wireless-ad-hoc-network IEEE PAPER 2017
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Abstract:-AWireless Ad - Hoc Network(WANET) is a decentralized type ofwirelessnet-work. Thenetworkisad - hocbecause it does not depend on the pre-existing infra-structure such as routers or access points. Each node participates in routing by forwarding data to other
Insight to Research Progress on Secure Routing inWireless Ad hoc Network
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AbstractWireless Ad hoc Networkoffers a cost effective communication to the users free from any infrastructural dependencies. It is characterized by decentralized architecture, mobile nodes, dynamic topology, etc. that makes thenetworkformation typically challenging.
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Abstract:- Wireless Ad - hoc Network(WANET) is a decentralized type ofwireless network . It is ad - hocbecause it has no any pre-existing access point. Each node of this is dynamic due to mobility nature. A major challenge of thisnetworkis the selection of energy efficient route
Secure Video Multicast overWireless Ad - hocNetworks usingNetworkCoding
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Abstract Video streaming overwirelessnetworks has been continuously increasing, which results in significant energy consumption and growing security concerns, especially for safety-related services such as video surveillance. Advanced transmission and security
Impact of Multiple TCP Connection and Increment of Number of Nodes in MobileAd - Hoc Wireless Network
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ABSTRACT MobileAd - Hoc Networkis an infrastructure lessnetworkwhere the nodes are mobile and each node behaves as a router. The routes may require a multiple hops in the networkto reach the destination. There are many routing protocols in MANET that is used to
Hidden Node Problem inWireless Ad - Hoc Network
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Abstract The termwireless Ad Hoc networkis used for the type ofnetworkthat is established between communicating nodes for the specified period of time. After sometime, the nodes involve in thenetworkmove to the other location. This happens due to thewireless ad hoc
Distributed certificate authority based trustedad - hocvector routing protocol inwirelessmeshnetwork .
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Abstract- Wirelessmeshnetworkis a technology that has evolved in recent years and fits well in todays technological needs. Shared nature ofwirelessmedium, diversity nodes and static nature of multiple paths between source and destination nodes makes challenging
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ABSTRACTWireless Ad - hoc networkis the decentralized type ofnetworkand it does not rely on pre-existing infrastructure. The Energy efficiency continues to be a key factor in limiting the deploy ability ofad - hocnetworks. Deploying an energy efficient system
Various attacks and its detection techniques in packet dropping inwireless ad hoc network
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Abstract-Inwireless ad hoc networkseveral computing devices are connected with each other through RF and not having fixed infrastructure and centralised control and thenetwork packets are send from source node to destination node. Communication between multiple
A Survey on Fault Detection inWireless Ad Hoc Network .
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AbstractWireless ad hocis a collection of multiple nodes withwirelessinfrastructure and networking potential that help to each other for data transmission inad hoc network . Nodes are also capable to move in the entirenetworkdue to movable property ofwireless ad hoc
Security inWireless Ad - Hoc NetworkUsing Encrypted Data Transmission
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ABSTRACT Currently, there has been an increasing trend in outsourcing data to remote cloud, where the people outsource their data at Cloud Service Provider (CSP) who offers huge storage space with low cost. Thus users can reduce the maintenance and burden of
NetworkCoding-aware Routing for Energy Minimization inWireless Ad - HocNetworks
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Abstract Throughput inwirelessnetworks can be enhanced with the help ofnetworkcoding. This approach also increasesnetworklifetime in the cases of devices running on battery, such aswirelesssensor nodes. Additionally,networkcoding achieves a reduction in the
Wirelesscommunication enables information transfer inad - hoc network
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Wirelesscommunication enables Remote correspondence empowers data exchange among a system of detached, and regularly portable, clients. Famous remote systems, for example, cellular telephone systems and remote LANs are generally base based, ie base
A QueueingNetworkModel for Delay and Throughput Analysis in Multi-hopWireless Ad HocNetworks
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Abstract In this paper we present a queueingnetworkmodel for computing average end-to end delay, and maximum throughput that can be attained in random access multi-hop wireless ad hocnetworks with stationary nodes under two popular contention resolution
Utility ofWireless Ad - hocCommunicationNetworkin Emergency Operations and Disaster Management
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Abstract-We, usually define the disaster management as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular, preparedness, response, and recovery in order to lessen the impact of
Reduce Energy Consumption inAd Hoc NetworkwithWirelessPower Transfer Concept
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Abstract: A mobileAd - hoc Networkis anetworkin which various autonomous nodes are working in combined manner each node is an autonomous body and work innetwork environment. Thisnetworkdoes not need any central node to manage thenetwork . In this
Mobile Computing challenges inWirelessLANs and MobileAd hoc Network
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Abstract: The concept of mobile computing arose due to the decrease in the size of computing machinery together with the increase in their computing power. This resulted in more number of mobile telephones and portable computing units. It paid way for the mobile CSE PROJECTS