of virtual keyboard being one of the major methods. The nature of the Ethiopic characters that are used for writing of several languages such as Amharic, Tigrigna, Geez,
Shoulder surfing resistant virtual keyboard for internet banking
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Abstract: Today the prevalence of online banking is enormous. People prefer to accomplish their financial transactions through the online banking services offered by their banks. This method of accessing is more convenient, quicker and secured. Banks are also
Design of Virtual Keyboard for Ethiopic Text Entry on Mobile Devices
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Abstract Mobile devices have become increasingly popular due to advances and availability of wireless services. The desire for effective text entry on mobile devices have also increased with the advent of virtual keyboard being as one of the major contributors to the
RIK: A virtual keyboard resilient to spyware in smartphones
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Abstract--Recently, malware has been dramatically increasing on smartphones. Particularly, spyware is a great concern regarding privacy. In this paper, we propose a new virtual keyboard called RIK, to prevent spyware from stealing users' sensitive information, such
Design of Urdu Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract This paper presents the first ever virtual keyboard layout based on character frequency analysis of Urdu Corpus. To optimize the keyboard layout Monte Carlo Simulation with simulated annealing is used. Furthermore, the proposed keyboard layout is
P-300 based brain-computer interface virtual keyboard with predictive spelling
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Copyright in the material you requested is held by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (unless otherwise noted). This email ability is provided as a courtesy, and by using it you agree that you are requesting the material solely for personal, non-
Infrared vs. ultrasonic finger detection on a virtual piano keyboard
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ABSTRACT An immaterial digital keyboard is presented, aiming at testing possibilities to substitute physical with augmented piano keys during the performance. The main effort has been made around the realization of an accurate meanwhile fast detection of the hands
Virtual Keyboard Using BLOB Analysis
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ABSTRACT To develop an Application to visualize the keyboard of computer with the concept of image processing. The virtual keyboard should be accessible and functioning. The keyboard must give input to computer. With the help of camera, image of keyboard
Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract-Our paper, the 'virtual keyboard'will discuss a new technology in human machine interface. Instead of using the mechanical keyboard having moving parts and buttons, this gadget projects an image of a keyboard for the user's reference. Using a camera and
Invisible Captcha Using Encrypted Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract: Captcha is acronym for completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart, intended to discriminate humans from automated programs called as bots. Captcha differentiates humans and bots by setting a task that is easy for humans to
A Novel Input Method of Computers: Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract: There are various input of computers but here We propose a novel input method of computers. The proposed method is called Virtual Keyboard. Input to small devices is becoming an increasingly crucial factor in development for the ever-more powerful
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This paper presents a novel enhancement in design of virtual keyboards for consumers of tablets and standard computing devices. Hand video is captured for virtual keyboard functionality. Hand video is augmented with a background keyboard and displayed on
Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract:The paper deals with the enhancement of human interaction with the digital world. Miniaturization of computing devices allows us to be in continuous touch with the digital world. Restriction of information on traditional platforms like paper, digital screen etc is
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ABSTRACT Computing is now not limited to desktops and laptops, it has found its way into mobile devices like palm tops and even cell phones. But what has not changed for the last 50 or so odd years is the input device, the good old QWERTY keyboard. Virtual Keyboard
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ABSTRACT The design and application of an electrooculogram (EOG) based on an efficient human-computer interface (HCI) is presented here. Establishing an alternative channel without speaking and hand movements is important in increasing the quality of life for the
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Abstract The keyboard and mouse were once the primary interfaces for controlling a computer etc. Users now utilize touch screens, infrared cameras and accelerometers like Microsoft's Kinect, accelerometers within the iPhone to interact with their technology.
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ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to make use of virtual keyboard of a computer to build vocabulary in the classroom. It is understood that most of the students from beginners in English to versatile veterans know the frustration of not having the right word immediately
A Virtual Keyboard with Multi Modal Access for people with disabilities
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Persons with speech and motor disorders face problems in expressing themselves in an easy and intelligible way. Computer based augmentative and alternate communication (AAC) systems are developed to assist these people. A Virtual Keyboard (VK), also called
Virtual Keyboard UI Design of a Stroke-based Chinese Input Method for Smart-device Games
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Abstract: In this paper, we offer a new UI design for a Chinese input method for smart devices during gameplay. Currently, the well-known conventional stroke-based Chinese input method, using only five basic stroke types, could achieve a low learning curve and
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ABSTRACT The popularity of smartphones, mobile electronic devices and many types of information appliances is driving the demand for touch screens. Our Embedded project is to design and develop a low cost feature which is based on embedded platform using ARM
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Abstract-Historically, keyboards are designed for text character printing and text character entry later on in the attached devices. Therefore, keyboard is communication mechanism between human beings and the computing machines and is used to enter textual data and
Virtual Keyboard Usability Evaluation on a Touch Screen Device
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Resume This thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first, theoretical part it provides an overview of text-entry methods, word prediction and measures used in this field. Then by analysing comparative studies of text-entry methods with and without word completion a
Projection Virtual Keyboard and Virtual Screen for Mobile Phone.
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ABSTRACT Projection Virtual keyboard is the new upcoming technology in the world of computers and mobile phones. All the people now want a technology which reduces their efforts while working on it. In this paper it is explained that how to create this type of device
EOG based virtual keyboard.
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University Library, Singapore. Title EOG based virtualkeyboard.EOG Signal samples EOG Based Virtual Keyboard SetupConnect EOG equipmentObtain signal for reading
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ABSTRACT Now a Days computing is not constraint to desktops and laptops, it has got its way into mobile devices like mobile phones. But the input device for the computing process has not been modified from the last few years. eg:-QWERTY keyboard. Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract A virtual keyboard which doesn't require any external support and it can be operated by simply moving fingers on the paper on which keyboard is drawn, rather than typing on the physical keys of keyboard. In this paper, Camera is used to take input from
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Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel interactive projection system (IPS), which enables bare-finger touch interaction on regular planar surfaces (eg, walls, tables), with only one standard camera and one projector. The challenge of barefinger touch detection is
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ABSTRACT A virtual keyboard is a type of keyboard which doesn't require any external physical support and can be operated by simply moving fingers, rather than typing on the physical keys of keyboard. Camera tracks the finger movements of typist to get the correct
Review Of Virtual Keyboard
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Abstract: To develop an Application to visualize the key board of computer with the concept of image processing. The virtual keyboard should be accessible and functioning. The keyboard must give input to computer. With the help of camera, image of keyboard will be
Audio Voting for the Visually Impaired: Virtual Keyboard Navigation
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ABSTRACT Since the United States federal law Help America Vote Act was passed in 2002, it is widely recognized that all Americans should have equal access to vote with privacy and security, but current electric voting technologies have failed to provide a barrier free
ViKI: A Virtual Keyboard Interface for the Handicapped
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ABSTRACT Although computerized assistive devices for most handicaps are becoming more widely available, one major drawback is that users must currently provide customized interfaces for every computer system they use. In addition to specialized input and output
Development of Keystroke Logging Tool for Designing a Virtual KeyboardLayout
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Abstract: These days the air of a mobile environment has aroused the interest of many people in wearable input devices, and various devices for inputting data have been developed in universities and companies. To design the layout of a virtual keyboard that
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Abstract-People within the modern times are busy with serious workloads and that they don't have even one second to waste. they struggle to cut back their everyday work by using standard computing devices like Desktop Computers and Laptops, in addition more CSE PROJECTS