Wireless Sensor Network research papers 2014
Security in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey
. on the sensor network itself, rather than the popular intrusion detection application
being researched for such uses as perimeter monitoring, and so forth. Wireless sensor
networks are susceptible to many forms of intrusion. IV.
- network topology in wireless sensor networks
- Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
- Intrusion Detection System For Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Network
- wireless body sensor
- Platforms for Wireless Sensor Network
wireless sensor network 2014
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ABSTRACT The availability of low-cost hardware such as CMOS cameras and microphones has fostered the development of Wire-less Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs), ie, networks of wirelessly interconnected devices that are able to ubiquitously retrieve
Optimized and Executive Survey of Physical Node Capture Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are novel large-scale wireless networks that consist of distributed, self organizing, low-power, low-cost, tiny sensor devices to cooperatively collect information through infrastructure less wireless networks. These
Energy Competent Cluster Based Prediction Framework for Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract In wireless sensor networks, sensors unceasingly scrutinize the target environment and impart data to the base station for further resolution. Since it is a resource constraints environment, network lifetime pursues on the battery backup. Hence in this paper,
The Feasibility of SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS Protocols in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is a special kind of Ad-hoc network, consist of thousands of small devices which are called as sensor nodes used to monitor physical or environmental conditions Clustering is a critical task in Wireless Sensor Networks for
A Study on the Wireless Sensor Network System to Monitor Yields of Agriculture Products
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Abstract. In this paper, we design and implement wireless sensor nodes and base station for a yields monitoring system for agriculture. Also, we develop an energy efficient communication protocol between sensor nodes and base station. A sensor node is fixed
False Misbehavior Removal in Clonal Selection Mechanism Based on Watchdog by the use of Transition Point in a Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is a network consisting of number of wireless sensors, also called as node, which cooperate each other in sensing some sort of physical characteristics or general environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound,
Improved UWB Wireless Sensor Network Algorithm for Human Intruder Localization
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ABSTRACT In this study we present a WSN algorithm for localization which increases efficiency in time, energy and cost of localization radar systems. The algorithm is designed using a hybrid of two widely used localization techniques, Time of Arrival (ToA) and Received
An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for maximizing the lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Wireless Sensor Network is made up of numerous tiny sensor nodes. These sensor nodes are battery powered. Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor network is very important. Inspired by the noval approach followed by Ant Colony Optimization algorithm
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ABSTRACT Dispatching of Mobile sensors in an efficient way is one of the major problems in larger wireless sensor networks for obtaining the event locations to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the lifetime of wireless sensor network. This work presents a With the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), many applications require for the privacy preserving. Providing an efficient privacy–preserving data aggregation in WSNs is becoming more and more important. The secure data aggregation in WSNs has been
Interference Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract. In this paper, we propose a resource allocation scheme in the frequency and time domain, to reduce interference in the Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) scenario for wireless sensor network. In the frequency domain, the macrocell allocates frequency band by using
Energy efficient heterogeneous leach with enhanced stability for wireless sensor networksystems
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network consists of one or more base station and lots of sensor nodes. These sensor nodes are scattered in a specific area and these are battery operated. Since, the energy of battery is limited alternative to this problem is either to recharge the
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network is a wireless network of sensor node and become one of the most interesting area of research. Routing technique is one of the most challenging issue in wireless sensor network. In Wireless sensor network routing among various
Deployment of nodes for Maximum Coverage in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworkUsing Genetic Algorithm
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) are large-scale ad-hoc multi-hop network deployed in a region of interest for surveillance purpose. A number of techniques and algorithms are used for coverage problem but coverage is still an active issue in WSNs. This paper introduces a range–based localisation technique namely row matching algorithm (RMA) for wireless sensor network (WSN). In WSN, all stationary targets are configured to broadcast beacon messages periodically using their IDs towards a mobile anchor node
Study and Comparison of Chain Based Protocol to Enhance Energy Utilization in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network is an ad hoc network. Each sensor is defined with limited energy. Wireless sensor node deployed into the network to monitor the physical or environmental condition such as temperature, sound, vibration at different location. Each
Energy Efficient Hierarchical Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Hierarchical routing protocols are critical for the wireless sensor networks (WSN) to maximize its lifetime, but the existing protocols are prone to lead nodes in clusters to die early due to ignoring the state of neighbors in the cluster head decision. A WSN is a
A Localization Technique in Wireless Sensor Network based on Angle of Arrival
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists many sensor nodes across the network. In this paper every sensor node is aware about the physical position of sensor nodes in wireless sensor network. The determination of position of sensor nodes can be
An Outlier detection approach with data mining in wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks had been deployed in the real world to collect large amounts of raw sensed data. However, the key challenge is to extract high level knowledge from such raw data. Sensor networks applications; outlier/anomaly detection has been
Wireless Sensor Network for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
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ABSTRACT Indoor air quality monitoring system consists of wireless sensor device, nRF24L01 wireless transceiver modules, C8051MCU, STM32103 remote monitoring platform, alarm device and data server. Distributed in the interior space of wireless sensors measure
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network consists of many sensor nodes which are deployed to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to pass the collected data to a base station. Though wireless sensor network is subjected to have major applications in all the
Energy Issues in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey Report
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ABSTRACT Energy efficient announcement is a significant requirement of energy- constrained in underwater wireless sensor networks. Acoustic communication dominates energy usage in underwater sensor network. Gaining of energy for sensor is the major
A Study on Clustering Architecture and Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT To improve the effectiveness and QoS of service in a sensor network there are number of communication and localization architectures followed by sensor network. One of such architecture is clustering architecture. This architecture restrict the communication to
Peak Transmission of Typical Aware Aggregated Data Using Potential Based Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Sensor system comprising of hubs with restricted battery power and wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the environments in an independent way, and in this manner can uphold bottomless requisitions such as habitat
Traffic Control Mechanism Considering Packet Priority in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks should transfer a large quantity of multimedia data in a timely manner within a limited time; thus, it is very important to provide a low degree of delay and the maximum throughput. This paper proposes an efficient traffic
Effect of Varying Packet Interval Time on Multihop Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The distinguishing characteristics of sensor networks are that they are basically infrastructure less, self configured wireless networks used to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, sounds etc. which and communicate with each other
Comparative Analysis: Energy Efficient Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In recent years Wireless Sensor Networks, turn into a famous area of research and development due to the advancement of tiny, cheap, disposable and self-contained battery powered computers, known as sensor nodes or motes , which can accept input from an
Advanced Applications of Wireless Sensor Network Using Sensor Cloud Infrastructure
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The paper Semantic reasoning with contextual ontologies on sensor cloud environment by K. Park et al. presents a massive contextual events handling scheme on a big data framework based on a context-aware inference model with the contextual ontologies and
Idleness Scheming and Intrusion Tolerance using Acknowledgement through Multipath Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In this research, we propose the controlling of duplication of Components or data to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single component in HWSN, by using dynamic multipath routing to send data to sink (base station) in the presence of unreliable
A Survey about Location-Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT. Mobile sink based routing strategies for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have drawn a lot of research attention in recent years. If sink mobility pattern is well designed, better WSNs performance can be achieved. In this paper, we provide a survey of state-of-
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) simulation framework using MatLab software
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have attracted much attention in recent years. The potential applications of WSNs are immense. They are used for collecting, storing and sharing sensed data. WSNs have been used for various applications including habitat
Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Environmental Condition on a Farmland
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ABSTRACT In recent time, the wireless sensor network technology has found its implementation in precision agriculture as a result of the need for high productivity. This paper focuses on the development of a wireless sensor network on agricultural
Hybrid Security Mechanisms for Intrusion Detection in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is of practical interest in many applications such as detecting an intruder in a battlefield. The intrusion detection is defined as a mechanism for a WSN to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or
Routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates in a wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT Geographical routing can provide significant advantages in wireless sensor networks. However in many sensor networks, it is difficult or costly to find the exact location of the nodes. The virtual coordinate techniques allow a network to acquire a coordinate
High Speed Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of sensor nodes spread over the field to sense the data. The sensed data must be gatheredtransmitted to Base Station (BS) for end user queries. Sensor nodes can be deployed in the harsh environment. As we
Wireless Sensor Network based Forewarning Models for Pests and Diseases in Agriculture–A Case Study on Groundnut
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ABSTRACT In Agriculture, microclimate plays an important role in the growth and outbreak of pests and diseases. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) enables the acquisition of both microclimate and macroclimate weather data from agricultural farms thereby facilitating
Design and implementation of wireless sensor network nodes based on BP neuralnetwork.
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ABSTRACT Routing protocol for wireless mobile sensor networks can be active, can also be passive. The network all wireless sensor node is base station and the gateway for two-way communication. To complete the training parameters, which can be called the training User Equipment (UE) as a basic device in cellular networks may contain different types of sensor module for specified usage, called multimode UE. With the natural mobility characteristics, this new type of UE is similar to an enhanced type of mobile sensor, with
Congestion DetectionMinimization in Wireless Sensor Network By Using Multipath Rate Organization Technique
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ABSTRACT In wireless sensor network to achieve higher consistency and load balancing the various multipath routing protocols have been proposed. Moreover, wireless sensor network typically incorporates heterogeneous applications within the same network. A sensor
An Improved Stable Election Based Routing Protocol with Threshold Sensitiveness forWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with the routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. Many conventional protocols for WSNs like Low Energy adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Stable Election Protocol (SEP), Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient Network (TEEN),
Self-optimization and Self-Protection (Transactional Security) in AODV Based Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT WSN technologies present significant potential in several application domains. Given the diverse nature of these domains, it is essential that WSNs perform in a reliable and robust fashion. This paper presents methods of integration of autonomic computing
The Design and Implementation of Smart Monitoring System for Large-Scale Railway Maintenance Equipment Cab Based on ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In recent years, organizations use IEEE 802.15. 4 and ZigBee technology to deliver solution in variety areas including home environment monitoring. ZigBee technology has advantages on low-cost, low power consumption and self-forming. With the rapid
RBNS Encoded Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
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(WSN) is an emergent and challenging technology that is applicable to various real life scenarios. Different routing protocols in the WSN have been proposed over the years. In this type of network the major concern is the energy constraint sensor nodes that operate on
Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network using the Concept of Local and Global Query
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks consists of large number of sensor nodes. The sensor nodes are basically the battery powered devices. These devices are used to communicate with each other. The devices use the wireless medium to communicate. The sensor nodes In this paper we summarise the results of our research concerned with the development, implementation and evaluation of a software framework for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) localisation-high performance localisation system (HPLS). The system can be
Tsunami Detection and forewarning system using Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey
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ABSTRACT The Tsunami is a natural disaster which can occur over a rapid period of time. The timely report and the responses are very much important to reduce the losses. Certain methods are being followed to detect and inform the public. One of the reliable methods is
A Nodes Deployment Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Distribution
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network coverage is a basic problem of wireless sensor network. In this paper, we propose a wireless sensor network node deployment algorithm base on distribution in order to form an efficient wireless sensor network. The iteratively greedy
MIHOP: Energy Efficient Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged as an effective solution for a wide range of applications. Most of the traditional WSN architectures consist of static nodes which are densely deployed over a sensing area. Various radio applications in the wireless
Novel approach for security in Wireless Sensor Network using bio-inspirations.
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ABSTRACT Exploring the symbiotic nature of biological systems can result in valuable knowledge for computer networks. Biolog ically inspired approaches to security in networks are interesting to evaluate because of'the analogies between network security and
Security Issues and Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network
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of the most growing technology for sensing and performing the different tasks. Such networks are beneficial in many fields, such as emergencies, health monitoring,
An energy efficient network life time enhancement proposed clustering algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networking is an emerging technology that promises a wide range of potential applications in both civilian and military areas. A wireless sensor network (WSN) typically consist of a large number of low cost, low power and multi-functional sensor
eWISENS: Educational Wireless Sensor Network Simulator
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ABSTRACT The basic features of a software system developed to support the teaching of Wireless sensor networks, and the experiences gained in using it in the Wireless sensor networks course at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, have
Developing Web of Things Application for Wireless Sensor Network Based Vehicular Pollution Monitoring
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ABSTRACT The strength of sensor networks is quite vast when it is applied for collecting physical data in real time and storing for further analysis. The impossible measurements by conventional methods have now become possible by using this technology. Air quality
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ABSTRACT Water is one of the most important elements on earth, if there will no water there will be no life. It is inevitable to conserve and save water for future security and sustainability. Several technological approaches have been formulated in past but depicted substantial
Comparative Study of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network Using NS-2 Simulator
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network is an important communication tool used in many applications. There are various routing protocols which can provide significant benefits to wireless sensor networks in terms of both performance and reliability. Many routing
An Energy Efficient Protocol for Hexagonal Grid-Based Wireless Sensor Network Using Super nodes
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) differ from traditional wireless communication networks in various characteristics. One of them is the power awareness since the batteries of sensor nodes have a limited lifetime and are difficult to be replaced. Therefore, all
Development of a Portable Wireless Sensor Network to Enhance Post-Occupancy Commissioning
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In many modern buildings, a performance gap between as-designed and as-operated energy consumption is observed. Through the building life cycle, different commissioning strategies can contribute to reducing this gap. However, before considering the
Performance Comparison Of Different Routing Protocols Over Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN), is a distributed network of sensor nodes which performs critical tasks in many applications. The efficiency of WSN strongly depends upon the routing protocol used. The routing protocols developed for these networks need to
A novel model of ZigBee in wireless sensor network based on CMOS image sensor and BP neural network.
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ABSTRACT BP neural network is the error back propagation neural network, which consists of an input layer, one or more hidden layers and one output layer, each composed of a certain number of neurons. CMOS image sensor is not only the complete elimination of
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of small light weighted wireless nodes which are highly distributed and deployed in large numbers. Wireless sensor networks provide an economic approach for the deployment of the control devices and distributed
Monitoring of traffic noise in an urban area using a wireless sensor network
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Summary Developments in systems for monitoring environmental noise have made it possible to monitor the acoustic situation within large urban areas. The developments in hardware size and costs, combined with the developments in wireless communication
Efficient Node Localization in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is a distributed collection of nodes which are resource constrained and capable of operating with minimal user attendance. Wireless sensor nodes operate in a cooperative and distributed manner. Such nodes are usually embedded in
Design of an Easy-to-Use Bluetooth Library for Wireless Sensor Network on Android
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a lightweight library to develop Bluetooth related applications in Android environment for wireless sensor network. Bluetooth based communication can be applied by some basic steps including enquiry, authorization and
Energy Efficient Mobile Replica Detection in Wireless Sensor Network based on Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test
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Summary-In wireless sensor network, an attacker can capture sensor nodes and can compromise sensor nodes. Then would create duplicate nodes and built up various attacks using duplicate nodes, inserts into the network. This is happened because of unattended
Wireless Sensor Network Based Early Warning and Alert System for Radioactive Radiation Leakage
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ABSTRACT One of the greatest threats to earth's survival are radioactive radiations which contaminates the environment. The main sources of the radioactive radiations are nuclear power plants. Measures need to be taken to protect the environment and the individuals
Application of ZigBee wireless sensor network and GPRS in development of intelligent logistics system.
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the design of wireless sensor node is serial communication module with IEEE/ZigBee transmission module to replace the traditional, logistics collected data will be wirelessly sent. The GRPS communication circuit is mainly composed of a
Development of cloud computing system based on wireless sensor network protocol and routing.
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network consists of a large number of randomly distributed including integrated sensors, data processing and communication unit of small nodes through wireless self-organized network. Cloud computing refers to the delivery of
Context-Oriented Programming for Adaptive Wireless Sensor Network Software
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ABSTRACT We present programming ABSTRACTions for implementing adaptive Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) software. The need for adaptability arises in WSNs because of unpredictable environment dynamics, changing requirements, and resource scarcity.
RSSI-based node localization algorithm for wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT In order to overcome the problem of low accuracy of the localization algorithm based on RSSI, an improved RSSI-based location algorithm is presented in this paper. To avoid the influence of the final positioning caused by error of a single RSSI measurement
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks discover probable in military, environments, health and commercial applications. The process of transferring of information from a remote sensor node to other nodes in a network holds importance for such applications. Various
Evaluation of Encryption Method of SNEP for Implementing Security in Wireless Sensor Network using SPINS Framework.
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a collection of densely deployed sensor nodes. These nodes are prone to attack and also resource constrained. Resource accountability is also required for Security implementation in WSN. Some researchers proposed different
B-SEP: An Enhanced SEP Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks have high potential to be applied in almost every field of life. Lots of research is done which have led to many new protocols where energy efficiency is an essential consideration. Clustering is a significant technique to reduce energy
Combating Congestion Problem in Wireless Sensor Network using Combined Dominating Set Technique
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network, consist of small nodes with sensing, computation and communication capability. These sensor nodes are small tiny devices which are gathered to transfer data from one node to another. Due to failure in these sensor nodes packet may
Application of interactive multiple models and EMD analysis in signal management of wireless sensor network.
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ABSTRACT Interactive multiple models algorithm assumes that the switching model system is Markov. The basic idea of interacting multiple model algorithm is in every moment, suppose a model in the present moment effective condition, through a moment before
Intruder Detection and Forest Fire Alert System with Using Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT As humans advanced in technology, manmade and natural disasters are increasing exponentially. One of the most dangerous is the forest fire. Forest fire destroys trees which give us oxygen and it is very difficult to stop a forest fire spreading if it is not
Review on DRINA: A Lightweight and Reliable Routing Approach for In-Network Aggregation inWireless Sensor Networks
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is a collection of distributed nodes to monitor physical or environmental conditions like sound, temperature at different locations as well as to pass their data through network to a sink node. Sensor nodes in wireless sensor
Fault Tolerance and Reliability to Extend Coverage of Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network used Clustering techniques to extend the lifetime of the network. LEACH is the one from these clustering techniques to maintain the energy efficiency of sensors. The technique of selecting nodes with highest residual energy as
Development and Evaluation of a Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring System in Various Agricultural Environments
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network-based agricultural monitoring system was developed. Soil moisture and air temperature/humidity were monitored by sensor nodes of the WSN. The collected information was transmitted wirelessly to a gateway node which
Network Synchronization Coding for Wireless Sensor Network Device
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are emerging at faster rate in practical industrial applications. During the communication process the packets are transferred via wireless media. The precision of data transferred is dependent on the synchronization approach
A Modified broadcast strategy for distributed signal estimation in a wireless sensor networkwith a tree topology
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ABSTRACT We envisage a wireless sensor network (WSN) where each node is tasked with estimating a set of node-specific desired signals that has been corrupted by additive noise. The nodes accomplish this estimation by means of the distributed adaptive node-specific
Environmental Monitoring in Museums Based on Wireless Sensor Network via Cell Phone
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ABSTRACT Conservation of artworks in museums is a crucial issue to prevent their degradation. Thus, it is fundamental to continuously monitor the environment where artifacts are located. The WISE-MUSE project proposes the use of WSNs (wireless sensor
Impact of varying packet size on multihop routing protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The sensor networks basically infrastructure less, self configured wireless networks used to monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, sounds etc. which and communicate with each other using radio signals. The sensor nodes have non chargeable
A Formal Co-Simulation Approach for Wireless Sensor Network Development
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes a Formal Co-simulation (FoCoSim-WSN) framework to provide a good software engineering practice for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) including high-level ABSTRACTion, separation of concerns, strong verification and validation Localisation of sensors within wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with the help of mobile beacons (MB) has been shown to be effective. MB is flexible, movable and a powerful replacement for static beacons. The path of a MB within a field of interest is a determining
ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network Technology
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network (WSN) consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN consists of many inexpensive wireless sensors, which are capable of collecting,
Threshold Based Clone Avoidance in AODV for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) is collection of sensor nodes and it is self configuring, dynamically changing, multi hop wireless network which forms a communication network via multi hop wireless network connection. Nodes in the network communicate
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ABSTRACT Recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, wireless communication, and digital electronics have enabled the development of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional sensor nodes that are small in size and can communicate with
Generation of Discrete Frequencies for Wireless Sensor Network Using ZigBee
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ABSTRACT In this study, a system of discrete frequencies generation via a series of microring resonator (MRR) is presented. Chaotic signals can be generated by a Gaussian pulse within a MRR system. Large bandwidth signals of optical soliton are generated by input pulse
Filtering method in wireless sensor network management based on EMD algorithm and multi scale wavelet analysis.
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ABSTRACT Time frequency analysis method based on EMD is an adaptive frequency analysis method, the data need a total of two basic steps: firstly, it decomposes the signal into several basic function component, then the time-frequency analysis using Hilbert
BHDP Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network under Black Hole Attack
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are popular to today, the security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a main issue due to the naturally limitations of computational capacity and power usage. The Black Hole attack is one of the main attacks that challenge the
Design of intelligent sensor based on BP neural network and ZigBee wireless sensor network.
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ABSTRACT Intelligent sensor is a sensor in addition to the basic function, zero, self calibration, self calibration and has the function of automatic adjustment, along with logic judgment and the ability of information processing, can be a measurement signal The low computing power of sensors and especially their limited energy are obstacles to the deployment of advanced techniques, and many of the researchers are still searching for better solutions, which can accommodate security, would meld lifetime and a good latency In this paper, we present a deterministic key pre-distribution scheme for wireless sensor network using combinatorial designs adapting a group-and cluster-based approach. Clusters are formed by taking a collection of nodes, and those clusters are further taken
Design and implementation of monitoring information system based on wireless sensor network technology.
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network node includes: the perception component, embedded processor, memory, and communication software components this several parts. Wireless sensor network is composed of one or more base stations (Sink node) and a large number
Proficient Energy Consumption Aware Model in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In this paper, focus is on energy aware model of wireless sensor networks in which each sensor node randomly and alternatively stays in an active or sleep mode. The active mode consists of two phases, the full-active phase and the semi-active phase. When a
Intelligent Cluster Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network based on GA
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K Jeet, A Kumar International Journal for Scientific Research and 2015 ijirst.org ABSTRACT Interconnection of sensor nodes forming a network called wireless sensor network (WSN). The difference between the WSN and traditional wireless networks is that sensors are extremely sensitive to energy consumption. Energy saving is the crucial issue in Whereas various aspects in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been extensively investigated, the quality of service (QoS) control remains relatively unexplored. QoS is defined as the number of awakened sensors in a WSN. Sensor deaths (caused by running
Channel Characterization in Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in Commercial Environment
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One of the main challenges in retail business is to increase distribution efficiency as well as providing a better user experience when shopping. Because of that, the interest towards real time logistic analysis as well as added value functionalities, such as in-building guidance
Designing and Implementing a Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Work Modes inWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In this paper it is tried to present a solution for optimizing energy consumption in the sensors of wireless network by using distributed genetic algorithm and solving the famous problem of graph coloration. this idea formed by modeling sensors of wireless network by
Maximizing transported data before partition in a wireless sensor network.
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ABSTRACT We consider a structured sensor network in which sensors and relays are arranged in a regular grid. Sources S1, S2,, SK are located sequentially at the top row, and destinations D1, D2,, DK are arranged in an arbitrary order at the bottom row; data from
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ABSTRACT Sensor networks are dense wireless networks of small, low-cost sensors, which collect and disseminate environmental data. Wireless sensor networks facilitate monitoring and controlling of physical environments from remote locations with better accuracy. They
A wireless sensor routing and security protocol by BP neural network and ant colony optimization algorithm.
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ABSTRACT This paper introduces the wireless sensor network routing protocol and its security, and introduces the main several kinds of routing protocols, including the data centric routing protocol, hierarchical routing protocols and location-based routing protocol,
Two Centralized Energy-Efficient Deployment Algorithms for Mobile Nodes in a MixedWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT. The coverage problem is a fundamental issue in wireless sensor network (WSN). As the sensor nodes of WSN has limited energy, energy saving becomes important in increasing the lifecycle of the network. Constructing a sensor network with a mix of mobile
Distributed Wireless Sensor Network Localization Algorithm Using Space Standard Normal Vector (SSNV)
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ABSTRACT In this paper a low cost but effective localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is introduced. From the proposed scheme unknown nodes only have to listen to three anchor nodes and establish a space standard normal vector (SSNV) to Network without security becomes a threat to integrity and authentication. Sensor network consists of cheap, tiny devices which can be incarcerated to provide erroneous data to the concerned authority. Hence integrity and authentication becomes a foremost concern.
Analysis of Clustering Algorithms In Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are infrastructure less. It monitors physical or environmental conditions. The network and users interact through base station. WSN consists of thousands of sensor nodes. Sensor nodes communicate among themselves
Event Driven Clustering Scheme and Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Network-A Review
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor networks are collection of huge number of sensor nodes that sense the environmental and physical conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, sound etc. and send it to the sink. Sensor nodes in the wireless sensor network have
Intrusion Detection System Based on Integration of Neural Network for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT According to the energy constrained, low-storage space and limited computing ability of wireless sensor network nodes, an intrusion detection model based on GA-Ll\/IBP was proposed. Compared with traditional methods, the program takes advantage of offline
Wireless Sensor Network: Architecture, Design Issues and Applications
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks is composed of large number of nodes that have capabilities to sense their surroundings, perform computations and communicate wirelessly to their neighbor nodes and base station. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of the
A Technical and Business Perspective on Wireless Sensor Network for Manufacturing Execution System
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ABSTRACT Motivated by the complex production management with difficulties in error-prone assembly system and inaccurate supply chain inventory, this paper designs a manufacturing execution system (MES) architecture based on wireless sensor network (WSN), and
An DDS based Architecture in Supporting of Data Centric Wireless Sensor NetworkEnvironments
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged as one of the most promising technology to provide a wide variety of industrial applications. However, it is still failing to respond in a timely fashion service. In contrast to existing studies, we propose a more
Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT. The performance of a wireless network depends on routing algorithm and Routing Protocol. An optimal routing algorithm means less transmission delay, high packet arrival rate and proper network congestion control. This work focuses on the simulation analysis
A Review: Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network by using Mobile Agent
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ABSTRACT wireless sensor network is the wide collection of multiple nodes where each node can sense, processing and communicating with each other. Mobile agents play a major role in the wireless sensor network. Mobile agent collects the data to the source nodes
How to reduce the Ethernet Delay in Wireless Sensor Network
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The advancement of technologies has made it possible to produce tiny wireless sensor devices. These sensors are group together so that their coverage can be maximized. In this paper, we propose the various techniques like closest point approach (CPA), clustering,
Safety and Health Monitoring of Bridge Construction Based on Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT The existing safety and health monitoring methods for bridge construction are mainly manual monitoring and wired monitoring with many disadvantages, such as low efficiency, poor accuracy, great implementation difficulty, short bridge age, etc. To solve
Energy Efficient Node Disjoint Multipath Routing for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Some of the major challenges confronting wireless sensor networks are usually associated with scarcity of energy and resource limitations. In order to achieve efficient utilization of energy and increase the operational lifetime of the wireless sensor network
Design of wireless sensor network node based on CyFi technology and ARM7 system.
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ABSTRACT This paper presents design of wireless sensor network node based on CyFi and ARM7 system. The system is based on ARM7 system with high performance and low power LPC2214 as hardware platform, and the system is designed based on the principle of
Energy Efficient RFID Technique for Wireless Sensor Network-A Review
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is a technology that provides monitoring. Wireless sensor play an important role in the processing of structural response data. This network also has some design issues. These issues become benchmark during deployment of the
Improved GAF in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Now a day in our daily life a wireless technology has been commonly used. There are various advantages of using wireless network but also there are lots of challenges to make a wireless network useful. Its energy consumption is a crucial challenge which
A Clustering Routing Protocol for Energy Balance of Wireless Sensor Network based on Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm.
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ABSTRACT The LEACH is a popular protocol used in wireless sensor network analysis and simulation. This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of LEACH protocol and then puts forward a clustering routing protocol for energy balance of wireless sensor
Wireless Sensor Network Based Web Enabled Application Framework for Fire Monitoring
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ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the implementation of Open Geospatial Consortium's (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement for developing innovative fire detection and control prototype for real estate infrastructures. The system consisting of number of low cost sensors installed
Research on Improved Routing Algorithms of Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Because of the influence of energy consumption of wireless sensor network, the location information of nodes in wireless sensor networks is very important, the current general localization algorithm is not suitable for harsh environment. This paper proposes
Efficient Clustering Technique for Cooperative Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The nodes of a wireless sensor network (WSN) collect the data of interest from the deployment area and cooperatively send it to sink in multiple hops. Recently, virtual multiple input multiple output (V-MIMO) technique has been introduced in which the node
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is composed of a large number of small nodes with limited functionality. The most important issue in this type of networks is energy constraints. In this area several researches have been done from which clustering is one
A Review of Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The design of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a very challenging issue. In this article, we consider a review of wireless sensor networks designed to collect and store data using mobile agents. Mobile Agent (MA) based applications research activities have
Priority-based Traffic Control Mechanism in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks should transfer a large quantity of multimedia data in a timely manner within a limited time; thus, it is very important to provide a low degree of delay and the maximum throughput. This paper proposes an efficient traffic
Optimal Design of the Wireless Sensor Network on Environmental Monitoring
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Page 1. Optimal Design of the Wireless Sensor Network on Environmental Monitoring Zhi-guo Cheng1, a, Jun Pan2,b, Su-xian Chen3,c a21884998 qq.com, bpanjun1 163.com, ccheng2188 sina.com Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network;environmental monitoring
Algorithm of Shadow for Diffraction in Forests based on a Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Diffraction loss and the shadow of diffraction, which account for the growth of trees based on wireless sensors, longdistance, real-time, and accurate automatic acquisition of environmental information, were presented to meet the requirements for a wireless sensor
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ABSTRACT In wireless sensing element networks, energy consumption is mostly related to the number of sent information once communication is that the activity of the network that consumes additional energy. This work proposes Associate in Nursing algorithmic
Collaborative Re-Localization Method in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network Based on Markov Decision Process
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ABSTRACT Localization in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), particularly in areas like surveillance applications, necessitates triggering re-localization in different time periods in order to maintain accurate positioning. Further, the re-localization process should be
Coverage Improvement by Using RNCHE Algorithm Based on LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Maximization of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) lifetime cannot be achieved without carefully scheduling the energy utilization. Energy saving represents one of the important factors that should be taken into account during the design of any routing
A Survey about Routing Protocols with Mobile Sink for Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT Mobile sink node properly used in routing protocols can improve network performance. Thus we investigate the state-of-the-art mobile sink based query-based and location-based routing protocols. The latter strategy can be further classified into
Enhance Security Mechanism for Securing SCADA Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are vital components of most nation's critical infrastructures. SCADA systems are primarily control systems. They control pipelines, water and transportation systems, utilities, refineries, chemical plants,
Performance Evaluation of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT -This paper gives performance of LEACH protocol. LEACH is the first network protocol that uses hierarchical routing for wireless sensor networks to increase the life time of network. All the nodes in a network organize themselves into local clusters, with one
Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Using Cognitive Radio Concept
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ABSTRACT As the demand for wireless increases there is rapid development of various wireless technologies. The users want to use wireless communication services anytime and anywhere. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are expected to play an important role in
Optimization of Base Station and Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT Maximizing the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) lifetime is one of the most remarkable studies in the academic and the industrial research. In the existing Base station locations, the sensor network lifetime is short due to higher energy consumption. Higher
A New Approach for Traffic Management in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Multimedia applications have become an essential part of our daily lives, and their use is flourishing day by day. In Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs), large volume of multimedia data is transmitted through the network. If the traffic load is greater
Research on the Time Synchronization Technology of Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The paper studies the basic characteristics and the definition of the wireless sensor networks, the time synchronization of wireless sensor network and the algorithm of time synchronization in wireless sensor networks.
An Improved Green Energy Granary Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT In the study of granary monitoring, many research projects are involved in environmental monitoring in recent years. However, most existing studies are interested in the outdoor natural environment monitoring. Few of them focus on the indoor monitoring.
The Design of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway based on ZigBee and GPRS.
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International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol.7, No.2 (2014), pp.47-56 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijfgcn.2014.7.2.05 The Design of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway based on ZigBee and GPRS Yanan Wang 1 Lingling Si 2 and Shuo
Analysis of Dead Node in Wireless Sensor Network Denial of Sleep Attack
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ABSTRACT With the progression of computer networks extending boundaries and joining distinct locations, wireless sensor networks (WSN) comes as a new frontier in developing opportunities to collect and process data from remote locations. Usually, some nodes act
An Intuitive Dominant Test Algorithm of CP-nets Applied on Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT A wireless sensor network is of spatially distributed with autonomous sensors, just like a multi-Agent system with single Agent. Conditional Preference networks is a qualitative tool for representing ceteris paribus (all other things being equal) preference statements, it
Effects of Wireless Sensor Network Uncertainties on Output-Only Modal Analysis Employing Merged Data of Multiple Tests
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The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has become a promising approach due to many advantages such as low cost, fast and flexible deployment. However, inherent technical issues such as data
Flower pollination optimization algorithm for wireless sensor network lifetime global optimization
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ABSTRACT As wireless sensor networks still struggling to extend its lifetime, nodesclustering and nomination, or selection of cluster head node are proposed as solution. LEACH protocol is one of the oldest remarkable clustering approaches that aim to cluster the networks
Design of Wireless Sensor Network Node Based on RFID Technology
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Design of Wireless Sensor Network Node Based on RFID Technology Networking and wireless sensor network is the current concern in the international community, involving a high degree of cross multidisciplinary, highly integrated knowledge of the hot research fields.
Design of the New Efficient Decripting Machine, that can be Applied to the Wireless Sensor Network, Based on the GF (2 n) Field Theory and the Modified RSA
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ABSTRACT Here we show the new modified RSA algorithm that can be applied to the WSN. Plaintext is converted into ciphertext by means of an encryption engine (again, generally a computer program) whose operation is fixed and determinate (the encryption method) but
Hybrid Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) was developed to improve the performance of data compression. Hybrid Fast Zonal-DCT with DWT is proposed to enhance the image compression during the transmission in WSN. The reduction in power consumption relies
Energy-Efficient Methods to Maximize Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks with Adjustable Sensing Ranges
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ABSTRACT we study the target coverage problem for wireless sensor networks where every sensor node is capable of adjusting its sensing range. Our aim is to increase the network lifetime by increasing the number of cover sets as many as possible. A cover set is a
A Proposed Zonal Concept in LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor networks consisting of nodes with limited battery power and wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the sensor field. It is very difficult for the sensor network to operate for a long period of time in an energy During last few years, the high environmental humidity and salinity in areas close to the sea have caused degeneration of the construction materials. Due to this, several building have collapsed. Several studies demonstrated that it is very difficult to predict these cases. For
Evaluation for Alive Node on Wireless Sensor Network Denial of Sleep Attack
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained worldwide attention in recent years. Wireless sensor network consists o many nodes. Battery is the main power source in a sensor node. Usually, some nodes act maliciously and they are able to do different kinds
Survey on Energy Efficient Approach for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT There has been a current appearance of multimedia streaming function over sensor networks, such as multimedia surveillance storage of potentially applicable behaviour from network cameras traffic circumstances and collision avoidance. Though, wireless sensor
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network consists of nodes which communicate with each other with wireless channel. A general conception of wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes is static and it remains fixed in their position. It has been deployed in dominant manner for
Priority Based Routing for Forest Fire Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Recently, forest fire monitoring system in wireless sensor networks has received much attention. The conventional scheme receives fire alert data quickly to inform about fire forest event. However, since two or more nodes may detect a fire, high priority fire
Mobile Agent-Based Routing Optimization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT. Wireless sensor network has features such as the limited energy of nodes and poor processing ability. A framework for mobile agent-based data fusion is proposed, whose routing strategy was implemented by using approximation algorithm. The theoretical
A The Path Transmission Mechanism of Wireless Sensor Network Research
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ABSTRACT Large time delay is one of the key problems of mobile wireless sensor networks, has been working in reducing mobile wireless sensor network data delay has made certain achievements, but for large scale wireless sensor network (WSN) these methods still can This study used the wireless sensor network (WSN) technique to design a bike device module, a bike path establishment module and a cloud service module. These three modules were used to address issues related to cycling activities, including green power
Innovative Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network Architecture Using Satellites and High-Altitude Platforms
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network has many applications and very active research area. The coverage span of this network is very important parameter where wide coverage area is a challenge. This paper proposes an architecture for large-scale wireless sensor network (
A Scalable Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Based Architecture for Fire Disaster Monitoring in the Developing World
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E Lule, TE Bulega 2015 mecs-press.org ABSTRACT All over the world, there is a tremendous increase in disaster occurrences such as landslide, toxic gas pollutions and wild fires. Least developed countries like Uganda have taken minimal efforts in management and containment of such disasters on behalf of the
Approximation Skyline Query Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT As an important means of multiple objective decision making and data mining, skyline query in wireless sensor network gradually becomes a focus of the researches. However, due to the high communication cost of skyline queries, it is not energy efficient to
Mobility Management In Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network consist of sensors which senses some physical phenomenon then information is gathered and processed to get result. There are various issues regarding the mobility management such as coverage, connectivity, energy
Communication/Computation Trade-offs in Wireless Sensor Networks: Comparing Network-Level and Node-Level Strategies
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ABSTRACT In wireless sensor networks, nodes having limited battery resources convey data to an energy-unconstrained base station. The amount of data transmitted by a node usually depends on how much local processing is performed. In other words, more computation
Provably Secure Online/Off-line Identity-Based Signature Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT This paper describes an efficient and secure online and offline signature scheme for wireless sensor network (WSN). Security of the proposed scheme is based on difficulty of breaking Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem (BDHP). WSN systems are usually deployed in
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ABSTRACT The tremendous growth in wireless communication and digital electronics has led to the development of low-cost and low-power sensor nodes that are small in size and may communicate over short distances. Sensor nodes are deployed in hostile
A Framework for Wireless Sensor Network Fault Rectification
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained worldwide attention in recent years. These are of great significance in resolving many real-world problems, and have attracted increasing research interests in recent years. In this paper, we consider a hybrid sensor
Optimal Control Model for Attack of Worms in Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of large number of sensor nodes which communicate with each other through wireless medium. Such networks are prone to the attack of self-replicating worms known as malware used to bring different form of
Optimization techniques for Routing in Wireless Sensor Network.
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ABSTRACT Recent developments in wireless communications led to the development of low- cost, low-power wireless sensor networks (WSN) which is widely used these days. Minimizing energy consumption and hence maximizing the lifetime of the network are key
Analyze the Performance of Divide and Conquer Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network of small light weight wireless nodes which are highly distributed and deployed in large numbers. There are some issues in wsn like scalability, deployment, energy consumption and many more. There are also many
Secure Authentication Technique in Wireless Integrated Sensor Network: Virtual Certificate Authority
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network wireless sensor networks are continuously growing, so does the need for effective security mechanisms. WSN consists of large number of Sensor Nodes (SN). During the transmission of data from one node to another node, different
A New Pluggable Framework for Centralized Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel energy aware centralized dynamic clustering routing framework for large-scale Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The main advantage of the proposed method is pluggability of clustering algorithms in the framework. It uses some
Clustering Structure and Deployment of Node in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Generally, grouping sensor nodes into clusters has been widely adopted by the research community to satisfy the above scalability objective and generally achieve high energy efficiency and prolong network lifetime in large scale WSN environments. The A continuous monitoring system, based on wireless sensor networks, is proposed to help preserve paper rolls at printing facilities and paper mills. The system consists of four main components: environmental monitoring nodes, a base station, an application/database
Automated switching mechanism for indoor and outdoor propagation with embedded RFID and GPS in wireless sensor network platform
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ABSTRACT The present paper relates to a development of tracking system using active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) embedded with Global Positioning System (GPS) for wirelessly receiving and transmitting indoor and outdoor location data within the coverage
Key Management Mechanism for Authentication Security in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Since the multi-user broadcast authentication protocol in current WSN cannot provide strong safety, perfect scalability and low energy consumption simultaneously. A certificateless key managing scheme based on identity is studied in this paper. The
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network are emerging in various fields like environmental monitoring, mining, surveillance system, medical monitoring. LEACH protocol is one of the predominantly used clustering routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. In Leach
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ABSTRACT Mobile Wireless sensor network (MWSN) is one of the recently emerging areas in which mobility of sensor nodes play a major role. Sensor nodes are allowed to move freely and are allowed to communicate with each other without a need for fixed infrastructure.
Energy Efficient with Network Coding Multipath Routing Algorithm in Wireless SensorNetworks
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ABSTRACT Network coding is a new paradigm in data transport and promises to change many aspects of wireless sensor network (WSN). Thanks to the recently developed network coding techniques, a high-throughput low-complexity hierarchical protocol can be facilitated due
Linear network coding in convergecast of wireless sensor networks: friend or foe
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ABSTRACT Convergecast is probably the most common communication style in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). And linear network coding (LNC) is a promising concept to improve throughput or reliability of convergecast. Most of the existing works have mainly focused
Photovoltaic Power Supply for an Airliner Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT We present here an autonomous, battery-free power supply, which captures, manages and stores energy from the environment, using photovoltaic cells and supercapacitors under harsh environmental conditions. Keywords Flight Tests, Sensor
Channel Encryption in Wireless Camera Sensor Network
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Wireless Camera Sensor Network. Many encryption algorithms are used for encryption purposes. A new encryption algorithm is proposed in this paper. It depends on three secret parameters and four key-updating processes. It is compared with other encryption
data transmission in wireless sensor network
Prioritizing sensed data transmission by consensus relation in wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT In this work we propose an approach to prioritizing order of transmission of sensed data in wireless sensor network that are very popular in, for example, environmental monitoring. The approach is based on determination of a consensus relation which is in"
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ABSTRACT Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using radio communication. Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. Wavelet
A Review on Multiple Single Hop Clustering Based Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The most important objectives of wireless sensor network are to enhance or to increase the lifetime of the sensor network and also to use the energy of the network effectively. Many traditional approaches had been proposed in wireless sensor network (
Energy EfficientSecured Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network-A Review
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Abstract A wireless sensor network (WSN) have many different spatially distributed independent sensors to observe physical or environmental conditions, such as sound, temperature, pressure, etc. and to pass their data to a main location through the network.
Urgent Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Paper wireless sensor networks is a growing class of highly dynamic, complex network environment on top of which a wide range of applications, such as habitat monitoring, object tracking, precision agriculture, building monitoring and military systems
Secure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network Using Randomized Dispersive Routing Algorithm
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Abstract Security threats encountered in a wireless sensor network, so various security providing algorithms are available. In this paper, study of routing mechanisms that circumvent (bypass) black holes formed by these attacks. The existing multi-path routing
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ABSTRACT One of the current trends of the wireless sensor network is the data transmission. The problems in data sensor networks are coverage problem and connectivity issues. A data wireless sensor networks is the emerging field that is having the challenges in each field
Deployment of Multiple Base Stations to Counter Effects of Black Hole on Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In networking, black holes refer to places in the network where incoming traffic is silently discarded (or" dropped"), without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient. The black hole attack is one of the simplest routing attacks in WSNs. In
Peak Transmission of Typical Aware Aggregated Data Using Potential Based Dynamic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Sensor system comprising of hubs with restricted battery power and wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the environments in an independent way, and in this manner can uphold bottomless requisitions such as habitat
Counter Effects of Black Hole Attack on Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networkwith Multiple Base Stations
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PG Dighe, MB Vaidya ijeit.com ABSTRACT In networking, black holes refer to places in the network where incoming traffic is silently discarded (or" dropped"), without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient. The black hole attack is one of the simplest routing attacks in WSNs. In
Secured Transmission of Attribute Aware Aggregated Data In Wireless Sensor Network
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B Muthulakshmi, GM George ijsetr.org ABSTRACT Wireless sensor nodes can be deployed in various environment to collect the information in an autonomous manner, that it can various applications such as traffic monitoring, pressure and temperature sensing etc. Different kind of sensor nodes can be
Transmission Transmission Transmission Scheme with Data with Data Authenticationin Authentication in Wireless Sensor Network Sensor Network Sensor
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ABSTRACT Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are gaining research interest due to the availability of low-cost cameras and CMOS image sensors, also due to their broad application opportunities. The energy and resource constrained environment of WMSNs Want to get tge base paper of the title Development on gas leakage detection and location system based on wireless sensor networks