Analog VLSI : signal and information processing
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References 725 A SPICE Model Parameters 727 TOP Page 5. Each chapter provides basic This book presents the first comprehensive treatment of analog VLSI design for signal and information processing applications by blending the basic design concepts of both traditional and
Introduction to digital signal processing
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Challenges Optical processing Bio-computing Digital Devices ( VLSI ) Digital Computers DSP t x(t) Analog Waveform Quantization Bandlimited finite-dynamic-range If the signal is stochastic, some statistic properties must be known; say, mean, variance, acf, psd, etc
A bit-serial VLSI architectural methodology for signal processing
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inductors, diodes, amplificrsh etc, The modern alternative is to sample the signal at equally ?1?1£ ^ ^^> Continuous Time ^-*-r^ N, ? Analog ? ¦ f 4_^ ?_ Discrete-Time Discrete (so Ütat MOS VLSI tethniques, particularly digital techniques, can be used) Analog or
A Very Fast VLSI Rangefinder1
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5.1 Raw Signals Fig 17: Obtaining lhe line-of-sight equation for a cell 6 Significance of Sensor/Processor In- tegration Advances in VLSI technology have Analog signal processing is well suited for performing the kinds of computations nec- essary to achieve intelligent sensors
Design and analog VLSI implementation of neural network architecture for signal processing
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Biological systems process the analog signals like image and sound efficiently. To process the information the way biological systems do, we make use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The focus of this paper is the implementation of the Neural Network Architecture
VLSI design techniques for analog and digital circuits
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12 1.4 Economics 16 1.5 Yield 19 1.6 Trends in VLSI Design 28 References 29 Problems 29 2 Technology 32 608 8 Analog Systems 612 8.0 Introduction 612 8.1 Analog Signal Processing 612 8.2 Digital-to- Analog Converters 615 8.2.1 Current-Scaling D/A Converters 623
Analog signal processing circuits using floating gate MOS transistors
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important role [ 2]. The role of the analog part in mixed signal VLSI chips depends threshold FGMOS transistor operating in the saturation region, is used as the basic analog building block weighted sum of the input signals , where the weight of each input signal is determined
Applications of current mirrors in analog signal processing
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I. INTRODUCTION Advances in VLSI technology combined with the increased market demands to Current mirrors are very useful elements for performing current-mode analog signal processing of operations such as addition, inversion and amplification/attenuation of signals
Analog VLSI implementation of neural network architecture for signal processing
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With the advent of new technologies and advancement in medical science we are trying to process the information artificially as our biological system performs inside our body. Artificial intelligence through a biological word is realized based on mathematical equations
Current mode computational circuits for analog signal processing
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PG Student ( VLSI ), Department of ECE, ThaparUniversity, Patiala,Punjab, India1 Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India2 I.INTRODUCTION In low-voltage/ low-power analog systems, current-mode signal processing has been
A low power system for audio noise suppression: A cooperative analog digital signal processing approach
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circuit is therefore used to estimate the noise level in the subband signals (ie the 3. The system provides a proof of concept for the potential usefulness of signal processing using analog that this circuit is one of the first of its kind an analog VLSI signal processing circuit with
Mixed- signal systems: a guide to CMOS circuit design
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Mixed- signal processing -the integration of digital and analog circuitry within computer systems-enables systems to take signals from the analog world and process them within a digital system. In fact, recent advances in VLSI technology performance now allow for the
Linearization techniques for nth-order sensor models in MOS VLSI technology
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These include analog , digital, computer look-up ROM tables, and A/D converters - . Integrated sensors attention recently due to the need of processing the linearized signal on the same VLSI chip of For the sensor application, the input y is the signal E,, z = E, and Yll, = d,,E
A mixed signal multiplier principle for massively parallel analog vlsi systems
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In this paper we introduce a mixed signal multiplier principle for the implementation of analog massively parallel computation arrays in a standard CMOS process. This principle is a powerful method to perform simple preprocessing algorithms for highly parallel data
Configurable analog block based on CFOA and its application
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electronic systems remains important, even though digital circuits dominate the market for VLSI solutions. Analog systems have always played an essential role in interfacing digital electronics to the real world in applications such as analog signal processing and conditioning
An integrated analog optical motion sensor
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The extraction of motion in the visual field, although only a small part of vision processing , provides signals useful in tracking moving objects and gives clues about an The analog circuitry prevents VLSI SIGNAL PROCESSING , II 2 A Two-Dimensional Analog Motion Detector
Experimental results of a fabricated analog VLSI multiplier/transconductance circuit
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An experimental analog VLSI neural network with on-chip back-propagation learning. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signals Processing , 9: 231-245. Vittoz, EA 1994. Analog VLSI signal processing : why, where and how Journal of VLSI Signal Processing , 8: 27-44. Page 14
The efficient memory-based VLSI array designs for DFT and DCT
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In this paper, the efficient memory-based VLSI arrays and the accompanied new design approach for the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) are presented. The DFT and DCT are formulated as cyclic convolution forms and mapped into
Palmo: a novel pulsed based signal processing technique for programmable mixed- signal VLSI
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technique for programmable mixed- signal VLSI . Konstandinos Papathanasiou This Palmo signalling method applied to signal processing is novel, combining the advantages of both digital and analogue techniques. Pulsed signals are robust, inherently low-power
Vision chips: implementing vision algorithms with analog VLSI circuits
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2 1994 . Vision Chips: Implementing Vision Algorithms with Analog VLSI Circuits. by Christof Koch. See more details below Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing : . Google Books Result research field