zigbee IEEE PAPER 2017
ZigBeeBased Real Time Weather Monitoring System Using Matlab GUI
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Abstract: Weather monitoring is very essential to aviation services in real time. In this project, we are monitoring the atmospheric parameters such as Temperature and Humidity through the wireless system with the help ofZigBeemodule which is operating in 2.4 GHz frequency
Photovoltaic Lighting System with Intelligent Control based onZigBeeand Arduino
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Abstract-In this article, the design and implementation of an innovative photovoltaic system prototype intelligent control lighting based on Arduino andZigBeedescribed. The lighting system is connected to a power generation system composed of isolated photovoltaic cells.
ZigBeeSensor Network Platform for Health Monitoring of Rails Using Ambient Noise Correlation
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Abstract: WSNs (wireless sensor networks) can be used for railway infrastructure inspection and vehicle health monitoring. SHM (structural health monitoring) systems have a great potential to improve regular operation, security and maintenance routine of structures with
Railway Track Fault and Obstacles Detection and Control UsingZigbee
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ABSTRACT Nowadays we face many train accidents due to track faults, obstacles etc. These problems are difficult to detect and control manually. To overcome these problems we use sensors andZigbeefor detection and control through long distance wireless communication.
Security and Timing Analysis of Hybrid Algorithm forZigBeein Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: In Wireless Sensor Network sensor nodes are used for monitoring and controlling action. These sensors interact with sensitive data and may operate in averse condition, hence security of this network gains higher importance. For providing security AES and E
Traffic Control System usingZigbeeModule
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Abstract: Traffic jams in the world today is one of the biggest concerns. Traffics jams might even lead to death of people in case of serious situations. Not only ambulance but the other emergency vehicles like Fire Brigade trucks and Police cars tend to get stuck in jams. These
Corrigendum toDevelopment and Application of aZigBee -Based Building Energy Monitoring and Control System
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In the article titledDevelopment and Application of aZigBee -Based Building Energy Monitoring and Control System [1], the authors based their article on two of their previous publications [2, 3] that are not cited. The four numbered items in the section titled5.
Development and validation of a track bicycle instrument for torque measurement using thezigbeewireless sensor network
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Abstract-This study evaluates the consistency between the bicycle torque of the proposed system, and a Schoberer Rad Messtechnik (SRM) system. The torque was measured while a trainer was cycling indoors, and the measured values were compared with those of the
Home Automation UsingZigBee
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Abstract The home automation will be necessary in modern era. Home automation is the digital connectivity among different appliances. This paper shows the potential ofZigBee through the design and implementation of home automation system.ZigBeebased home
Insecure to the Touch: A ackingZigBee3.0 via Touchlink Commissioning
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ABSTRACT Hundred millions of Internet of ings devices implementZigBee , a low-power mesh network standard, and the number is expected to be growing. To facilitate an easy integration of new devices into aZigBeenetwork, touchlink commissioning was developed.
Reduced Address Wasting inZigBee -based Networking
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AbstractZigBeeis quite feasible for applications to the construction of large-scale low-power wireless sensor networks (WSNs). AZigBeedevice can make network association after receiving an association acceptance message including a network address from a parent
Home Automation with Indoor Location Using Bluetooth Low Energy and Arduino- ZigBeeNodes
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Abstract-With the conveniences and security offered by IOT, control of devices that were created before the IOT advent by a means of devices to interface between the internet and the device Home Routers have limited capacity and are susceptible to failure under load, the
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Abstract-In this paperzigbeebased wireless sensor network performance is analysed and optimized using two different sensor optimization techniques.(a) Random on off time ratio (b) Coding technique. Basic concepts of wireless sensor network is studied in this paper and
Industrial Automation Control Using Raspberry Pi andZigbee
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ABSTRACT In this paper we can survey on industrial automation control using Raspberry Pi module andZigbeefor the monitoring of the system. It is propose for the continuous monitoring of various industrial parameters. This task is accomplished by conjunction of
A Hybrid Range-free Localization Algorithm forZigBeeWireless Sensor Networks.
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Abstract: Localization is one of the key aspects of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that has attracted significant research interest. A wide variety of proposed approaches regarding the research topic has recently emerged; however, the majority of the existing approaches are
Smart Security Management forZigbeeGPRS Protocol Using IoT Gateway
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ABSTRACT One pathway through which present day energy issues can be labelled through the minimization of energy usage in households. The actual service system only provides criticism at end of the month in form of a bill and consumed kilowatt hours (kWh). A landlord
Performance Assessment ofZigbeebasedHome Automation System.
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ABSTRACT This paper present a empirical comparison study ofZigBeeand Bluetooth. The parameters investigated are power consumption and distance in different environments. This study shows the differences and similarities for the two different short rang radio
Security Analysis ofZigbee
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Abstract This paper analyzes the security ofZigbee -a wireless communication protocol for Internetof-Things devices. We start with the components in a network usingZigbeestandard. We then give the readers an overview of the security policy, measures, and architecture.
Design of DigitalZigBeeTransmitter for IoT Application
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The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the concept of normal physical items being linked to the net and being able to identify themselves to different devices. The time period is intently identified with RFID because the technique of
Implementation ofZigBeebased Personal Area Network (PAN) for Assisting Communication for the Speech Impaired
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Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to implement a PAN (Personal Area Network) which will assist communication among the speech impaired and also help them communicate with others. In this fast growing world no one should be left behind, especially not because
Live Energy Meter and Tempered Detection usingZigbee
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ABSTRACT Smart energy meter is the requirement of todays market.Zigbeesystem is utilized in todays smart system as a communication ptotocol due to advantages of high speed data rate and lower power consumption and cost. In this paper the remote wireless Signal interference is the number one enemy of wireless systems. Recently, as wireless systems proliferate worldwide, mutual interference between heterogeneous wireless networks has drawn much attention of researchers. The commonly used short
Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System UsingZigbeeTechnology
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ABSTRACT Intelligent instruments are used in every part of our lives. It wont take much time to realize that most of our tasks are being done by Electronics. They will perform one of the most complicated tasks that a person does in a day, that of driving a vehicle. As the days of
Embedded Dam Gate Control System usingZigbeeTechnology
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Abstract: Now-a-days water scarcity has become a serious problem in India and there are many factors responsible for this like improper supply of water from the dam, improper water saving systems, etc. but one major factor is the improper opening and closing of the dam Abstract Image processing plays a major role in the efficient transmission of images. Representation of images mathematically and performing various operations in digital form makes the process more effective in todays communication systems. Performing this image
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Abstract: This paper, presents a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring patients physiological conditions continuously usingZigbee . Here the physiological conditions of the patients are monitored by sensors and the output of these sensors is transmitted viaZigbee
Computer Based Device Controlling UsingZigbee
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Abstract We are in the age where the need for wireless communication in home is increasing day by day and technologies are being discovered by the minute. The paper demonstrates a way for wireless controlling of home appliances using a Computer. The
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ABSTRACT Whenever a Bus Stops in middle the road, Driver first tries to check the problem related to the bus. If the problem is beyond solving then he calls the representative at the depot for a Mechanic. This usually takes a lot of time and due to which the bus is stuck in the
forZigBeeNetworks (KAAZ)
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Abstract- ZigBeeis considered as the best and most streamlined option available for Internet of Things devices. However, its protection system has security weaknesses, particularly regarding the key derivation and management mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a
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ABSTRACT In this paper the effect of mobility of nodes at different trajectories is analyzed on zigbeeMesh topology. Different Trajectories which are used are Helbert fitting curve, hexagon and square. To analyze the effect opnet 14.5 modeller is used. The effect is
A Comprehensive Analysis of Design and Simulation of Area Efficient CRC Algorithm forZIGBEEApplication
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Abstract In this paper, the design of area efficientZigBeeDigital Transmitter is proposed. Several researchers have designed theZigBeetransmitter using a Matlab or Simulink, a Schematic and also using VHDL which implemented through Spartan and Virtex FPGA
Efficient Beacon Collision Resolution Procedure for IEEE 802.15. 4/ ZigbeeWireless Personal Area Networks
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ABSTRACT While IEEE 802.15. 4/ Zigbeeis a promising technology for Wireless Personal Area Networks, several transmission problems are not yet resolved. In particular, the problem of beacon transmission interferences is causing the device connection loss to the
Implementation of Data Sharing Gadget in Automobile Communication UsingZigbeeTechnology
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Abstract: This project is designed for the usage of a driving assistance technology. The main intention of the mission is vehicle to vehicle and within the vehicle statistics sharing and gadget primarily based on cloud and to notify the driver about the basic data about the
Zigbeeand RFID Based Student Attendance Monitoring System with Energy Saving
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Abstract: In todays world the use of RFID technology is increased in the fields like health care, transportation, agriculture, and hospitality-industry because of most popularity of RFID technology. In our project the main purpose is that, to save the valuable time and energy
The Application and Implementation of Indoor Localization Technology based onZigBee
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Abstract With the development of localization systems like GPS and Beidou, the outdoor positioning technology is becoming more and more widely used. In contrast, due to these factors such as the over-shadings from buildings, the complexity and variability of indoor
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes an innovative design to develop a system to monitor and control various electrical loads from the substation. The design generally consists of two units, one in the substation unit, called as transmitter unit, and another one is the Main
ZigbeeBased Wireless A Remote Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring System
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Abstract: The increasing quantity of CO2 is a big problem leading to global warming. Therefore it is necessary to properly design a system to monitor the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to prevent the debacles of future. This paper gives us details about how to
ZigBeeSecurity Using Public Key Steganography
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ABSTRACTZigBeean IEEE 802.15. 4 based specification is a low cost, low complexity and low power consumption wireless personal area network (WPAN) standard targeted at the wide development of long battery life devices in wireless control and monitoring
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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) security is the field of study that goes for arrangements that give numerous purposes of insurance against physical and electronic robbery from ATMs and ensuring their establishments. From hostile to skimming protect frameworks to
Design of aZigBee -based intelligent household electricity monitoring and control information system
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Abstract. AZigBee -Based Intelligent Household Electricity Monitoring and Control Information System (ZBEMCIS) is proposed. The system is composed of hardware and software. The hardware consists of sensors, aZigBee -based gateway, and a client, while the
Energy Efficient Intrusion Detection System forZigBeebased Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract: Nowadays,ZigBeeis one of the dominating standards for wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Even though, theZigBeestandard is formed with low per-unit costs, security in mind and network resilience, existing security mechanisms are not
Smart Agriculture System by usingZigBeeTechnology
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Abstract: In the developing digital world, wireless sensor network helps in advance systems. The work follows the fundamental idea which is used to study the flow of data such as water flow, remove obstacles, and provide medicines based on crop fertilization stages during a
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ABSTRACT This paper focuses on design of smart home control system based on power line carrier communication (PLCC). PLCC technology is proved to be useful for control applications. It is most commonly used in home automation, automotive and internet access
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ABSTRACT Embedded controlled detector network is that the technology needs to implement environmental solutions effectively. The wireless sensor network is used to control respective devices and monitor environmental parameters effectively. Wireless
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ABSTRACT The main aspiration of this technology is that to reduce wireless transmission problem in Wi-Fi Technology through LiFi Technology. Li-Fi is inherently the member of visible Light Communication, it uses LED bulbs as hot-spots and it provides huge data
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WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) and WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) technologies are rapidly growing with the development of new emerging standards [2]. ZigBeeis one of those standards which takes place of Bluetooth with lower data rate
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ABSTRACT This paper represents the design, development and validation of metal based autonomous robotic system for military application. Security is the first priority in todays unsecured life. In existing system used to design a robotic system for military applications
Supervisory Android for Network Sensor Wireless WI-FI/ ZIGBEE
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ABSTRACT This article proposes the development of a supervisory system for wireless sensor networks using standards Wi-Fi andZigBeenetworks. In this system, it is proposed a gateway that communicates between these network standards and then capture and
An Energy Efficient, Reduced Interference Interaction System usingZigBee
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ABSTRACT In this paper, an interaction system that is more energy efficient with reduced interference is designed. It visualizes the data entered in the touch screen and transfers it to the nodes and vice versa. Input is given by the user by using stylus in touch screen. A buffer
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ABSTRACT: The automatic metering system is designed to make the prevailing electricity billing system simpler and efficient. The conventional metering system is done manually. An employee of the Electricity Board will be coming to take the reading and enter in the card.
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ABSTRACT In todays world, in almost all sectors, most of the work is done by robots. In this paper, a spy robot can be developed by using natural gestures of the humans. The software part of the system uses gesture based image processing technique. This system uses a
Implementation of Wireless ECG Acquisition System usingZigbeeTechnology
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Abstract: The design and development of wireless ECG Acquisition system usingzigbee technology has been developed and reported in this paper. This system is able to use for monitor physiological parameters such as ECG, heart rate, and human body temperature.
Microcontroller based Automated Attendance System for Employees usingZigbeeModule
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Abstract Microcontroller based student attendance system makes use of RFID based detection system to calculate attendance of student in college and do further calculations. This system has been designed to improve reliability of attendance system in the
An Improved Routing Algorithm ForZigbeeSensor Network
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Abstract: The path to the existing multi-path routing protocol in interference and the flow distribution imbalance problem, put forward an effective load distribution algorithm in source node traffic load distribution not only consider the path number of hops, but considering the
ZigbeeBased At-Home Medical Equipment for Natural Disasters
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Abstract: Electricity-operated durable medical equipment (DME), such as ventilators, dialysis machines, and patient monitoring devices, are life-supporting machines used extensively by patients at home. While convenient and economical, at-home use of DME is susceptible to
Indoor Environment Navigation for Blind with Voice Feedback inZigbeeNetwork
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Abstract TheImplementation of blind navigation systemwhich focuses on independent mobility of visually impaired or blind people who suffer in an unknown environment without any manual This system employs frequency Identification (RFID) to realize an objective of
Unmanned Automated Railway Level Crossing System UsingZigbee
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Abstract This venture is to work and control the unmanned railway gate in the best possible way with a specific end goal to maintain a strategic distance from the mischances in the unmanned railway crossing. The prepare mischances because of the nonappearance of
A Smart Prioritized Ambulance Service Using MobileZigbeein a Traffic Control System
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Abstract Time is of the essence when ambulances are utilized to save peoples lives, but when an ambulance needs to pass through a junction, its speed often will be reduced due to traffic. This complicates situations when the patient in the ambulance needs urgent treatment
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Abstract-While travelling by the public transportation, time and patience are required. In other words, many people using public transport buses have experienced time loss because of waiting at the bus stops and even after getting bus because of too many passengers in the
Traffic Vehicular Communication WithZigbeeProtocol
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As a result of distant travels and personal vehicles for transportation, the consumption of fuel is increasing. When the signal is red which indicates the vehicles to wait in order to cross the intersection, the person driving the car keeps the engine on and thus resulting in extra fuel
A NewZigbee -based Device for Measuring Visual Reaction Time in Sport Activities
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Abstract There is a growing demand for smart tools and devices that measure visual reaction time during sports and physical activities in outdoor environments. However, one of the major problems is the need to maintain an on-time 1 pulse per second (pps) reference
Design and Simulation of Physical Layer Blocks ofZigBeeTransmitter
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Abstract On account of increasing use and demand of Inter-net of Things, and subsequently the need for developing Wireless Sensor Networks, technologies likeZigBee are becoming more and more important. Especially, the low power consumption and low
The Application ofZigBeeTechnology to the Intelligent Bus Query System
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ABSTRACT In this modern generation, number of vehicle has been increased vigorously; this has become the main issue for traffic congestion and pollution in cities, mainly during the peak hours. Most of the people choose bus transportation for their safe journey. It is
Wireless Power Theft Monitoring System UsingZigbee
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ABSTRACT The demand of electricity is much more than the electricity being generated. In many countries either developed or developing, its economic growth is hampered by mismanagement of electricity generation, transmission and distribution. With the electric
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ABSTRACT Day by day as the technology is growing it is reducing the human effort. Home Automation/Smart home system is getting more importance as it increases the security, comfort and improves the quality of life. In this proposed system a smart home monitoring
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Abstract-This system proposes advance system for industrial parameter monitoring using Raspberry Pi. The parameters that are track are light intensity, temperature, level of any fluid. In this project we can use two modules that are called master module and slave module.
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ABSTRACTZigBeebased remote control automatic street light system is smart and provides a safe night time environment for all road users including pedestrians. The street light automation system can reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs and also helps
The Role of SatelliteZigbeeTechnology in Flood Monitoring and Communication System
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Abstract: India is facing a severe provocation with an increasing frequency of flood nowadays. It is pivotal to utilize the state of the art sensing and communication technologies to monitor and detect the flood occurrences. In this paper, various weather monitoring
Smart Home System Based onZigbeeWireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: As billions of sensors and smart meters connect to the Internet of Things (IoT), current wireless technologies are taking decisive steps to ensure their sustainable operation. Parameters like temperature, humidity and working condition information of
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Abstract: GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the applications is tracking various Portable Devices and keeps regular monitoring on them. This tracking system can inform you the location of Equipment which is
Research and implementation of smart home system based on ARM andZigBee
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ABSTRACT Considering the disadvantage of smart home on wiring, maintainability and mobility, a scheme for remote monitoring of smart home is proposed based on ARM and ZigBee . Internal network of smart home is constructed based onZigBeetechnology, and CSE PROJECTS