zigbee research papers-2014
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Abstract:As ZigBee is a standard for wireless personal network. Tree Routing is simple routing where the node communication is restricted to parent-child links only. There is no routing discovery in tree routing as well as routing overhead. But one demerit of tree
Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing and Accessing Scheme for Zigbee Cognitive Networks
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ABSTRACT-We consider a cognitive radio network that makes access to spectrum licensed to the primary user. In this network, the secondary user will be allowed to use the idle frequency channel of the primary user. It's primarily depending on the proper spectrum
Implementation of ZigBee in Network Devices.
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ABSTRACT Today, computer networks are the backbone for all types of data communications. These computer networks rely on devices that connect different nodes in a network to each other by means of communication links. The devices that connect nodes
Neighbor table based shortcut tree routing in zigbee wireless networks
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Abstract:The ZigBee tree routing is widely used in many resource-limited devices and applications, since it does not require any routing table and route discovery overhead to send a packet to the destination. However, the ZigBee tree routing has the fundamental
The Study on Optimization of Energy Consumption for Nodes ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Library Information Service
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Transmitting Patient Vitals Over a Reliable ZigBee Mesh Network
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Abstract:Real-time measurements and display of vitals are integral part of patients health monitoring with limited resources. Wireless sensor networks that communicate in a mesh acquire and transmit such critical parameters, making a medical environment efficient.
A Review On Industrial Automation By Zigbee Based Wireless Remote Controller
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Abstract: Proper use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can lower the rate of catastrophic failures, and increase the efficiency and productivity of industrial operations. Diversification of remote control mode is the inevitable trend of development of smart appliances. This
Zigbee vs wifi: Understanding issues and measuring performances of ieee 802.11 n and ieee 802.15. 4 coexistence
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Abstract:Wireless coexistence is crucial with the explosive development of wireless technologies in recent years. The coexistence issues of IEEE 802.11 b/g and IEEE 802.15. 4 have been well studied, however few work focused on 802.11 n new features including
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Solar Panel Based Led Street Lighting System Using Zigbee and Sensors
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Abstract: Electricity has become are indispensable component in the lives of all today. Street lights are one of the most crucial parts for public sector and urban areas. The traditional street lighting System which controlled manually has disadvantages like high power
In the recent past Smart Environments, and in particular Smart Homes, have attracted the attention of many researchers and industrial vendors. In such environments, according to the Ambient Intelligence paradigm, heterogeneous devices may operate collectively using
In this paper, by analysing the characteristics of node assignments, network structures and the data transmission in the smart grid, we propose and evaluate a self–healing hierarchical architecture (SHA) for the ZigBee networks in the smart grid application. The SHA could
Impact of Network Scalability on Zigbee Physical Attributes
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Abstract:ZigBee has been developed to support lower data rates and low power consuming applications.targets to analyze various parameters of ZigBee physical (PHY). Performance of ZigBee PHY is evaluated on the basis of energy
Optimization of Industry using Zigbee based Networks
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Abstract-Zigbee based hierarchical networks for supervisory industrial process control is a highly advanced technique to automate the industry in a way that object management, material movement, plant demand and warehouse supply can be effectively facilitated in
Using ZigBee and RFID technology with GPRS to development of smart home system.
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ABSTRACT ZigBee technology is a kind of wireless technology with short distance, low complexity, low power consumption, low data rate, low cost and wireless network technology. Smart Home system consists of the system server, the family controller (
Remote monitoring of Greenhouse Parameters using Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract--A wireless sensor network (WSN) is an infrastructure comprised of sensing, Computing and communication components that permits the administrator control management of the required parameters within the network [1]. Monitoring and control of
Generation of Discrete Frequencies for Wireless Sensor Network Using ZigBee
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Abstract: In this study, a system of discrete frequencies generation via a series of microring resonator (MRR) is presented. Chaotic signals can be generated by a Gaussian pulse within a MRR system. Large bandwidth signals of optical soliton are generated by input pulse
Wireless Protocols for Internet of Things: Part II–ZigBee
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Industrial monitoring and control applications requiring small amounts of data, turned off most of the time (< 1% duty cycle), eg, wireless light switches, meter reading, patient monitoring Ultra-low power, low-data rate, multi-year battery life Power management to
Design and implementation of flowers watering control system based on the zigbee
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ABSTRACT The design of flower watering control system is to use wireless sensor network, timely and accurately collect the temperature and humidity, and illumination parameters of the flower cultivation environment. Then the data is sended to the control center through
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ABSTRACT In this paper a voice controlled wireless smart home system has been presented for elderly and disabled people. The proposed system has two main components namely (a) voice recognition system, and (b) wireless system. LabView software has been
Design of intelligent Swift Parking System (SPS) using ultrasonic detectors and zigbee
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Abstract: The numbers of vehicles are increasing day by day and the parking gets more and more complicated. This leads to a lot of problems in parking, vehicles traffic and air pollution. Hence to avoid all this problems, in this paper we have proposed and Intelligent Swift
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Home automation industry has drawn considerable attention of the researchers for more than a decade [1]. The main idea is to automatically control and monitor electrical and electronic home appliances. According to the market research firm ABI about 4 million
Design for underground gas monitoring system based on ZigBee.
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ABSTRACT To meet the need of gas monitoring in mine laneway environment, designed a gas monitoring system based on ZigBee technology, the chip of CC2430 is the core, and this system conquers the defect of wired sensor networks and avoids the high-energy cost of
ARM Based Electronic Notice Board through Zigbee with Room Lights Control using PIR Sensor
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Abstract The importance of notice board in every academic is well known to us, every time the notices changes iteratively which have to be done manually. Also the importance of room light control is increasing day by day for same academic works. In this paper we are
ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network Technology
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Abstract A wireless sensor network (WSN) consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN consists of many inexpensive wireless sensors, which are capable of collecting,
ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network with IEEE1888 Gateway for Building Energy Management System
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Abstract This paper presents an implementation of ZigBee gateway for a building energy management system based on IEEE1888. ZigBee functions for sensor data measurement method and data transmission technique are used for the system. Nine sensors have
IEEE 802.15. 4 based Investigation and Simulation Evaluation of ZigBee Tree and Mesh Topology using Different QoS
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ABSTRACT-The IEEE 802.15. 4 and ZigBee protocol stack offers a practical application solution for low cost, low data rate, and low energy consumption characteristics for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The ZigBee networks facilitate many applications, such as
Design and Implementation of Smart Home System Based on ZigBee Technology.
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Abstract The system of smart home can provide a kind of easier, ordered and effective life style to human, and must be the development tendency for future inhabitancy mode. Therefore, a smart home system solution is proposed in this paper. Firstly, this paper
An Energy Efficient Zigbee Standard 802.15. 4 Enviornment for a Holter Device
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Abstract:ZigBee-style networks began to be conceived around 1999, when many installers realized that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth were going to be unsuitable for many applications. In particular, many engineers saw a need for selforganizing ad-hoc digital radio networks.
A novel model of ZigBee in wireless sensor network based on CMOS image sensor and BP neural network.
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ABSTRACT BP neural network is the error back propagation neural network, which consists of an input layer, one or more hidden layers and one output layer, each composed of a certain number of neurons. CMOS image sensor is not only the complete elimination of
A Study on the Implementation of the Zigbee Network System on Shipboard for real time monitoring System
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Abstract. Marine vessels are getting increasingly technological, unmanned, and large. Because the follow-up service after delivery of the vessels is very important, parts or components of the vessel have to be periodically managed during their lifecycle. If the
Design of intelligent sensor based on BP neural network and ZigBee wireless sensor network.
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ABSTRACT Intelligent sensor is a sensor in addition to the basic function, zero, self calibration, self calibration and has the function of automatic adjustment, along with logic judgment and the ability of information processing, can be a measurement signal
The Design and Implementation of Smart Monitoring System for Large-Scale Railway Maintenance Equipment Cab Based on ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: In recent years, organizations use IEEE 802.15. 4 and ZigBee technology to deliver solution in variety areas including home environment monitoring. ZigBee technology has advantages on low-cost, low power consumption and self-forming. With the rapid
Using ant colony algorithm to construction wireless sensor zigbee and RFID routing.
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ABSTRACT ZigBee is a new low complexity, low cost and low power wireless communication technology. ZigBee technology is used to build a wireless sensor network and we must consider the energy saving and simple of algorithm in designing routing
Approach of Data Broadcasting By Using Zigbee Network
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Abstract: This paper studies efficient and simple data broadcast in IEEE 802.15. 4 based ad hoc networks (eg, ZigBee). Since finding the minimum number of rebroadcast nodes in general ad hoc network is NP-hard, current broadcast protocols will either employ
A Cost Effective Automatic Online Bus Information System using RFID and ZigBee.
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Abstract:Nowadays, transportation plays a very important role for students in the day to day life of the educational institutions, these institutes are mostly located out of cities. Need of monitoring the travel time and driver information are the major components of traveller
The Design of Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System Based on ZigBee
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Abstract. The internet is widely used in daily life, of course, also be applied in agriculture. This paper is focus on the technology of ZigBee and serial communication. The ZigBee communication module transfers the data from greenhouse to the monitoring system.
Comparative Analysis of ZigBee, WLAN and Bluetooth System and its Throughput Enhancement
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Abstract:ZigBee, WLAN and Bluetooth play a very important role in Wireless Communication. But on the other hand the throughput of these three technologies decreases due to the fact that they co-exist in the frequency band of 2.4 GHz. This paper
An RTOs-Based Architecture for Industrial Monitoring using ZIGBEE Wireless Network Stacks with Multi-Processor Support
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Abstract:RTOS (Real Time Operating System) is a Process which done between hardware and application. Packets have to send at particular time. During the packets transmission some collision may occur. To overcome this collision we are going to do this project. This
Design of a Wireless Monitoring Network for Granary Temperature and Humidity Based onZigbee.
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Abstract The granary monitoring systems in used in China are mostly based on wired networks such as RS-485 serial bus, CAN fieldbus, etc. Inevitably these monitoring systems have drawbacks of high installation cost, high failure rate and high maintenance cost.
Application of ZigBee wireless sensor network and GPRS in development of intelligent logistics system.
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the design of wireless sensor node is serial communication module with IEEE/ZigBee transmission module to replace the traditional, logistics collected data will be wirelessly sent. The GRPS communication circuit is mainly composed of a
Zigbee-based Intelligent Home Furnishing
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Abstract With the constantly emerging of the high-tech, Household life of intelligent, network, digitization has become a research direction in the field of Internet of things. Against this background, this paper puts forward a set of intelligent household iot system based on Internet of Things and its associated innovative technologies such as ZigBee, wireless sensor network, radio frequency identification, smart technologies (robotics), distributed databases and energy saving technologies have huge potentials in remote healthcare
An FSK Demodulator Design for RF Wireless Sensor Applications Using Zigbee Protocol
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Abstract:In this paper, transistor-level simulations of a detector called cross-differentiate- multiplier demodulator (CDM) are presented. This detector, which uses three blocks (a differentiator, a multiplier and a subtractor), is able to demodulate a received bit sequence,
A Review of Zigbee Smart Energy
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Abstract:Smart Energy is an approach to the cleverly, effectively use of energy and providing this feature by the use of Zigbee is called Zigbee SEP. In this literature review we provides an overview of Zigbee base different SEP profile like SEP-1.0, SEP-1. x and SEP
A Zigbee Network Model Used to Large-Scale Networking.
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Abstract Zigbee is a kind of wireless network susceptible to interferences. Network reliability is one of the key elements for the entire network. Zigbee networks have been widely used in many fields such as agriculture, medicine, traffic and environmental protection. The larger
An Intelligent and High Efficiency Street Lighting System Isle based on Raspberry-Pi Card,ZigBee Sensor Network and Photovoltaic energy
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Abstract:A system based on ZigBee telecommunication mesh wireless network and Raspberry-Pi control card is realized for a complete remote management of an isolate high efficiency street lightning system. The system uses devices and sensors to manage the
A Weight Cluster-Based Hybrid Routing Algorithm of ZigBee Network.
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Abstract Aiming at the premature paralysis of network problem, which is caused by energy consumption imbalance of nodes in ZigBee, a weight-based clustering hybrid routing algorithm is proposed. From the viewpoint of energy, the algorithm considers the status of
Design of Wireless Point of Sale Based on ZigBee Technology
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Abstract: With the rapid development of Point of Sale technology and modern communication technology, financial Point of Sale terminal system has been started from wired to wireless. Wireless payment technology can used where can't rely on or even no
Speech Recognition Module for Home Automation System Based On ZigBee
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Abstract: The word Embedded itself gives the meaning as the combination of different components are mounted in to a single device, which is also called a system on chip. With the help of VLSI technology it became possible to develop high speed, with low cost, and
The Design of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway based on ZigBee and GPRS.
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International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol.7, No.2 (2014), pp.47-56 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijfgcn.2014.7.2.05 The Design of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway based on ZigBee and GPRS Yanan Wang 1 Lingling Si 2 and Shuo
Adaptive Throughputs Depend On Channel Quality For Zigbee Transceiver
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Abstract: IEEE 802.15. 4 (also known Zigbee) is the standard that has been developed for low cost, low data rate and low power consumption wireless network, in advance Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) need to high throughput and low power consumption. This paper
Home Automation System using ZigBee and PandaBoard as a Gateway (HAS-ZP).
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Abstract:Today's homes have as many wires as the number of devices to control. Home automation using ZigBee and PandaBoard as a gateway does away with the need for separate wires and even remotes. The wireless home area network doesn't require line-
College Schoolroom Lighting Fuzzy Control System Based on Zigbee
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Abstract. In allusion to high electricity consumption and resource wasting of college schoolroom, this paper proposes a lighting fuzzy control system based on CC2430. The deviation and transformation rate comparing ideal illumination and the practical one has
Performance of Zigbee/IEEE 802.15. 4 in VANET For Vehicle Overtaking Assistance System
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Abstract:Overtaking on highways road becomes dangerous when oncoming traffic is detected by the driver too late or its speed is uncontrollable. Recently proposed cooperative overtaking assistance systems, which are based on Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs),
Temperature and Humidity Measuring System Based on ZigBee and GPRS
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Abstract-In this paper, we consider the effect of delay over the cooperating nodes using ZigBee (IEEE 802.15. 4) protocol. In the proposed system, the relaying nodes transmit orthogonal space-time-block-code (OSTBC) to the destination nodes following decode
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Abstract-The intelligent home system finished the wireless or remote control for all the indoor electric devices through the intelligent terminals. The description about the integrated network architecture and the interconnecting mechanisms for the reliable measurement of
Design and Implementation of Wireless Node Based on Zigbee Protocol for Image Acquisition
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Abstract. An implementation of wireless image acquisition node with low power dissipation, low cost, and high performance is proposed and testing results on transmission range and time are presented. The node is designed by using the latest high-performance microprocessor
Design and Implementation of an Internal Rechargeable Powering Source for ZigbeeTransponders
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Accepted: Feb 24, 2014; Published: Mar 12, 2014 Abstract: Wireless technology has become a new emerging technology in healthcare industry. Efforts have been made by many researchers to integrate Zigbee wireless network transponders with sensors to
Smart Energy Management System for Utility Source and Photovoltaic Power System Using FPGA and ZigBee
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Abstract: Renewable energy resources are being used to overcome energy shortage. From the point of view of energy management the interconnectivity of electric utility with renewable energy resources is difficult. Renewable energy resources need to be managed with
ZigBee based Budget Distribution and Management
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Abstract: We present a framework for Budget Distribution and Management in any Organization or for any Sector using ZigBee technology. It is used to create several spontaneous hierarchical networks in which the node of a single network can be a node of
Improving Selfish Node Detection in ZigBee Wireless Network with Shortcut Tree Routing
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Abstract:The ZigBee tree routing and Bluetooth is used in many resources, limited devices and applications. ZigBee tree routing is not requiring any routing table and route discovery cost to send a packet to the destination. But, the ZigBee tree routing has the basic
Research and Design of the Modular Robot Fuzzy Control Based on ZigBee
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Abstract Design a modular robot teaching device, combine with wireless communication technology, and robot control technology. Introduce ZigBee nodes into the robot's every module, transmit the current motion parameters through the wireless communication,
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Abstract This paper presents the implementation of a digital receiver for 2.4 GHz Zigbee IEEE 802.15. 4 applications on a Spartan3E XC3S500E field programmable gate array (FPGA). The proposed digital receiver comprises an offset quadrature phase shift keying (
Context aware driver's behavior detection system using Zigbee: Result
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Abstract: Dedicated short range Communication to allow vehicles in close proximity to communicate with each other, or to communicate with roadside equipment. Applying wireless access technology in vehicular environments has led to the improvement of road
Management of Mechanical Vibration and Temperature in Small Wind Turbines Using ZigbeeWireless Network
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ABSTRACT: The aim of our project is to monitor the mechanical vibration, temperature and other parameters in a wind turbine for efficient operation of wind turbine using Zigbee network. Our project consists of two sections data acquisition unit and data processing unit
Home Automation using ZigBee Protocol.
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Abstract-Home automation is not new! Throughout history, we have continuously strived to automate tasks in the home in order to make our lives easier. Technology has now advanced to the point at which we wish to take an integrated approach to home
Design of smart home management system based on GSM and Zigbee
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Enhancing Transmission over Wireless Image Sensor Networks Based on ZigBee Network
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Abstract: Different scenarios for the efficient transmission of images over wireless sensor networks are presented. The research is focused on the use of the IEEE 802.15. 4 ZigBee for applying the proposed scenarios. The heart of these scenarios is a novel chaotic
Performance Analysis of Beacon Enabled IEEE 802.15. 4 Using GTS in Zigbee
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Abstract-IEEE 802.15. 4 is a standard defined for wireless sensor network applications with limited power and relaxed throughput needs. The devices transmit data during two periods: Contention Access Period (CAP) by accessing the channel using CSMA/CA and
A Research of Anemometer based on ARM and ZigBee.
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Abstract This project is a research of wind speed measurement system, with a high- precision, low-power, whose control core uses the Samsung S3C2410 32-bit microprocessor with high performance, low power consumption. The system adopts the
ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks as an Instrument of Remote Data Measuring and Analysis (By means of Python, MySQL and Matlab)
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Abstract: The main purpose of the article is to propose work procedure, method, a step by step algorithm for collecting, processing and analyzing information from wireless sensors remotely. Proposed procedure is applicable to multiple sensors. Extracted from the sensor
Greenhouse Enviroment Monitoring System Based on Zigbee Technology
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Design and Implementation of Zigbee-RFID Based Vehicle Tracking
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Accepted: Jan 15, 2014; Published: Feb 5, 2014 Abstract: Intelligent transportation systems have become increasingly important for the public transportation, industries and service sectors. The Economy in big cities is soaring today and the growing traffic has become a
Real Time Monitoring System Design of Animal Husbandry Logistics Based on ARM and ZigBee
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TYPICALLY, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of one Fusion Center (FC) and a potentially large number of energy-constrained sensor nodes deployed in order to sense or detect a given phenomenon (temperature, pressure, etc). This fact has spurred lots of
Investigations of transmission delays in ZigBee networks
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Abstract. The paper is devoted to the issue of determining and modeling of communication delays in Zigbee networks. The basis for the model is a description of the transmission between two arbitrarily selected nodes that transmit data between each other without
A Design for Electric Heating Thermostat System Based on ZigBee in Intelligent Building
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The system uses DS18B20 as a temperature sensor to collect temperature data on spot, uses ZigBee as wireless transmission module, and uses C8051F020, a single chip as a processor. The temperature control module issues instructions to achieve real-time control
Surveillance System Based On Zigbee Using ARM
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Abstract:This is an application of surveillance system is used to implement a monitoring and controlling system using arm intelligent monitoring and Controlling System which uses Samsung's processor (S3C6410) as its key component. The ecological conditions within
Research on CO2 Sensor Correcting System Based on ZigBee Net
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Abstract: It designs a signal acquisition system based on ZigBee wireless sensor network, and designs CO2 gas mixing device. In the data processing process, a method to strike a reliable interpolation node based on mathematical statistics is proposed. First, enough
Smart Home Application Based on ZigBee Protocol
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Design of Voice Communication System Based on the ZigBee Technology for Power Plant
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An Efficient and Low-delay Multipath Routing Algorithm for Zigbee Networks
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Abstract In order to solve the redundant overhead and high delay problems in existing hybrid routing algorithms for ZigBee networks, we propose an efficient and low delay multipath routing algorithm (ELDMR) based on tree routing in this paper. ELDMR
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ABSTRACT IrDa and Bluetooth have been used widely in many wireless monitoring and controlling devices. Although, these devices have been replaced the traditional wired systems and contribute in solving the high cost of such systems, there are drawbacks
The Design and Implementation of ZigBee-Wi-Fi Wireless Gateway
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Abstract The application of WSN/ZigBee is growing popularity and how to connect WSN/ZigBee to the present standard network seamlessly is an issue what is worth studying. In this paper, it designs and realizes a ZigBee Wi-Fi wireless gateway based on
Implementation of Zigbee Hardware for Application of Air Pollution Monitoring
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Abstract: Air pollution is one of environmental issues that have been often discussed. The fast-growing population and urbanization result in the population concentrated in certain areas. Heavy transportation may lead to poor air quality and inhaling pollutants for a long
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With the growing number of aging population and a significant portion of that suffering from diseases, it is necessary to remote the patient monitoring systems are expected to be widely used as Point-of-Care (PoC) applications in hospitals around the world. Therefore,
ZigBee Based Data Acquisition System to Monitor Heater Temperature using LabVIEW
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Abstract:The past several years have witnessed a rapid development in the data acquisition systems. Wired telemetric DAQ systems are developed and continuously improved for noise free, high speed and reliable operation. However, there are many
A Zigbee Based Inter-Processor Communication Architecture for the Management of Bedchambers for the Physically Challenged
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ABSTRACT: The paper illustrates designing of a system which comes to the aid of the physically challenged people for example those who are blind, those with stroke, hands or legs paralysis and all forms of physical disabilities. Its use can also extend to the young
Integrating GSM and Zigbee Wireless Networks for Smart A2 farming Enterprises in Zimbabwe
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Abstract: The paper aims to present a possible solution to farming automation in the Zimbabwean agricultural sector. This is done by presenting a model of a GSM mobile network combined with Zigbee wireless network to come up with a multi monitoring and
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Abstract: Vehicular communication is a popular topic in the academia and the car industry. The aim of these growing interests is to develop an effective communication system for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). In this paper we presented the model of wireless
A Zigbee and Embedded based security monitoring and control system
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Abstract As technology becomes more advanced and modernized; more features are added to the existing system for the purpose of satisfying the increasing security needs of the people. Deploying wireless technologies for security and control in home offers attractive
Low cost Wireless I/O s using PLC, HMI ZIGBEE
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Abstract: During the past decade, the industrial sector throughout the world has shifted from the classical methods of Control and Automation to the state of the art techniques. This allowed the industries to attain a higher percentage of growth and production, which
Touch Screen based Robot using Zigbee
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Abstract In situations where humans cannot reach out to particular areas such as area of mishaps, natural calamity stuck places and also in industries where a particular task needs to be performed on a daily basis, using a robot to do the required operations and tasks is
The Design of Granary Environment Monitoring through Web Server Based on ARM-9 andZigbee
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Abstract: Grain storage could be a very important element within the economy and the society. The standard and safety of grain storage area unit connected to the many legion individuals. Within the method of grain storage, temperature and humidness area unit 2
Control Unit for a Home Automation System Supporting ZigBee and Wi-Fi
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Abstract Home automation system is a system which accommodates automation, monitor, and control of appliances in a house. These functionalities provide flexibility for the user to control and monitor home appliance wirelessly from the wireless local area network to the
Development of A Zigbee Based Virtual Eye for Visually Impaired Persons
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Abstract:This research aims to develop a visual aid to the visually impaired person with the following functionalities: i) Localization of the person within the local environment. ii) Location of obstacles within the indoor system. iii) Generation of voice commands to guide
Loopback Delay Analysis by Transmitting and Receiving Data Packet of four Characters forZigbee Devices
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Abstract: This Paper discuss about variation in roundtrip journey of signal when distance is varied. An experimental analysis has been done by transmitting localized standard communication packets as transmit signals. The objective of this analysis is to show when
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ABSTRACT The ISM spectrum is still interesting area and becoming more and more popular in wireless networks such as Zigbee and Wi-Fi. However, the coexistence of such heterogeneous wireless systems is still an open challenge. Zigbee and Wi-Fi devices are
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The automatic meter reading is the common approach for establishing two way commuincation between the households and grid. once smart grids came into line then every thing changes and a net metering of energy is to be monitored and send the data
Employed Hardware Computing for Localization Based on ZIGBEEvia SOPC
ABSTRACT This paper aim at the wireless sensor network indoor localization realized, build up the localization experiment and Verification analyze RSSI at feasibility and efficiency. The experiment purpose is found out the user accurate location indoor via RSSI computing. In
ABSTRACT An on-line health monitoring of physiological signals of humans such as temperature and pulse using ZIGBEEis produced in this paper, by which the temperature and pulse of humans can be monitored from a distant location and some abnormalities
Performance comparison using JMT and ns-2 for ZIGBEE-based WSNs
ABSTRACT The usage of wireless sensor networks is increasing day by day in different fields from health monitoring to the prediction of volcanic eruption. As a result of this, the complexity of sensor networks are also increasing. In order to rightly predict the behavior
A ZIGBEEand PLC Based System for Home Automation and Networking in Smart Grid
FREE DOWNLOAD psc-ir.org ABSTRACT Smart Grid (SG) is a new technology for the future electric power network. It is a digitallyenhanced version of the traditional electric grid. Smart grid employs an intelligent overlay of advanced communications, electronics and computing technologies. It provides
Firemen Tracking Using Semistatic ZIGBEEWireless Sensor Network
ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel technique for automatically measuring temperature topology inside industries and monitoring firefighters in the fired buildings continuously. The proposed approach is based on the neural networks, wireless sensor networking through
Comparison of proposed Solar Energy Harvesting Energy Efficient MAC (SEHEE-MAC) withZIGBEEand Preamble MAC for SHM in Wireless Sensor Network
ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are appealing to researchers due to their wide range of application potential in areas such as target detection and tracking, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and tactical systems. Wireless sensors and
Master Thesis Implementation of the ZIGBEEnetwork layer and evaluation of route discovery initiation
ABSTRACT The ZIGBEEspecification is a standard for low-power consuming wireless devices. The ZIGBEEprotocol stack has a layered structure containing four distinct layers of which the two lowest layers are defined by the IEEE 802.15. 4 standard. Building on this
ZIGBEE-Enabled Structural Health Monitoring with the SmartBrick Network
ABSTRACT This paper describes the development and testing of a wireless sensor network for autonomous health monitoring (SHM), based on the SmartBrick, an SHM device developed at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The SmartBrick serves
Multi-Person Pose Recognition Using a ZIGBEESensor Network
ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel design of a robotic multi-person posture recognition system. The proposed system consists of a human posture detection module, a wireless sensor network and a multi-person activity monitoring software running on a mobile robot.
An SVD Audio Watermarking with Chaotic Encryption: A Tool to Enhance the Security of the Image Transmission over ZIGBEENetwork
ABSTRACT The security is an important factor in wireless networks; the paper improves the security of image transmission over IEEE 802.15. 4 ZIGBEEnetwork. We propose a new approach for audio watermarking using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Development of a ZIGBEEWireless Sensor Node
ABSTRACT A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network made up of small autonomous sensors (nodes). Its purpose is to monitor certain environmental variable such as temperature, pressure, humidity, motion, sound, brightness, etc. These nodes use a
ZIGBEE-based wireless homecare system implementation
ABSTRACT The aging speed of the population. in Taiwan has been rising rapidly over the past decade. According to the official census, 77% of elderly people have one or more chronic diseases and most of them prefer to stay at home for the rest of their lives rather