WSN-Wireless sensornetworks IEEE PAPER 2017
An Approach of MobileWireless Sensor Networkfor Target Coverage andNetworkConnectivity with Minimum Movement
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Abstract-A Mobilewireless sensor networkis a set of physically distributedsensornodes. Sensornode is a smallwirelessdevice with limited battery life, radio transmission range and storage size. Asensornode performs the task of collecting important data, processing the
Reconstruction of Path using Compressive Sensing in DynamicWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: This paper presents CSPR, a compressive sensing based approach for path reconstruction inwireless sensornetworks. By viewing the wholenetworkas a path representation space, an arbitrary routing path can be represented by a path vector in the
Securable Identity Based Encryption Technique by Generating Key inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Managing secure and efficient big data aggregation methods are very enticing in the field ofwireless sensornetworks research. In real settings, thewireless sensornetworks have been broadly applied, such as objective tracking and environment remote monitoring.
A Survey on Security and Various Attacks inWireless Sensor Network
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AbstractWireless sensornetworks (WSN) have a set of algorithms and protocols with self establishing capabilities. These sensors work with every other to sense some physical phenomenon after which the information gather is processed to get relevant outcomes.
A New Technique to Enhance theWireless Sensor NetworkLifetime by Mitagate Depletion Attacks
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WSNs convert extra and additional vibrant to the ordinary operative of people and organizations, obtain ability liabilities develop less acceptable. Lack of accessibility can make the change between businesses as typical and lost efficiency, power outages,
Cost Aware SecureNetworkProtocol Design forWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT This paper concerns withSensornetworks which are a prominent representative of fastest computing technologies. The limited resources ofsensornodes and the low reliability ofwirelesscommunication pose special challenges for message routing in
Review onWireless Sensor NetworkIssues Related to Broken Link Problem
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Abstract When links consists of new weights in anetworkat the time of using router could create duplicities through performing more computationsunnecessary corrections by repeating operation for every node regardless of location of link weight change. So it could
Corrigendum toAn interference-tolerant nitrate smartsensorforWireless Sensor Networkapplications [Sens. Actuators B Chem. 213 (2015) 534 540]
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The authors regret that there is a mistake on the affiliation. It should be: Juan V. Capella (a), Alberto Bonastre (a), Rafael Ors (a), Miguel Peris (b) (a) Instituto de Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ITACA), Universitat Politècnica de
Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Cross Layer Load Balancing in Tactical Multi-gatewayWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-In a recent time owing to the expansion in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) technology, the popularity ofwireless sensor networkhas enhanced enormously. A tacticalwireless sensor network(WSN) is a distributednetworkthat collects data from the
Wireless Sensor Networkand Internet of Things (IoT) Solution in Agriculture.
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the technology of Active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) andWirelessMeshSensor Network(WMSN) that will be used in agriculture. In this paper, ZigBee technology platform is applied in 2.45 GHz and active RFID to sustain the
A Node Prioritization Based Load Balancing Approach To Improve Cluster Head Selection InWireless Sensor Network
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AbstractWireless Sensor Network(WSN) has a significant contribution in the field of emerging. Asensor networkis anetworkdefined with energy nodes. Each node ofsensor networkis defined under the energy constraints. The nodes are defined with some initial
Prediction Based Moving Object Tracking InWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-In recent years,Wireless sensor networkis one of the rapidly growing area. It consists of thousands of tinysensornodes distributed in application area. Asensornode has ability of collecting, processing, storing and transferring the sensed data from one node
Security and Timing Analysis of Hybrid Algorithm for ZigBee inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: InWireless Sensor Network sensornodes are used for monitoring and controlling action. These sensors interact with sensitive data and may operate in averse condition, hence security of thisnetworkgains higher importance. For providing security AES and E
Development of a Novel Power-Monitoring System Using Internet andWireless Sensor NetworkTechnologies
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Based on Internet and ZigBeewireless sensornetworks, in this paper, we describe a novel power-monitoring system architecture that makes the mobile deployment of power monitoring points quite easy and applicable to diverse power-monitoring targets.
Review on 3D Fuzzy Routing Based onWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: Routing protocol specifies how routers share communication with one another by spreading knowledgeinformation. Routing protocol allows checking routes in various nodes that are present onnetwork . Algorithms decide significant routes in routing; each
Performance Analysis of Clustering Protocols forWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract- Wireless sensornetworks (WSNs) are in large demand in recent years as a wide growth ofwirelessdevices. WSNs consist of lots of tiny nodeit is no longer useful when battery dies, so to avoid this issue many protocols were introduced. In this paper we
An Efficient and Reliable Methodology for Wormhole Attack Detection inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Now a days,wireless sensor networkis affected with an attack, called as wormhole attack. To deal with wormhole attack one of the widely used requirement either they use specialized hardware or in order to capture a specific pattern extra overhead over the
Improving theNetworkLife Time ofWireless Sensor Networkusing EEEMR Protocol with Clustering Algorithm
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Abstract Energy efficient routing is a one of the major trusted area inwireless sensor networks (WSNs). Thewireless sensor networkcomposed of a large number ofsensor nodes which has limited energy resource. Thesensornodes are working through the
An Outlook Investigation OnWireless SensorCommunicationNetworkRouting Algorithm Using Nature-Inspired Computing esearch Paper Title
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ABSTRACT Nature-inspired algorithms become more popular in optimization techniques. Since thewireless sensornetworks are self-powered, power minimization is very essential. Routing is the main area, which have to taken care to utilize less power. Various techniques
Wireless Sensor Networkto Monitor Environmental Parameters of Spinning Unit of Cotton Industry
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ABSTRACT It is found that, the industrial sector is demanding sophisticated electronics system, wherein the industrial parameters should be centrally monitored. The industrial parameters such as environmental humidity, temperature, leakages of hazardous gasses
Agricultural Traceable and Marketing System Based on iOS-Platform andWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract With the rapid development of Things of Internet and its related technologies such asWireless Sensor Networkand remote access system development, its application on agricultural and farming domain has become a new research direction. This paper
A survey on Object Tracking Techniques inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-WSN ( Wireless Sensor Network ) is a collection of battery powered tinysensor nodes which has ability of collecting, processing, storing and transferring the sensed data from one node to another. These capabilities makesensor networkto be used for many
An Energy EfficientWireless Sensor Networkby using Ternary with Silent Symbol Coding Technique
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Abstract: TodayWireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) are used in many industries.Wireless sensornetworks typically require low cost devices and low power operations. WSN consist of a large number ofsensornodes. Maximizing node ornetworklifetime is primary objective
Energy Harvesting Methods inWireless Sensor Network : A Review
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ABSTRACTWireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) are composed of smallsensornodes,(SNs) capable of gathering, communicating and data-processing. The energy consumption defines a challenge in several years.Sensornodes, as components ofwireless sensornetworks,
Water Quality Measuring System UsingWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract- Wireless sensor network(WSN) is the simple and basic way to measure the quality of water usingwireless sensor networktechnology powered by solar panel. To measure the quality of water in a real time application, a base station and corresponding differentsensor
Smart Fusion Based cSoC forWireless Sensor Networkfor Agricultural Applications
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ABSTRACT Nowadays, the demand of cost effective, small size and reliable instruments for agricultural applications are increases. The need of hour is covered by growing technology like System on Chip as well as communication technology. Considering such facts, the
The comparison of Energy Efficient inWireless Sensor Networkusing Various Clustering Methods and Different Protocols
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Abstract- Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) need for most challenging task on various Clustering process in Energy consumption. The clustering process of data transmission in Inter and Intra clustering, Hierarchical clustering, Layered clustering and using various
A Study on Off-path Caching Scheme by using Successive Interference Cancellation for Information-CentricNetwork -basedWireless Sensor Network
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Network ) technologies, such as IoT (Internet of Things) and M2M (Machine to Machine) are widely applicable to various fields. On the other hand, in thenetworkprotocols of future wirelessnetworks, it is required to obtain the sensing data from the summarized monitoring
SenseQ: Replying questions of Social Networks users by using aWireless Sensor Networkbased onsensorrelationships
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Abstract. Social Networks are a way of establishing communications with friends or family and a way of knowing what happens around us. However, there are not machines that provide users with information about their worries. What happens if a user wants to know if it
An Approach for Data Aggregation Strategy inWireless Sensor Networkusing MAC Authentication
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Abstract The WSN is currently in demand due to is bright application in both of the field of military and civil. However, for thewireless sensor networkhas limited energy and routing protocols are not suitable for traditionalnetwork . Data aggregation is an approach which
Development and validation of a track bicycle instrument for torque measurement using the zigbeewireless sensor network
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Abstract-This study evaluates the consistency between the bicycle torque of the proposed system, and a Schoberer Rad Messtechnik (SRM) system. The torque was measured while a trainer was cycling indoors, and the measured values were compared with those of the
Congestion Control inWireless Sensor Networkbased on PredictedSensorPosition on Movement for Body AreaNetworkApplications
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ABSTRACT WSN is a self organizednetworkconsisting of nodes. These nodes can have a small degree of movement due to medium on which they are deployed, like thesensor deployed on ocean water to detect conditions like tsunami. Since the nodes are moving, it is
An Analysis of Location Independent Key Pre distribution Schemes forWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-Security inwireless sensor networkcan be achieve by symmetric key encryption with minimum cost. The symmetric key encryption technique requires agreeing on one common secret key among two parties. Therefore it is essential to have a common key
A Novel Approach to Driving Licence Test usingWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: For eliminating the process of illegal drivers license we have innovated a unique approach for granting a license to who actually deserve. This approach can be implemented with the help ofwireless sensor network(WSN) using Bayesian logic classification algorithm
Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol forWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: One of the constraints ofwireless sensornodes is their inherent restricted energy resource. Besides maximizing the lifespan of the sensing element node, it is preferable to distribute the energy dissipated throughout thewirelesssensing elementnetworkso as to
An Approaching of Energy Management Routing Protocols inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-AWireless Sensor Network(WSN) consists of large amount ofsensornodes which are responsible for gathering and aggregation of sensation data to transfer from a source node to a destination node. Thesensornode contains a storage device, a computing device
A Healthcare Monitoring System UsingWireless Sensor NetworkWith GSM
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Abstract-This paper presents the system design for good tending mistreatmentWireless detectorNetwork(WSN) with GSM Module and Microcontroller. The paper presents observation system to observe the physiological parameters like vital sign (BP), ECG, blood
A Model of Security Adaptation for Limited Resources inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract View ofwireless sensor network(WSN) devices is small but have exceptional functionality. Each node of a WSN must have the ability to compute and process data and to transmit and receive data. However, WSN nodes have limited resources in terms of battery
Design Analyze and ImplementWireless Sensor NetworkPerformance
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Abstract- Wireless sensornetworks (WSN), sometimes calledwireless sensorand actuator networks (WSAN) are spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively
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Abstract These dayswirelesssenor networks has attention of researchers all over the world because of trending applications and tremendous benefits to the society. A balanced tradeoff is required in energy dissipation, accuracy and latency in data transmission in
Transmission Power Control forWireless Sensor Network
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AbstractWireless sensornetworks can be widely applied for a security system or a smart home system. Since some of thewirelessremotesensornodes may be powered by energy storage devices such as batteries, it is a very important issue to transmit signals at lower
Study of Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Detect Greenhouse Gases by UsingWireless Sensor NetworkTechnology
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Abstract To measure greenhouse gases in environmental atmosphere is a demanding task that requires long period of observation and large number of sensors. The integration of Wireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) currently
Optimal Routing Strategy ofWireless Sensor Networkfor Prolonging Lifetime
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For performance optimization of a large-scalewireless sensor network(WSN), we developed a new WSN called the WSN with optimal cluster head number (OCHN) and adaptive energy routing strategy (AERS) based onsensordistribution (SD) design, which is
Implementation ofWireless Sensor Networkin the Occasion of a Severe Flood a Case Study
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Abstract An attempt has been made to design and developwireless sensor networkfor early warning system of flood. The System provides early warning to resident, when flood comes so that they can save their life and their valuable goods belongs to them (such as:
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Abstract Awireless sensor network(WSN) consists of a number of sensors distributed in thesensorfield. These sensors monitor physical or environmental conditions. In Adaptive Self-ConfiguringsEnsorNetworks Topologies (ASCENT) the nodes can coordinate to
Design the structure of theWirelessRecharging forWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract To address the facility constraint drawback inwirelessdetectornetworkthe recharging batteries of detector nodes in detectornetworkthroughwirelessenergy transmission may be a nice different. To extend the period of the detectornetworkthrough
Finite Geometry Permutation Decoding forWireless Sensor NetworkApplications
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In this study, we propose a novel coding method, called geometry permutation decoding (GPD), for squaresensortopologies. The GPD algorithm provides a two-dimensional geometry construction and decodes information sequences based on this construction. The
Energy EfficientWireless Sensor Networkusing DSC-MIMO
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Abstract. Awireless sensor networkconsists of smallsensornodes, which operate with battery. In WSN, replacement of battery insensornodes is not an easy task. So, there is a requirement of energy saving schemes inwireless sensor networkthat can efficiently reduce
Detection and Prevention of Blackhole Attack inWireless Sensor NetworkUsing Ns-2.35 Simulator
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ABSTRACTWireless sensor network(WSN) is anetworkconsists of tinysensornodes made of semiconductor device distributed over a large geographical area which is used to measure environmental conditions like temperature, sound, pollution levels, humidity, wind
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Abstract-In this paper zigbee basedwireless sensor networkperformance is analysed and optimized using two differentsensoroptimization techniques.(a) Random on off time ratio (b) Coding technique. Basic concepts ofwireless sensor networkis studied in this paper and
Energy-Efficient Node Deployment inWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The advent of efficient short range radio communication and advances in miniaturization of computing devices have made possible for large-volume commercial production ofwireless sensornodes as well as large-scale real-world deployment of the
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Abstract-This paper proposes a novel environmental monitoring mechanism to integrate recentlyestablished development of an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) with WSNs for remote monitoring. The high mobility of UASs can solve the limitations associated with using
A Brief Research Study ofWireless Sensor Network
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AbstractWireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) play a major role in revolutionizing the world by its sensing technology. WSNs has emerged as that powerful technology which has multiple applications such as such as military operations, surveillance system, Intelligent Transport
Node Deployment Strategies and Coverage Prediction in 3DWireless Sensor Networkwith Scheduling
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AbstractWireless sensor network(WSN) is awireless networkof spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to monitor physical conditions. Deployment ofsensor nodes is a critical issue in WSN as it affects coverage and connectivity of thenetwork .
Long-Term Environment monitoring for IOT applications usingWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a virtual view, via the Internet Protocol, to a huge variety of real life objects, ranging from a car, to a teacup, to a building, to trees in a forest. Its appeal is the ubiquitous generalized access to the status and location of any
Feasibility Analysis of Achieving Mobile Agents forWireless Sensor Networkbased on LooCI
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Abstract Distributed sensing in combination withwirelesscommunication techniques and self-organising deployment approaches enableWirelessSensors Networks (WSN) to play a crucial role in our daily life. An increasing number of dynamic sensing applications have
Malicious Data Detection Using Binary Data with Event Detection inWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACTWireless sensornetworks (WSNs) is simpler to get to either physically or remotely. In this system, malicious data is injected onsensorhubs to create fake occasions. Existing frameworks distinguish the malicious data injections on hubs. This framework
A Distributed Clustering Technique for Energy EfficientWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-Energy of thesensornodes is the key resource for designing aWireless Sensor Network . Thenetworklifetime depends upon the battery present in thesensornodes. These sensornodes are irreplaceable once deployed. Therefore, steps to minimize thenetwork
Energy Efficiency and Security Requirements ofWirelessMedicalSensor Network
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Abstract The use of WMSN in health care appliance is a potentially very useful. Recent advances inwirelessnetworks and electronics have led to the emergence ofWireless Sensornetworks (WSNs). Healthcare applications are measured as promising fields for
Fault Diagnosis Agreement inWireless Sensor Network
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Awireless sensor network(WSN) is awireless networkconsisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices usingsensornodes in a wide range of applications. However, the reliability of a WSN is an important issue in the support of the applications. To achieve this
Wireless Sensor Networkstructure for Ground water Wells Field in Karbala City
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ABSTRACT Recently, the water resource becomes the most important conditions for living in safe. This is due to the shortage in groundwater, river resources and rain level. This project design a completesensor networkstructure to monitor the water levels and water qulity of
NetworkCoding forWireless Sensor NetworkCluster over Rayleigh Fading Channel: Finite State Markov Chain
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AbstractNetworkCoding (NC) is confirmed to be power and bandwidth efficient technique, because of the less number of transmitted packets over thenetwork .Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is usually power limitednetworkapplication, and in many scenarios it is
Energy Efficient Stable Clustering Using Density Variation forWirelessMobileSensor Network
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ABSTRACT This paper presents density variation base clustering algorithm. The proposed scheme first defines cluster formation based on density variation using DBSCAN-DLP algorithm. This algorithm discover a cluster of same relative density nodes and automatically
An analytic Study of the Key Factors Influencing the Design and Routing Techniques of aWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Awireless sensor networkcontains various nodes having certain sensing, processingcommunication capabilities. Actually they are multifunctional battery operated nodes called motes. These motes are small in sizebattery constrained. They are operated
Distributed Data Storage Scheme and Efficient Way to Process Data inWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In recent technology era datas generated are huge in number and in volume, maintaining those huge volume of data requires lot of computation. storing all data in single repository is difficult task and scholars have proposed the advantage of storing data in
MOMEE: Manifold Optimized Modeling of Energy Efficiency inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Although adoption pace ofwireless sensor networkhas increased in recent times in many advance technologies of ubiquitous-ness, but still there are various open-end challenges associated with energy efficiencies among thesensornodes till now. We
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Abstract- Wireless Sensor Networkis a collection of autonomous nodes connected to each other without any physical medium. Autonomous sensing nodes sense the target area, monitor the area, gather information and transfer it to the base station. As they are connected
Integration of Robust Different Hierarchical Routing Protocol forWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract:Wireless sensor networkis nowadays very popular important in the field of research because the world is now switching faster from wired communication to the wirelesscommunication. In our research work, we have to compare different protocols
Review Paper on Integration of Robust Different Hierarchical Routing Protocol ofWireless Sensor Network
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AbstractWireless SensorNetworks consist of small nodes with sensing and computation, communication capabilities.Wireless networkare highly dependent on specific application and are constrained by energy, storage capacity and power. To increase the lifetime of
Packet Dropping Attack and its Detection inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: Awireless sensor networkis a combines by wordswirelessandsensorin which spatially distributed autonomoussensorare used to monitor physical, environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure and to pass their data packets throughnetworkto
Solar Powered Automatic Drip Irrigation System (SPADIS) usingWireless Sensor NetworkTechnology
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Abstract-The farmers working in the farmlands are dependent on the rains, river, pond and bore wells. Even if the farm land has a water-pump, most of the time it is being kept stand still due to non-availability of grid power in the remote areas where the potential of sun light
UnderwaterWireless Sensor Networkbased on acoustic communication Using VBF
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Abstract Recently,sensornetworks have emerged as a very powerful technique for many applications, including monitoring, measurement, surveillance and control. The idea of applyingsensornetworks in underwater environments (ie, forming underwatersensor
Design of HybridizedWireless Sensor Networkusing K-Means Clustering and Genetic Algorithm
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ABSTRACT Prolonging thenetworklifetime inwireless sensornetworks (WSNs), Clustering has been recognized has one of the significant methods in achieving this, It entails grouping ofsensornodes into clusters and electing cluster heads (CHs) for all the clusters. CHs
A Review on Deployment schemes inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Present years have noticed the arrival of (WSNs) iewireless sensornetworks as a latest information-collecting prototype, in which enormous number of sensors distribute over examination field and pull out data of interests by evaluating real-world phenomena from the
A Cross-Layer Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Traffic Reallocation inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: Congestion is an essential problem inWireless SensorNetworks (WSNs). In this paper, we present a traffic allocation and reallocation algorithm based cross-layer. There are mainly two parts in this framework: Efficient COgestion Traffic Allocation (ECOTA), Efficient
Energy Efficient Target Tracking and Data Collection inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract Target tracking is the greatest important applications inwireless sensor network . A target prediction scheme is resulting from kinematics rules and theory of chance which improved the energy efficiency. Face tracking framework classifies the movements of a
NetworkCoding-based Routing inWireless Sensor Networkby using CASER
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Abstract:Wireless sensornetworks are an important for monitoring distributed remote environments. As one of the key technologies involved in WSNs, nodes fault detection is indispensable in most WSN applications. It is well known that the distributed fault detection
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Abstract- Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) are emerging because of the developments in wirelesscommunication technology and miniaturization of the hardware. WSN consists of a large number of low-cost, low-power, multifunctionalsensornodes to monitor physical
Recent Developments in Routing Protocols forWireless Sensor Network
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Growing innovation in the world represent smart environments and data for this smart world is obtained throughWireless SensorNetworks (WSN) [1], where thousands of sensors are deployed at different locations operating in different modes. Asensor networkis capable of sensing, processing
Real-Time Air Monitoring Using OxygenSensorEmbedded RFID withWirelessMeshSensor NetworkPlatform
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Abstract Air pollution caused by heavy traffic is an important issue that need be adequately addressed. The surveillance and monitoring of oxygen (O2) concentration in the air are useful in tackling the problem of air pollution and protecting humans from its effect.
Analysis of Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme inWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract:Wireless sensornetworks are remote networks and works in adhoc manner. Sensorcollects the information sensed by the self and sends it to cluster head created in clusters. Further cluster heads use to send this information to the sink where data fetched
Real Time Multi-Patient Heart Rate and ECG Monitoring System UsingWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract On one side worlds population is growing as well as aging rate is also increasing dramatically. This aging of population causing many painful diseases because of unhealthy lifestyle. Heart diseases are on the top in that list. Electrocardiogram (ECG) shows the
NetworkLifetime Enhancement Method for Sink Relocation and its Analysis inWireless SensorNetworks
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ABSTRACT: The two main challenges inWireless Sensor Network(WSN) is Lifetime-aware routing, Sensing Spatial Coverage (SSC) and extending thenetworklifetime while performing the sensing and sensed data reporting task using multi-hopping method are
Awireless sensor networkfor IOT-based ambient assisted living services
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The scientific activity of the PhD focused on the AAL (Active and Assited Living) framework, and in particular on its application on the home-automation field. The activity was mainly directed towards developingwireless(ZigBee-based) devices to monitor the activities of the
Communication power analysis of applying MQV Key agreement scheme forwireless sensor network
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Abstract in this paper, we are analyzing the amount of communication power consumed from applying MQV key agreement protocol forwireless sensor network . The estimated power outcomes that exhibits the amount of communication power consumption is largely to
Design of Hierarchical Trust based Intrusion Detection System forWireless Sensor Network[HTBID]
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Abstract In this paper, a Hierarchical Trust based Intrusion detection System [HTBID] has been proposed to effectively deal with various attacks inwireless sensor network . HTBID deals with different types of attack with the help of Hierarchical Trust evaluation protocol ABSTRACT In underwaterwireless sensornetworks (USWNs), localizing unknown nodes is essential for most applications while is more complex than that of terrestrial WSNs. In this paper, we propose a range-based localization scheme using deep neuralnetwork(DNN).
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A node is capable of gather information and communicating with each other. Assensor nodes are typically battery operated, it is important to efficiently use the limited energy of the nodes to extend the lifetime of thesensornetworks. Hence it is normal inactive nodes miss
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ABSTRACT Transferring multimedia content such as videos and images over awireless sensor networkrepresents an open subject of research. It can be treated in different ways. For instance, we can send images through thenetworkwithout compression using the
Analysis of MAC protocol for Cognitive RadioWireless Sensor Network(CR-WSN)
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Abstract-Todays spectrum environment faces so many challenges but the spectrum scarcity is one of the most critical problem. To solve this problem effectively, Cognitive radio is a perfect technology identifying the vacant portion of the spectrum and also ensuring that
NetworkClustering and Cluster Control in Energy HarvestingWirelessVideoSensorNetworks
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Abstract A novelnetworkclustering and cluster control algorithm is proposed for energy harvestingwirelessvideosensornetworks. For inter-cluster energy balance, videosensor nodes are clustered based on their distance from a base station. For intracluster energy
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V RAINA, MK JHA - Journal of Engineering , 2017 - Abstract Time synchronization between thesensornodes to reduce end to end delay for critical and real time data monitoring can be achieved by cautiously monitoring the mobility of the mobile sink node in underwaterwireless sensornetworks. The proposed Alive-in-
Energy Efficient Schemes forWireless Sensor Network(WSN)
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Abstract:-Conservation of energy is the main design issue inwireless sensor network(WSN) which is usually available at each node. Although different solutions have been introduced for typicalwirelessnetworks, cellular networks, MANET, and other short-rangewirelesslocal
A Survey of Energy Efficient Approaches ofWireless Sensor Networkfor Precision Agriculture
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Abstract Due to unpredictable weather conditions agriculture and farming facing various critical problems now a day. There is a need to improve agricultural practices so as to increase the agriculture standards. New technological advancement is going on in this field.
Review on Enhancing Security inWireless Sensor networkthrough Energy Analysis Scheme
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Abstract:Wireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) growing rapidly with a huge interest from both academia and industry as they are potentially low cost and effective. WSN are made of hundreds of constraints dependent sensors for solving real world sensitive applications. The
DNRC: An Algorithm forWireless Sensor NetworkClustering Based on Dynamic Ranking of Nodes in Neighborhoods
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Abstract Clustering of the nodes is one of the most prevalent approaches for increasing the lifetime ofwireless sensornetworks by properly managing their energy consumption. In this paper a new algorithm named DNRC is proposed for thesensornodes clustering. This
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ABSTRACTSensornetworks are densewirelessnetworks of small, low-cost sensors, which collect and disseminate environmental data, it used in a variety of fields like military surveillance, habitat monitoring, monitoring and gathering events in hazardous
Review Analysis of Optimised Routing InWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract This paper presents a literature review on WSN networks, in which the capacity of networknodes are limited with respect to energy supply, restricted computational capacity and communication bandwidth. To prolong the lifetime of thesesensornodes, designing
Enslavement ofWireless Sensor Networkto an RF Energy Harvesting System
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Abstract The abundance of telecommunications systems makes it possible to have somewhat significant quantity of radiofrequency energy in the environment. This energy can be recycled to power ultra-low-power devices such asWireless Sensor Network(WSN). In
Detecting and Minimizing Node Failure Context inWireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Node failure detection in mobilewirelessnetworks is very challenging due to node movements, thenetworkmay not be always connected, and the resources are limited. In this project, propose solutions to address the challenge specific tosensornetworks, to CSE PROJECTS