waste disposal technology
Suitable site determination for urban solid waste disposal using GIS and Remote sensing techniques in Kottayam Municipality, India
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Solid waste management is a global environmental problem in todays world. There is an increase in commercial, residential and infrastructure development due to the population growth and this has negative impact on the environment. Urban solid waste management is
Environmental impacts with waste disposal practices in a suburban municipality in Sri Lanka
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Solid waste disposal is a major threat to environments of developing countries since most of the solid waste generated end up directly in open dumps. This paper presents a case study conducted in a municipality in Sri Lanka. Officials, More than 300 householders of different
Deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste
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Preliminary evaluation of deep borehole disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel indicates the potential for excellent long-term safety performance at costs competitive with mined repositories. Significant fluid flow through basement rock is
Landfill demand and allocation for municipal solid waste disposal in Dhaka city an assessment in a GIS environment
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Site selection of new landfills for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal is a great concern of urban governments around the world as old landfill sites are being filled-up and demand for new sites is increasing. Finding a suitable MSW disposal site of adequate size meeting all
A review of progress in the geomicrobiology of radioactive waste disposal
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Responsibility for the safe disposal of radioactive waste has traditionally been the province of chemists, physicists, geologists and engineers and the potential impact of the biological sciences was not initially recognised. The deep subsurface of a high level waste (HLW)
An overview of the management practices at solid waste disposal sites in African cities and towns
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Operations at solid waste dumpsites in sub-Saharan Africa were explored by reviewing work done by scholars in different parts of Africa. It was established that engineered landfills were found mainly in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe, while most countries use the open
Integrated use of GLEAMS and GIS to prevent groundwater pollution caused by agricultural disposal of animal waste
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ABSTRACT / In modern intensive animal farming the dis- posal of a large amount of waste is of great concern, as, if not properly performed, it can cause the pollution of water, mainly because of the high content of nitrate and phosphate. This paper presents the results of a study intended
Lupus nephritis: a nucleosome waste disposal defect
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Formation of anti-nuclear autoantibodies is a cardinal characteristic of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In recent years the nucleosome has been identified as the major autoantigen, since nucleosome specific T cells have been identified, which also drive the
Determination of hospital waste composition and disposal methods: a case study
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The fundamental information for selecting and designing the most efficient treatment method of hospital waste is obtained by means of waste composition analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and elemental composition of waste in four hospitals
A full-scale in situ heating test for high-level nuclear waste disposal : observations, analysis and interpretation
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The paper describes the performance, observations and interpretation of a large-scale in situ heating test that simulates a disposal concept for heat-emitting, high-level nuclear waste . In the experiment, heaters are emplaced in the axis of a tunnel excavated in granite The element chromium was isolated by Vauquelin (Glenn, 1895) around 1797 from the mineral crocoite (lead chromate) discovered in 1765 by a Russian geologist Pallas, in a mine near Ekaterinburg (Mutual Chemical Company, 1941). The mineral chromite was
Radioactive waste disposal : Global experience and challenges
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Since the worlds first disposal of radioactive waste in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 1944, considerable experience has been acquired in the field. The first disposal site intended for actively contaminated broken glassware or materials not sufficiently clean to be used in
Nebraska Biocontainment Unit perspective on disposal of Ebola medical waste
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Clinical practices surrounding the current Ebola epidemic have been center stage in discourse concerning research and practice of care. As the medical community becomes more sophisticated in understanding the many facets of treating and containing this virus
Environmental and health impact of solid waste disposal at Mangwaneni dumpsite in Manzini: Swaziland
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Solid waste disposal sites are found on the outskirts of the urban areas, turning into the child sources of contamination due to the incubation and proliferation of flies, mosquitoes, and rodents; that, in turn, are disease transmitters that affect populations health, which has its
Measuring the impacts of solid waste disposal site location on property values
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One of the more pressing problems facing communities, cities and metropolitan areas is that of handling and disposing of solid wastes. An average of over a ton per person of various types of solid wastes- v is collected annually in the United States. In addition to garbage and
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil around hazardous waste disposal sites in Hyderabad city (India): natural and anthropogenic implications
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Geo-environmental evaluation of heavy metals in/and around hazardous waste disposal sites located in the north-western part of Hyderabad (India) was carried out to define the degree of contamination of soil environment. Approximately 50,000 tonnes per annum of
The environmental effects of mining waste disposal at Lihir Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea
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Mining in its broadest sense is the process of obtaining useful minerals from the earths crust. A mineral is generally defined as any natural accruing substance of definite chemical composition and consistent physical properties. An ore is a mineral or combination of
Using GIS-based weighted linear combination analysis and remote sensing techniques to select optimum solid waste disposal sites within Mafraq City, Jordan
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Landfill siting was determined within Mafraq City, Jordan, through the integration of geographic information system (GIS), weighted linear combination (WLC) analysis, and remote sensing techniques. Several parameters were collected from various sources in
Ocean disposal of radioactive waste . Status report
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For hundreds of years, the seas have been used as a place to dispose of wastes resulting from human activities. Although no high-level radioactive waste (HLW) has been disposed of into the sea, variable amounts of packaged low-level radioactive waste (LLW) have been
The interface between nuclear safeguards and radioactive waste disposal : Emerging issues
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Experts are examining requirements and policies for applying safeguards at geological waste repositories and related sites by Gordon f number of questions arise in considering the Linsley and application of safeguards measures to radioac-Abdul Fattah live wastes