what is Charge Pump Regulator
Charge pump regulators are circuits that generate higher voltages from low-voltage inputs by using capacitors as storage elements. Charge pump regulators are used in notebook computers and mobile phones. There are many types of charge pump regulators. Examples include charge pump phase-locked loops (CPPL), converter chips, IC converters, inductor-less converters, and inductor-less regulators. A charge pump phase-locked loop (CPPLL) can provide zero phase-error and an extended frequency range of operations. Converter chips can be used for both analog/digital (A/D) and digital/analog (D/A) conversions. IC converters are used in battery-operated, handheld devices. An inductor-less converter can be used as a DC-DC inverter, splitter, or doubler. An inductor-less regulator provides output regulation for portable applications. Specialized and proprietary charge pump regulators may also be available.